View Full Version : was i in the wrong here?

03-22-2011, 07:28 PM
Ok, let me start by saying I've had a terrible day, so I've been kinda edgy ever since I got home. I got into it with another player earlier and need you guys to tell me if my responses were justified, and if they are maybe reportable/bannable. Low levels join BS games I'm in all the time, and I usually just keep my mouth shut, but like I said, I'm in a crappy mood from a terrible day (doesn't excuse it by any means). At any rate, here is what happened.

I'm in stronghold when a level 38 archer joins, lets just call him "leecher". He instantly says......

Leecher: plz don't boot
Me: plz do
Leecher: I need to level.
Me: then go to AO.
Leecher: but it takes too long there
Leecher: I usually lvl in shadow caves but there weren't any games
Leecher: I've already killed king and queen once today
Me: nobody cares
Me: just saying
Me: im tired of carrying ppl who don't even belong here
Other party member (games host): skavengr has a point.........

At this point we are practically at the bosses, when he goes:

Leecher: just a little more exp and ill leave.
Me: we are AT the bosses, no more exp, plz leave.

One of the mages goes to pull the king out into the hall. We all start fighting and Leecher decides to bring the queen out too, wiping the whole group, sans a mage

Me: idiot..........
Leecher: Let me guess, no ones gonna rev me?
Me: I hope not.

After that we killed the bosses and I left. I don't feel like I was verbally abusive or anything, maybe a little bit of an anus-hole, but yeah, opinions? And could anything I said get me in trouble?

03-22-2011, 07:29 PM
you werent abusive in any way.
he was just another leech.

03-22-2011, 07:30 PM
nothing u said will get u in toruble

03-22-2011, 07:31 PM
Just put in quick chat "any red difficulty mob same exp!!!!!!!!" and idn a way to get rid of him.
I didn't see you do anything bad, he was just being very noobish

03-22-2011, 07:32 PM
nah, not trouble, but dont go TOO far. "idiot" is the border LOL. next time, i suggest you be more polite as you never know what will happen. Last time, i just gave up the "rough" speech to noobs and it turns out the next "leech" was a good friend of mine i know in real life, and cussing her out just isnt the way to go.. girls you know..

03-22-2011, 07:33 PM
Arterra leeches off me all the time also... HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

03-22-2011, 07:37 PM
arterra leeches off me all the time also... Hahahhahahahaha

ahahaha +1 :d

03-22-2011, 07:38 PM
ahahaha +1 :d

think he's still lvl 53 now so im still higher and i can say that..... until he's 55 or above me that is...

Inching 1 Arterra 0

03-22-2011, 07:40 PM
Ok Ty guys ( and gals!). I usually am much nicer, as soon as I left that game I was thinking " wow, I'm a jerk". I just need to not type anything when I'm in a bad mood lol. Arterra, I wish I would have thought of that red xp thing, would have been a lot quicker and easier to just say that :D.

03-22-2011, 07:42 PM
Ok Ty guys ( and gals!). I usually am much nicer, as soon as I left that game I was thinking " wow, I'm a jerk". I just need to not type anything when I'm in a bad mood lol. Arterra, I wish I would have thought of that red xp thing, would have been a lot quicker and easier to just say that :D.

o_O whose the girl here?

EDIT: woops.. its inching.. LOL im kidding

03-22-2011, 07:43 PM
why do ppl always think im a girl... even in the chat rooms.... sigh

03-22-2011, 07:46 PM
why do ppl always think im a girl... even in the chat rooms.... sigh

dude I was kidding LOL
i just chose you because youre the first name i saw as i was scrolling down hahah

03-22-2011, 07:48 PM
lies. u actually are attracted to me but the scary part is that u also know im a guy ~!!! GASP

03-22-2011, 07:51 PM
lies. u actually are attracted to me but the scary part is that u also know im a guy ~!!! GASP

pshh you wish..

03-22-2011, 07:55 PM
o_O whose the girl here?

EDIT: woops.. its inching.. LOL im kidding

That was done as a precaution in case anyone who replied was a girl. I don't know ppl well enough on the forums yet to know who's male and female ( except for the obvious ones like dawninfinity and ladylove). Sorry lol :D

03-22-2011, 08:25 PM
Why do you don't you boot him?
If you can't boot him why not make private room?
If you felt like letting him mooch to boss why not press ignore?

03-22-2011, 08:33 PM
I've played with you a few times (random days) and i don't think i've ever seen you talk.

03-22-2011, 09:04 PM
I've played with you a few times (random days) and i don't think i've ever seen you talk.

I usually don't talk, unless I'm in a group with ppl on my friends list that I play with regularly. I'm kind of a quiet guy, even in real life.

03-22-2011, 09:11 PM
I hate being late to references lol. Anyways, I'll trow y'all the definition of leeching first: tagging along levels in which you are no help for xp/items. I feel like I fulfill my role.
Inch, did you use pots?
Guess who isn't.
Guess what I consider more pro
Guess who is arguing just for the sake of it, since he/she is bored
Well not much more for me to say. Not sure why me specifically, but I got nothing on you, so cant even -1 paink you. Maybe you can be punished for lack of charm, idk, not my system.

03-22-2011, 09:11 PM
why do ppl always think im a girl... even in the chat rooms.... sigh

Wait... that wasn't you in Victoria's Secret the other day at the mall?

03-22-2011, 09:31 PM
It was me brooke. I was um shopping for my gf. ;)

03-22-2011, 09:33 PM
It was me brooke. I was um shopping for my gf. ;)

I'm sure you were. Although, I DID see you checking out some extra long hosiery.

03-22-2011, 11:49 PM
I'm sure you were. Although, I DID see you checking out some extra long hosiery.

hehe.. a mill lady will win this one ;D

03-22-2011, 11:59 PM
What bugs me is that you can see the progression of the game before you join... I only enter runs that are at the beginning. Even then, if everyone is still at the start, I ask if I may join (most of the time). I would never want to "steal" someone's spot in a group that are "doing runs". I guess that's just me?...

Sooo, I would have viewed him as a "leech", personally.

03-23-2011, 12:48 AM
As long as you dont cuss or resort to name calling you should be fine. Idiot is not really a bad word but next time ask him what he was thinking. Btw when host creates a game check the minimum lvl at the top. That way unless 50 they cannot enter.

03-23-2011, 09:31 AM
.....when host creates a game check the minimum lvl at the top.....

Exactomundo! Even when doing quest; ill start quest to find out which board I need to be on, then ill start a new one with the "minimum level" checked.

03-23-2011, 11:45 AM
Btw when host creates a game check the minimum lvl at the top. That way unless 50 they cannot enter.

doesn't always work. Friends who are below level min can still join.

03-23-2011, 01:13 PM
doesn't always work. Friends who are below level min can still join.

And to think... With friends like that, who needs enemies?! <sigh>

03-24-2011, 10:00 AM
Depends on my mood. If it's a map that I can handle without a full 50+ team, I'd let them stay but I usually get a team vote on it. Otherwise, I boot. If you stay, the rule is no rev will be done for you, so your price in staying is that you tradeoff dying by hovering your finger over pots.

03-24-2011, 11:25 AM
I let people stay who work for their spot. I let a level 29 mage stay in a couple Plasma runs last night. Was initially thinking of booting, but he came in, set up combos, etc for my bear, so I let him stay. He was a better player than some of the higher levels that joined later. I started to think he was an old hand, but then I said something and he was like, "What's that?" So no, he was actually a new-ish player.

Had an idiot level 41 bird right after that who thought he could solo and not work with the group. He died to like 2 trash mobs and left, which I thought was hilarious.