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View Full Version : Good Bow Bear question?

03-20-2011, 10:04 PM
For my bow bear should I put into all dexterity for the bows and the damage or put into strength(would be mostly for armour because it doesnt increase damage) what is a good bow bear build??

03-20-2011, 10:07 PM
Minimum amount for dex gear, the rest into strength :)

The reason why you only need the minimum amount of dex is, you just want enough to use the gear. Although more dex increases damage, you'd want enough strength to also increase your skill damage. :)

I was actually planning on making a bow bear guide, I'll try to soon when I get the time :D

03-20-2011, 10:22 PM
ok cool ty but ive had some doubts lately about this skill damage thingy lol I dont think warriors need strength, archers need dexterity etc. to increase their skill damage... i dont think each skill damage is increase more with the stats that goes wit the class.. i dont know where someone got the info for that but right now im basing it the overall damage of a character

03-21-2011, 02:04 AM
It's confirmed that skills are stat-based, I'll try looking for the update/patch that says so, for the mean time, Phys has the perfect explanation on it.

There's two things you need to think about: Damage vs skill damage. Damage is what you do when you do normal attacks, and it is seen in your character stat screen as "Damage: 192-204".

For damage:
1 point of STR = +0.02 damage
1 point of INT = +0.08 damage
1 point of DEX = +0.15 damage

As you can see, DEX adds the most normal damage per 1 attribute point used.

For skill damage:
STR adds more skill damage for bears
DEX adds more skill damage for birds
INT adds more skill damage for mages

But you also have to take into account that skill damage is calculated using a portion of your damage. So bears with high STR can have high skill damage, but bears with STR/DEX can also have high skill damage because DEX increases your damage by a lot, which in turns increases your skill damage.

03-21-2011, 04:20 AM
And this is from the stat-driven skills patch from before :

Minimum and maximum values for direct damage (and healing) skills are now driven by an expression that takes one or more character statistics into account.
For example - the amount of damage done by the Archer's "Blast Shot" is now affected by both the skill rank and by the amount of Dexterity the Archer possesses. The more dexterity, the higher the minimum and maximum damage values for this skill.
Additionally - the amount of healing done by the Enchantress' "Heal" skill is affected by skill rank and Intelligence. Higher Intelligence means greater minimum and maximum healing values.
The "Restore" skill employed by both Warriors and Archers gets increased effectiveness based upon a combination of Strength and Intelligence.

1.4 has been released, but it may take some time to show up in the App Store. 2 free respecs per character will be granted Wednesday (when 1.3 is shut down).


Though the examples are only Blast Shot/Heal/Restore for the classes, the patch means all of the skills of birds/bears/mages are affected by dex/str/int respectively.