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04-21-2015, 11:24 AM
Hello! Welcome to forum's in this guide im gonna show you what you can do in forum. And what other benefits can you get from forum's :D


AL Announcements:
-This section is used to read important news and latest announcements about Arcane Legends. You can see what will be the update and whats going on about the future plan's. Although you cannot create thread here because only dev/mod can only post here.

AL New Players:
-If you are a new player its no problem, we were all new at one time or another! Please stop in this forum and say hi - we would love to meet you! All newbie player are welcome to this section, you can ask what you want to know about the game and ofcourse you can say hi as your greeting! You can also ask for help when you need.

Fact: Before you can post your very own thread you need first to comment 10x on another post.

AL General Discussion
-This forum is used to discuss Arcane Legends. If you have any thought in your mind about Arcane Legends just post it here. You can also use this thread to post your guide and ask a dev/mod to make it move to guide section.

AL Contest:
-If you are too kind and want to give something away, or create a contest in Arcane Legends? This is the place to post it! Mod/dev create a contest here too! And they give a platinum, items and sometimes a very rare cool vanity in game! But if you dont have something to give away you can also join a contest from here!

AL Player vs Player:
-if you have any thought about AL PvP system post it here! In here you can post your progress in PvP or any other topics only for PvP. Want to share a video of you doing 1v1? or your guildie doing 5v5? Dont hesitate to show it here :D

AL Guilds:
-this page is for the Guild, Guild are what we call player organization. If you are looking to find a guild or to advertise a guild in Arcane Legends, here is your place to do it! If your looking for your perfect guild you can choose them here it depends how you play! If you want to do more PvP look for a PvP guild! If you want to do more PvE go look for PvE guild! And many guild more!

AL Player Guide's:
-This is a repository of guides created by player's like me :D to detail various aspects of Arcane Legends. And if you are a newby reading my guide now i suggest you to read more some guides so that you know what you can do when you played the game. It is very important to know it how to earn gold too.

AL Pets:
-Disscuss Arcane Legends ferocious companion battle here! Hi, there pet lover's! Here's the right place for you to share your valuable moment of your pet! And sometime's if your pet is not doing well or not giving what he has to give to just post your problem's here about your companion's.

AL Traders Market:
-Talk about trading item's in Arcane Legends, please ( no real world trading *money* allowed ). If you have somthing to sell or you want something to buy here is your place!

AL Technical Issue's And Bugs:
-if your having some difficulty in your game play please use this forum to report any technical issues or bugs in arcane legends. Dont be afraid to share your problem's dev/mod is just trying to pokish more the game!

AL Suggestion's and Feedback:
-if you have something in your mind please use this forum to provide your feedback about Arcane Legends. Just wanna add something good for the game or wanna make the game more interesting? Use this forum and dev/mod will try to hear you!

AL Creative Corner

AL Fan Art:
-Hey there, Artist! Like to draw? Make a movie? Do art stuff? Post your Arcane Legends themed art here! This forum is the poace for those who are created and want to improve there crativity too! But even your not creative you can just make a stuff that you want and share it to us! We would be happy to see it.

AL Fan Stories:
-Post your arcane legends themed stories here! Are you a writer or a story teller? Or just a simple kid just want to invent his own stories? :) this is the place for you just post it here and we will try to watch it or read it.

Classes of Arcane Legends

Rogue Class Disscussion:
-are you playing rogue character? Well this is the place for you how your rogue getting improved!

Warrior Class Disscussion:
-are you playing warrior character? Well this is the place for you how your warrior getting improved!

Mage Class Discussion:
-are you playing mage character? Well this is the place for you how your mage getting improved!

Off-Topic Discussion
-Hi there, friends if you are gonna discuss some other topic's that are not related to Arcane Legends please discuss it here! Or if you want to take a break or maybe quit the game, you can also leave your letter here for your beloved friends. For just letting them know your cooling off! :D

This is uncomplete yet but you guys can send me info to make it complete! Cheers!

-Good luck to all of you!

04-21-2015, 11:29 AM
Thank you for taking the time to make a guide for new players :)

04-21-2015, 02:51 PM
Thank you for taking the time to make a guide for new players :)

Glad that you like it :)

04-21-2015, 04:41 PM
Sorry to be That Guy


04-21-2015, 06:35 PM
Sorry to be That Guy



04-22-2015, 12:42 AM
Sorry to be That Guy


Aw didn't know that you already make the same guide, I didn't mean to copy yours, it just pop on my mind.