View Full Version : Player Stalls?

05-22-2010, 06:50 PM
I know auction house is on the release schedule, but how about the ability for players to open stalls from their characters to sell items? Then whenever in town, if you click a player that is in 'stall' mode, a list of items the player has for sale would be displayed, along with a picture of the customer's character, so that the customer could 'try on' the item before they buy.

Possibly some button added, like the 'new game' button for 'enter stall' or something, to ensure that stalls can only be opened while in town.

Also, maybe in stall mode, only items that a player has set a price on should be displayed, instead of a player having to click for sale or not for sale, etc.

To avoid excess graphics, when a player is in stall mode, their name could be changed from the default color.

I dunno, just brain storming!