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View Full Version : Big Luck DOES work

03-19-2011, 07:40 PM
Yes it does.


03-19-2011, 07:42 PM
of course it does... you doubted it?! :P lol jk

03-19-2011, 07:44 PM
What are you censoring?
Naughty boy

03-19-2011, 07:45 PM
What are you censoring?
Naughty boy

:P someone cussed

03-19-2011, 07:48 PM
Haha indeed it was someone cursing through whispers while I was running.

03-19-2011, 08:06 PM
It's only superstition. lol I haven't gotten any re-rolls lately.

03-19-2011, 08:13 PM
How is it superstition when the re-roll worked so that it rolled a pink :p

03-19-2011, 08:17 PM
It works. Just not often.

03-19-2011, 08:19 PM
Nice to know, also its good that its not so OP. Also does it stack with exlirs?

03-19-2011, 08:20 PM
Posting pictures in 3... 2... 1...


I got a few other pink and purple drops with a re-roll, but I forgot to screenshot them, like a copperhead trident and zombie saintly shield.

Then other drops I got without luck ;)


03-19-2011, 08:21 PM
It def works. Just people's expectation are too high/wrongly aligned.

An occasional better re-roll on a rubbish drop, is often still a rubbish drop.....

It's nice to see a real life example if when an ok drop turns into a nice pink. Top post.....

EDIT: more great images & it doesn't appear to stack with elixirs. :-(

03-19-2011, 08:48 PM
it wont stack as in adding onto the effects and turning a green into a pink, but it does go along side with the effects of Big-Luck. I say along side because they don't stack. You can have both in effect, but they each act on their own. So if you use the Elixir of Luck, you will have 25% chance AND 50% chance to get it. I am bad at explaining things, its a very weird process. Both work, but just because both are on doesn't mean you have a 50% chance of getting a re-roll.

Big-Love's luck is equivalent to the cheap 25% luck elixir.

03-19-2011, 09:06 PM
Umm Pharcyde, I think u should share the luck!!! Holy... Pinks much??

03-19-2011, 09:10 PM
Umm Pharcyde, I think u should share the luck!!! Holy... Pinks much??

I got 3 sewer queen robes with em too ^^, in 10 runs if I might add.

03-19-2011, 09:26 PM
Mine never goes off in BS. I've seen people who have there's go off about every 4-5 runs

03-19-2011, 09:30 PM
Mine never goes off in BS. I've seen people who have there's go off about every 4-5 runs

1/5 chance on every boss.

Then depending on the worth of your first loot roll, you will have a 1-5/5 chance of getting a sucsessful reroll. When I say reroll, I mean anything better then your first loot roll. So that means you have a 1-20/25 chance to get a Re-roll AND a successful re-roll. the 1-20 variable is dependent on your first loot roll, 1 for purple, 20 for grey.

03-19-2011, 09:32 PM
Big-Love's luck is equivalent to the cheap 25% luck elixir.

It's 10-15% actually, from a set of 207 drops (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?21489-Big-Luck-Little-Luck-100-drop-test-results). I'm leaning more towards 15%, because there is a 35% drop elixir and a 25% drop elixir. And you can do 3 Mardi Growl runs (4 bosses x 3 = 12 bosses) per one Balefort Sewers run (1 boss)! Finally glad it proc'd for a pink though since I've never seen/heard it procing a pink at BS before from my friendlist.

03-19-2011, 09:35 PM
Yeah my test was based on luck. I was getting quite a lot of re-rolls per run. Just contributes more to me being almost as lucky as Lonearcher...

Then for BS- got 1 sewer queen with Big-Luck, the other two were just pure luck. Then I have seen a recipe drop and several purple items drop with a re-roll.

03-19-2011, 09:44 PM
Oo nice.. One question Physiologic: How do you take screenshots while... (I figured out the answer while typing this)
Nvm :D


03-19-2011, 10:26 PM
So Phys, has this changed your opinion or do you still think it should be temporary?

03-19-2011, 10:44 PM
had it finally go off and get a purp mace in sewers. best yet i bet

03-19-2011, 10:54 PM
So Phys, has this changed your opinion or do you still think it should be temporary?

Nope, absolutely not. I still think it should be temporary, 100% :) Even if I had 5 drops from re-rolls from this hat. Kinda sick of seeing everyone, including myself, wear this hat in BS.

03-19-2011, 10:59 PM
Nope, absolutely not. I still think it should be temporary, 100% :) Even if I had 5 drops from re-rolls from this hat. Kinda sick of seeing everyone, including myself, wear this hat in BS.

you dont have to wear it. and frankly i think its time for hats that affect other kinds of things. next thing you know, there will be a special xp helm. alright, a one time plat purchase and you gain a little bit more xp. maybe a speed enhancing helm next. letting us walk faster. it is time for this kind of special hat. the chance of getting items is obviously not that high, so leave it

03-19-2011, 11:01 PM
I vote leave it too, it's not life or death if a player misses the event. With this event means that future events will have other bonuses.

03-19-2011, 11:04 PM
Nope, absolutely not. I still think it should be temporary, 100% :) Even if I had 5 drops from re-rolls from this hat. Kinda sick of seeing everyone, including myself, wear this hat in BS.

Trust me, I'm tired of wearing it :D. If I could get a fury sword and shield to drop I would just take it off lol.

Funny story, I've been running stronghold and catacombs for hours on end the past 4 days trying to get those items, only to fail. Today, I have watched them get looted multiple times( 3 swords, 2 shields) by people in my group. I swear its like the game is just toying with me at this point :D.

03-19-2011, 11:06 PM
They are blessing me. Banked enough gold in one week to buy a Gemstone Wand.

03-19-2011, 11:08 PM
you dont have to wear it. and frankly i think its time for hats that affect other kinds of things. next thing you know, there will be a special xp helm. alright, a one time plat purchase and you gain a little bit more xp. maybe a speed enhancing helm next. letting us walk faster. it is time for this kind of special hat. the chance of getting items is obviously not that high, so leave it

Aside from campaigns, I am highly against the use of Platinum to give other players an edge over others. I don't have an issue with spending Platinum myself, but I've been a player of one too many free MMOs that essentially encourages users to buy Cash items to give you an advantage over those who cannot afford it (as you gave examples - special xp helm, speed enhancing helm, etc.). Sure you can do Tapjoy offers but a majority of players still end up purchasing Plat for such luxurious items. Low level twink items and rings started to become a staple item to buy for Plat user and now it's a permaluck Vanity hat. I do realize this is a company that needs profit to grow but profit can be achieved in other ways - maybe Vanity armor and equips can be created. I'd be perfectly fine with that because Vanity items should be only be used for Vanity reasons, and not give one player an edge over another player.

That's the best way I can explain it. If you've played other free MMOs that severely impacted a user's playing ability due to cash-only items, then you'd understand. Obviously, PL is not like that at the moment, but I sense that its headed towards that direction.

And no, I'm not calling devs vampires or anything. It'd be nice for them to have an option to buy these luxury stat-giving items with gold, though. :)

03-19-2011, 11:14 PM
A luck hat doesn't give a player an edge over another player. The hat is also based on luck. If we were comparing the advantages and disivantages of all players based solely on luck, then some players would be incredibly higher then others. Like Lonearcher would easily be the number one most advantaged player in the game, then players like Lesrider who farmed for weeks in Vyxnaar, then some leach gets it would be one of the most disadvantaged players. You can't tell who has the better edge on luck, which a factor that still has a seemingly MASSIVE effect on the drops is Karma. Believe it or not, it continues to prove itself time and time again.

03-19-2011, 11:16 PM

well, it all then depends on the nature of this advantage.

these helms just dont give a very high amount anyway. keep the rest of the specialty helms at such low rates. the speed helm (Apollo style with wings lol) doesnt have to be speed orb style, it can just mean that you can get back to the boss you just got wiped from a little quicker. and frankly, if the devs plan to actually continue on these huge amounts of xp per level, and actually increase it even more each time, then a xp hat that gives at most 20% more xp (cheapest elixer is 50% more i think) is quite a boost. not to say it is impossible without them, you see people looting items without these helms before they where even made. the game will continue as it always has.

03-19-2011, 11:17 PM
A luck hat doesn't give a player an edge over another player. The hat is also based on luck. If we were comparing the advantages and disivantages of all players based solely on luck, then some players would be incredibly higher then others. Like Lonearcher would easily be the number one most advantaged player in the game, then players like Lesrider who farmed for weeks in Vyxnaar, then some leach gets it would be one of the most disadvantaged players. You can't tell who has the better edge on luck, which a factor that still has a seemingly MASSIVE effect on the drops is Karma. Believe it or not, it continues to prove itself time and time again.

well, it all then depends on the nature of this advantage.

these helms just dont give a very high amount anyway. keep the rest of the specialty helms at such low rates. the speed helm (Apollo style with wings lol) doesnt have to be speed orb style, it can just mean that you can get back to the boss you just got wiped from a little quicker. and frankly, if the devs plan to actually continue on these huge amounts of xp per level, and actually increase it even more each time, then a xp hat that gives at most 20% more xp (cheapest elixer is 50% more i think) is quite a boost. not to say it is impossible without them, you see people looting items without these helms before they where even made. the game will continue as it always has.

Yes, but you forgot to mention limited edition low leveled twink items that clearly gives superior stats and is only purchasable by Platinum, and rings as well. Albeit the bonuses being "small" or whatnot, added luck is still an advantage to those who spend Platinum for it. I guess I shouldn't have used the word "edge" - I'll use the word "advantage" instead. And also, I commented on the direction that Platinum purchases was possibly headed to...

An advantage is still an advantage. The degree of each does not matter, but an accumulation of advantages can matter (i.e. a person who bought rings, pro limited edition twink items, and a permaluck Vanity hat versus a person who only has enough Plat to buy the campaigns).

I'm going to quit explaining, since no one seems to understand. I've been through MMOs like this before, I just don't like where Platinum purchases are headed, because I've seen the SAME trend before (differences between players are small in the beginning, becomes bigger and bigger gradually).

03-19-2011, 11:19 PM
Aside from campaigns, I am highly against the use of Platinum to give other players an edge over others. I don't have an issue with spending Platinum myself, but I've been a player of one too many free MMOs that essentially encourages users to buy Cash items to give you an advantage over those who cannot afford it (as you gave examples - special xp helm, speed enhancing helm, etc.). Sure you can do Tapjoy offers but a majority of players still end up purchasing Plat for such luxurious items. Low level twink items and rings started to become a staple item to buy for Plat user and now it's a permaluck Vanity hat. I do realize this is a company that needs profit to grow but profit can be achieved in other ways - maybe Vanity armor and equips can be created. I'd be perfectly fine with that because Vanity items should be only be used for Vanity reasons, and not give one player an edge over another player.

That's the best way I can explain it. If you've played other free MMOs that severely impacted a user's playing ability due to cash-only items, then you'd understand. Obviously, PL is not like that at the moment, but I sense that its headed towards that direction.

The direction I see the game going, is making it easier to walk away. If I think that getting back into the game means I'm going to be forced to invest money into it on a constant basis, then I'll just cut my losses and say goodbye. I really don't like the direction it's been going with the plat for quests, plat for rings, and now plat for lucky hats.
There are plenty of people who like to collect items and buy things to look cool. Just look around -- plenty of vanity hats everywhere you look. Is it really necessary to start forcing people into buying items they wouldn't normally buy, just so they're not at a disadvantage?

Edit: And I REALLY don't like the sense of urgency attached to the hat. Buy it before Monday, risk it being temporary, or don't buy it and risk it being permanent and losing out on the one opportunity at permanent luck. I don't care that holiday vanity helms are limited time only, bc there's not much to lose if you don't buy it. But permanent luck is pretty big, no matter how small a chance it is.
The whole thing leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.

I've been saving what plat I have left for Blackstar, in case I really like it. I don't like that I may be forced to spend 15 of that plat on a lucky hat JUST IN CASE I get back into PL and don't want to be at a disadvantage.

03-19-2011, 11:24 PM
Our devs are very smart. They also have pioneered every aspect of this game. I highly doubt they will resort to World of Warcraft and Tales of Pirates tactics to make money. I see them doing these events until the community officially strikes back IF the items ever get too big and powerful. And for the limited time items, I found out the devs have a very... strange.. approach to them. They don't really like giving them all that much, especially since we saw how the droid outfits turned out. They didn't want to give them at all, fansites begged them to, so they decided to give out outfits to players expected to quit in a few weeks. I think the reason they even did the St. Patricks day events was because we have gotten to the point that we expect the devs to do events. Idk how that plays into any of this at all but hey, someone might know :P.

The direction I see the game going, is making it easier to walk away. If I think that getting back into the game means I'm going to be forced to invest money into it on a constant basis, then I'll just cut my losses and say goodbye. I really don't like the direction it's been going with the plat for quests, plat for rings, and now plat for lucky hats.
There are plenty of people who like to collect items and buy things to look cool. Just look around -- plenty of vanity hats everywhere you look. Is it really necessary to start forcing people into buying items they wouldn't normally buy, just so they're not at a disadvantage?

You see it heading in that direction? I have seen quite the opposite. This game went from a medium level sink hole to a very small one time purchase. They reduced platinum prices on EVERYTHING by a ton, and made the game function so that players can get away with getting everything needed in the game for one small platinum purchase.

Then if you haven't noticed, the holiday items are only superior at low levels, and then there are superior weapons that are tradeable. Players do not have to spend platinum or play the game for a certain amount of time to still make a proper and amazing twink.

03-19-2011, 11:25 PM
I'm not in a hurry to quit :p I am still going to support the devs, but I feel bad for people struggling to "keep up" with everyone else in terms of Platinum. The tapjoy wall is there but sometimes it isn't enough - especially for the tens of thousands of Droid users.

I'm just a big fan for equality, and stat-driven equips only purchasable by cash does not constitute as an equal opportunity for all.

You see it heading in that direction? I have seen quite the opposite. This game went from a medium level sink hole to a very small one time purchase. They reduced platinum prices on EVERYTHING by a ton, and made the game function so that players can get away with getting everything needed in the game for one small platinum purchase.

Then if you haven't noticed, the holiday items are only superior at low levels, and then there are superior weapons that are tradeable. Players do not have to spend platinum or play the game for a certain amount of time to still make a proper and amazing twink.

I agree that this was a great move to make everything more affordable for everyone - reduced campaign prices, reduced Vanity item prices and all in the while realizing that they'd take a large hit in profit. They've done nearly everything right in this game so far and that is why I devote so much time in trying to promote PL by helping people (and I'm sure you, Phar, share the same feelings). If they did not care about customer satisfaction, I don't think we would be such devotees :p It's just this aspect that I believe should be tweaked; making stat-driven equips/vanity items purchasable by gold too would be an easy solution. That way, players less fortunate can simply devote more time into gold farming/item farming than reaching over a credit card to purchase such items.

03-20-2011, 01:03 AM
Yea, I got a Fury Plate on my 4th run with big luck

03-20-2011, 01:16 AM
Does it say somewhere when the luck ends?

03-20-2011, 03:05 AM
I have been wearing this clover for like since it came out and have done heap runs ever since. No Sword :(

I was hoping the luck thing would effect economy to bring the prices down a bit. 1 Mil a sword is not worth it at all!! They are just outrageous prices. People who dont farm that much have some cash have no way of getting it. 400-600k an item seems fair to me but one mils is kinda steep wouldnt you think. This luck thing has had no effect on the economy though. Still see swords at high prices.

03-20-2011, 03:33 AM
I like the vanity items, I think they add to the fun of the game and they have a lighthearted feel to them. Remember STS is a business and they are operating to make money. Everyone needs to earn a living and and if you don't want to pay for it, then don't bother. It's as simple as that.

03-21-2011, 03:21 AM
big luck are the best 15plat ive ever spend :):):) (if it remains permanent)

03-21-2011, 03:30 AM

1) Do we HAVE to keep wearing it for the player to be more lucky or can we just keep it in the inventory?

2) Does this luck only happen for a predefined time frame or is it forever?


03-21-2011, 08:06 AM
I'm not in a hurry to quit :p I am still going to support the devs, but I feel bad for people struggling to "keep up" with everyone else in terms of Platinum. The tapjoy wall is there but sometimes it isn't enough - especially for the tens of thousands of Droid users.

I'm just a big fan for equality, and stat-driven equips only purchasable by cash does not constitute as an equal opportunity for all.

I agree that this was a great move to make everything more affordable for everyone - reduced campaign prices, reduced Vanity item prices and all in the while realizing that they'd take a large hit in profit. They've done nearly everything right in this game so far and that is why I devote so much time in trying to promote PL by helping people (and I'm sure you, Phar, share the same feelings). If they did not care about customer satisfaction, I don't think we would be such devotees :p It's just this aspect that I believe should be tweaked; making stat-driven equips/vanity items purchasable by gold too would be an easy solution. That way, players less fortunate can simply devote more time into gold farming/item farming than reaching over a credit card to purchase such items.

I have to disagree with you. This is not a stat-affecting item and is not similar to cash bought items from other games that give players an edge

03-21-2011, 12:45 PM
I have to disagree with you. This is not a stat-affecting item and is not similar to cash bought items from other games that give players an edge

How is a perma 15% chance to re-roll not a stat-affecting item? It's like hit% and crit%. Let's say players can visually see "re-roll%."

Player 1 has a Big Luck hat. Their re-roll% is 15.

Player 2 does not have a Big Luck hat. Their re-roll% is 0.

Clearly, player 1 has an advantage over player 2, regardless of what degree you think something should be considered an "advantage."

You've also missed quite a lot of my other points (see previous pages about Plat-only limited-edition low-leveled twink items and rings).

03-21-2011, 04:05 PM
I find it laughable that anyone can say a permanent luck bonus is not an "edge" or "advantage." How is it not an advantage to always have a greater chance of getting loot? Is loot suddenly worthless in this game? Because it wasn't last time I checked.

03-21-2011, 04:42 PM
I find it laughable that anyone can say a permanent luck bonus is not an "edge" or "advantage." How is it not an advantage to always have a greater chance of getting loot? Is loot suddenly worthless in this game? Because it wasn't last time I checked.

People usually then try to formulate an argument by saying "well, 15% is not that much luck and has no impact on the economy" :D An advantage is still an advantage. If Big Luck gave a wearer 15% chance to crit, then I highly doubt advocates would be making the same type of argument :p

03-21-2011, 04:50 PM
People usually then try to formulate an argument by saying "well, 15% is not that much luck and has no impact on the economy" :D An advantage is still an advantage. If Big Luck gave a wearer 15% chance to crit, then I highly doubt advocates would be making the same type of argument :p

LOL that would be to OP (15% crit) I could make a set that would have 98% crit with mage buffs mixing oranges and greens. I don't wanna see a bird with 98% crit would be sad for all other classes.

03-21-2011, 05:00 PM
It doesn't give an advantage, it gives an option. This isn't the only item in the game that gives you a luck advantage. If it's an advantage to people who can afford the hat, then elixirs are an advantage to people who can afford to spend extra coins. When/if they come out with a vanity hat that gives something that you can't buy with fake currency, then it could be considered as an advantage. For now you can either pay 15 plat or 1500 coins a run. Even if the 1500 coins has to be paid every run, I don't see how you could come out losing money with it. If you're running BS for drops then 150k buys 100 elixirs/runs and around 7.5 hours. In AO you should make most of that back just from trash drops.

03-21-2011, 07:29 PM
It doesn't give an advantage, it gives an option. This isn't the only item in the game that gives you a luck advantage. If it's an advantage to people who can afford the hat, then elixirs are an advantage to people who can afford to spend extra coins. When/if they come out with a vanity hat that gives something that you can't buy with fake currency, then it could be considered as an advantage. For now you can either pay 15 plat or 1500 coins a run. Even if the 1500 coins has to be paid every run, I don't see how you could come out losing money with it. If you're running BS for drops then 150k buys 100 elixirs/runs and around 7.5 hours. In AO you should make most of that back just from trash drops.

well said..... but to fund the pots by running AO maps is not a long term solution .

03-21-2011, 07:38 PM
I'm not in a hurry to quit :p I am still going to support the devs, but I feel bad for people struggling to "keep up" with everyone else in terms of Platinum. The tapjoy wall is there but sometimes it isn't enough - especially for the tens of thousands of Droid users.

I'm just a big fan for equality, and stat-driven equips only purchasable by cash does not constitute as an equal opportunity for all.

I agree that this was a great move to make everything more affordable for everyone - reduced campaign prices, reduced Vanity item prices and all in the while realizing that they'd take a large hit in profit. They've done nearly everything right in this game so far and that is why I devote so much time in trying to promote PL by helping people (and I'm sure you, Phar, share the same feelings). If they did not care about customer satisfaction, I don't think we would be such devotees :p It's just this aspect that I believe should be tweaked; making stat-driven equips/vanity items purchasable by gold too would be an easy solution. That way, players less fortunate can simply devote more time into gold farming/item farming than reaching over a credit card to purchase such items.

I must agree with you here, the devs have done everything right. Then their rare mess up (Shadow Caves), they spent tireless hours trying to make it right. You know, I actually think the 100% drop rate was a crafty trick. They flooded the market with super gears right before a major update, if the shadow gears were super hard to farm day one, then there would be like... 10 sets in the game? Sneaky Sneaky devs....

Then for the tapjoy wall, the devs have no control over this. They can only give free platinum when a company buys advertising space. So any time a new client buys advertisement space on Tapjoy, the devs sure are quick in getting it onto the game for players to download.

P.S. - Decorated Antlers were 15 plat, no bonus, just a vanity. Players still purchased it. The 15 plat cost is fine.

03-21-2011, 07:49 PM
I must agree with you here, the devs have done everything right. Then their rare mess up (Shadow Caves), they spent tireless hours trying to make it right. You know, I actually think the 100% drop rate was a crafty trick. They flooded the market with super gears right before a major update, if the shadow gears were super hard to farm day one, then there would be like... 10 sets in the game? Sneaky Sneaky devs....

Then for the tapjoy wall, the devs have no control over this. They can only give free platinum when a company buys advertising space. So any time a new client buys advertisement space on Tapjoy, the devs sure are quick in getting it onto the game for players to download.

P.S. - Decorated Antlers were 15 plat, no bonus, just a vanity. Players still purchased it. The 15 plat cost is fine.

I'm perfectly fine with Vanity equips WITHOUT stat-boosters even if they cost 50 Plat each. I just didn't think it was fair for all when a permaluck Vanity helm was released for Platinum only. The tapjoy offers for free plat is a wonderful idea...but there are limitations. The Droid tapjoy wall is a barren, dead wasteland. You literally get one new offer every other day. I never do Tapjoy offers on my Droid, but there's only 4 available ones atm. So Droid users are at an extremely huge disadvantage in trying to purchase the Big Luck hat (released for ~7 days, that's still below 15 Platinum unless they have had leftover platinum). STS has no control over this though...so I can only guess that it'll take time for Tapjoy offers to start filling up for the Droid.

03-21-2011, 07:56 PM
I'm perfectly fine with Vanity equips WITHOUT stat-boosters even if they cost 50 Plat each. I just didn't think it was fair for all when a permaluck Vanity helm was released for Platinum only. The tapjoy offers for free plat is a wonderful idea...but there are limitations. The Droid tapjoy wall is a barren, dead wasteland. You literally get one new offer every other day. I never do Tapjoy offers on my Droid, but there's only 4 available ones atm. So Droid users are at an extremely huge disadvantage in trying to purchase the Big Luck hat (released for ~7 days, that's still below 15 Platinum unless they have had leftover platinum). STS has no control over this though...so I can only guess that it'll take time for Tapjoy offers to start filling up for the Droid.

Droid users are at a huge disadvantage overall. Ipod is older and much more perfected, Droid is like a gifted Athlete vs Kobe Bryant. Which one is naturally good and which one has wise talent? Then not to mention that PL WAS made to function on Ipods best. Droid users are dealing with so many bugs and fixes right now, reminds me of when PL first got to the ipod.

03-21-2011, 08:23 PM
Guess we'll find out soon enough. I chose to take the the risk of not buying one, and hopefully I won't come to regret it. But if this is the direction PL is going in anyway, I'll probably have to make this decision a few more times in the future, so might as well be firm now.

03-21-2011, 08:27 PM
PL will go to the direction is which it has the highest revenue projection.... so if the projection is on even a gameboy then thats where it will go... everything is revenue driven, dont kid urselves.

03-21-2011, 08:32 PM
PL will go to the direction is which it has the highest revenue projection.... so if the projection is on even a gameboy then thats where it will go... everything is revenue driven, dont kid urselves.

Excellent point, I thought about pointing that out, but I decided not to. Too many players believe that if this company wants to make money, they are automatically "Evil". Not pointing to anyone on the forums, the forums really understands many aspects of the game that players who have never visited the forums once before don't.

03-21-2011, 08:44 PM
Yes making money isn't evil, I just am against the fact that people who pay more get an advantage. However it is a good way to encourage purchase of platinum. There really is no right answer is there? *Hits debate with a flaming hammer* We...just...need...to...stop...debating!!!

03-21-2011, 08:47 PM
Yes making money isn't evil, I just am against the fact that people who pay more get an advantage. However it is a good way to encourage purchase of platinum. There really is no right answer is there? *Hits debate with a flaming hammer* We...just...need...to...stop...debating!!!

Which will never happen, especially with not enough posts being made on this forum. Debating is something... to do at least. Especially for your hardcore forumers like me, hitting the whats new button 30 times a minute.

03-21-2011, 08:50 PM
Lol you're right. Have fun doing that :P

03-21-2011, 08:53 PM
well said..... but to fund the pots by running AO maps is not a long term solution .

I only meant that running AO would cost you no extra money. A long term solution is to simply play until you get the drop you're seeking. I always thought items/elixirs for extra luck were always an "extra" part of the game. If you are willing to spend 150k for around 7 hours of extra luck running BS then you are willing to either lose this for no gain, make close to 7 times this amount with the right drop, or run another dungeon in between BS runs to fund it.

03-21-2011, 08:56 PM
Sounds good to me judgement, a player who is willing to spend 150k fake gold, should also be willing to spend a dollar fifty real money.

Then if the problem is you missed the event, from judging this event, there will be future ones just like it, sit back and enjoy the ride.