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View Full Version : New level 41 sorcerer wondering how to proceed

04-26-2015, 02:06 AM
I'm a very new player, only played for a few weeks, and i'm kinda stuck

I've bought some planar gear but anything above that is beyond my means as i have very little cash

I do have plat though but with a new expansion on the horizon i'm wondering what to do with it since it seems sort of pointless to go for gear that will be outdated soon enough

Should i convert it to gold, hang on to it or are there some really awesome pets i should invest in?

Any tips on what to farm? I don't really see much profit from crates seeing as they are now around 2800 gold

04-26-2015, 03:55 AM
Id say continue farming locks when u reach at least 200k, but a leprechaun pendant for 160-180k. Then the remaining gold, buy luck kits from the auction.

Now more deadly options:

1)Farm planar arena till u die (so much dedication..)
2) farm planar tombs

04-26-2015, 04:12 AM
Id say continue farming locks when u reach at least 200k, but a leprechaun pendant for 160-180k. Then the remaining gold, buy luck kits from the auction.

Now more deadly options:

1)Farm planar arena till u die (so much dedication..)
2) farm planar tombs
I forgot to mention i already have a lepre and i have 1400 plat

It just seems to me that with crate prices being so low i can't barely make back what i pay for the luck potion. So far i've been stashing my crates in hopes of prices going up again but they're just dropping with the exception of half price weekends

As for planar farming - what kind of gear do i need for that? I don't want to be a burden on my group

Thanks for your advice:)

04-26-2015, 04:56 AM
Don't convert plat directly to gold. Use your plat to buy ankh kits and elixir kits (damage reduction, damage bonus, luck, xp lixes are always selling well) in Store and sell them in CS. Keep some xp elixir kits that you can sell later when expansion starts. You can then use part of the money to merch, for example by buying some spider eggs now that you can sell later when the prices are better.

For farming planar contents it's better if you belong to a guild that can help you clear the Tombs and show you how to deal with Arena and where there are people still farming those maps. As to gear and build, if you click on my sig, it will lead you to my guild thread. The second post on that thread is a basic guide we made for our guildmates with some gear and pet recommendation for players who want to start farming elite on a budget. I hope that helps. Good luck!

04-26-2015, 05:02 AM
Don't convert plat directly to gold. Use your plat to buy ankh kits and elixir kits (damage reduction, damage bonus, luck, xp lixes are always selling well) in Store and sell them in CS. Keep some xp elixir kits that you can sell later when expansion starts. You can then use part of the money to merch, for example by buying some spider eggs now that you can sell later when the prices are better.

For farming planar contents it's better if you belong to a guild that can help you clear the Tombs and show you how to deal with Arena and where there are people still farming those maps. As to gear and build, if you click on my sig, it will lead you to my guild thread. The second post on that thread is a basic guide we made for our guildmates with some gear and pet recommendation for players who want to start farming elite on a budget. I hope that helps. Good luck!

It definitely helps and i've used your great build guide before so thanks for that as well:)

In your opinion, is it worth it to get gear to be able to farm planar now with an expansion coming? Or should i use the plat to stock up on gold and items for reselling later on?

One more question - are there any plat pets i should get for my sorcerer? Currently i'm using Courage, Haze and Malison

Thank you for your advice:)

04-26-2015, 05:22 AM
Even when you're not going to farm Planar content it's a good idea to have reasonably good gear (not saying it has to be top of the line expensive). Mages need solid damage to do their work and enough hp and armor to survive. The expansion mobs and bosses will be tougher than current maps. So unless you want to just hole up in crypts grinding for xp till you hit new cap before trying out new maps (something some people did yes, but personally unattractive to me, because let's face it we waited long enough for these maps and I want to be able to explore them ASAP), you will need decent gear to deal with the new enemies. Also, devs had said the Goblin event is just around the corner. Events like that are where people make money and if you have good gear, you can farm the event more efficiently, faster and with less deaths.

About pets, I would say use your plat to make money off kits, then buy Blinky, Shadowlurk, Gyrm. They 're really useful in pve party runs. You also need a Kelvin for stunning bosses in some tricky situations. Hope that helps.

Mikel Gunawan
04-27-2015, 05:53 AM
i am kinda new myself but i think its better for you to keep the platinum. keep farming for locks (brackenridge) or eggs (rook's nest elite) and wait for the later news about new recap.

05-03-2015, 12:03 PM
Well, I see few ways:
1. You actually enjoy to do maps over and over because its so much fun to do it.
2. You like to farm, so you do over and over some maps that are doable for you.
3. pvp - out of question for you.
4. Or you conclude that you have accomplished this game and move on to a next one.