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View Full Version : LVL 51 items farming

03-21-2011, 05:10 AM
Hi all!

Again searching for ur lvl 50-52 alts for farming lvl 51 items wich are very high priced and so easy to get.

I would be on from 6pm MEZ to may midnight MEZ.

Post here or PM me on Ricci, Riccits or XCarver in game.

Iam online almost every day at this times, so u can contact me every day for this!


03-21-2011, 06:35 AM
What is MEZ?

I haven't been much on PL for the last week or so and am going to actually have to work this coming week (Yeah, I know :P ).
Wasn't sure anyone was still low enough to farm L51s. I have one. I'll PM you when I get play time again.

03-21-2011, 07:49 AM
MEZ = middle european time :)

k ty!

03-21-2011, 09:23 AM
Riccits -- assuming my time conversion is right -- 6pm MEZ (or CET) would be 1pm US Eastern. Hope that is right. I can be on and would like to farm 51 gear for an hour or three. My mage is level capped at 51. IGN: Doubletimetoo.

03-21-2011, 09:29 AM
Riccits -- assuming my time conversion is right -- 6pm MEZ (or CET) would be 1pm US Eastern. Hope that is right. I can be on and would like to farm 51 gear for an hour or three. My mage is level capped at 51. IGN: Doubletimetoo.

1-3h is really enough :) ill add u!

beanmachine, snakespeare and Bblink? what about u?

03-21-2011, 10:24 AM
Hi all!

Again searching for ur lvl 50-52 alts for farming lvl 51 items wich are very high priced and so easy to get.

I would be on from 6pm MEZ to may midnight MEZ.

Post here or PM me on Ricci, Riccits or XCarver in game.

Iam online almost every day at this times, so u can contact me every day for this!


Riccits, would love to farm with you but I work today - add my 51 archer Callima, i don't think he's on your list yet!

03-21-2011, 10:28 AM
Been looking to do this with my level 50 bird. IGN - Ilikealot. I'll be on at 1 PM EST.

03-21-2011, 10:28 AM
Riccits, would love to farm with you but I work today - add my 51 archer Callima, i don't think he's on your list yet!

ok! :)
i will be on in 1h for all others.

03-21-2011, 10:29 AM
Been looking to do this with my level 50 bird. IGN - Ilikealot. I'll be on at 1 PM EST.

good! :) i will add u! pm me in game when ur on!

03-21-2011, 11:02 AM
ok! :)
i will be on in 1h for all others.

OK -- just signed on Doubletimetoo. Riccits, I friended xcarver. You just have to approve. Just let me know when you are ready.

03-21-2011, 11:59 AM
I keep hearing about people farming these and I'm getting confused. The lv55 versions are better and they actually form a set. Is there really a market for the lower level versions?

03-21-2011, 12:00 PM
I keep hearing about people farming these and I'm getting confused. The lv55 versions are better and they actually form a set. Is there really a market for the lower level versions?

Yes there is!

03-21-2011, 02:03 PM
Noob question: where are they farmed? Which boards?
Thanks! ;-)

03-21-2011, 02:29 PM
Riccits, that is about 10 pm PST to 1 am PST, and they don't call me "Gramps" for nothing. I usually stop watching Babylon 5 and start getting ready for bed around then. But if I am ever on around that this week, I will look for you.

03-21-2011, 02:34 PM
Noob question: where are they farmed? Which boards?
Thanks! ;-)

It is just a matter of playing the Sewer boards with a party made up of people that aren't over level 52. You get level 53 drops from the mini-bosses and (assuming you clear all or most of the level) level 51 drops from the bosses.

We had a pretty good run so far today. Lots of good drops and one pink level 51 recurve. Not too shabby.

03-21-2011, 02:41 PM
It's really the oranges that sell so fast, if you price them between 7500 and 10000. Greens and purples sell, too, for 20 to 40K. Pinks... not sure. People are listing L51 pinks around the same as L55, but the L53s are 1/2 that. Presumably there are wealthy players who want to sport pink gear as a 51, but once they reach higher levels they replace them with L55 because they can make sets and customize them.

03-21-2011, 02:46 PM
L51 Squire gear is awesome!

03-21-2011, 02:55 PM
It is just a matter of playing the Sewer boards with a party made up of people that aren't over level 52. You get level 53 drops from the mini-bosses and (assuming you clear all or most of the level) level 51 drops from the bosses.

We had a pretty good run so far today. Lots of good drops and one pink level 51 recurve. Not too shabby.

Well, drat! I'm too close to Lv53 to get more than just a few runs in ;-(
BTW; thank you for the explanation :-)

03-21-2011, 04:53 PM
Well, drat! I'm too close to Lv53 to get more than just a few runs in ;-(
BTW; thank you for the explanation :-)

No problem. You can always turn off XP gain to get in a few more runs. I have it turned off on my mage alt just so I can farm this stuff. The orange and green drops really do sell pretty good.

03-21-2011, 04:58 PM
Ricci, how long you planning to do this for? Maybe I'll join you sometime, since I still have 3 lvl 50s...

03-21-2011, 05:10 PM
Leveling hunnytanker from 46 to 50 cause my others are all 55. Will let y'all 51 farmers know when I get there.

03-21-2011, 05:38 PM
Yeah it didn't make sense to me that pinks were that desired for that level. The other colored gear does make sense since most groups have level 55's so those gear don't drop.

03-21-2011, 07:37 PM
Yeah it didn't make sense to me that pinks were that desired for that level. The other colored gear does make sense since most groups have level 55's so those gear don't drop.

Yeah. I laugh at myself sometimes because I will be like "yeah a green autobow. Good drop." hehe

Pinks don't sell that well but oranges and greens go like hotcakes.

03-21-2011, 09:20 PM
put me up! Cerealslicer at lvl50!

03-21-2011, 09:25 PM
Oranges and greens sell better than pinks? Are we in upside-down world now?

03-22-2011, 01:07 AM
Idk les but I sold a purple gemstone shield for 80k. Got a RR leather Im currently sporting tonight! HUZZAH! 51 oranges and greens sell as quickly as snowball launchers! I normally play from 6-9pm CST add Callima if anyone interested!

Riccits...I tried to take a few days off this week so I could farm with you but alas, Mother Nature is wreaking havoc and we mere mortals have to deal with the aftermath. And 6 thumbs up, +5 cupcakes, +10 charm points and 1000 pretzels or whatever the rating system is on forums for making this thread! :)

03-22-2011, 02:08 AM
Hi all!

It was a nice farming yesterday! :) 3 Pinks dropped to :) It wasnt easy to keep 5 guys playing but it was worth!

For them who dont know why we do this is bcz every lvl 51 item is worth about 10-50k. So every drop is worth something! Doesnt matter what u get!
For example got a mastermind robe wich as lvl 55 is worthless, as lvl 51 should go for 40-50k. Its not like looting a Gemstonesword and get 1mil, but its fine money.

@Les ur always welcome! :) i plan this to do may until the end of the level cap, so i will add everyone and all are welcome!

03-22-2011, 05:24 AM
Jeez I had no idea. Sounds topsy turvy to me.

03-22-2011, 06:58 AM
Oranges and greens sell better than pinks? Are we in upside-down world now?

They are cheaper and have great stats compared to lower orange/greens in the game. In MY opinion some purple gear is actually better than pink at that level as well (if you are obsessed by regen rates like I am).

03-22-2011, 11:21 AM
Riccits, I have you on my friend list but not sure about my archer. I have a 51 bird that i turned off XP on because I've been level 51 farming with Snakes and Stomp....add Cowboyjimarch to your farming character and I will join when I'm on at the same time......thanks. I finally sold my pink lvl 51 sewer hammer for 250k....

03-22-2011, 12:08 PM
Riccits, I have you on my friend list but not sure about my archer. I have a 51 bird that i turned off XP on because I've been level 51 farming with Snakes and Stomp....add Cowboyjimarch to your farming character and I will join when I'm on at the same time......thanks. I finally sold my pink lvl 51 sewer hammer for 250k....

ok good! will add u! :)

its not really sweet when drops lvl 51 pinks bcz they have almost no use :/ just money.. thats the risk we have to deal when we farm lvl 51

03-22-2011, 12:57 PM
Lol I was just on but my friends list was empty so I went and did some ao quests.

03-22-2011, 10:51 PM
I was looking to get a group together for this very purpose. I'm a level 51 mage. Add me: Duped (IGN)

Tell me when and I can probably make it happen, but I'm in EST.

03-23-2011, 02:07 AM
I was looking to get a group together for this very purpose. I'm a level 51 mage. Add me: Duped (IGN)

Tell me when and I can probably make it happen, but I'm in EST.

OK good!
Nice to c that many would like to join! :)

i sold almost all 51. need new ones soon!!

03-23-2011, 02:20 AM
Guys who are lv51 farming add my lv52 bear or my Mage
Captnamerica and ksarrdakeeper

03-23-2011, 03:07 AM
List of lvl 51 farmers:

Fyrce (IGN?)
Snakespeare (Nilsia, Corelli)
Captnamerica and ksarrdakeeper

Add each other :)

03-23-2011, 04:37 AM
Hey Riccits. Please can i join the party?

I'm playing serious catch up to most of you guys, but am hoping I'm just about there skill-wise. I can offer a lvl51 mage and, soon, a lvl51 Bear..... and then a bird when I get round to it....


IGN's Redbridge(51), Scorpionious(50)

03-23-2011, 04:46 AM
Hey Riccits. Please can i join the party?

I'm playing serious catch up to most of you guys, but am hoping I'm just about there skill-wise. I can offer a lvl51 mage and, soon, a lvl51 Bear..... and then a bird when I get round to it....


IGN's Redbridge(51), Scorpionious(50)

Sure! :)

Updated list:

Fyrce (IGN?)
Snakespeare (Nilsia, Corelli)
Captnamerica and ksarrdakeeper
Redbridge and Scorpionious

03-23-2011, 05:22 AM
Riccits, add Spyce. Prob not going to be able to play until this weekend or next week. Might log on to switch hats :P but haven't even really been keeping up my merchanting.

Sick + work = no play time.

About to get 2 free ipads though :)

03-23-2011, 06:47 AM
About to get 2 free ipads though :)


AM very jealous.... really want an iPad2 but simply no spare funds atm. Baby number 3 is ready to arrive any time soon..... Baby's 0th birthday present?
[Apols totally off topic]

03-23-2011, 07:24 AM
btw. redbridge, ty for buying my robe :)

03-23-2011, 10:47 AM
btw. redbridge, ty for buying my robe :)

I've managed to get full sets of lvl50 elite gear for each class and it didn't take long to realise that a full Lvl51, 53 & 55 set of pinks for each class wasn't going to be happening in the near future. The lvl51-55 Orange,Green and Purple gear is actually not that bad if you pick the right stuff for your playing style.....

Thanks for selling it...

03-24-2011, 04:00 AM
OK i sold all lvl 51 items and need to farm new ones!

Iam on probably at 6pm MEZ for it.

03-24-2011, 07:55 AM
Riccits -- I am ready to make another run at it. I can be on today, but it will be closer to 7pm CET (2pm US eastern). I'll look for xcarver when I sign in.

03-24-2011, 08:15 AM
I want to farm, got a 50 dexbear. add me, ign Desquiciado, also i got u as a friend with my main char Apido lol

03-24-2011, 09:49 AM
Riccits -- I am ready to make another run at it. I can be on today, but it will be closer to 7pm CET (2pm US eastern). I'll look for xcarver when I sign in.

K! :) Look for my alts (Ricci, Riccits) too. doing dailys when i dont get a group.

I want to farm, got a 50 dexbear. add me, ign Desquiciado, also i got u as a friend with my main char Apido lol

ok! plz add all IGNs i listed some posts before!

03-24-2011, 09:53 AM
I'll join today, in like a couple of hours?

03-24-2011, 10:00 AM
I'll join today, in like a couple of hours?

perfect! :)

03-24-2011, 10:33 AM
Hunnytanker is 49.25. Add him, and if he is not 50 yet, can just hook up an IV drip to the trash can punch.

03-24-2011, 12:27 PM
Ok 51 farmers -- where are you? Riccits and I are online by ourselves. :) We need three more people to make a party. Only requirement is level 52 or less.

03-24-2011, 12:53 PM
I can't get on for like another hour. Sorry!

03-24-2011, 06:33 PM
Anyone up for it? I'm on right now with my bear, add me Conanursan and message me and I will get farming with you!

03-24-2011, 08:43 PM
Had a good time farming 51s today. Group looted 3 pinks including a Sewer King Scarab for my bird. Let's do it again!

03-25-2011, 02:27 AM
Had a good time farming 51s today. Group looted 3 pinks including a Sewer King Scarab for my bird. Let's do it again!

seems u have the only lvl 51 scarab in game! grats! :)

farming was great yesterday! :D thx vm all who joined!

03-25-2011, 03:15 AM
What time are you going to do it again?? I missed last time because you were calling it a day as I was starting.

03-25-2011, 03:26 AM
What time are you going to do it again?? I missed last time because you were calling it a day as I was starting.

not sure yet :) let run some time to get higher prices. add my chars, we will pm u! :)

03-25-2011, 09:45 AM
Already added you! PM me here or in game? I really want to do this today! I'm more interested in getting gear for me and my bear than selling, but selling would be cool too.

03-25-2011, 11:22 AM
If you need a healing Mage, add Yosinabe, level 50. I'm trying to get some more XP on her. :)

ETA: XCarver added.

03-25-2011, 11:32 AM
My level 51 tank, Corelli, will be adding names from this thread. I will probably run tomorrow at noon EST.

03-25-2011, 11:38 AM
Add my bear apotheosisman 50 tank would be happy to join if im on!

03-25-2011, 02:56 PM
My level 51 tank, Corelli, will be adding names from this thread. I will probably run tomorrow at noon EST.

Do! I'll make it a point to be on on Yosinabe.

03-26-2011, 08:58 PM
Anyone on now or anytime later tonight?? PM me ingame: Duped or I might be on my bear: Conanursan

03-27-2011, 07:23 AM
maybe later tonight i would like too... sold again all items, need new ones :)

03-27-2011, 09:35 AM
Add my 51 bird, I can farm with them most nights unless I am farming for pinks with my mage. But I can be on after 8pm eastern time.

Birds name GNRZ

03-27-2011, 09:35 AM
I may be around on Ilikealot. Looted a second lvl 51 Sewer King Scarab yesterday and now looking to sell.

03-28-2011, 02:02 AM
I may be around on Ilikealot. Looted a second lvl 51 Sewer King Scarab yesterday and now looking to sell.

oh! thats why u selling it! :)
are u on this night? BBLink and me tried to get a team together but it was more pain than fun :/ recruting random ppl that are actually 51 is a loss of time..

so who is on this night?? need new items :)

03-28-2011, 05:34 AM
Maybe I'll join for a bit and finally get my Mage to 51 lol.

03-28-2011, 06:33 AM
Maybe I'll join for a bit and finally get my Mage to 51 lol.

we will celebrate it! :D

03-30-2011, 01:17 PM
I finally joined the fun because DT and Ech been telling me to do it, so I set foot in BS as mage for the first time. oh boy have I found a new leaf playing as a lowbie-bird charging-spamming happy mage!!

It’s a bit hard to get a lv50-52 together at odd times though and sometimes it really feel weird to ask lv53-56 to leave because trying to get a group together. I have only booted people twice in my PL life, (sorry full and sorry lv52 under only) maybe I am just a bad host heh, when I always ask people to leave by themselves instead of booting.

There were players who would leave immediately when seeing lv50-52 in the group; there are lv53-55 players who would exp pot immediately before we have a chance to say anything. There are nice players ask if the group is purposely staying in 50-52, and there are players who would just want to have fun like I do and go regardless what the group is like heh.

Funniest one was in Hideout. Lv50 / Lv52 mage started, Lv54 bear joined, started killing. Lv23 joined, I was hosting I didn’t care. Mage died and left or left shortly after lv23 joined (cant remember), then a lv20-30 joined. Me and bear didn’t care (lv54 full hate Nkazsamurai, cool bear with great wall skills) then a lv17 joined and asked please don’t boot.

By the time we stopped in front of fever, Nkaz and I then realized hmmm maybe we are not enough for boss, but giving everyone were good sports and all, what the heck. Nkaz and I potted up and changed in with the rest. Of course fever bombings were going left and right, me and other mages were ressing left and right. Nkaz and I took turn dying and kept fighting. It’s one of the funniest game I’ve played ever lol.

It’s so fun being a lowbie and just play like you don’t care.

Anyway, sorry for long post. I hope to meet you guys for some under lv52 fun!

03-30-2011, 01:45 PM
Still waiting for a group to come together! Someone let me in! My attempt at it was going great until two of my "friends" I found out didn't like each other. Started fighting during the run, and after Gold Fever Started mass killing, he and one of his buds left and the group disintegrated. Very discouraging.

03-30-2011, 02:44 PM
Hey ricci hook up with justbrutal and i we bring our 51 dexes threw faithfuly :) ill look you up when im on or add me in ladyhadazza is my dex :)

03-31-2011, 01:25 AM
Hey Lady! :)

I noticed u and justbrutal in CS. We are undercutting ourselfs too much so we are going down with prices very much :/
another few weeks and this wont be worth do. dunno what we could do to avoid this...
i will add u! :)

03-31-2011, 01:29 AM
I finally joined the fun because DT and Ech been telling me to do it, so I set foot in BS as mage for the first time. oh boy have I found a new leaf playing as a lowbie-bird charging-spamming happy mage!!

It’s a bit hard to get a lv50-52 together at odd times though and sometimes it really feel weird to ask lv53-56 to leave because trying to get a group together. I have only booted people twice in my PL life, (sorry full and sorry lv52 under only) maybe I am just a bad host heh, when I always ask people to leave by themselves instead of booting.

There were players who would leave immediately when seeing lv50-52 in the group; there are lv53-55 players who would exp pot immediately before we have a chance to say anything. There are nice players ask if the group is purposely staying in 50-52, and there are players who would just want to have fun like I do and go regardless what the group is like heh.

Funniest one was in Hideout. Lv50 / Lv52 mage started, Lv54 bear joined, started killing. Lv23 joined, I was hosting I didn’t care. Mage died and left or left shortly after lv23 joined (cant remember), then a lv20-30 joined. Me and bear didn’t care (lv54 full hate Nkazsamurai, cool bear with great wall skills) then a lv17 joined and asked please don’t boot.

By the time we stopped in front of fever, Nkaz and I then realized hmmm maybe we are not enough for boss, but giving everyone were good sports and all, what the heck. Nkaz and I potted up and changed in with the rest. Of course fever bombings were going left and right, me and other mages were ressing left and right. Nkaz and I took turn dying and kept fighting. It’s one of the funniest game I’ve played ever lol.

It’s so fun being a lowbie and just play like you don’t care.

Anyway, sorry for long post. I hope to meet you guys for some under lv52 fun!

ya its hard to stick a GOOD group together... our team has now almost same members every day. (DT, BBLink, Ilikealot and Me.)
just dont recrut any noobs, u will regret it :)
cya in game!

03-31-2011, 08:46 AM
I'll be on today around 2:00 pm EST if anyone wants to farm.

03-31-2011, 10:06 AM
iam on now! :) just finishing dailys......

04-04-2011, 09:49 AM
anyone online today??

04-04-2011, 10:11 AM
i'd love to join a session if there's room.... when are you on?

04-04-2011, 10:12 AM
in 1-2h iam ready!

04-04-2011, 10:15 AM
Cool. i'd better get food cooked now then, see you in 1-2hrs....

04-04-2011, 10:15 AM
QUOTE=Riccits;246831]Hey Lady! :)

I noticed u and justbrutal in CS. We are undercutting ourselfs too much so we are going down with prices very much :/
another few weeks and this wont be worth do. dunno what we could do to avoid this...
i will add u! :)

Sorry for the delay reply, i just now read this message, you are right undercutting has occured alot latley, brutal n I have been farming 51 for quite awile now, we have seen a dramatic jump in 51 gear, to the point its hard selling them now. Most of the time the prices are due to others undercutting us by so much we just off load the gear, so the undercuts are not to go under you as much as the other players who pop on and uderprice by 1000s . If you have any ideas pm me.

Also the sales fluctuate according to the waves of players who are new to 51, we seemed to have hit a quiet time but soon an influx will happen again :)

04-04-2011, 10:16 AM
Intereting nerf of a quote lmao ??? :0

04-07-2011, 03:05 AM
iam on today 7pm (MEZ-time +2h)
hope to meet bblink and ilikealot and some others!

PS: iam off then for the weekend due to wellness (LOL)

04-07-2011, 09:15 AM
I accidentally brought Duped to level 53, but I've got Conanursan and I'd love to join along.

04-08-2011, 05:36 PM
I'd like to join the farm group on my 51 archer - Kiitx

Sent the list friend requests. TY!

04-08-2011, 08:02 PM
I swear those level items stopped drooping in a later patch

04-10-2011, 12:12 PM
I'd like to join the farm group on my 51 archer - Kiitx

Sent the list friend requests. TY!

you are welcome! add my IGNs!

anyone on today?

04-20-2011, 09:39 AM

My bird is now 51. are you still farming? If so, can you add Kethran or tell me who is running the sessions?

04-20-2011, 01:44 PM
I will be on later tonight (that's about 6 to 7 hours from now) Add me if you need a level 51 mage :)

04-21-2011, 01:05 AM
i would like to farm again, your of course welcome!

04-21-2011, 01:29 AM
Ok, played with you a bit last night in Goblin Tunnels. Will most likely be on later tonight (Kethran, you added me on Xcarver).

04-28-2011, 08:45 AM
got sick of farm meathead... anyone disponible today?

04-28-2011, 09:59 AM
Add chinasyndrome riccit

05-06-2011, 11:35 AM
It is just a matter of playing the Sewer boards with a party made up of people that aren't over level 52. You get level 53 drops from the mini-bosses and (assuming you clear all or most of the level) level 51 drops from the bosses.

I have been collecting one of each 51 item by soloing the mini bosses with my 51 mage. I was planning to stop the exp near the end of level 52 so that i can continue until I had one of each. When i made level 52, i was surpised to find that the mini bosses started dropping level 53 items. So, this is a complete disaster for me. Is there any way to roll back my level?

I guess my options are to either make a new character, or just try to buy all the 51 items that I am missing. I really thought 52 was the cap for 51 items. I'm really sad about this. :-(

05-06-2011, 12:38 PM
csb if you join a farming group that are all 52 or below the main bosses will drop 51. Add Ilikealot, Jadedsun, Isniped, Xcarver, Chinasyndrome, Cocamager for starters and when we have a farming group running we'll add you to help you get the ones you need.

05-06-2011, 12:45 PM
add jackdiesel riccits looking for a good group

05-06-2011, 01:25 PM
Ok, add mihogumiho. Thanks!

05-06-2011, 03:30 PM
People are listing L51 pinks around the same as L55, but the L53s are 1/2 that. Presumably there are wealthy players who want to sport pink gear as a 51, but once they reach higher levels they replace them with L55 because they can make sets and customize them.

What does it mean to "customize" a set? Is that a crafting step that adds stats?

51 items are valuable because they are easier to put on with a dual spec character. The stats requirement is lower on 51 items making it possible for a 55 mage to wear both str and int level 51 items at the same time. For example, a mage can have a fury shield and a gemstone wand at the same time using level 51 items. But, this would be impossible with level 55 items. I prefer the look of shield + wand, since i don't like the look of the mage eye, skull, doll, or bracer.

05-06-2011, 03:39 PM
What does it mean to "customize" a set? Is that a crafting step that adds stats?

51 items are valuable because they are easier to put on with a dual spec character. The stats requirement is lower on 51 items making it possible for a 55 mage to wear both str and int level 51 items at the same time. For example, a mage can have a fury shield and a gemstone wand at the same time using level 51 items. But, this would be impossible with level 55 items. I prefer the look of shield + wand, since i don't like the look of the mage eye, skull, doll, or bracer.

Yep, I think by customising they meant crafting, although currently crafting doesn't actually 'improve' stats but re-arrange/re-balance. Some think the stats aren't actually an improvement, some like them. Check out the crafting section in my list of useful guides below.

Is it really impossible to wield lvl55 gear on dual spec? I thought it was possible?

05-06-2011, 03:50 PM
Is it really impossible to wield lvl55 gear on dual spec? I thought it was possible?

I don't think he's talking about dual spec, he's talking about equiping a STR shield and a wand (for example) at the same time. Dual speccing it's completely doable to equip complete lvl 55 items of each stat, but I've never tried equiping say a DEX wing and a sword. Correct me if I'm wrong csb.

Just to clarify, I think he is talking about dual spec in a way, but not in the traditional means that say I would think about it, to switch between complete sets of gear, like all STR or DEX.

05-06-2011, 05:36 PM
Ok, its like this. Suppose you are a level 55 mage, with the following starting stats naked:

step 1: (naked level 55 mage, 280 total stat points)
current stats - str: 137, int: 141, dex: 2

step 2: (get to 161 str)
Put on 30 Iceberg hatchet/plate/shield
Put on 45 Mynas Osiris helm
current stats - str: 166, int: 141, dex: 2

step 3: (put on fury items)
put on 51 fury helm/shield
current stats - str: 175, int: 141, dex: 2

step 4: (get to 157 int)
Put on 45 D'Jinn Wand of Isis (requires 138 int)
put on Khafra Cloth of Isis (requires 142 int)
current stats - str: 161, int: 157, dex: 2

step 5: (get to 161 int)
Put on Laser Wand of the Cosmos
Put on Mirage Robe of the Cosmos
current stats - str: 161, int: 163, dex: 2

step 6: (put to 161 int gear)
Put on 51 Lowman's Wand
Put on 51 Lowman's Robes
current stats - str: 161, int: 161, dex: 2

Now you have 2 Lowman's and 2 Fury as a level 55 mage.

And, try doing this swap during a boss fight. hehe.

05-06-2011, 09:42 PM
Right, you can dual spec in the traditional sense of 4 (or 3) pieces of one kind of gear (str, dex, int) but you can't use gear of more than one type unless it's 51 and you are 55. So for example, I have a 55 mage that is 129 str, 149 int and 2 dex. With proper boosts I can wear 55 str gear, 55 mage gear, or go 3 str 1 int (wand) that is 51. Which means I can use bodyguard helm and shield, lvl 51 fury plate (which I happen to have from these farming runs), and a gemstone wand. The problem with switching around is in the number of loadouts (you really need a 5th or 6th to make it work more quickly), but with the extra int I can go from "lvl 51 wand pally" to full 55 mm blast staff set in one move.

05-07-2011, 11:34 AM
add jackdiesel riccits looking for a good group

ok added!

05-07-2011, 11:35 AM
Ok, add mihogumiho. Thanks!
added u too!

05-08-2011, 03:34 PM
As usually; you see me, invite and I'll join. In-game toons Apoaalyse, Bblink, Archerblue, Revox