View Full Version : Lvl 18 PvP Bird

04-08-2015, 06:56 PM
Before I get started, I would like to say that I made this video the day I made this bird.

I wanted to try something new and unique. I thought that this bird with repulse (unlocked at lvl 18) could destroy bears at this level. I went with my own custom nuke build (slightly tweaked now) and I actually did good on my first day.

Clearly, I was not on point with my ranges (but I've gotten a lot better)

I'll make another video with this bird once I think I've really improved.

Let me know about this one. I thought it turned out nice :)


04-08-2015, 06:57 PM
nice dood

04-09-2015, 09:52 PM
Glad to see people doing 18 bird after all forg and hallow. Haven't seen 1 Toy Bird at 18 like the good ol days, but that's understandable :(

The Voices
04-10-2015, 07:13 PM
:3 Tally Burdie.

04-14-2015, 04:01 AM
I've done 18 toy bird. Worked a treat vs bears. Failed like **** vs mages.

& idk whether its just how I use to play but jeez your comboes seem so crazy...
hippoes usually heal out root & seeing as he was running away from you & you were rooting to get away. Why not use root so you can stack break. My combo would've been repulse (when he charges) root, (wait for heal) break shatter (DO NOT BLAST FOR 4 SECONDS SO THAT YOUR -4 SHATTER DEBUFF STACKS WITH BREAK, & he'll be dead from then.

04-15-2015, 06:31 PM
I've done 18 toy bird. Worked a treat vs bears. Failed like **** vs mages.

& idk whether its just how I use to play but jeez your comboes seem so crazy...
hippoes usually heal out root & seeing as he was running away from you & you were rooting to get away. Why not use root so you can stack break. My combo would've been repulse (when he charges) root, (wait for heal) break shatter (DO NOT BLAST FOR 4 SECONDS SO THAT YOUR -4 SHATTER DEBUFF STACKS WITH BREAK, & he'll be dead from then.

I've done 18 toy bird. Worked a treat vs bears. Failed like **** vs mages.

& idk whether its just how I use to play but jeez your comboes seem so crazy...
hippoes usually heal out root & seeing as he was running away from you & you were rooting to get away. Why not use root so you can stack break. My combo would've been repulse (when he charges) root, (wait for heal) break shatter (DO NOT BLAST FOR 4 SECONDS SO THAT YOUR -4 SHATTER DEBUFF STACKS WITH BREAK, & he'll be dead from then.

18 Rhino is probably the nukiest thing I've seen, and if you are a bird without evade...I don't think you'll have 4 seconds to wait for maximum damage. + If you don't time it right, you'll just waste those skills.

04-18-2015, 12:53 PM
True, but a 18 nuke bird, tactically will beat all 18 hippoes, repulse root break combo. = a gg.

04-18-2015, 06:38 PM
Glad to see people doing 18 bird after all forg and hallow. Haven't seen 1 Toy Bird at 18 like the good ol days, but that's understandable :( Cus fogue frightened everybody away cus everybody knows he's so pro & nobody can stop him cus he's unbeatable & totally awesome.
I started today re-doing toy at 18 on Fogue & I'm pretty OP