View Full Version : Random Stat Generator for Items

03-28-2011, 11:50 AM
Remember your first pink item drop? Remember that glorious feeling of satisfaction? After playing for a bit of time now I'm starting to lose that feeling. Why? Because a lot of the 'legendary' items aren't that great and since there are all the same, not that special.


1. Random stat generators for items (doesn't have to be all items, just pinks is fine)
2. Items can a possess a random COMBINATION of str, dex, and int up to a pre-determined maximum

For example, every Wraith Armor of the Void in this game has the same stats: Wraith Armor of the Void Req: Level 50, 158 Dex 11 Dex, 3% Dodge, 8% Hit, 2% Crit, 1 H/s, 2 M/s, 41 Armor

Wouldn't it be cool if say my Wraith Armor gave 11 dex 8 str and 5 int and yours gave 11 dex, 11 str and 1 int or something like that?

After a while it seems like everyone is wearing the same thing or similar things and beyond their attributes and skill points each character starts looking like carbon copies. Lets change it up.

03-28-2011, 11:52 AM
Yeah I recommended that after playing DD, but sadly have not received any encouraging feedback from devs :(

03-28-2011, 11:54 AM
I personally don't like this idea. It'd lead to the possibility of very OP items. For example, if I loot a mega mage gemstone wand, and it's stats are random, I could end up with a wand with, let's say, 8 dodge, 12 dex, 4 MS, and tons of damage. It'd lead to a VERY unpredictable economy. Would also lead to overpowered items, and some worthless items.

Or am I misunderstanding?

03-28-2011, 01:30 PM
That's actually what I'm hoping for Mystical. As it stands the majority of 'legendary' items are fairly useless anyway. This would at least add a variable and would also make 'legendary' items unique. Am I the only one that's always a little dismayed that my 'legendary' item is exactly the same as everyone else's? Even if my item were worse at least I could get some lol out of it. 2H Gurgox Hammer with maximum INT?

03-28-2011, 01:36 PM
I'm with you.
As it stands, you can get the same stuff if you loot it or just buy it with gold.
Would be nice to have more of a reason to farm -- the possibility of getting a better item than you have, even if you already have the end-game gear.

03-28-2011, 01:51 PM
Exactly! I spent a while farming for a Djinn Wand of Thoth for my mage and once I got it there was almost no incentive to farm another. However, with some random variable you can keep farming in hopes of the finding the 'perfect' item.

Also, I can understand that the amount of server space necessary to have all of these individual items may be prohibitive but personally I'd rather have less pink items in favor of more varied, interesting and useful pinks.

So, basically I'm saying:

1) Random variable for pinks that makes them unique and gives more incentive to farm
2) Less pink, purple items in general. They should be rare, not the norm.

03-28-2011, 02:32 PM
weirdly my first (maybe second) pink was a Red scarab bow of horus in ao2 when i was like a lv37
someone wanted to buy it from me for 5k :P

i traded it for a thoth bow, and traded that for 220k