View Full Version : Lemon and lime bug testing

04-18-2015, 09:54 PM
Lemon and lime appears to have the potential to be a very good pet, especially for a mage with a lot of dot skills, although the arcane ability is seriously bugged at this time. It is hard to put a handle on how it is bugged, and i think this is because it behaves differently depending on which enemy you use it on, and also what skills you use on that enemy. I have tested it mostly in km3 and the wilds because this is where I like to level up pets and this is what I have found....

For some bosses and mobs the aa work perfectly. I found it to work properly for francisca in km3 and both of the gaurdians of the egg in the wilds. I also found it to work properly on the elite boss in elite forest and elite jarl.

For other bosses and mobs it is seriously flawed. This was true for harley and stonegrip in km3, the dragon boss and mobs (the salamander, spear guys, and caster) in the wilds, and mobs in elite forest (spear guys). When you first activate the aa, you will first see a green glow at the feet of the enemy to show that it is working. If you them use fireball (all upgrades), frost (dot and extended dot upgrades) or lightening (increased damave and increased damage on crit upgrades) the enemy immediately recieves immunity with the two green ovals rotating around its feet. Interestingly enough normal attacks with my gun (elondrian rifle) and time shift do not trigger the immunity, and the aa works on the enemy until time bomb for my time shift goes off, which also immediately triggers immunity.

If any of you also notice patterns, particulary with mobs or bosses i have not mentioned, with certain warrior or rogues skills, or in pvp, please post here so we can help the developers figure out the bug.


Edit here are some screenshots to help illustrate:

In this screenshot you can see that Harley is properly affected by the aa with a green glow under his feet, and i am getting health and mana with ticks of time.

Here Harley is immune, with two green ovals under his feet, with the immunity triggered by one of my other skills (I believe light in this case) before the aa times out on its own to trigger immunity.

04-18-2015, 10:10 PM
Lemon and lime appears to have the potential to be a very good pet, especially for a mage with a lot of dot skills, although the arcane ability is seriously bugged at this time. It is hard to put a handle on how it is bugged, and i think this is because it behaves differently depending on which enemy you use it on, and also what skills you use on that enemy. I have tested it mostly in km3 and the wilds because this is where I like to level up pets and this is what I have found....

For some bosses and mobs the aa work perfectly. I found it to work properly for francisca in km3 and both of the gaurdians of the egg in the wilds. I also found it to work properly on the elite boss in elite forest and elite jarl.

For other bosses and mobs it is seriously flawed. This was true for harley and stonegrip in km3, the dragon boss and mobs (the salamander, spear guys, and caster) in the wilds, and mobs in elite forest (spear guys). When you first activate the aa, you will first see a green glow at the feet of the enemy to show that it is working. If you them use fireball (all upgrades), frost (dot and extended dot upgrades) or lightening (increased damave and increased damage on crit upgrades) the enemy immediately recieves immunity with the two green ovals rotating around its feet. Interestingly enough normal attacks with my gun (elondrian rifle) and time shift do not trigger the immunity, and the aa works on the enemy until time bomb for my time shift goes off, which also immediately triggers immunity.

If any of you also notice patterns, particulary with mobs or bosses i have not mentioned, with certain warrior or rogues skills, or in pvp, please post here so we can help the developers figure out the bug.


Yeah, this pet is fully bugged on mobs, and most bosses just give you 2 ticks back.

And there's an armor reduction problem too. The aimed shot or axe buff is supposed to take precidence over LnL's debuff since the higher ones take over the lower buffs/debuffs. But if you use an aimed shot or axe throw debuff on a mob/boss, once the duration of aimed/axe throw is off LnL's debuff is also missing =/

04-19-2015, 03:20 AM
I can confirm that.

04-19-2015, 03:23 AM
It seems the AA doesnt work against mobs(usually, but works properly on the first time), and most bosses. The AA is bugged in pvp, just 2 ticks back and immunity triggered...

@ Patterns:

I guess its a heavy DMG move that triggers the immunity suddenly? - I've been noticing Nox + pierce make it work, but when i used Aim'd it triggered the immunity on a mob..

04-19-2015, 09:18 AM
Yeah it is very strange as not all attacks trigger the immunity, and not on all bosses. It is not the damage of the skill as time does not trigger the immunity until the clock explodes, and the initial damage of time is the same as frost and is higher than fire which both immediately trigger the immunity.

04-19-2015, 09:26 AM
Yeah it is very strange as not all attacks trigger the immunity, and not on all bosses. It is not the damage of the skill as time does not trigger the immunity until the clock explodes, and the initial damage of time is the same as frost and is higher than fire which both immediately trigger the immunity.

Yeah, heavy moves or criticals also triggers this on mobs, taking into consideration that I usually do score criticals the whole time hehe.

You know those kinds of episodes when too much energy creates a blast?
Yesterday in extra physics class, Our sir took some sort of rod and wet hit fingers a bit, then rubbed it. In a while i could hear some sounds and then it started to amplify, i told my sir to stop, he didnt and it created a small sonic boom. Yet it was painful lol - I guess too much damage is killing the functionality of the AA...

04-20-2015, 03:19 PM
Thanks for the report on this guys, we'll get a fix in for you later this week!

04-20-2015, 03:23 PM
The core abilities of the aa is hit reduction and armor reduction. Maybe what is triggering some of the immunity is the hit reduction on fireball, overriding it like axe throw, then triggering immunity.