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View Full Version : Path of Exile: The healthiest F2P model I have come across so far in any game ever.

04-22-2015, 04:04 PM
These guys have the right idea when it comes to F2P business model:



I have played this game (on steam... its not a mobile game... pretty major download time...) - it really is very ethical and the developers appear to have stayed true to their morals.

It's totally free to play, and yet everything that changes a players stats, skills, or affects their play/fighting ability is worked for in game, without exception.

Its just a mega grind - you only get to OPville by honestly working hellahard for it, grinding farming and crafting. The idea is to farm and grind your way to the best gear, which is achieved in part by using different "orbs" (dropped in game) which modify gear in various different ways. Players use these orbs as the trading currency.... there isn't even a "gold" currency in the game at all so there is no sense of "hoarding riches."

Not to mention that the passive skill tree and therefore stat and skill specialisation and customisation that you can have for your character quite literally blows my mind.

The F2P model cashes in on players desire to show off aesthetically so there are tons of vanity items/vanity pets(no stats)/extra stash, inventory, character slots which you can purchase for real money.

It is in fact so good that even though spending money isn't required to succeed in any way... you are left feeling like you actually WANT to buy stuff just to contribute to the games development.

The only thing this game lacks, is the mega awesome community which AL has - maps are solo instances unless you join in a preformed party so if you want to PUG you need to find it through a noticeboard. Because of this there isn't really a community feel and although I have seen other players of my level I haven't really interacted with any of them yet...though I am not very far in :3

Something for STS to take inspiration from when moving forward with making the game accessible for plat and non plat players alike :3

04-23-2015, 09:42 AM
I use to play. Got to like l74, it's been months though. I liked it, but I didn't like how it wasn't very social. I solo'd my way up to there and played maybe once or twice with other people.

05-01-2015, 05:50 PM
Yeah its not social at all - that's its major flaw which is why I'm not really playing it LOADS now. But the model for a F2P system really is a good one ^_^

05-02-2015, 08:48 AM
I played it through with 1-2 people was fun
was using garena on singapore server
now want to switch to steam, too bored to do it, but yeah it was fun

like warframe f2p and loadout campaign beta f2p as well

12-23-2015, 02:36 PM
Bump. Anyone playing the new talisman league?