View Full Version : enlighten me: 100hp or 100 armor?

04-07-2015, 07:51 PM
Im talking pvp wise here. Ive been hearing people saying 100hp is better than 100armor, i used to believe armor is better as it makes me last longer in clashes but then again i never really focused on getting my hp past 6.5 (im at 6.3hp and 2.36k armor). I need input from those warriors in pvp, ty in advance.

04-08-2015, 03:54 AM
Some AA pet reduce armor and to my knowledge no AA pet reduce HP... so i think HP better.

Selmin Sejdovic
04-08-2015, 01:09 PM
Armor ;)

04-09-2015, 06:00 AM
Im talking pvp wise here. Ive been hearing people saying 100hp is better than 100armor, i used to believe armor is better as it makes me last longer in clashes but then again i never really focused on getting my hp past 6.5 (im at 6.3hp and 2.36k armor). I need input from those warriors in pvp, ty in advance.

HP. Check that chart in my signature links for specifics.

Pure mathematical point of view:

you have 2,36k armor => 56,72% dmg reduction
x = enemy points of dmg which he has to reach to kill you

1) @100 HP (=total of 6400 HP)
x = (100*6400)/43,28
x = 14787,4
calculate 10% armor reduction from rogues Aimed Shot (25% from Axe Throw):
x = (100*6400)/48,952
x = 13074 (11138,2)

2) @100 armor (100 armor is approx 2,5% dmg reduction)
x = (100*6300)/40,78
x = 15448,7
calculate 10% armor reduction from rogues Aimed Shot (25% from Axe Throw):
x = (100*6300)/46,702
x = 13489 (11333)

04-09-2015, 04:03 PM
Correct but from a couple fast calcs when I broke down the specifics a while ago I had found it depends on min-max of possible dmg taken (in a single hit). So unless you're getting hit for ~5k, it appeared that HP > Armor on 1:1 ratio comparison. That's why I generally advocate HP.

Jirik is an knowledgeable warr though so his results are trust-worthy.

04-09-2015, 06:00 PM
I think Newcomx has a good point with armor debuffs, since there is no health debuff :)

04-09-2015, 11:30 PM
Some AA pet reduce armor and to my knowledge no AA pet reduce HP... so i think HP better.

I think Newcomx has a good point with armor debuffs, since there is no health debuff :)

You are right! I forgot to calculate Aimed shot 10% debuff and Axe Throw 25% ---> previous post has been corrected

Correct but from a couple fast calcs when I broke down the specifics a while ago I had found it depends on min-max of possible dmg taken (in a single hit). So unless you're getting hit for ~5k, it appeared that HP > Armor on 1:1 ratio comparison. That's why I generally advocate HP.

Itīs for sure that it depends on single hit? When I make formula of overall dmg taken:

100x + 2500x + 100x + 1200x = overall dmg taken

where x is dmg reduction multiplier, I can write also:

(100 + 2500 + 100 + 1200).x = overall dmg taken

every small hit can be calculated as one big single hit

3900.x = overall dmg taken

Itīs 6:30 a.m. for me and Iīm still sleeping, so I can be simply wrong :)

06-21-2015, 08:56 AM
Pure mathematical point of view:

you have 2,36k armor => 56,72% dmg reduction
x = enemy points of dmg which he has to reach to kill you

1) @100 HP (=total of 6400 HP)
x = (100*6400)/43,28
x = 14787,4
calculate 10% armor reduction from rogues Aimed Shot (25% from Axe Throw):
x = (100*6400)/48,952
x = 13074 (11138,2)

2) @100 armor (100 armor is approx 2,5% dmg reduction)
x = (100*6300)/40,78
x = 15448,7
calculate 10% armor reduction from rogues Aimed Shot (25% from Axe Throw):
x = (100*6300)/46,702
x = 13489 (11333)

This ^ ^ nicely done

06-21-2015, 08:58 AM
You are right! I forgot to calculate Aimed shot 10% debuff and Axe Throw 25% ---> previous post has been corrected

Itīs for sure that it depends on single hit? When I make formula of overall dmg taken:

100x + 2500x + 100x + 1200x = overall dmg taken

where x is dmg reduction multiplier, I can write also:

(100 + 2500 + 100 + 1200).x = overall dmg taken

every small hit can be calculated as one big single hit

3900.x = overall dmg taken

Itīs 6:30 a.m. for me and Iīm still sleeping, so I can be simply wrong :)

This ^ ^ nicely done

06-22-2015, 03:34 AM
in twinks level2-18, 100amor is a huge impact than 100hp, just saying ^__^ i guess it defends on scale level.

06-22-2015, 10:06 AM

I'm so fresh

06-22-2015, 02:46 PM
Don't know how you make the formula, but do comparison with this please:
1. A warrior with 6k health 3k armor.
2. A warrior with 7k health 2k armor.
If the constant damage taken here is 500, which one will be defeated first?

07-31-2015, 10:16 AM
in twinks level2-18, 100amor is a huge impact than 100hp, just saying ^__^ i guess it defends on scale level.

All of the math used was enlightening, but, I would go with 100 hp past level 15 because other players would be using skill points to upgrade armor debuffs. Pets vary; higher level skills don't. Below level 15, I would go armor, all day.

08-12-2015, 07:01 PM
Armor vs hp
By personal experience both should be balanced
At level 46 for a tank you should have 2.4-5k armor with 7k hp
I mean its recomended if want to call your self a tank..
Other wise normal avrage rouges now have 1.6-1.8k armor with 3.5-4k hp and they are avrage rouges...
And for shure whenever you enter in a pvp map there you always find a pro rouge with 4-5k critical hit and 1.8K+ armor with 4.5k+ hp its high chance cause most of the rouges are pro now having a arcane ring and and a nekro is not that hard now...
So if want a chance against a rouge in pvp better get good gears bro its a sugestion cause ..
I know cause generally crit me 60/70% in just 1 combo and i have a 7.7k hp and 2.65k armor

Burning Beast
09-07-2015, 01:22 AM
I would say mend your Hit Points 'cause many rouge weapons cause armor break (and further bleed).
When in the middle of a tough fight, a handful more of hit points can be critical. You either make a kill or get yourself killed.

09-07-2015, 03:36 AM
just set my goal to 6.5k hp and 2k armour for lvl 46 warr tnx for the advice guys(^u^)

09-09-2015, 08:56 PM
All of the math used was enlightening, but, I would go with 100 hp past level 15 because other players would be using skill points to upgrade armor debuffs. Pets vary; higher level skills don't. Below level 15, I would go armor, all day.

for 100HP 2700HP + 750 armor
for 100armor 2600hp + 850 armor

if your opponent hits you a normal attack the 100hp will be gone within 2-3 1hits. but with 100 armor your 100hp maybe have a chance to hits you more like 3-4 because of damage reduction by armor. thats my understanding 100def > 100hp.