View Full Version : Junside Blog #1

03-28-2011, 07:42 PM
Can't blog yet and my topic is about a variety of topics so... = Blog!

This is a public forum so if you don't care, you don't have to read it. It's just digest. :)

Firstly, I'm a lazy farmer :p I joined random games that are half complete or somewhat started with an available slot. I'm going for bosses anyway. I don't see anything wrong with doing this.

Got a couple of pinks, but they're the cheap one, that only sell for around 60~70k.

Recently, people seem to quit in the middle of a game just because they died a few times. Rage quit! Happens most in BB Stronghold because some can't suck it up and try again. Pfft. So everyone leaves, and I solo my way through those corridors with the mobs and fire traps and invite a couple of friends to finish off King and Queen. Didn't die once.

Lately, I've been seeing games where at least one very low level joins and won't leave. Something like 18 to 24, in Sewers. They won't listen to my advice that they'll get the same amount of experience in AO, and they won't leave. So you let them stay... we don't feel optimal with one lacking. Something needs to be done about this. Vote to boot. Can be abused, but what isn't? We do the same thing in all other games. When I'm in an FPS game that requires teamplay, and one guy at the bottom is continuously feeding the opponent with kills, he has to go. Vote to boot must be implemented.

Oh.. and I guess I'll add that I've been stalking a couple of pvp opponents simply because he pissed me off with a dirty kill. -_- I'm 1v1 with someone, or not prepared to fight back and someone kills me. I think Leurmitch(sp?) probably hates my guts. I followed him into various games and starting farming him to death... He was like "Boot Junside please!!"


03-28-2011, 07:46 PM
i concur. with everything here. also, random games ftw

03-28-2011, 11:04 PM
Personally I think the players who can't take a few deaths started a lot earlier than BS.

Maybe Swamps? Also, of course, Ao3, FN, different Ao2 levels, Ao1 when you could trigger multiple bosses, Shadow Caves.
Oh, basically anywhere where they can die. They shake like the chickens they are and leave. LOL.

03-29-2011, 01:20 AM
Stalking... pfft. I put em in a blacklist that 7 other people I know use...

They do get rather mad in towne... after a while.

03-29-2011, 01:24 AM
Recently, people seem to quit in the middle of a game just because they died a few times. Rage quit! Happens most in BB Stronghold because some can't suck it up and try again. Pfft. So everyone leaves, and I solo my way through those corridors with the mobs and fire traps and invite a couple of friends to finish off King and Queen. Didn't die once.

that dont happened when u joined my hosts ;)

03-29-2011, 01:33 AM
i joined a game walked up to some guy he failed i dodged all and he goes blacklisted -____-

03-29-2011, 09:13 AM
Egad this could be bad for me since I keep forgetting to plug in my iPod, and always endin up running out of battery when skills are flying at a boss...