View Full Version : Game Option Question

04-08-2015, 09:24 PM
Sorry for this noob question



What is that option function? I try to check and uncheck but nothing different with game interface, anyone can give an example hows that option work?

Also about Pixel Double, ppl said that if u check that option your game will work smoother is it true? Bcoz i think theres no different when use pixel double or not, except the graphic is full of tiny squares lol.


04-08-2015, 10:17 PM
I've never seen the first one so it must be brand new. And I'm not sure on the second one... maybe it disables the pinch-to-zoom control?

Pixel double I think only deals with graphical lag so if your device has a pretty poor graphics processor, you can double the pixel sizes to lower the amount of grapical data being processed and to improve performance. I don't think it touches the server communications.

04-08-2015, 10:19 PM
*Enable player context outside a town*
Allows you to inspect a player when you are in a map/dungeon that is not a town. If you uncheck this one you wont be able to inspect anyone outside a town.
(Have you ever sent trade to someone by mistake while running wt4 or any other map? This will stop that xD )

*Disable camera effects*
This option makes the camera stop moving when u first know a npc.
Idk how to explain it very good but example when you see for first time the bard or a beastmaster guy, the camera moves and focus on the npc :)

Hope this helps, good luck

04-08-2015, 10:57 PM
*Enable player context outside a town*
Allows you to inspect a player when you are in a map/dungeon that is not a town. If you uncheck this one you wont be able to inspect anyone outside a town.
(Have you ever sent trade to someone by mistake while running wt4 or any other map? This will stop that xD )

*Disable camera effects*
This option makes the camera stop moving when u first know a npc.
Idk how to explain it very good but example when you see for first time the bard or a beastmaster guy, the camera moves and focus on the npc :)

Hope this helps, good luck

like mini cutscenes

04-08-2015, 10:59 PM
Always wondered about the camera one! Thanks!

04-09-2015, 05:05 AM
Always wondered about the camera one! Thanks!


04-09-2015, 06:27 AM
Pixel double helps improve framerate by lowering the graphics.

04-09-2015, 06:30 AM
Disable the camera effects option....then go into pvp and die

Now uncheck that box and die ^_^

You'll see the difference

04-10-2015, 12:54 PM
Finally I understand. Thanks!