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View Full Version : lvl 56 elite dungeon

03-29-2011, 12:57 AM
Devs spent months of hard work on this 1.7 update, and people start getting bored after one month. 1.7 is great, but just lack of some challenge. when we reach lvl56 after long time grinding, what else can we do? I'm surprised there's not any rewards for those people spent lots of hours to reach lvl56.

So here's my idea, to make a lvl56 elite dungeon which won't allow u to use health mana pots, elixers, but u can and only can loot elite lvl56 pink gears in those dungeons, low drop rate of course.

I know there's a lot of work to do to creat such a elite dungeon. But just take your time, save your best ideas in next lvl cap update, you can just simply copy the current BS dungeon and make mobs more health,armor,attack and boss more challenging. Yes,like shadow cave. But please, no 100% pink drop rate this time.

By doing this, you will finally see some hardcore players in town with awesome unique lvl56 gear(yes,it gotta be sick looking), and that doesn't affect casual players at all because they still can get their lvl55 gear in normal BS dungeon. Lvl56 gear won't have to be super overpower compared to lvl55s, just like death vs void, slightly better, but it tells you the difference, that u beat those elite dungeons and get rewarded.

And another thing i wanna mention is, the helm design in 1.7 is fail. I remember when i started this game i poped in Balefort and saw those ppl with overlord helm and kite shield of rift running around, i was like, those ppl are so sick looking! I wanna be one of them one day! Helms always attract eye balls more than anything, so pls make a sick looking helm in the future update.

03-29-2011, 02:50 AM
I think the campaign was fine, it's a good challenge getting to 56 and even after that training an alt to 56 maybe even the rest if ur bothered, but then after that there's farming, crafting, quests, and if you have done all of them and are still bored...make a new acc and level with the new players of PL, don't get powerlvled and go through every campaign...by then a new campaign should be out.

03-29-2011, 03:19 AM
oh come on, bored after one month?really?? this community never seems to change lol

03-29-2011, 04:57 AM
Hmm... I seem to recall there being some kind of Crown of Persistence as a reward for the 56 grind...
So at this point and time that is the 'sick looking' item that you can only get at 56...

Makes me kinda pleased I'm slowly making my way to 56 ... Made it to 55 without use of exp pots.... And allowing me time to do other things other than just 'grind away'...

I think devs have given us enough new content for the time being.. With pinks drops being as rare as they are ( I've only got 1 and it wasn't anything I could use ).

I suggest patience... All things in due course, eventually they may add some new content... But not so soon after the last addition, they are after all only humans (well maybe cyborgs)....

03-29-2011, 05:03 AM
I like the idea of the shadow caves dungeons, but I honestly thought the devs took the wrong approach. I think if there were less mobs, a MUCH longer boss fights + multiple stages. With perhaps 20% drop chance on pinks and only re-do able once every week would keep the game fresh. Plus the devs could start off with one boss, and gradually add more with maybe a weapons boss, a chests boss ect would be minimal effort and most replayability IMO.

03-29-2011, 06:52 AM
If I powerleveled THREE characters to 56 I would get bored of BS too!! Slow down!! I also had three 50's and I got all to 55 then pushed one to 56, just so I could say I did it!! I was burnt with BS and being a Mage! But, I am taking my time with the other two!! Again slow down everyone, the devs gave us an awesome addition to an already great game!

Put it this way, Its like someone makes you the perfect cake for your birthday! Do you eat it as fast as possible! NO!! You freeze dry it and have a taste everyday til your next Bday!!

Hahahahahaha, Ummmmmm cake!!!!!!!!!! 

03-29-2011, 06:56 AM
we will always consume any content faster than devs could develop....
they gave us much to do IMO... when u did all u wanted to do in a month ok, take a break and come back when thers something new..
or is someone saying u MUST play PL! ;)

03-29-2011, 06:59 AM
I don't think we are going to see another elite dungeon for a while. Look at he level difference between shadow caves and frozen nightmares. They have to keep a pattern.

Also, why do you support them reusing old mobs and campaigns? I honestly think that is a killer for playability drive.

As for the helms, compared to the helms from 1-40, epic.

03-29-2011, 07:00 AM
Devs spent months of hard work on this 1.7 update, and people start getting bored after one month. 1.7 is great, but just lack of some challenge. when we reach lvl56 after long time grinding, what else can we do? I'm surprised there's not any rewards for those people spent lots of hours to reach lvl56.

So here's my idea, to make a lvl56 elite dungeon which won't allow u to use health mana pots, elixers, but u can and only can loot elite lvl56 pink gears in those dungeons, low drop rate of course.

I know there's a lot of work to do to creat such a elite dungeon. But just take your time, save your best ideas in next lvl cap update, you can just simply copy the current BS dungeon and make mobs more health,armor,attack and boss more challenging. Yes,like shadow cave. But please, no 100% pink drop rate this time.

By doing this, you will finally see some hardcore players in town with awesome unique lvl56 gear(yes,it gotta be sick looking), and that doesn't affect casual players at all because they still can get their lvl55 gear in normal BS dungeon. Lvl56 gear won't have to be super overpower compared to lvl55s, just like death vs void, slightly better, but it tells you the difference, that u beat those elite dungeons and get rewarded.

And another thing i wanna mention is, the helm design in 1.7 is fail. I remember when i started this game i poped in Balefort and saw those ppl with overlord helm and kite shield of rift running around, i was like, those ppl are so sick looking! I wanna be one of them one day! Helms always attract eye balls more than anything, so pls make a sick looking helm in the future update.

Get to 56 with 0 deaths no elixirs and no power leveling... all quests completed at appropriate level. :D

03-29-2011, 07:37 AM
So sad, I loved shadow cave so much. It's the only campaign I can feel some team work and challenge, but with the spamming pots and using elixirs, nothing is too challenging.
Imagine the lvl cap is 35 and u have to run through old version of frozen nightmare to get best gear in game, that will be really fun.

03-29-2011, 08:23 AM
waiting 57 release....bored stay at 56

03-29-2011, 08:30 AM
I agree with you jiroununu. The gear can all be attained in simple pugs not even requiring a group of all lvl 55s or 56s for that matter. And even when you can't get the gear you've been farming for, all you do is do Plasma Pyramid for a couple days and you can have any item in the game you want off of cs. There does need to be more challenging dungeons like shadow cave. Something that would require a(dare I say it) guild to complete or a skilled group that knows how each other plays. Hopefully maybe either in Black Star or in the next update we will see this. You all that are saying slow down and stuff don't get it. Everyone wanted to be the first to 56 inlcuding me. Everyone grinded it out hard to be the first to get the sweet new gear and all it's just part of the game.

03-29-2011, 08:32 AM
Hey I am all for raising the level cap. BUT this is a casual game on a phone and to get all the game features cost next to nothing. I do not really see a reason to complain about it. All in due time. :D

03-29-2011, 08:39 AM
its funny that ppl always whine... or the game is to easy or the game is too hard..
btw. i didnt buy any gear, but try to loot it, and i stopped buy XP pots.. that keepd me still playing. i have still a lot fun, even 1,5 months BS.....

03-29-2011, 09:15 AM
What's with all this hate when the person made a simple suggestion. He expressed how a lot of us feel who have reached 56. Just because we crave new content doesn't mean that we don't appreciate the game or what the devs did so far.

I too would love some new maps. It's because the groups I'm in have figured out the optimal way to do the maps, and so I'd like some new maps that we have to work on to figure out. And no, it didn't happen overnight - we did countless Stronghold runs before people figured out to pull k/q separately, and it took a few weeks before roundups started to happen. But now that everyone is doing it and we did it so many times I'm falling asleep with my bear during the pulls, and for the other maps too I've practiced alone with my bear to find out the optimal places to pull and pretty much know them all by heart, there's not that much new stuff left to discover. I tanked Catacombs on my pure mage yesterday instead of Clusterstorm...that was fun, and no I didn't die with 151 armor. :) And yes I'm also leveling a low level slowly (thank you forum people in advance for the suggestion I knew you were gonna make :P) - and that's fun but can only keep one entertained for so long when one knows almost all the maps in PL by heart.

What I'd love to see is some new loot in Shadow Caves. That place is still a challenge for level 55s and my group would wipe all the time in there. But the lack of valuable loot is kind of demoralizing - even if I were to do it just for fun, which I did before, how am I supposed to convince my farming friends that the place is worth playing?

There'd be no need to come up with a whole new map, just add some rings or other gear. I assume rings won't always be just plat since there's a tab for them in the store? I'd love to see the first rings drop in shadow caves. They could be level 50 not 55 and people would still want them. It would really get everyone farming that place again.

And by the way, I love the BS maps and I appreciate all the hard work the devs do and I know some of us consume content very fast. I hope none of the above sounded like whining because it wasn't meant to be. Just a suggestion, that's all. :)

03-29-2011, 09:24 AM
What I'd love to see is some new loot in Shadow Caves.

thers the L50 Vyxnaar ;)

03-29-2011, 10:13 AM
thers the L50 Vyxnaar ;)

Yeah, I know. Somehow the very very very remote chance of getting a single item that might not even exist doesn't appeal to me that much. I like to have some reasonable chance of getting loot if I farm for it like mad for, say, a couple of weeks. I know friends who farmed the old Vyxnaar forever and never got one, and that boss was about 1000 times easier and faster to farm, so I can only imagine how remote the chances for the level 50 drop are.

03-29-2011, 10:17 AM
A dev wrote on a thread that they submitted or where going to submit something to apple. It might have been the GCD or maybe something new like a map with all the bosses (like VL) and hopefully the sewer set bonus along with 1h weapons. Who knows maybe they'll add a couple of maps like the did on swamps.

03-29-2011, 10:18 AM
A dev wrote on a thread that they submitted or where going to submit something to apple. It might have been the GCD or maybe something new like a map with all the bosses (like VL) and hopefully the sewer set bonus along with 1h weapons. Who knows maybe they'll add a couple of maps like the did on swamps.

where can we read this??

03-29-2011, 10:20 AM
where can we read this??

Let me see if I can find that thread. That is what got Moog to level his bear to 56 it was like a week ago.

03-29-2011, 10:50 AM
I think instead of just making stuff for pure lvl 56 people, it would be a lot more fun if they added a raid dungeon with 5 zones for 5 bosses. make it a 10 person zone, but really make it tough so that you need 55+ (or just max level for later patches). Make the bosses hard though, not so much that they hit hard and will 1 shot a tank, but maybe 1 shot a mage/hunter, so you really have to have a good tank or 2. The bosses could be hard because of the following

-dps race before he obliterates you, maybe he is building some contraption that blows up within X amount of time
-make parts of the room fill with a gas or explosion that kills anyone in it, giving them like 2-3 seconds of warning to move out
-move boss to some object that dps need to destroy and break the bosses shield that goes up. maybe dps has to switch to the object quick so it doesn't blow
-tank rotation because the boss does a massive armor break (make sure enchantresses are on top of rezzing so the boss doesn't stomp through both tanks then the raid)
-2 bosses as the same time so the group is split and must keep them split up and kill them within 10 seconds of each other or they respawn.

*Each raid boss would be killable by each of your toons only 1 time per day, this would limit farm that 1 easy boss 50 times a day and flooding the marking with pinks. Plus this would give people a good reason to make more than 1 character, experience the game from a different role, and maybe allow spacetime to make money off players buying more play slots. Plus the more toons, the more money they get from elixirs, vanity items, gear etc that that person may buy with Planitum

Pots are usable, elixirs are not (otherwise it would be hard to balance the mechanics without forcing everyone to use elixirs). When/if you are able to kill a boss he drops 2 pink items for max level only. The 5 man dungeon that is released with the raid (for that level cap) would only drop gear up to Purple quality.

I think idea would do 2 things.
-Actually make purple items worth something because you would need to gear up in green/purples at least to good enough to run the 10 man raid.
-Spacetime would definitely need to make each grade of item better than the next (where some common gear is as good as pink 55 gear)
-This would give the max level people something definitely difficult to do once they are done leveling.

Please comment (hopefully Spacetime will see this)
<EDIT> i suppose this is less of a suggestion to 'fix' the current level cap (by fix i mean make those grumpy people happy), but more of a suggestion for future major updates

03-29-2011, 11:03 AM
What I'd love to see is some new loot in Shadow Caves. That place is still a challenge for level 55s and my group would wipe all the time in there. But the lack of valuable loot is kind of demoralizing - even if I were to do it just for fun, which I did before, how am I supposed to convince my farming friends that the place is worth playing?

There'd be no need to come up with a whole new map, just add some rings or other gear. I assume rings won't always be just plat since there's a tab for them in the store? I'd love to see the first rings drop in shadow caves. They could be level 50 not 55 and people would still want them. It would really get everyone farming that place again.

Awesome, awesome suggestion. This will definitely attract more cap-level characters to Shadow Caves, which no one plays atm.

03-29-2011, 11:41 AM
where can we read this??

Ok here is the thread had to do some digging
JustG's words from the post below is a link

We halted all marketing a couple of weeks ago while we revise the onboarding and noob experience. We'll be submitting another build and cranking marketing back up in a week or so. PL is a healthy as ever, no worries


03-29-2011, 11:44 AM
Ok here is the thread had to do some digging
JustG's words from the post below is a link

We halted all marketing a couple of weeks ago while we revise the onboarding and noob experience. We'll be submitting another build and cranking marketing back up in a week or so. PL is a healthy as ever, no worries


Yep, that's the one that got me leveling my bear in a hurry. You never know when they may make the Crowns unavailable and I figured better safe then sorry/Crown-less.

03-29-2011, 11:46 AM
Yep, that's the one that got me leveling my bear in a hurry. You never know when they may make the Crowns unavailable and I figured better safe then sorry/Crown-less.

Yep true, I am just thinking about my bird but wow 51-56 is a long way and I am getting lazy -_- not to mention the gold you need.

03-29-2011, 12:17 PM
What's with all this hate when the person made a simple suggestion. He expressed how a lot of us feel who have reached 56. Just because we crave new content doesn't mean that we don't appreciate the game or what the devs did so far.

I too would love some new maps. It's because the groups I'm in have figured out the optimal way to do the maps, and so I'd like some new maps that we have to work on to figure out. And no, it didn't happen overnight - we did countless Stronghold runs before people figured out to pull k/q separately, and it took a few weeks before roundups started to happen. But now that everyone is doing it and we did it so many times I'm falling asleep with my bear during the pulls, and for the other maps too I've practiced alone with my bear to find out the optimal places to pull and pretty much know them all by heart, there's not that much new stuff left to discover. I tanked Catacombs on my pure mage yesterday instead of Clusterstorm...that was fun, and no I didn't die with 151 armor. :) And yes I'm also leveling a low level slowly (thank you forum people in advance for the suggestion I knew you were gonna make :P) - and that's fun but can only keep one entertained for so long when one knows almost all the maps in PL by heart.

What I'd love to see is some new loot in Shadow Caves. That place is still a challenge for level 55s and my group would wipe all the time in there. But the lack of valuable loot is kind of demoralizing - even if I were to do it just for fun, which I did before, how am I supposed to convince my farming friends that the place is worth playing?

There'd be no need to come up with a whole new map, just add some rings or other gear. I assume rings won't always be just plat since there's a tab for them in the store? I'd love to see the first rings drop in shadow caves. They could be level 50 not 55 and people would still want them. It would really get everyone farming that place again.

And by the way, I love the BS maps and I appreciate all the hard work the devs do and I know some of us consume content very fast. I hope none of the above sounded like whining because it wasn't meant to be. Just a suggestion, that's all. :)

Wow I havent check this thread for a day and it's wildfire heh. I fast read all posts and feel like Kal said everything that I wanted to say. And love reading OP and all the comments. Obviously this game is special for so many of us and that's why we are discussing/debating for the better of everyone in the community.

End game collaboration is the key, it will bring players together and raise everyone's skill + learn different styles, either in PUG or personal.
Pretty much all the BS tricks were figured out on the first day of release except roundup and cata row pull, and these 2 gives me the most fun nowadays. I hope one day my mage and bear can do it like that.

Have fun y'all~~

03-29-2011, 06:52 PM
Hmm... I seem to recall there being some kind of Crown of Persistence as a reward for the 56 grind...
So at this point and time that is the 'sick looking' item that you can only get at 56...

Makes me kinda pleased I'm slowly making my way to 56 ... Made it to 55 without use of exp pots.... And allowing me time to do other things other than just 'grind away'...

I grinded through from 55 to 56 without any xp pots. I got people calling me crazy... Lol

As for the 56 reward, personally, the crown of persistence is crap. Not only that we have to pay 5plats for it. It also removes the set bonus. So I find it defeats the purpose of wearing one.

So devs, can I get a free helm for going to 56 without a single xp pot? Lol.

03-29-2011, 06:57 PM
Hmmm... Should have been a free crown of persistence that do not remove my set bonus eh? ;)

03-29-2011, 07:14 PM
Ok here is the thread had to do some digging
JustG's words from the post below is a link

We halted all marketing a couple of weeks ago while we revise the onboarding and noob experience. We'll be submitting another build and cranking marketing back up in a week or so. PL is a healthy as ever, no worries


I don't get how you guys took anything away from that. Can you explain how you interpreted that to mean new content for higher levels?

03-29-2011, 07:19 PM
I don't get how you guys took anything away from that. Can you explain how you interpreted that to mean new content for higher levels?

"We halted all marketing a couple of weeks ago while we revise the onboarding and noob experience. We'll be submitting another build and cranking marketing back up in a week or so. PL is a healthy as ever, no worries."

Never said anything (or thought it, really) about "new content for higher levels", just never know when they may decide to axe the Crown. Might have been jumping the gun, but to me personally, it was better safe than sorry and I used it as an excuse to level my bear to 56. That was all.

03-29-2011, 07:24 PM
"We halted all marketing a couple of weeks ago while we revise the onboarding and noob experience. We'll be submitting another build and cranking marketing back up in a week or so. PL is a healthy as ever, no worries."

Never said anything (or thought it, really) about "new content for higher levels", just never know when they may decide to axe the Crown. Might have been jumping the gun, but to me personally, it was better safe than sorry and I used it as an excuse to level my bear to 56. That was all.

The wording is so cryptic. The first time I saw that, the only thing that jumped out at me was the "noob experience" -- sounded like they're working on the early content, not later stuff. So I ignored it.
As for the Crown, why would they remove it from the shop before the next level cap raise? And I highly doubt they're raising the level cap so soon. Remember, they're also working on Blackstar. I would hate to see what kind of new content would be rushed out so quickly when they're so busy.

03-29-2011, 07:29 PM
Agreed mostly, but what jumped out at me was the 'submitting a new build'. I just took it somewhat differently than you...no one is right or wrong.

I will now quote myself.

Might have been jumping the gun, but to me personally, it was better safe than sorry and I used it as an excuse to level my bear to 56. That was all.

03-30-2011, 12:05 AM
Another shadow cave we dont need. People dont like dying every few sec in a chance of getting gear which will not be much better than we have at 55. If bored make a twink char. There is not an mmo out there that doesnt have boring moments. I think they expected people to take their time getting to 56. I got a good 58k to go and I am in no hurry. Another build means a new char. Maybe a monk.

03-30-2011, 03:51 AM
Just a suggestion, make a hard version of all BS dungeon, same map but much harder enemy and boss with lvl56 loot.
It's like the idea of hero dungeon in WOW. When ur in hero dungeon, u can't use pots and elixirs.
I think it will be welcomed by hardcore players, but I have no ideas how many population of hardcore players are there in PL. Maybe majority want quick and easy dungeon,idk. But for me, I wish I can at least have a chance looking different when I reach the lvl cap(56)

03-30-2011, 03:59 AM
Just a suggestion, make a hard version of all BS dungeon, same map but much harder enemy and boss with lvl56 loot.
It's like the idea of hero dungeon in WOW. When ur in hero dungeon, u can't use pots and elixirs.
I think it will be welcomed by hardcore players, but I have no ideas how many population of hardcore players are there in PL. Maybe majority want quick and easy dungeon,idk. But for me, I wish I can at least have a chance looking different when I reach the lvl cap(56)

agreed grinding for 56 with the only uniqueness is the helm but many people have it

03-30-2011, 08:04 AM
Another idea: instead of a whole new dungeon, how about making it so one can get XP in shadow caves beyond level 52? I was just in that place last night and I love it. I'd love to play it more often but I also want to level 2 more alts to 56, and I wish I didn't have to do it by grinding the same 5 relatively easy maps that I used to get my first to 56... I'm not looking for easy XP here - Shadow Caves are much more difficult than any of the BS maps. Why can only get XP until 52 in a place that wipes whole teams of level 55s all the time, when we can get XP up to 56 in Hideout which is a super-easy map.

03-30-2011, 01:04 PM
New build? Guys come on! That seems like they are finally introducing humans to the game. They have hinted about it in Forest Haven for quite a while, and I think that's what they are doing. The human char will be a great addition because it won't be a pure anything (Dex, Str, Int) and will depend on using all of them.