View Full Version : Dual wield Bird

03-31-2011, 07:31 AM
hey... is Dual wield still new? or is it useless? i cant find any discussion about Dual wield bird... anyone can share with me with your experiance?

03-31-2011, 07:33 AM
Dual wield or dual spec?

Wield = dual daggers/swords (one sword in each hand)

Spec = you can go from warbird/dex bird

03-31-2011, 07:35 AM
Dual wield Bird is pretty useless... Especially the dex weapons that is dual wield... Its like wearing two daggers...

03-31-2011, 12:27 PM
I am only level 20, but I got the Dual Wield Daggers from the plat store. DPS on my Bow is 96, DPS on the dual wield is 144, DPS with dagger and shield is about 115. However, it takes time to run up to an enemy and you have to be careful about getting killed. I really only use it when I am in a full group and we are going through a fairly easy dungeon where I know I won't be killed. The high DPS is especially noticeable when taking down Bosses.

So, it is not really awesome, but there are situations where it is useful.

03-31-2011, 01:03 PM
I am only level 20, but I got the Dual Wield Daggers from the plat store. DPS on my Bow is 96, DPS on the dual wield is 144, DPS with dagger and shield is about 115. However, it takes time to run up to an enemy and you have to be careful about getting killed. I really only use it when I am in a full group and we are going through a fairly easy dungeon where I know I won't be killed. The high DPS is especially noticeable when taking down Bosses.

So, it is not really awesome, but there are situations where it is useful.

First off, welcome to the forum :D

Second thing....don't get lured into thinking that high DPS is the best. DPS is against a pretend enemy with no armor. Take a look at your base damage (will be something that looks like 114-140 when the weapon is equipped). Now pretend an enemy had 60 armor. So say your dagger has an average damage of 100 per hit (if it said 90-110 for damage) but say your bow has 140 avg dmg. Your bow is doing a lot more actual damage to enemy per hit with the bow (140-60armor = 80) than the dagger (100-60armor = 40). But the dagger is faster, so you get more hits in...it just depends of what combination of real damage done and weapon speed works best for you. There are some equations on the forum that can help figure this out a little more exactly :)

03-31-2011, 02:22 PM
The whole "high damage better because of armor" is pretty annoying... I mean, fine - armor is a part of the game and thats why debuffs factor in, but it pretty much makes all dual wield weapons useless - especially at the higher levels, which is when you might finally want to invest in a greater range of weapons because you won't out level them in a day or 2.

Wasn't it kind of an exciting thing they introduced dual-wield weapons? I don't know why they made them so useless, especially you have to give up so much to use them (bears - shield, mages & birds - range)

03-31-2011, 03:06 PM
The whole "high damage better because of armor" is pretty annoying... I mean, fine - armor is a part of the game and thats why debuffs factor in, but it pretty much makes all dual wield weapons useless - especially at the higher levels, which is when you might finally want to invest in a greater range of weapons because you won't out level them in a day or 2.

Wasn't it kind of an exciting thing they introduced dual-wield weapons? I don't know why they made them so useless, especially you have to give up so much to use them (bears - shield, mages & birds - range)

Yeah, I was stoked when they first came out but then went "meh" after a little bit when I realized their base damage was pretty low compared to other weapons and didn't do as much real damage as the high DPS indicated. If they boosted the base damage a bit, I bet we would see a lot more people using them :D

As far as it being "annoying", well that is just the way it is. DPS is a false indicator of how much damage a weapon really does....I fell for it for a long time myself..."Oooh shiny high DPS numberz!!!!" not noticing my base damage numbers were poopy compared to some other weapons.

03-31-2011, 03:10 PM
thx for the command guys...