View Full Version : Maridos - Broken passive Melee range

03-25-2015, 09:40 PM

I think not...

I haven't bought a nice new pet since Hammerjaw came out in the Kraken Expansion. I saved and saved and finally had enough money to buy the new hotness, Maridos. Primarily, I PvP but I also PvE and as I was leveling up Maridos I noticed something weird as I kited mobs leveling up the pet for actual use in elites and PvP. If you are kiting, Maridos will not hit ANYTHING. His attack range is so small... it's laughable. If you have a friend join opposite in PvP, go in a spawn and have them run circles around you if you have Maridos. If they are any actual distance from you, Maridos will not be able to hit them. It's not even a 'miss', it's the animation without anything happening.

I tried to 'Fix' Maridos myself by adding passive run speed, but he still does the animation and doesn't hit. I then tried adding Rally Cry for even more speed.... he still does the animation and doesn't hit.

If you're a warrior, and you look at his stats and decide he is good for tanking, that's ok.. he is. But he won't be able to chase a Rogue in a 1vs1. If you're kiting mobs as a rogue or mage, he wont really hit them either if they are full run speed.

I have nothing to say to this... I always liked being different and playing with a different style then everyone or soloing, but this pet without it being able to hit is worthless. He might 'Power up' when you use the AA but he won't hit anything to use his power up on.

As a fix I suggest changing his passive attack range to Samael / Abaddon range. If you switch to Samael or Abaddon they hit always - that's what a pet should do. At this point if the re-egging service is available I would like to Re-egg. I tried everything to fix the pet myself by adding speed boosts, but something is wrong here. Like many things, fixes in AL seem to never come. I may quit shortly, after saving up money grinding for years I have a hard time taking a 15m hit for a lemon.

Much love,

03-25-2015, 10:54 PM
Haha so those whiff sounds he makes are real! Well this sucks.

03-25-2015, 11:31 PM
what level is your maridos?

i believe this game compute hit chance by level difference, so yes, lvl 20 maridos won't hit anything in tindirin and capped (l41) pvp, without giving 'miss' indication

03-26-2015, 03:00 AM
I believe what she's saying is, when the opponent stands still, Maridos hits and damages the opponent properly. When the opponent kites her, due to Maridos's poor range on his attack and possibly his speed, he can't reach and keep up with the opponent to attack. Therefore, Maridos does 0 damage the whole duration if the opponent keeps moving. Samael and many other melee attack pets don't have this issue.

03-26-2015, 07:47 AM
I noticed this also.

Maridos misses usually 3-4 hits before he actually starts doing damage to a mob. Test it on the first mobs at elite reef. It doesn't matter if you are standing still or kiting, it's the same. He also misses about one in every 6 hits once he actually makes contact. These numbers are approximate - I was planning on doing some more tests for accuracy before reporting it.

03-26-2015, 08:50 AM
What she say is true. She got her Maridos to level 41 went into ctf. She said maridos isnt attacking, so i join the other side to see what's up. It will not register a hit if you move at your normal running speed or have a speed boost. You Have to be standing still or have a slow debuff for it to hit you. If you're running, it'll just melee the air.

03-26-2015, 09:55 AM
I can confirm this to. fix please!

03-26-2015, 11:08 AM
sorry, didn't read it quite well.... i see, i hope it is not intended then... but if it is intended to work like that (melee attack has maximum range) then every class' weapons, pets, mobs, and bosses should also have that kind of mechanism in their attack to be fair.

03-26-2015, 02:46 PM
Remiem told me that she will pass this up to developers in tomorrow's meeting. Hope it gets fixed, Jex!

04-03-2015, 12:31 PM
Can we have any further information about this Remiem or Developers?

It's just so broken it makes me cry - It's like saving up your money for years to buy a shiny BMW only to start the engine and realize they put a 1980 honda civic engine in it. :hopelessness: