View Full Version : Orc hunting competiton

04-05-2015, 12:46 AM

Our sources at the A.R.S.E.S have released a new official report containing an eye-witness account of an Orc sighting in Arlor near Rook's Nest!

A Report from the A.R.S.E.S.

Here follows an initial report from the Arlorian Research Society for Endangered Species' survey expedition to the Ydra region.

Whilst in the mountainous area around what is known as "Rooks' Nest", there was a most remarkable occurrence. As dusk fell, we were returning to camp, when an unusual grunting noise attracted our attention. After climbing a low rise, we saw in the dead-ground beyond, a group of perhaps half a dozen unfamiliar beings brawling over some food.

These individuals were of humanoid appearance and approximately human size, although of extremely muscular build, with a stooped posture. Their skin was a pale violet-grey, their ears pointed and their features coarse, with short tusks protruding from their jaw. They were equipped with a variety of battered but serviceable arms and armor, in a "barbaric" style.

We quickly determined that these creatures were the mysterious orcs. Knowing of their violent reputation and after making some sketches, we crept back to camp.


This sighting sheds new light upon the questions raised in the recent article "A Message from the A.R.S.E.S.". The two ideas suggesting that the rarity of orc sightings is due to an extremely small orc population appear to be incorrect.

However, the hypotheses that orcs are from a different region/dimension or usually live deep underground, are more promising. Although this begs the question as to why these orcs have suddenly left their normal range or habitat.

Usual causal factors for such migrations include population explosion or displacement due to a natural disaster, or the invasion of a more aggressive society. However, we would hate to think of what could be more warlike than the fearsome orc.

We eagerly request that a larger and better armed expedition be dispatched to the Rooks' Nest area, to gather further information on this phenomenon.

Huxley & Wallace (Fellows of the A.R.S.E.S.)
We urge anyone venturing into the Ydra region to exercise extreme caution and please, for your own health and safety, please do not seek out or engage Orcs in battle unprepared. We will be actively working with the A.R.S.E.S to build an armed expedition team to conduct further research and observations.

I suggest doing a little competiton here. Team up with your friends, pay 5k each. The first team to find this Orc wins the whole pool. Show SS. Anyone in??? I am ready to organize this

04-05-2015, 12:48 AM
I'm in...but is the orc truly there or is this just a teaser?

04-05-2015, 02:57 AM
is this just a teaser?

Most likely a teaser, and a way to enter Garetta?

04-05-2015, 03:56 AM
Yeah..just what i was thinking...maybe they are the enemies in the expansiom

04-05-2015, 04:14 AM
I was hoping for it to be class to separate offtanks from tanks :'(

04-05-2015, 07:05 AM
Yeah..just what i was thinking...maybe they are the enemies in the expansiom

HMm..from what i guess, we'll have to clear those mobs - so we can help them guide us to garetta.