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View Full Version : Hello, please no more events in AL...

04-01-2015, 07:57 AM
I'm tired and 150 of my friends also. But yesterday I conducted a survey in arlor , I asked several pjs in different cities. Want more events? The vast majority I would say 86% of respondents preferred to the No , 24% wanted another event after Gauntlet II .

This shows that many of you really are bored of so many events.

look from the beginning the number of events since the end of Winter.

1. End - winter event .
2. Gauntlet I.
3. The looooong love event That was three weaks in part 1, part 2, part 3 etc...
4. Crafmania event . well this was called for Remi like event but Idk haha
5. Goblin leprechauns event
6. Guantlet II

6 events ! a lot in only three months

Please STS go fast with expansion because I'm quitting lol and I meet many friends who out of game and enter again when some awesome come hehe

04-01-2015, 08:03 AM
the events are made to keep us busy, so they can work on more expansion. The expansion starts off soon....very...

04-01-2015, 08:03 AM
I'm no saying what this is bad, is good but a lot of events that no let win money bahhh

04-01-2015, 08:04 AM
I'm tired and 150 of my friends also. But yesterday I conducted a survey in arlor , I asked several pjs in different cities. Want more events? The vast majority I would say 86% of respondents preferred to the No , 24% wanted another event after Gauntlet II .

This shows that many of you really are bored of so many events.

look from the beginning the number of events since the end of Winter.

1. End - winter event .
2. Gauntlet I.
3. The looooong love event That was three weaks in part 1, part 2, part 3 etc...
4. Crafmania event . well this was called for Remi like event but Idk haha
5. Goblin leprechauns event
6. Guantlet II

6 events ! a lot in only three months

Please STS go fast with expansion because I'm quitting lol and I meet many friends who out of game and enter again when some awesome come hehe
First of all, your data needs a bigger representation. 150 out of who knows what isn't a good representation of the players of arlor. And also, your data could've been really bias, considering they were all of your friends. If I surveyed only 1000 people out of the whole American population for favorite food, and they all came from New Orleans, that would be very skewed.

04-01-2015, 08:10 AM
I'm no saying what this is bad, is good but a lot of events that no let win money bahhh

Not letting you win money?..

Er - during lovecraft the boss at least dropped 100+ gold. Every 10 runs you can get 1k, and selling those lovecrafts for 2k-3k, so if u could get 8 chests, thats at least 18k on a minimum scale, and no money?...Did you try the event? Im sue you did. And after all, the essences were tradeable too, and farming anywhere gave you those essences, they werent even as rare as getting lockeds after killing jarl 99 times.

Craft mania...I stacked up on gems and sold them all for almost 10% higher than their original prices. If u 3 gems of different types, you could earn even 3k, regardless of what gem it is.

Goblin leprechaun event was another farming event, to get your vanities..and they could be liquidated for at least 1.5k

I am just pointing out how it was possible to get gold, people may say theres no use of farming, but they do not see the actual point.

Sorry if my post is unconstructive or bad.

04-01-2015, 08:13 AM
First of all, your data needs a bigger representation. 150 out of who knows what isn't a good representation of the players of arlor. And also, your data could've been really bias, considering they were all of your friends. If I surveyed only 1000 people out of the whole American population for favorite food, and they all came from New Orleans, that would be very skewed.

Gumbo would feature prominently?

04-01-2015, 08:35 AM
Also, the math in this post is just incredible...
86+24 is not 100 XD

04-01-2015, 08:40 AM
Also, the math in this post is just incredible...
86+24 is not 100 XD

Obviously, there is a +/- 10% margin of error

04-01-2015, 08:51 AM
Obviously, there is a +/- 10% margin of error

Its a +10...gotta take out the extra 10%. That be 110%...thats much more preciseness, as my physics teacher says. I totally LMAOed at that -,-

04-01-2015, 09:07 AM
Haha, 110%

04-01-2015, 09:09 AM
As a player who has just recently started his AL adventure again with nothing but a penny in his pocket and rags to cover himself up.

I must say if it weren't for the leprehoblin/lovecraft event, id still not be able to afford a decent pet and gear. I'm all in for events, infact for F2P players events are probably the most captivating part of AL, it's the only chance they get to fill their wallets with gold. I do however rebel against events like the gauntlet where players like myself(under-geared) cannot take part, but that doesn't mean I would events to become obsolete, Just means I'd appreciate events which the entire community can enjoy.

04-01-2015, 09:09 AM
Also, the math in this post is just incredible...
86+24 is not 100 XD

omg hahaha xD

04-01-2015, 09:47 AM
I dont liked GauntletI and II

04-01-2015, 10:01 AM
Cami, I'll conduct the survey for you, but instead of asking 110 of my friends, I'll (attempt) to ask 1,000 LVL 41 players.

04-01-2015, 10:04 AM
I loved every event mentioned by the OP. I also ask 5 guilds with at least 100+ members online each if they want another event, contrary to the OP's survey 100% said yes.
I think what the OP is saying is, "Enough with the events, give us the expansion already!". We all shared the thrill for the new expansion, but in my experience in AL I'd rather
have STS delay the expansion wiht events so that when the time comes for release. It would be bug-less, balanced, well-polished, well-thought story line and quests.

04-01-2015, 10:04 AM
Pretty ungrateful when they give the community stuff and give you the chance to earn good stuff and then you got supposedly correct 'surveys' that says nobody wants events.

I'm sure you'd be even more bored waiting for expansion without these small events

04-01-2015, 10:08 AM
Perhaps you can ask why they said no more events as well. If they tell you that they just want an expansion then they have nothing wrong with these mini events at all. If they say the mini-events were boring ask them were they forced to participate in them. Sure if you run the gauntlet itself without an intention of a lb prize it is quite worthless but did that in any way drastically change your playstyle. I personally love gauntlet. It teaches you basic skills such as kiting and aggro management without having to wait 5-30 minutes to get to the boss. I truly have improved from when i first started gauntlet and even if I fall off lb i still will feel running it was well worth it.

Next about under-geared gauntlet runners. Im not sure what "under geared" is but when i was a legendary mage I could easily hit over 450 damage and even hit 510 damage but had low health so I settled with 480 damage and 3400 health.
That gives me my basic people that i will attempt to run with: Mages have above 420 damage with pet, Rogues above 400 damage with pet, and tanks above 300 damage with pet and 5400 health.
That type of gear should cost 100k or less in the current market.

04-01-2015, 10:14 AM
Seriously, how hard is it to not take part in a event you don t like? Some are good for Beginners to farm gold (Lovecraft), some target more ambitious Players who want LB Banners (Gauntlet), etc.... Pick the ones you like and let others have fun with their favorite event type. Nothing of the normal Content is inaccessible during these Events.

04-01-2015, 10:33 AM
Seriously, how hard is it to not take part in a event you don t like? Some are good for Beginners to farm gold (Lovecraft), some target more ambitious Players who want LB Banners (Gauntlet), etc.... Pick the ones you like and let others have fun with their favorite event type. Nothing of the normal Content is inaccessible during these Events.

Yeah, and the best part to say, all events that we have had, require no energy. This is some fun than spending plats or cash on those NRG kits...

I find it easy, and fun to play events that actually benefit you, all that matters is the view of perspective, i said in my post above ^

04-01-2015, 10:33 AM
I am also not a fan of events. If they continue and we don't see actual new content I will be joining my friends on retirement of this franchise. Myself and majority of my PvE Guild share this sentiment.

A better bandaid in my opinion is to put things in the game that we can farm permanent. See my farmer a bone thread in suggestions.

04-01-2015, 10:39 AM
1. Winter Event: I ran only enough to get Yowie on a few toons.
2. Gauntlet I: Ran it hard for the first hour, found there was no loot that was worthwhile. Didn't run again.
3. Love Event: Barely bothered to run. Made some good money off of the candies in the first couple of days though!
4. Craftmania: Had all crafting slots doing upgrades on all toons. Didn't get too many supers, but still...
5. Lepregoblin: Didn't bother, but the 60 seconds of added luck on goblin kills did give me reason to farm Jarl on my twink for Crates
6. Guantlet II: Haven't put in a single run

So, for events, you take out of them what you want. If you want to grind for LB, go for it. If you see a way to make some gold off of it, go for it. If you want some of the event gear/vanities, go for it. If you aren't interested, keep farming elites.

04-01-2015, 10:46 AM
Obviously, there is a +/- 10% margin of error

Rolf xD

04-01-2015, 10:54 AM
Last year, after winter event, there was little to nothing going on for a few months until expansion hit. These events are just to keep us busy and hopefully not nag them while they work on expansion. So you would rather have nothing? Removing these events probably wont accelerate expansion if thats what youre aiming at.

04-01-2015, 10:58 AM
With that said I am not planning to quit the game now. Fade and I are committed to our guild and will see it through to next expansion. But coming from a veteran pve player here in the game, the boredom is really high right now.

04-01-2015, 11:09 AM
I for one don't want an expansion that's just a repeat of Tindirin. I want chain quests, layered storyline, hidden rare bosses (like Illoran maybe) that lead to more quests, dailies, nice loot table, I want something vast and sufficiently complex to keep it hot and busy for a long time. My best friends and I completed Tindirin normal in less than two hours with our xp bar barely filled and then it was just endless hours in the crypts grinding for xp. While I'm not a huge fan of the stopgap events, with the exception of the Lovecraft (Hughthulhu was so adorable), I'm hoping the time it takes the devs to work on expansion content will make it worthwhile.

04-01-2015, 11:18 AM
So got 2 points for the fella:
1.Learn math
2.Don't run if you don't consider it good enough for you.

04-01-2015, 11:19 AM
Cami, I'll conduct the survey for you, but instead of asking 110 of my friends, I'll (attempt) to ask 1,000 LVL 41 players.
I like events keeps me busy put my lvl 41 vote for yes!

Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk

04-01-2015, 11:22 AM
Thanks for all of this great feedback guys. We appreciate it. We know that not every event is for everyone, and an expansion is always better than temporary content, but what we hope (like some have mentioned already) is that these events will give you something fun and active to do with your friends while we plug away at the expansion content. Also, these events give us a great chance to test things that we'll be using in the coming expansion, like the community goal used in Love Crafting. Everything is for a reason! :D We do our best to put in a little something for everyone. Farming events, leaderboard events, crafting events, collecting events. Please feel free to let us know if you have any suggestions for future events you would like to see, and we will most definitely be getting that expansion into your hands as soon as possible.

04-01-2015, 11:24 AM
Thanks for all of this great feedback guys. We appreciate it. We know that not every event is for everyone, and an expansion is always better than temporary content, but what we hope (like some have mentioned already) is that these events will give you something fun and active to do with your friends while we plug away at the expansion content. Also, these events give us a great chance to test things that we'll be using in the coming expansion, like the community goal used in Love Crafting. Everything is for a reason! :D We do our best to put in a little something for everyone. Farming events, leaderboard events, crafting events, collecting events. Please feel free to let us know if you have any suggestions for future events you would like to see, and we will most definitely be getting that expansion into your hands as soon as possible.

Thanks for the Hard work and dedication you put in those events.

04-01-2015, 11:29 AM
Other games complain that they get ignored and no events. We complain about there being events? I for one love the events and you could have made a lot of gold during the events as long as you didn't want the items like golden wings and such. I for one love events and my favorite mini so far was ank farming! We could use another ank restocking weekend before harder elites xD

I would just like to thank STS for all the time and effort they've put into this game and the mini events. For those that complain, imagine waiting all this time without any events at all!

Edward Coug
04-01-2015, 11:47 AM
I'm all for events that you can make gold from. Someone please explain the hatred for the Lovecraft event to me. I don't know about you, but I made a absolute killing.

The first night, I was able to sell candy at 4k(!!!!!!) a piece. The night the portal opened, Lovecraft chests were selling for about 4k as well (in addition to the absurd amount of gold Hugthulu dropped if you soloed him). I haven't even mentioned the part of the event where the bosses dropped ankhs, which allowed me to both load up on ankhs and cheap ankh kits.

This event was nothing short of amazing. Absolutely loved it.

More events like this please.

04-01-2015, 11:51 AM
Not letting you win money?..

Er - during lovecraft the boss at least dropped 100+ gold. Every 10 runs you can get 1k

Sorry, but 10 runs to get 1K gold, is profitable? This is what STS said: "bosses drop a substantial amount of gold". I think either you are new to the game, have a lot of time on your hands, or haven't been to the CS for a long time. I mean seriously, my pet eats more than that in the time 10 runs takes.

I don't agree with cami's post, his posts are always non-constructive, but this argument in response to him is a failure when it comes to the reality of the current economy.

04-01-2015, 11:59 AM
If 10+9=21 86+24 does equal 100 duhhh :welcoming::encouragement:

Also that "little" money does add up for some newer/poorer players, especially if you hard farm. I made 400k from the event so I'm not complaining lol

04-01-2015, 12:26 PM
Wish we knew a rough time line of expansion and the large events. That would actually help a lot.

04-01-2015, 02:00 PM
Sorry, but 10 runs to get 1K gold, is profitable? This is what STS said: "bosses drop a substantial amount of gold". I think either you are new to the game, have a lot of time on your hands, or haven't been to the CS for a long time. I mean seriously, my pet eats more than that in the time 10 runs takes.

I don't agree with cami's post, his posts are always non-constructive, but this argument in response to him is a failure when it comes to the reality of the current economy.

When I solo, took me less than a min including teleporting and what not a run, 100-300g a run and chance at a love craft chest worth 2-3k. In 10 runs aka 10min, I was making around 10-20k depending on how many chests were dropping. The only sacrifice was my time and also them wings

In comparison, 10 runs at pt3 usually costs around 100k depending on party and pots

04-01-2015, 02:07 PM
We loved the 'Green Guy' event over here. He usually dropped about 100 gold each time, and those little 2 minute luck potions stacked real nice with our other luck items.

We liked the valentine event, and did it just to get those golden cupid wing vanities.

The Gauntlet isn't our cup of tea, but since we can use the quest to get to the Hauntlet when needed, we have no real issue with it, shrug.

If we don't like an event, we just play the rest of the game and ignore the event stuff, pretty straightforward.

Still fans of AL, 8^)

04-01-2015, 02:12 PM
We loved the 'Green Guy' event over here. He usually dropped about 100 gold each time, and those little 2 minute luck potions stacked real nice with our other luck items.

We liked the valentine event, and did it just to get those golden cupid wing vanities.

The Gauntlet isn't our cup of tea, but since we can use the quest to get to the Hauntlet when needed, we have no real issue with it, shrug.

If we don't like an event, we just play the rest of the game and ignore the event stuff, pretty straightforward.

Still fans of AL, 8^)

Exactly! For myself, after many many many dry arena runs, breeze eggs that barely cover ank usage in tombs, I'm starting to rely more and more on events to fund my elite runs! I sold over 16 dova bears during that event! My only regret was not getting more para gems :(

04-01-2015, 02:34 PM
Im just returning to this game (3 days ago i think, from way way back since AL is new to industry), i think having events makes the game more fun? Making us busy doing the events, especially if you are a senior player of this game and bored to death by just killing stuffs and pvp. Let us be thankful that a game like this is still innovative with events, not like other games out there that is just plain dead (no more events). And to think that this game is running for YEARS! And up to this day, they have events, cool isn't ?

And your numbers are not the majority of the population of this game :)

Dex Scene
04-01-2015, 02:50 PM
Iam Not tired.
If you are getting tired, just don't participate mate! Don't speak for others. We like events!

04-01-2015, 03:11 PM
Iam Not tired.
If you are getting tired, just don't participate mate! Don't speak for others. We like events!

I agree :)

04-01-2015, 03:36 PM
No need to trash the OP like this. To be honest, I'm tired of all these so called mini events too. Actual events are cool, mini events do nothing for the majority of players but increase lag and disconnects. And I find them a waste of resources that could be channelled into something actually useful. Like, say, skill system revamp or class balance.

04-01-2015, 03:40 PM
Seems like it's more fun to chat and give feedbacks in forum than playing in the events!

Thumbs up!

04-01-2015, 03:48 PM
Thanks for all of this great feedback guys. We appreciate it. We know that not every event is for everyone, and an expansion is always better than temporary content, but what we hope (like some have mentioned already) is that these events will give you something fun and active to do with your friends while we plug away at the expansion content. Also, these events give us a great chance to test things that we'll be using in the coming expansion, like the community goal used in Love Crafting. Everything is for a reason! :D We do our best to put in a little something for everyone. Farming events, leaderboard events, crafting events, collecting events. Please feel free to let us know if you have any suggestions for future events you would like to see, and we will most definitely be getting that expansion into your hands as soon as possible.
Thank you for all you do for us. I won't say I enjoy all events but I do appreciate the effort put forth. For the most part I would like to see more events.

04-01-2015, 03:52 PM
No need to trash the OP like this. To be honest, I'm tired of all these so called mini events too. Actual events are cool, mini events do nothing for the majority of players but increase lag and disconnects. And I find them a waste of resources that could be channelled into something actually useful. Like, say, skill system revamp or class balance.

i am 100% with you on the skill revamp or class balance issue. as i am with candy on the issue of elite farming devaluated/replaced by events. however having good events doesn t mean you can t have a skill revamp/ class balance or revised elite map loot. one thing doesn t exclude the other, just try to give feedback a bit more nuanced so stg has a chance to improve the things that didn t work so well or suggestions how to improve things (as candy did in the throw farmers a bone thread). and keep in mind the last events were all free.
it s not about bashing the OP but just saying no to events isn t helpful at all.

04-01-2015, 04:10 PM
Idk why ppl say that events don't have profit:

1. Gauntlet I: No profit there cuz no loot (was first try of that kind of events so its ok), i got the banner and prizes from top 10 LB.
2. Love Event: After bought ALL vanitys from vendor for my 3 different alts i farmed around 2m in gold and still have 150 lovecraft chests for sale
3. Craftmania: Upgrade my gear not perfect and got all perfect plus some items randomly bought, make super and sold for x2 or more price
4. Lepregoblin: I got the banner (1.5m if im not wrong), 400+ locks still hoarding when big event comes, St Patrick Platinum chest sold for 500k also made 300k or so selling low level legendarys from brackenridge, getting the gold drops and sold the vanitys. I got all vanitys for my 3 different alts.
5. Guantlet II: Atm #3 rogue on LB, burned 21 ankhs in total, they drop pretty nice so not so much waste, got around 50 XP elixirs (500k atm) and the the prizes from LB.

So no complains, for a newbie players that events its the best chance to gear up and start enjoy the game and don't go always broke and naked.

If u don't like the event just don't play and keep doing what u doing before the event, its simply.

04-01-2015, 04:40 PM
Idk why ppl say that events don't have profit:

1. Gauntlet I: No profit there cuz no loot (was first try of that kind of events so its ok), i got the banner and prizes from top 10 LB.
2. Love Event: After bought ALL vanitys from vendor for my 3 different alts i farmed around 2m in gold and still have 150 lovecraft chests for sale
3. Craftmania: Upgrade my gear not perfect and got all perfect plus some items randomly bought, make super and sold for x2 or more price
4. Lepregoblin: I got the banner (1.5m if im not wrong), 400+ locks still hoarding when big event comes, St Patrick Platinum chest sold for 500k also made 300k or so selling low level legendarys from brackenridge, getting the gold drops and sold the vanitys. I got all vanitys for my 3 different alts.
5. Guantlet II: Atm #3 rogue on LB, burned 21 ankhs in total, they drop pretty nice so not so much waste, got around 50 XP elixirs (500k atm) and the the prizes from LB.

So no complains, for a newbie players that events its the best chance to gear up and start enjoy the game and don't go always broke and naked.

If u don't like the event just don't play and keep doing what u doing before the event, its simply.

Compelled to respond, to STS dont think that everything is so rosy.
• These awards were earned when playing near to the 24/7. For those who plays for fun a couple of hours and less (these casual events should be oriented on these people IMO) there is no payback (no LB = no prizes; loot is rare; remember how much people didn’t get vanity they wanted during lovecraft, and I just keep silent about leprechaun vanities) and, express the majority of old players opinion, no fun after 2-3 runs.
• Not every tank who want to play event can find party (btw they are so bored, they should be your #1 clients). And this is not their problem!
• Gauntlets are hard enough even for good geared endgamers, it is hard and frustrating for poor geared players. I heard it easier for twinks, but twinks gear cost a lot too and not everyone wants spend hard earned gold for try (remind, I’m talking about poor). So casual event too hard for most part of players for whom the free content is primarily intended.
• I don’t believe there are significant number of new (non capped) players, and doubt even more that they play gauntlets (but agree that they couldn’t avoid candies and leprechauns). So that the paragraph (about events are fun for new players and chance to gear up) in support of recent events seems to be doubtful.

04-01-2015, 05:30 PM
Idk why ppl say that events don't have profit:

1. Gauntlet I: No profit there cuz no loot (was first try of that kind of events so its ok), i got the banner and prizes from top 10 LB.
2. Love Event: After bought ALL vanitys from vendor for my 3 different alts i farmed around 2m in gold and still have 150 lovecraft chests for sale
3. Craftmania: Upgrade my gear not perfect and got all perfect plus some items randomly bought, make super and sold for x2 or more price
4. Lepregoblin: I got the banner (1.5m if im not wrong), 400+ locks still hoarding when big event comes, St Patrick Platinum chest sold for 500k also made 300k or so selling low level legendarys from brackenridge, getting the gold drops and sold the vanitys. I got all vanitys for my 3 different alts.
5. Guantlet II: Atm #3 rogue on LB, burned 21 ankhs in total, they drop pretty nice so not so much waste, got around 50 XP elixirs (500k atm) and the the prizes from LB.

So no complains, for a newbie players that events its the best chance to gear up and start enjoy the game and don't go always broke and naked.

If u don't like the event just don't play and keep doing what u doing before the event, its simply.

To difference of you, you are a adicted :/ and with all the free time of world

04-01-2015, 05:37 PM
Events are OK for the most part. But when I find myself non stop running for a vanity or a banner, this starts to feel like busy work. Aside from "having something to do" I'd like to feel productive with the time I spend playing. I don't consider grinding these events for untradeable vanities or a banner productive. How many banners can u wear? I find it interesting to see ppl work so hard for something that just ends up in stash and they are right back in the old favorite vanity. I just won't do it anymore. I try to keep running planars and arenas but that's getting old too. Junk drops like crazy while the rate on valuable items is nil. On top of this you add the one hit bosses and expenditures and it really taxes the fun factor even more. A large number of my friends have stopped playing.
Something I'd like to address is the fact that STS just doesn't seem to understand that they can do anything they want. Why is there no good daily log in rewards that increase over time with daily log ins? Why aren't there prizes for each and every ap? Why don't they implement guild or tower events we can run solo or w our guild for certain (not random) items? Theres no rewards for PvP. Other games reward their players with sometimes ridiculous amounts of tangible goods. It's a way of saying "here devoted fans of our game, play, be merry, have this stuff and enjoy!". Here we get nothing. No matter how hard one might work. You just might come out empty handed. Tough luck? Pff this is a video game. Why does it feel more like homework?

04-01-2015, 05:37 PM
Actually I like the events. I think there was an event for everyone, from casual to hardcore. Yes, an expansion would be nice, but events in between is good, too.

I did think the Lovecraft and Crafting events were really good for beginners since anyone could farm the essences, candies, chests and sell those. Yes, each item was a tiny amount of gold, but you could get lots of items easily and fund your potions and basic equips.

As for specific events:

Winter Event - I farmed the heck out of this, mostly for the eggs and unique items and chests. Got lots of nice items from this event and still have lots of other nice items from this event. Did not spend that much on purchased energies either.

Gauntlet I - tested it. Thought it was interesting but not for me. I did not want to spend the next x days of my life in game.

Lovecraft Event - I farmed the heck out of this event, as well as purchased many (thousands?) of candies and lovecraft chests. I hope I gave lots of new players good playing money. I made many of my toons vanities. Wish there was a cool down period as I did not get to turn in all my kits, but oh well. I got plenty and the vanities were great.

Craftmania - I only upgrade my equips during 2x gem events, so I used many of my toons and got something like 50 grands. Very cool.

Lepregoblin Event - Did enough to get about 7 sets of vanities.

Gauntlet II - haven't had time to try this.

I think the events are a good mix from casual to hardcore, something to keep people interested between expansions and new real equips.

04-01-2015, 05:50 PM
i am 100% with you on the skill revamp or class balance issue. as i am with candy on the issue of elite farming devaluated/replaced by events. however having good events doesn t mean you can t have a skill revamp/ class balance or revised elite map loot. one thing doesn t exclude the other, just try to give feedback a bit more nuanced so stg has a chance to improve the things that didn t work so well or suggestions how to improve things (as candy did in the throw farmers a bone thread). and keep in mind the last events were all free.
it s not about bashing the OP but just saying no to events isn t helpful at all.
I agree.

Problem is I don't see any work being done on any of the important issues in this game like skill system, lag issues, class balance etc.

Problem is it takes forever to fix even minor stuff like that freaking frost bow proc that flings bosses all over the place.

Problem is they seem unable to understand that a 100 gold drop is not "substantial".

Problem is we've had broken skills for months and even years and a lot of players use them because they have no idea said skills are broken.

I'd rather have 0 (zero) events and regular fixes/updates, than 100 pointless mini events and 0 useful fixes/updates.

p.s. Same applies for all those new useless pets like Foxy, Silver etc. A total waste of time and resources on the devs part.

p.s.2: OK, I take my words back lol. Seems like they will be fixing things like the frost bow proc and nox broken upgrade. Hopefully not an April's fool prank. :)

04-01-2015, 08:10 PM
Thanks for all of this great feedback guys. We appreciate it. We know that not every event is for everyone, and an expansion is always better than temporary content, but what we hope (like some have mentioned already) is that these events will give you something fun and active to do with your friends while we plug away at the expansion content. Also, these events give us a great chance to test things that we'll be using in the coming expansion, like the community goal used in Love Crafting. Everything is for a reason! :D We do our best to put in a little something for everyone. Farming events, leaderboard events, crafting events, collecting events. Please feel free to let us know if you have any suggestions for future events you would like to see, and we will most definitely be getting that expansion into your hands as soon as possible.

Hiya Remiem,

Can you tell the devs I said that they make really awesome events?
They are really fun!

Thanks :D

04-01-2015, 10:10 PM
Test server yes pls :D
Event no pls D:

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04-02-2015, 07:46 AM
I hope soon they will create new characters or an advance classes with the existing characters :)

04-02-2015, 07:59 AM
-1 zz

04-04-2015, 06:19 AM
–1 we are love event

Ign Wvait – Wvant

04-04-2015, 06:26 AM
Not letting you win money?..

Er - during lovecraft the boss at least dropped 100+ gold. Every 10 runs you can get 1k, and selling those lovecrafts for 2k-3k, so if u could get 8 chests, thats at least 18k on a minimum scale, and no money?...Did you try the event? Im sue you did. And after all, the essences were tradeable too, and farming anywhere gave you those essences, they werent even as rare as getting lockeds after killing jarl 99 times.

Craft mania...I stacked up on gems and sold them all for almost 10% higher than their original prices. If u 3 gems of different types, you could earn even 3k, regardless of what gem it is.

Goblin leprechaun event was another farming event, to get your vanities..and they could be liquidated for at least 1.5k

I am just pointing out how it was possible to get gold, people may say theres no use of farming, but they do not see the actual point.

Sorry if my post is unconstructive or bad.
You do all this stuff and you are still poor asf. Gratz! So funny g-m thanked your post, maybe he should try your methods of getting pocket change like you and see how fun it is.

04-04-2015, 06:37 AM
You do all this stuff and you are still poor asf. Gratz! So funny g-m thanked your post, maybe he should try your methods of getting pocket change like you and see how fun it is.

I've tried my hands on merching, I've already got ripped off badly. I have no experience in this, neither am I even capable of merching.

Even the current event is a good chance to get some gold. I've been selling off a lot of golden eggs, I'm happy to see I have made up 770k. I want more, but I have to travel somewhere in a few hours...

04-04-2015, 01:11 PM
No need to trash the OP like this. To be honest, I'm tired of all these so called mini events too. Actual events are cool, mini events do nothing for the majority of players but increase lag and disconnects. And I find them a waste of resources that could be channelled into something actually useful. Like, say, skill system revamp or class balance.

I agree. Dislike those mini-events...

04-04-2015, 04:29 PM
I love the mini events and appreciate the innovative little ways that devs have been keeping the game peppy. The mini events are nothing huge but they keep us busy or atleast curious. Sts is also solving bugs now and then. I am a season 1 player and I am still not bored. The aim is to not take the game too seriously and enjoy whatever it is offering. If the events are not interesting to someone, they can skip it and play the usual content. The expansion can come whenever it is ready, surely a sorted out expansion is better than a rushed bug-filled one.

04-04-2015, 05:11 PM
How can you ask for no more events? It confuses me.

04-04-2015, 05:22 PM
I hope there will be a large event sometime between now and the expansion release, as I need to make some gold

04-04-2015, 06:49 PM
Im loving this event. This must be lile the first time i made gold since halloween event. Thank God.

04-04-2015, 08:39 PM
So got 2 points for the fella:
1.Learn math
2.Don't run if you don't consider it good enough for you.
Hehe...lol.... Great to see that STS is worried about math.

04-05-2015, 11:52 AM
Without these mini events I honestly would have only been logging in to do story token missions till expansion. These at least give farmers something to farm. Locked prices have been so sad for so long. I miss the days of selling them for 15k normally and 30k during events.

04-05-2015, 11:58 AM
well some events are good and others no, I must to say what this event is awesome, also I must to say thank you STS for let us win really money and good things like ankhs, planar fragments, etc. well I wrote bad the % I'm human lol. In total I asked 150 friends and 50 players in the city. well some love the events and others no. In mi opinion I dont like gauntlet.

Closed thread.