View Full Version : Elondrian Rifle STILL Roots Through Stun Immunity!

04-16-2015, 10:28 PM
Hello Developers,

Despite multiple fixes, Elondrian Rifle still roots through stun immunity effects like: Juggernaut, Mage Shield, Razor Shield, & Nekro Shield. Casting the skills before or after root do NOT remove the root effects of this gun despite so called fixes to this proc.

On top of this, there is no immunity for this proc so players can stack a team of mages with these guns and keep the entire team rooted for ages making PvP very luck based on the proc.

Please fix this...it's be unresolved for months despite developers stating that it in fact has been resolved.

04-16-2015, 11:52 PM
The gun hardly roots in PVP i believe DEV remove the root % in PVP.... irregardless single mage or stack

Root is not Stun why should it be immune? player can still shoot arrows or mage still cast light and FB

04-17-2015, 02:13 AM
Gun roots very much in pvp lol

04-17-2015, 02:55 AM
well..., even in dota, magic-immune units can still be bashed, and it never becomes a problem...

i consider player's skill is tightly related to action per minute, and mage have to do normal attack to root (when most pvp players say dodge are useless because most don't do normal attacks), okay it is based on luck, but still the mage have to quick enough to insert normal/charged attack between spells which is not so easy.

i think the problem is just the duration, root duration in pve and pvp should be different to make perma-stun almost impossible in pvp.

04-17-2015, 03:43 AM
I just played a match of tdm, I couldnt do anything considering everytime that mage came into contact with me I got rooted because of that blasted gun. It gets annoying.

04-17-2015, 07:34 PM
Who roots you?

04-17-2015, 11:09 PM
well..., even in dota, magic-immune units can still be bashed, and it never becomes a problem...

i consider player's skill is tightly related to action per minute, and mage have to do normal attack to root (when most pvp players say dodge are useless because most don't do normal attacks), okay it is based on luck, but still the mage have to quick enough to insert normal/charged attack between spells which is not so easy.

i think the problem is just the duration, root duration in pve and pvp should be different to make perma-stun almost impossible in pvp.

You can stack these guns which makes it a very annoying thing to fight against in PvP. It was already verified as a glitch that was never properly fixed. All I am asking is for developers to fix it properly this time.

You no longer need a rogue anymore in clashes because there are 2 tanks and 3 mages who perma-root the other team. Stun immunities, which should work against it, do not and this creates the current situation that we have now.

04-18-2015, 02:20 AM
As much as I hate being rooted, I think it should stay considering that they are the weaker class of pvp and who knows when mages will get their balance buff.

04-18-2015, 07:36 AM
As much as I hate being rooted, I think it should stay considering that they are the weaker class of pvp and who knows when mages will get their balance buff.

Mages are pretty fine as is. There's another little glitch that I'll bring up at some point soon that will benefit them quite a bit. On equal gear it's now very possible to kill a rogue and used to be alright with warrior too before the unintended axe buff happened that'll probably stay as is for quite some time if not forever.

Now generally, weapon procs used to override stun immunity anyway. But since they attempted to fix that for maul and the elondrian gun, they might've changed their minds about that.

04-18-2015, 10:31 AM
Root proc works fine according to me. Doesnt proc enough for 3 mages to spam auto-attack and root-lock mobs/players and doesnt spam too rarely. Root proc is fine it should stay at is.

I can show you footage where every single clash, a Mage procs gun and there's no way to prevent yourself from getting hit by it.

A broken mechanic should not be considered balance.

Sorcerers did get their balance buff - stun immunity. They're now capable of killing other classes. If they cannot, I would place blame on gear or lack of skill.

Weapon procs used to override the 7 second stun immunity rule which is OKAY. However, they did not override any stun immunity skills like Jugg, Nekro Shield, etc.

04-19-2015, 06:22 PM
Developers probably won't do anything with this, especially since you are not stunned. I can tell you that the elon gun procs every so often, but it still comes down to how good or bad your team is. I've been on a team of mages with Elon guns and still lost.....There are a lot of things in pvp that need to be rethought, but this is probably not high on the totem pole (if at all). Simply finding a proc annoying is not sufficient enough reason to change.

There has to be a widespread problem where one group is killing everyone with reckless abandon. The way you have described it makes it sound that way, but in reality it's not.

Just my humble opinion.

04-19-2015, 07:04 PM
There has to be a widespread problem where one group is killing everyone with reckless abandon. The way you have described it makes it sound that way, but in reality it's not.

This is exactly what a group of players do in an organized clash. Instead of keeping teams balanced on both sides, the team will give up a rogue for a mage w/ elo gun & curse. Behold, root galore!

04-19-2015, 07:50 PM
I can show you footage where every single clash, a Mage procs gun and there's no way to prevent yourself from getting hit by it.

A broken mechanic should not be considered balance.

Sorcerers did get their balance buff - stun immunity. They're now capable of killing other classes. If they cannot, I would place blame on gear or lack of skill.

Weapon procs used to override the 7 second stun immunity rule which is OKAY. However, they did not override any stun immunity skills like Jugg, Nekro Shield, etc.

Are they done balancing? I thought it was still the in works and more balances were being determined.

04-19-2015, 08:56 PM
Are they done balancing? I thought it was still the in works and more balances were being determined.
If they do any more i think it will be too much.
I can kill most evenly geared rogues, 50-50 with equally geared and skilled, and some higher geared ones if they underestimate me or have no idea how to play.

Wars on the other hand......
Wars now can keep a mage at 827 armor(mythic ring, armor, helm, talisman, expe gun) for a good duration of the fight. Also, wars tend to skill cancel me enough for it to be very noticeable and effective. Tanks now with legendary gear can easily take me down without competition... at least before I would win 80% of the time because of gear.

Back to the topic at hand:
Overall I think an immunity should be placed on these weapons however, they should be able to work around stun immunity to keep some value. Perhaps in pvp they can also shorten the duration of the root.

04-19-2015, 10:55 PM
Let's keep it real here. Rogues are still way more op than mages. The elondrian gun root does not prevent you from attacking or healing. It works the same way as crawly's AA.

You can't ask sts to remove the root from this gun without totally trashing this weapon. Removing root essentially is asking them to remove the 25% armor defuff as well and that was surely intended to work in pvp. Further, you must remember we were given that proc during a time that mages were getting stepped on by warriors. It allows us some breathing room.

While rooted, rogues cant get to packs...in clashes tanks wont be able to heal the whole party ;-;

04-20-2015, 12:05 AM
Let's keep it real here. Rogues are still way more op than mages. The elondrian gun root does not prevent you from attacking or healing. It works the same way as crawly's AA.

You can't ask sts to remove the root from this gun without totally trashing this weapon. Removing root essentially is asking them to remove the 25% armor defuff as well and that was surely intended to work in pvp. Further, you must remember we were given that proc during a time that mages were getting stepped on by warriors. It allows us some breathing room.

If that is the case, why are rogues swapped for sorcerers in nearly every clash?

It does not work the same as crawly's AA. Crawly's AA adheres to stun immunity rules and will fail if there's a stun immunity buff in play.

I am NOT asking for STG to remove the root from this gun without totally trashing this weapon - I am asking for them to fix the glitched override on stun immunity spells that the gun currently gives. What's the use of a stun immunity spell if I can still be rooted? Let us not exaggerate - developers have acknowledged that this was an unintentional glitch. I am just asking for them to properly fix the prior attempt for this bug.

Sorcerers are no longer weak by any means and certainly shouldn't be given a glitched gun as a means of balance. Weapons are not balancing scales, but skills are. What will happen when the next mythic weekend comes along and the elondrian gun is outdated?

The root proc does have a lot of range and it can spread from target to target. Each target it hits has a chance of spreading to the next target. This can cause an entire team to be rooted at once & then for the effect to be applied over and over - something which happens in PvP all too much when stacking of mages occurs. Let us not even mention that one can be rooted and then pushed back or axed whilst being rooted.

04-20-2015, 12:11 AM
Let's keep it real here. Rogues are still way more op than mages. The elondrian gun root does not prevent you from attacking or healing. It works the same way as crawly's AA.

You can't ask sts to remove the root from this gun without totally trashing this weapon. Removing root essentially is asking them to remove the 25% armor defuff as well and that was surely intended to work in pvp. Further, you must remember we were given that proc during a time that mages were getting stepped on by warriors. It allows us some breathing room.

If that is the case, why are rogues swapped for sorcerers in nearly every clash? The AOE damage sorcerers now produce is similar to that of a rogue and w/ a gun that can be stacked and ignore stun immunity, it's a no brainer what class is of more use in PvP.

It does not work the same as crawly's AA. Crawly's AA adheres to stun immunity rules and will fail if there's a stun immunity buff in play.

I am NOT asking for STG to remove the root from this gun without totally trashing this weapon - I am asking for them to fix the glitched override on stun immunity spells that the gun currently gives. What's the use of a stun immunity spell if I can still be rooted? Let us not exaggerate - developers have acknowledged that this was an unintentional glitch. I am just asking for them to properly fix the prior attempt for this bug.

Sorcerers are no longer weak by any means and certainly shouldn't be given a glitched gun as a means of balance. Weapons are not balancing scales, but skills are. What will happen when the next mythic weekend comes along and the elondrian gun is outdated?

The root proc does have a lot of range and it can spread from target to target. Each target it hits has a chance of spreading to the next target. This can cause an entire team to be rooted at once & then for the effect to be applied over and over - something which happens in PvP all too much when stacking of mages occurs. Let us not even mention that one can be rooted and then pushed back or axed whilst being rooted.

04-20-2015, 06:17 PM
That SnS thing is ridiculous, we should be able to do it with all pets.......

04-20-2015, 08:09 PM
Looks like rogues had their shine time in PvP, its the era of the mages now sonny boy(jk). Anyways, rogues still have the upper hand in a 1v1 situation, all you need to do is aim and nox a mage and its good game. Also, clash means most enemies will be in one spot. Its only reasonable to ask for a mage.. Rogues override any armor buff nowadays so fast anyways, let mages compete in PvP. There's bigger issues to be fixed at the moment.

04-20-2015, 08:13 PM
I'm at a loss for words. There's a million and one bugs in this game and this is where you guys wanna campaign? I think we should first look at why multiple sns arcane abilities are able to stack. This is a major oversight and if anyone says the words "exclusive" I'm gonna puke. If 5 samael AAs are activated at one time, you don't get a super panic. You lose 4 AAs and they go to waste. Same goes for singe, nekro and maridos. Then why is it that 5 players on the same team can activate 5 sns AAs at the same time to create an unbearable environment that nobody can survive? This is the reality of ctf for the past year Zeus and you're on the delivering end of that punishment. I think this should be a more pressing issue instead of a random proc that may or may not happen.

And from what I've witnessed, people don't swap out for mages, they swap out for more sns.

Forgive me if this comes across as a thread hijack but i just wanted to use that as an example.

Going back to my original comment, our root proc has a 25% debuff and that is not something that anyone can have immunity from or be able to clear.

You're looking for a glitch as a means of balance...that shouldn't ever happen. It's been acknowledged as a glitch and only a matter of time before it is fixed.

04-21-2015, 02:23 PM
Carapace just informed me that this will be fixed on Thursday. Thanks Carapace, you're the man!

I just hope they do it in a way where immunity from root does not also cancel the armor debuff.

04-21-2015, 03:01 PM
Hello Developers,

Despite multiple fixes, Elondrian Rifle still roots through stun immunity effects like: Juggernaut, Mage Shield, Razor Shield, & Nekro Shield. Casting the skills before or after root do NOT remove the root effects of this gun despite so called fixes to this proc.

On top of this, there is no immunity for this proc so players can stack a team of mages with these guns and keep the entire team rooted for ages making PvP very luck based on the proc.

Please fix this...it's be unresolved for months despite developers stating that it in fact has been resolved.

MAGES GOT ROOT DOWN!!!!!! (http://www.metrolyrics.com/root-down-beastie-boys-ml-video-qzp.html)

04-21-2015, 06:04 PM
Happy for you Zeus since you are the top man in the forum (Tournament & Ladder Leader) ... you have your wish come true ... bye bye mage

04-22-2015, 01:29 PM
Happy for you Zeus since you are the top man in the forum (Tournament & Ladder Leader) ... you have your wish come true ... bye bye mage
I learned to give up with complaining about favoritism after they let people re-egg sns. It's really unfair I mean really unfair not cool at all.

04-22-2015, 01:53 PM
I thought that root was not a stun as you can still use your skills and attack. So it shouldn't be classified as a stun in the stun immunity.

04-22-2015, 02:05 PM
Nerf this buff that when will it end? Pretty soon we'll all be immune to everything rendering all procs and abilities useless. Let's just fight naked no pet bare hands. Probably be more fun at this point. I'm pretty sure root is not a stun or it would be called stun not root. I used a elo rifle for a long time and yes you can rely on the armor proc but the root is quite rare considering the consistency of other procs flying around in pvp. To my understanding a player can still spam skills under the effects of root. Stun is different entirely. Can't skill can't move. For eons mage class went w 0 stun immunity, no sooner do we get said immunity do ppl start noticing the effect our gear has now that we can actually play in pvp and get a few rounds off before we succumb to stacked sns pools, stuns and breeze freezes. If only my freeze could freeze like that -.-

04-22-2015, 02:23 PM
I thought that root was not a stun as you can still use your skills and attack. So it shouldn't be classified as a stun in the stun immunity.

A while back, STG classified root as a stun/movement impairment. I think people are getting the 7 second stun immunity confused w/ the stun immunity spells. I am stating that the root overrides the stun immunity spells. I have no issues w/ the root overriding the 7 second stun immunity as all procs are programmed to override the 7 second stun immunity.

This is the only thing being acknowledged as a bug and the only thing being fixed.

04-22-2015, 02:30 PM
I think i misunderstood. If this is a glitch then it needs to be fixed. Looked more like a nerf at first.

04-22-2015, 04:16 PM
When a player gets hit with a fireball lets say, a player gets STUNED. Meaning they cannot move or attack.

When the proc of elon gun goes off you get ROOTED. Meaning you just cant move around but you can still use your skills.

So we are clear there is a difference.

Now what ive read and seems like being implemented without the rest of the community having a say (other then a couple people) is that a root attack be considered a stun and that stuff like shields ect should be overriding it ?

This some kind of sick late april fools joke?

If a rogue gets rooted lets say with nekro.. whilst rooted you can still activate the pets shield or still use razorshield to protect themselves ect.

All root does is stop an enemy moving around.

At the moment there is more balance in classes due to recent fixes like the immunity added to mages shield (this shouldn't be classed as a buff but fix instead).

All this commotion has come about because now people want to whin about clashes because their guild dosnt have same number of mages with guns.

So instead of fixing the guild recruitment or making new friends, a campaign to "fix" something that isnt broken is being made on forums and from zeus post earlier already being implemented. ...

Why is there an open forum if not for discussions.

Might as well make a form website to just post a request and if a mod or developer likes you enough then you get your request.

Gun if t gets outdated then it does. At least there is new gear to aspire to.

Just because a rogue dosnt carry a gun dont cripple everyone elses game for benifit of a few people who do nothing but clash in pvp and moan because they bow losing and dont know what else to do.

Absolute joke.

04-22-2015, 05:38 PM
When a player gets hit with a fireball lets say, a player gets STUNED. Meaning they cannot move or attack.

When the proc of elon gun goes off you get ROOTED. Meaning you just cant move around but you can still use your skills.

So we are clear there is a difference.

Now what ive read and seems like being implemented without the rest of the community having a say (other then a couple people) is that a root attack be considered a stun and that stuff like shields ect should be overriding it ?

This some kind of sick late april fools joke?

If a rogue gets rooted lets say with nekro.. whilst rooted you can still activate the pets shield or still use razorshield to protect themselves ect.

All root does is stop an enemy moving around.

At the moment there is more balance in classes due to recent fixes like the immunity added to mages shield (this shouldn't be classed as a buff but fix instead).

All this commotion has come about because now people want to whin about clashes because their guild dosnt have same number of mages with guns.

So instead of fixing the guild recruitment or making new friends, a campaign to "fix" something that isnt broken is being made on forums and from zeus post earlier already being implemented. ...

Why is there an open forum if not for discussions.

Might as well make a form website to just post a request and if a mod or developer likes you enough then you get your request.

Gun if t gets outdated then it does. At least there is new gear to aspire to.

Just because a rogue dosnt carry a gun dont cripple everyone elses game for benifit of a few people who do nothing but clash in pvp and moan because they bow losing and dont know what else to do.

Absolute joke.

The thing is, this has already been "fixed" before but it was a failed attempt. This is just a correction at that attempt.

Roots are classified as movement impairing effects and things like Juggernaut, Razor Shield, or Nekro Shield are immune to movement impairing effects.

04-22-2015, 06:35 PM
The thing is, this has already been "fixed" before but it was a failed attempt. This is just a correction at that attempt.

Roots are classified as movement impairing effects and things like Juggernaut, Razor Shield, or Nekro Shield are immune to movement impairing effects.
Roots isnt a skill tho its a proc.

Procs based on "luck".

Im happy for your razor shield/nekro shield make you immune from a SKILL I can use and works every time like my fireball before curse attack...

If I get a lucky PROC after spamming the guns fire button god knows how many times then why shouldn't you stop running around for a few secs. You still can use your SKILLS and still immune to them which ever shield you choose to use.

Whats being askef for is an immunity to procs, shields are there to protect you from skills.

Nothing really should have been fixed unless the proc rate was abnormal or it wasnt doing ehat it says on the tin.

No mentions of immunity to procs anywhere so id say last time the development team did work on this it was a success rather then a fail.

If it really is that tough in those clashes and you need a mage feel free to call ^.^

04-22-2015, 07:11 PM
Roots isnt a skill tho its a proc.

Procs based on "luck".

Im happy for your razor shield/nekro shield make you immune from a SKILL I can use and works every time like my fireball before curse attack...

If I get a lucky PROC after spamming the guns fire button god knows how many times then why shouldn't you stop running around for a few secs. You still can use your SKILLS and still immune to them which ever shield you choose to use.

Whats being askef for is an immunity to procs, shields are there to protect you from skills.

Nothing really should have been fixed unless the proc rate was abnormal or it wasnt doing ehat it says on the tin.

No mentions of immunity to procs anywhere so id say last time the development team did work on this it was a success rather then a fail.

If it really is that tough in those clashes and you need a mage feel free to call ^.^

Stun immunity generated from skills is applicable to every single stun or movement impairment related proc, including maul. The only exception was gun and that was determined to be a glitch. It's been glitched from the start so why not just enjoy the time of having a glitched weapon and then be okay with it once it's fixed. The frost gun does not even allow for slow downs during stun immunity so that is a clear example that the gun was glitched.

It doesn't matter where the source of the movement impairment or stun is, the immunity generating skills protect you from all of them. The only thing that procs override is a 7 second stun immunity after being stunned. That, IMO, is more than fair.

Game mechanics clearly show this..

Anyways, what would happen when the gun is outdated? Players cannot look at glitches as a way of balance. Otherwise, what glitches should be judged to remain and what should not be?

If we want glitches to remain, then I would like my AS crit stacking for 10 seconds to return please.

04-22-2015, 07:42 PM
Stun immunity generated from skills is applicable to every single stun or movement impairment related proc, including maul. The only exception was gun and that was determined to be a glitch. It's been glitched from the start so why not just enjoy the time of having a glitched weapon and then be okay with it once it's fixed. The frost gun does not even allow for slow downs during stun immunity so that is a clear example that the gun was glitched.

It doesn't matter where the source of the movement impairment or stun is, the immunity generating skills protect you from all of them. The only thing that procs override is a 7 second stun immunity after being stunned. That, IMO, is more than fair.

Game mechanics clearly show this..

Anyways, what would happen when the gun is outdated? Players cannot look at glitches as a way of balance. Otherwise, what glitches should be judged to remain and what should not be?

If we want glitches to remain, then I would like my AS crit stacking for 10 seconds to return please.

Gun has been fine since day one.

And all its doing is impairing your ability to move... not disable your ability to use skills so it does matter where it comes from really as I cannot on que strike a proc.

If gun spawns roots every other shot then yeh thats a glitch.

If my gun says I have a chance to spawn roots which immobilises the target and also reduces the targets armor.. then my gun is working fine.

Does what it says on the tin.

If you can accept something like a proc overrides stun immunity rules then your a hypricite sir to campaign agaisnt roots vs shields.

Roots override movement abilities which is less usefull then complete stun immunities your happy for override any rules on.

This is all about your opinion on fairness and I wont sit here and let your annoyance of mag mages stacked in clashes killing your op n expensive characters backside dictate my game play which I put money into.

You know I will agree with you on topics Z when it is just and right.

This right here is nonsense and I do pray message gets out in time to stop any unnecessary changes being made to a perfectly fine weapon.

And when gun gets outdated like it should id hope to get hold of the bext best thing which like im sure so many are eagerly waiting for ^.^...

I want new gears I can go after that would be great. Frost gun if it also came with a frost shield armor of somesort to match the elon guns armor buff then imo would have been great competition between the two.

04-22-2015, 08:06 PM
Gun has been fine since day one.

And all its doing is impairing your ability to move... not disable your ability to use skills so it does matter where it comes from really as I cannot on que strike a proc.

If gun spawns roots every other shot then yeh thats a glitch.

If my gun says I have a chance to spawn roots which immobilises the target and also reduces the targets armor.. then my gun is working fine.

Does what it says on the tin.

If you can accept something like a proc overrides stun immunity rules then your a hypricite sir to campaign agaisnt roots vs shields.

Roots override movement abilities which is less usefull then complete stun immunities your happy for override any rules on.

This is all about your opinion on fairness and I wont sit here and let your annoyance of mag mages stacked in clashes killing your op n expensive characters backside dictate my game play which I put money into.

You know I will agree with you on topics Z when it is just and right.

This right here is nonsense and I do pray message gets out in time to stop any unnecessary changes being made to a perfectly fine weapon.

And when gun gets outdated like it should id hope to get hold of the bext best thing which like im sure so many are eagerly waiting for ^.^...

I want new gears I can go after that would be great. Frost gun if it also came with a frost shield armor of somesort to match the elon guns armor buff then imo would have been great competition between the two.

Procs never override stun immunity generated by spells/Nekro shield. Name me one weapon that does besides Elo gun. There is not even one...not even maul overrides it (a weapon infamous for overriding 7 second stun immunity which activates after being stunned).

04-22-2015, 08:22 PM
Procs never override stun immunity generated by spells/Nekro shield. Name me one weapon that does besides Elo gun. There is not even one...not even maul overrides it (a weapon infamous for overriding 7 second stun immunity which activates after being stunned).
And there isnt really any other pets like a sns or a nekro...

Point is that its unique which is also what makes epic ! No other gun like it for mage but one day will die out for something cooler just like top pets or gears.

But.lets not be attacking a weapons epicness an uniqueness, lets like you said earlier enjoy it whilst it lasts an until something new and better comes out... not tear it apart.

Sometimes I scream that the my gun is broken and never procs other times im blown away its like every shot bam.roots... this altho two extreme sides to the proc imo is a fun balance is not some glitch you wish to call it.

Im still saddend tbh to hear they will be changing it but I also dont want to keep in this debate as I am in to much of a loving/positive mood at the moment... just a lil heart broken changes being announced before getting a view across :(

Lets not kill uniqueness. As much as I might dispise say sns pools ability I can also appreciate its uniqueness and the efforts made by some to obtain such an incredible pet.

I try to keep my own basies out of matters that concern so many...

So you know im also sincere when I say if im on game or message me on line n im off work ill happyily join to have a giggle in a clash ^.^

But lets not however take that pvp rage out of the game and destroy a class with it using the forums as a blunt instrument.

1 <3

04-22-2015, 08:34 PM
And there isnt really any other pets like a sns or a nekro...

Point is that its unique which is also what makes epic ! No other gun like it for mage but one day will die out for something cooler just like top pets or gears.

But.lets not be attacking a weapons epicness an uniqueness, lets like you said earlier enjoy it whilst it lasts an until something new and better comes out... not tear it apart.

Sometimes I scream that the my gun is broken and never procs other times im blown away its like every shot bam.roots... this altho two extreme sides to the proc imo is a fun balance is not some glitch you wish to call it.

Im still saddend tbh to hear they will be changing it but I also dont want to keep in this debate as I am in to much of a loving/positive mood at the moment... just a lil heart broken changes being announced before getting a view across :(

Lets not kill uniqueness. As much as I might dispise say sns pools ability I can also appreciate its uniqueness and the efforts made by some to obtain such an incredible pet.

I try to keep my own basies out of matters that concern so many...

So you know im also sincere when I say if im on game or message me on line n im off work ill happyily join to have a giggle in a clash ^.^

But lets not however take that pvp rage out of the game and destroy a class with it using the forums as a blunt instrument.

1 <3

Hey B,

I get your point. However, can the same be said about other weapons? When LifeThief daggers used to deal a ridiculous amount of damage for the proc & it was a glitch, it got fixed as well. Sure, the daggers were unique but that didn't mean that the extreme damage wasn't a glitch.

The same concept should be applied here. If there was a glitch with rogue bows, I'd be the first to make a thread about it. I just believe that true balance is clearer when glitches are removed so we can see what really needs to be balanced and what doesn't need to be.

My two cents & I certainly respect the fact and reasons you have for not fixing this glitch.

04-22-2015, 08:41 PM
"Paper weapons are ok, but rock weapons are annoying nerf it"

-Scissor user

04-22-2015, 08:48 PM
"Paper weapons are ok, but rock weapons are annoying nerf it"

-Scissor user

Lol, I'm not asking for a nerf! I'm just asking for a proper fix on the last time developers tried to fix the glitched root. The armor debuff should still proc as usual but if I have a stun immunity spell up, why should I be rooted?

04-22-2015, 09:11 PM
Hey B,

I get your point. However, can the same be said about other weapons? When LifeThief daggers used to deal a ridiculous amount of damage for the proc & it was a glitch, it got fixed as well. Sure, the daggers were unique but that didn't mean that the extreme damage wasn't a glitch.

The same concept should be applied here. If there was a glitch with rogue bows, I'd be the first to make a thread about it. I just believe that true balance is clearer when glitches are removed so we can see what really needs to be balanced and what doesn't need to be.

My two cents & I certainly respect the fact and reasons you have for not fixing this glitch.

Well if the roots are stacking I cant see that being legit as once your rooted should be at leaat immune from being rooted again which would be a fair balance.

However as you are aware bud my technical skills are not as extensive.

If root is stacking and unfortunately I cannot vouch for this as I don't play enough with other mages on same team who use elon, then I would happily agree that it is right and should be at least looked into sorting as yeh unfair to be stacked over n over and not be able to move at all.

However maybe a player having immunity to being rooted again whilst under the influence of roots is what needs looking at.

That even I would agree shouldnt happen but same time never been in a situation to notice if this is the case.

Roots however itself are fine just way it is (aside any stacking glitches)

Having a shield or not shouldnt matter tho, if rooted then should be caught for those brief few seconds.

An if there are mages or teams are having to use this kind of exploit to get a kill in over you then id def take it as a compliment as I know from personal experience you certainty domt die easy nor often ^.^

04-22-2015, 09:22 PM
Well if the roots are stacking I cant see that being legit as once your rooted should be at leaat immune from being rooted again which would be a fair balance.

However as you are aware bud my technical skills are not as extensive.

If root is stacking and unfortunately I cannot vouch for this as I don't play enough with other mages on same team who use elon, then I would happily agree that it is right and should be at least looked into sorting as yeh unfair to be stacked over n over and not be able to move at all.

However maybe a player having immunity to being rooted again whilst under the influence of roots is what needs looking at.

That even I would agree shouldnt happen but same time never been in a situation to notice if this is the case.

Roots however itself are fine just way it is (aside any stacking glitches)

Having a shield or not shouldnt matter tho, if rooted then should be caught for those brief few seconds.

An if there are mages or teams are having to use this kind of exploit to get a kill in over you then id def take it as a compliment as I know from personal experience you certainty domt die easy nor often ^.^

Your solution is not a bad one and wouldn't mind if this were implemented instead (preventing stacking of roots from multiple guns, just as stacking of multiple SNS).

However, they should design it in s way that the immunity of root does not interfere with armor debuff. 25% armor loss is quite significant.

04-22-2015, 09:47 PM
Carapace just informed me that this will be fixed on Thursday. Thanks Carapace, you're the man!

I just hope they do it in a way where immunity from root does not also cancel the armor debuff.
Sorry to bring this post up but why did the dev pm Zeus instead of posting on this thread. Makes more sense if the dev posted it.

04-22-2015, 09:49 PM
Sorry to bring this post up but why did the dev pm Zeus instead of posting on this thread. Makes more sense if the dev posted it.
Because I sent a PM asking for the update on this thread.

04-22-2015, 11:17 PM
Your solution is not a bad one and wouldn't mind if this were implemented instead (preventing stacking of roots from multiple guns, just as stacking of multiple SNS).

However, they should design it in s way that the immunity of root does not interfere with armor debuff. 25% armor loss is quite significant.

Nothing wrong with the armor debuff at all -.-

Once rooted a mage only has a few seconds to make any use of the opportunity. Either dont attack during root whilst under influence of curse or use a stun attack or pet to immobilise the mage during root rendering it useless anyways.

I agree its unfair and it shouldnt stack and if it does then by all means that effect alone needs correcting ^.^

1 <3

04-23-2015, 03:00 AM
Nothing wrong with the armor debuff at all -.-

Once rooted a mage only has a few seconds to make any use of the opportunity. Either dont attack during root whilst under influence of curse or use a stun attack or pet to immobilise the mage during root rendering it useless anyways.

I agree its unfair and it shouldnt stack and if it does then by all means that effect alone needs correcting ^.^

1 <3

Think you misunderstood me bro. If they give root some immunity, the armor debuff goes with it since they're hand in hand. So my point is that the root immunity should not nerf the armor debuff if that makes sense.

04-23-2015, 06:12 AM
Think you misunderstood me bro. If they give root some immunity, the armor debuff goes with it since they're hand in hand. So my point is that the root immunity should not nerf the armor debuff if that makes sense.
Ahh yes I see what you mean bud, sorry was repling at like 4/5am last night >.<

The only immunity to roots should be to avoid it stacking.

So once your under roots influence you cant be rooted again untill the proc wears off first.

Things like the armor debuff or ability to root with shield on or off shouldn't effected.

Gun keeps its uniqueness and value whilst same time isnt so overpowered by having multiple elons in a team as it should be pointless if the proc dosnt stack.

Might even see more variety in what weapons get used xD