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View Full Version : Is It Possible to Suspend this Guys Account?

05-22-2010, 02:46 PM
Okay so some if you may know already but Ardalani has been scamming any and everybody. But today he took it to a new level to scam and then spam. I've sat back after he scammed me last week and continued to watch innocent pl'ers lose their hard earned and valuable items. As a military police officer it disgusts me to see a person or probably in this case a child take pride in blatently stealing and spamming his thievery and justifying it by saying it's legal. You will find an attached screen shot of spamming. If nothing is done then oh well, but atleast the community knows now. And as GI Joe always said, knowing is half the battle....lol


05-22-2010, 02:48 PM
It is legal.
It is technically not rule breaking.

Do I think he should be banned?


05-22-2010, 02:50 PM
I agree it is not because you are warned but when you start spamming you are technically violating the code of
conduct policy.

05-22-2010, 03:02 PM
I think, yes.

But again, the proper place for this is support@spacetimestudios.com

05-22-2010, 03:56 PM
Okay so some if you may know already but Ardalani has been scamming any and everybody. But today he took it to a new level to scam and then spam. I've sat back after he scammed me last week and continued to watch innocent pl'ers lose their hard earned and valuable items. As a military police officer it disgusts me to see a person or probably in this case a child take pride in blatently stealing and spamming his thievery and justifying it by saying it's legal. You will find an attached screen shot of spamming. If nothing is done then oh well, but atleast the community knows now. And as GI Joe always said, knowing is half the battle....lol


Dude, these are virtual items. You make it sound as if he robbed someones house.

05-22-2010, 04:53 PM
Banned has a point too =/

05-22-2010, 05:07 PM
^^^^ Seriously, how old are you, regardless of what it is virtual or not ppl spent time acquiring these items, and to stand by and say oh well it's only virtual items is a slap in the face to any honest person in the game. Then to spam that they take pride in in it because nothing can be done is adding insult to injury, I feel sorry for the weekend warrior pl'ers who do this for fun and get taken advantage of by a 10yo kid.

05-22-2010, 06:30 PM
Its not stealing. Its a gifting system.

It may be immoral but certainly not illegal.

Just wait for secure trade.

05-22-2010, 06:38 PM
I agree with you Uriyah 100%
They have suspended accounts for spamming/scamming so I do believe its a little more serious then "immoral"

05-22-2010, 07:52 PM
^^^^ Seriously, how old are you, regardless of what it is virtual or not ppl spent time acquiring these items, and to stand by and say oh well it's only virtual items is a slap in the face to any honest person in the game. Then to spam that they take pride in in it because nothing can be done is adding insult to injury, I feel sorry for the weekend warrior pl'ers who do this for fun and get taken advantage of by a 10yo kid.

I'm not saying it's right. Far from it. But your really over exaggerating the situation. The devs gave the warning, and if you didn't listen, then it's your own fault. And how old am I? Your the one getting pissy over a video game.

05-22-2010, 08:00 PM
Yea just send a screenshot to the devs next time. No point starting a thread and ultimately an argument of good vs evil.


05-22-2010, 08:17 PM
Yeah, I'm just gonna stop here. I'd rather not get kicked straight down the pit of banism by Justg again. :p

05-22-2010, 08:24 PM
blah, when i met him in towne, it was quite obvious that he was a scammer....

Killer Sandcrab
05-22-2010, 09:51 PM
As far as I'm concerned, this kind of behavior is plain old-fashioned immature griefing, which is usually against the Terms of Service for most online games, and should be for Pocket Legends as well... Even if it's obvious that he's a scammer to most, it may not be for newer players and the kind of garbage he was pulling in that screenshot was just irritating to the other players around, and that's all he plays the game for. To pester other players.


((And also, hey! I'm in that screenie! =P))

05-23-2010, 11:16 AM
I agree with you Uriyah 100%
They have suspended accounts for spamming/scamming so I do believe its a little more serious then "immoral"

Roflmfao!!! Ppl ppl ppl you do you know your playing on a iphone,iPad,itouch right? You do know its a game right? Your life isn't this game is it? You do know ppl don't care about morals and words and if they annoy on a pixelated game right?? If any of the things that happen to you in a video game bother you this much then really take this advice to heart, get some SERIOUS counseling and rejoin reality. A game by definition is for entertainment not to argue not to fight or say this and that GAME not real GAME not real say that over and over lol. There's no point to get mad about anything in it unless you die, and even then it's your fault lol. YOU do whatever it is that makes you mad to yourself.

05-24-2010, 08:54 AM
Yea but it IS still stealing "time" from people and that's the most important thing of all...

05-24-2010, 09:14 AM
havent encountered that dude yet but i sure hope that they would ban/suspend him.. but then its still easy to make another account esp for scamming purposes. :/

05-24-2010, 11:17 AM
The ban is by your device and whatever IP address belongs to your iPhone/itouch/ipad, so making a new account wouldn't work. At least that's my understanding on the banning method

05-24-2010, 02:37 PM
Yea but it IS still stealing "time" from people and that's the most important thing of all...

How is it stealing time when you GAVE it to them? YOU did it, you gave it to them. Go read that new scammer thread in traders threads haha that should help a lot of you out. The DEVS messed up ok, but what can do, the button says give they implied trade when they released it, but they should have said you can give items if you want, that is no form of trade at all...if you don't understand this post then theres no hope for you at all lol.

05-24-2010, 02:51 PM
Ok so we get the part that it is just a game, but obviously some people are too immature or are are lacking the trait of quality character to realize that when you take something regardless if it is a game or not, it is stealing, people give under the false pre tense of receiving something in return, once again immaturity and age may be lacking in some of these peoples theories. So when you do not receive something back you are technically stealing, despite the heeded warning of be careful who you give items to. So for all of the little kids and immature people on here, it is summed up in one line, if you agree to give something to someone in exchange for another item and don't fulfill your end of the agreement, it is stealing plain and simple

05-24-2010, 03:17 PM
I don't understand the stealing part i guess, it says give..how can you steal something when you gave it to them? Because you had a verbal agreement? Oh no better yet a typed agreement on a game? I understand the theory of theft i do..but they just don't get it is pointless to post it..and if ppl are getting banned for it shame on the devs, really...the people who did it... did nothing wrong besides take what was given to them, if they said they would give something back, well what can ya say. I've said things to ppl that i didn't mean, so i assume it's 5x easier in a game, but really it was never in the game anywhere..stated as trade. It's like beating a brick wall though lol no matter how many times ppl say it...it'll never sink in.

05-24-2010, 03:37 PM
So for all of the little kids and immature people on here, it is summed up in one line, if you agree to give something to someone in exchange for another item and don't fulfill your end of the agreement, it is stealing plain and simple

i so agree with you...

05-24-2010, 04:01 PM
So let's just get this right, you meet me at my house and say hey I'll give u my iPhone and xbox 360 for your ipad, and i say sure it's a deal, I give you the ipad and you run out of my house! That's not stealing is it?

05-24-2010, 04:21 PM
So let's just get this right, you meet me at my house and say hey I'll give u my iPhone and xbox 360 for your ipad, and i say sure it's a deal, I give you the ipad and you run out of my house! That's not stealing is it?

You don't seem to understand that the devs have warned us about this being just a GIFTING system, not a trading system. It's your own fault if you get jacked in this GAME.

I put emphasis on the GAME for a reason btw.

05-24-2010, 04:32 PM
Once again you must be 12 because, morals are morals regardless of a game or in person.

05-24-2010, 04:35 PM
Hey hey people I don't understand why anyone is arguing over this! Here is something I think we can all agree on:

1. Trading is not secure, so the system will be abused
2. Anyone who scams is a jerk and deserves a swift kick in the behind

There, now can't we just all be friends?

05-24-2010, 04:40 PM
Uriyah, what kind of mature person acts as though stealing a non-existant item is a crime? Think about it, the system will be secure this week, stop complaining.

05-24-2010, 04:41 PM
*sigh* I tried.

05-24-2010, 04:47 PM
*sigh* I tried.

It's just that, I don't think scamming is cool. It's horrid and I wish all scammers would just explode from the inside out, but he's overracting to something that's already fixed, still in the review process of course. And he's calling people immature when he's getting pissy over a game. It's just stupid.

05-24-2010, 04:49 PM
This argument has nothing to do with the gifting system. We all understand that is not a secure trading system. However, you realize that people use this to trade items, correct? The problem is with verbal (typed) commitments between players. Some people are just not trustworthy and are taking advantage of the fact that it took so long to implement a trading system (which will hopefully arrive soon, and this is entire argument is moot).

It doesn't matter if you have real property or digital property, if someone takes it from you despite having an agreement that they will give something back, it is theft/scamming/stealing/swindling. The only difference is that in real life, you can do something about it. I realize that it is the player's choice to give the item to someone, and that if they cannot trust the person they shouldn't do it. But between the releases of gifting and trading, there should have been some sort of defense against this. But again, this argument won't matter for much longer, so I urge that people not get too worked up about it.

05-24-2010, 04:58 PM
This argument has nothing to do with the gifting system. We all understand that is not a secure trading system. However, you realize that people use this to trade items, correct? The problem is with verbal (typed) commitments between players. Some people are just not trustworthy and are taking advantage of the fact that it took so long to implement a trading system (which will hopefully arrive soon, and this is entire argument is moot).

It doesn't matter if you have real property or digital property, if someone takes it from you despite having an agreement that they will give something back, it is theft/scamming/stealing/swindling. The only difference is that in real life, you can do something about it. I realize that it is the player's choice to give the item to someone, and that if they cannot trust the person they shouldn't do it. But between the releases of gifting and trading, there should have been some sort of defense against this. But again, this argument won't matter for much longer, so I urge that people not get too worked up about it.

I totally agree, there should have been some sort of defense against this. But guess what, there wasn't, and that's why the devs gave a warning on the forums AND in-game. You took the risk, because that's what it is with this system, a risk, and if you got your item scammed, then you should re-think about who you "trade" with.

You do have a great point though so I commend you for that. It's all about your perspective on video game morality when it comes to talking about this system. Secure trading can't come soon enough.

05-24-2010, 05:03 PM
Hey.. I'm Scamming, your Scamming... Everybody's Scamming!

05-24-2010, 06:01 PM
This argument has nothing to do with the gifting system. We all understand that is not a secure trading system. However, you realize that people use this to trade items, correct? The problem is with verbal (typed) commitments between players. Some people are just not trustworthy and are taking advantage of the fact that it took so long to implement a trading system (which will hopefully arrive soon, and this is entire argument is moot).

It doesn't matter if you have real property or digital property, if someone takes it from you despite having an agreement that they will give something back, it is theft/scamming/stealing/swindling. The only difference is that in real life, you can do something about it. I realize that it is the player's choice to give the item to someone, and that if they cannot trust the person they shouldn't do it. But between the releases of gifting and trading, there should have been some sort of defense against this. But again, this argument won't matter for much longer, so I urge that people not get too worked up about it.

See like beating a brick wall, this isn't or will it ever be a real life situation, to say whats happening here is the same as real life situations is sad...im sorry i don't agree with you when you say digital property..WTF really?? What property did you spend money on? The game was free...the drop you got was given to you (time is costly, but come on), now the only way i would agree with you on it being theft would be if you gave that person your account info and they changed all your info so you couldn't access it anymore...the button clearly states give, now you say "I'll give you this IF you give me that" and they log off after you give them the item first..besides time (which is what your wasting if you logged that many hrs into a drop and handed it first without it being secure and going off trust to someone you never knew..) what exactly was stolen from you?? Am i suppose to break down call the what?... Digital cops on them ohh no ohh no I gave this one digital person my loot and they said they would give me this but just vanished..HELP HELP!! To say that what is being done here is anything like theft....wow just wow lol. Then your saying they should have prevented it from the start, they did by letting you read the button that says GIVE lol. Like ya said though its all moot when secure comes out. Banned really? Do you really believe there is such a thing as video game morality? I'm not asking to fight im asking in all honesty.

05-24-2010, 06:17 PM
Can't believe the scammers are already all over this game! Wow. Some people.

05-24-2010, 07:22 PM
Sweet must be one of em, I'm don trying to explain morals, I guess another kid with his moms iPhone and now computer ruins the experience for others.

05-25-2010, 09:43 AM
Sweet must be one of em, I'm don trying to explain morals, I guess another kid with his moms iPhone and now computer ruins the experience for others.

Morals in a video game.....lmao when your ready I'll send ya a number to a good therapist, when you want to rejoin the real world. I'm sorry if this offends ppl but ppl come to play games to get away...be what they wanna be not have MORALS lol in a video game my god has it really come down to ppl being so scared to face life they play out there life in a video game??? Anyhow I'll stop i guess i just didnt know ppl became the game that bad that they have to think feelings and thoughts should be rp'ed through pixels. But thanks at the same time for making me realize why i stoped playing games like WoW and mmos of any kind, because ppl think they should represent real life things like...morals and situations based on real life facts give me a break lol it's a game plain and simple that's all i take it as. Gl to you though.

05-25-2010, 09:47 AM
Morals in a video game.....lmao when your ready I'll send ya a number to a good therapist, when you want to rejoin the real world. I'm sorry if this offends ppl but ppl come to play games to get away...be what they wanna be not have MORALS lol in a video game my god has it really come down to ppl being so scared to face life they play out there life in a video game??? Anyhow I'll stop i guess i just didnt know ppl became the game that bad that they have to think feelings and thoughts should be rp'ed through pixels. But thanks at the same time for making me realize why i stoped playing games like WoW and mmos of any kind, because ppl think they should represent real life things like...morals and situations based on real life facts give me a break lol it's a game plain and simple that's all i take it as. Gl to you though.

Did someone piss in your captain crunch? Or did you just wake up and decide to be an ***?

05-25-2010, 09:53 AM
Morals in a video game.....lmao when your ready I'll send ya a number to a good therapist, when you want to rejoin the real world. I'm sorry if this offends ppl but ppl come to play games to get away...be what they wanna be not have MORALS lol in a video game my god has it really come down to ppl being so scared to face life they play out there life in a video game??? Anyhow I'll stop i guess i just didnt know ppl became the game that bad that they have to think feelings and thoughts should be rp'ed through pixels. But thanks at the same time for making me realize why i stoped playing games like WoW and mmos of any kind, because ppl think they should represent real life things like...morals and situations based on real life facts give me a break lol it's a game plain and simple that's all i take it as. Gl to you though.

You are an idiot - a complete moron. You're trying to be the mature, above the rest character but uve missed the point its NOT about the fact it's morales "in a video game" morales are morales regardless