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View Full Version : No Interest in PVP

03-28-2011, 04:42 AM
What is multi touching?

Some devices allow more than 3 multi touch points on the screen with no cooldown on the touched point. It means you can touch all 4 skills at the same time. Either with 4 fingers or rapidly tapping all the skills and they would blast with the shortest span of time the server can possibly afford to give and that can be measured in nanoseconds.

The devs thought about this since those who use android devices barely have 2 multi touch points, it is both unfair for PvE farming and PvP. People who multi touch aren't doing anything illegal. It's a device advantage. But because of the fact that they can kill mobs faster and shoot their skills undoubtedly faster against other players, it's a given fact other players already have a disadvantage even if they only do PvE.

So enough of multi touching......

I am no PvP expert nor are my PvP stats are even worth looking at. Honestly though, I like to PvP once in a while, maybe my last 45-60 minutes from my daily 2-3 hour casual gaming. PvP to me makes the game more interesting, challenging and of course dramatic in a way. That's where you test your top notch gears, perfect builds and of course your knowledge of the whole game.

I am curious why a lot of people say they don't like PvP nor are they interested at all. Don't look at this the wrong way. I have a lot of friends who don't like PvP. Maybe when the devs read this and your comments, they may do something about the intended or tentative global cool-down.

Note: There are a couple of multi touch tester apps in both the android market and apple app store you can use for free if you wish to test your device's number of touch points and see cool-down from continuous tapping.

03-28-2011, 04:47 AM
I haven't even looked at PVP yet.

There's still so many things I'm still doing in PL that I'm not sure I'd be able to give it the attention it sounds like it needs, although this is only my non-PVP impression.

Would you be able to list some of the benefits that PVP would bring to my PL fun......

03-28-2011, 04:47 AM
I tried looking at multi-touching from both sides - I'm against it though, there shouldn't be a difference in PvP for Tablet/Phone sized devices, but wouldn't it just be like a PC console?

A stronger, faster computer has a higher advantage than a slower and weaker computer? Other than speed, what about, lets say keyboards?

Wouldn't a complex "bigger" keyboard which allows more macros (Tablets) have an advantage to a "smaller" and normal keyboard which only has the standard macros (Phones)?

Just a thought, but the GCD should take care of it ;)

03-28-2011, 04:53 AM
I haven't even looked at PVP yet.

Would you be able to list some of the benefits that PVP would bring to my PL fun......

I could give two just running through my head:

1. I had a pure INT mage in the past. I killed mobs like flies. In PvP, I was killed a fly. I learned why builds were important.
2. Catch the flag is a lot of fun. Specially when you get a goal against another team which is also your friends.

03-28-2011, 04:56 AM
i have tried recently a bit jumping in some pvp partys.. i dont know any rules or something, so that was my impression:
when u lag a second ur death immediatly..
when teams are unbalanced f.e. 1vs2 u may kill one but after the other kills u..
u have to rotate screen all the to c if someone is behind u.. thats annoing..
u dont become any reward.
playing some minutes its ok, but i got bored fast...

03-28-2011, 05:01 AM
i have tried recently a bit jumping in some pvp partys.. i dont know any rules or something, so that was my impression:
playing some minutes its ok, but i got bored fast...

That's why I an only play 1 hour max in PvP. I still get bored.

The only time I don't get bored is when a new map (quests) is out and items (new pinks) to grab are implementedstake. Once you get what you want or a lot of people already have it, all you need to do is wait few weeks and the prices will go down. You'll have it at 200-300k from previous 1M prices.

03-28-2011, 05:08 AM
That's why I an only play 1 hour max in PvP. I still get bored.

The only time I don't get bored is when a new map (quests) is out and items (new pinks) to grab are implementedstake. Once you get what you want or a lot of people already have it, all you need to do is wait few weeks and the prices will go down. You'll have it at 200-300k from previous 1M prices.

thats why i dont use any XP pots to grind to 56, dont buy any equip but try to loot mine or trade with equal valuable ones i got. so keeps me on playing. its hard in BS but not impossible.
its everyones own decision if to buy immediatly a set or waiting until its cheaper...

03-28-2011, 05:40 AM
I dont do pvp because im a lvl 56 bear and even though i have 173 armour a bird or mage can just press a few skills and im instantly dead. theres no thrill of a fight or any skill involved what fun is it running around trying to sneek up on an opponent just to be slaughtered in a couple of seconds one combo death. ive got a lvl 25 bird but a bear is better at that stage i just cant win. pvp sucks i know alot of you like pvp and the insta death but its only fun if your a bird or mage as for the bear its no fun getting kited because we have no ranged attack and the attacks we do have we dont get time to use them.

03-28-2011, 06:05 AM
I dont do pvp because im a lvl 56 bear and even though i have 173 armour a bird or mage can just press a few skills and im instantly dead. theres no thrill of a fight or any skill involved what fun is it running around trying to sneek up on an opponent just to be slaughtered in a couple of seconds one combo death. ive got a lvl 25 bird but a bear is better at that stage i just cant win. pvp sucks i know alot of you like pvp and the insta death but its only fun if your a bird or mage as for the bear its no fun getting kited because we have no ranged attack and the attacks we do have we dont get time to use them.

Honestly and I mean honestly, there's a couple of bears I hate to see in the same channel when I go PvP because I can't kill them every time even if I use all my skills. Yes they can and I've seen them do a hat trick (triple kill) like any class in the game. This is where you see how balanced the game is and how "skilled" they really are.

Being a bird and with these bear's high dodge, I need to root them first before my 4 damaging shots can actually get their HP to 3/4. I then use a wall after the KB and try to kill them with normal shots hoping that a few more normal attacks can kill them before their high H/s regens their HP back to my disadvantage. On the other hand, if a bear has a high dodge, the root/debuff still has a chance to miss because each class has it's own hit and crit levels controlled by different gears you wear. So if a bird/bear/mage concentrates on damage alone (PvE style), he or she is in fact a compromising survivability. It really takes a while of playing PvP to actually understand how to make your build work to your advantage.

This is me playing and not a top notch PvP player like those in leader boards.

To Add: Why do birds or mages sneak up on other people? Maybe because their builds and gears are meant purely to damage. If a pure tank did this, I don't see any reason why not and how it can be successful. Again, it's not like PvE that you expect mobs to shoot every one second and for other players to always come from the same direction. It's a skill based on knowledge of all the classes and the architecture of polygons in the map.

03-28-2011, 10:07 AM
Never PVP'ed before. I will try it after gcd is releasesd and see if I like it or not. It also doesn't help that I've heard some of the nastiest people in PL so their true colors in PvP.

03-28-2011, 11:12 AM
I hid my PvP numbers from my avatar page, but I will say them here, this once. 0 kills, 1 death. (I clicked "Join" to visit a friend, then entered the game to talk, and he killed me instead.) Why don't I PvP? I just don't. It's not my cup of tea. I have so little time to play, and so many things to do, I have to exclude some things, and PvP is one of them.