View Full Version : For the next expansion

04-03-2015, 07:37 PM
I think there should be a new armor, but there should be a huge quest for it with a recipe. This time, you shouldn't have to farm the same map all over again. I think we need to have a quest where we fight multiple bosses, hunt for certain items, and do a lot of mixed up things. That would keep lots of people busy, as it should take a long time to complete. Also, I think STS should twist the leveling. In a true MMO, questing is supposed to be first, leveling comes along with it. I think the expansion should have more content, people shouldn't be going straight to the tombs and leveling up in 2 hours. My 2 cents.

04-04-2015, 04:05 AM
This game is gamble to win,so u can get your armor from locked or chest.#sadtruth..or maybe sts will change their minds but who know anyway nice idea