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View Full Version : Please Help ..Dont understand why I cannot change clothes to better gear :(

03-31-2011, 12:58 PM
Hello I am new to the forum and game, I have been trying to figure out how do I change clothes to better gear it will only let me put on low level clothing, also it will say full if I have 51 items and then I have to sell by good gear. Please Help Thank you.

03-31-2011, 01:05 PM
Your default inventory size is 50 slots meaning you can only have 50 items or you will have to sell them using the in-game menu option to sell to the lower left area of where you have your inventory.

To change clothes all you have to do is select the cloth you want to wear (if its on a red color around the letters that means you can't wear it) and tap on equip. Armor has a level and stat requirement to use.

Also use this guide and enter this thread for other guides they might be helpful. http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?20419-New-User-Video-Guides!


03-31-2011, 01:40 PM
it will only let me put on low level clothing

as Echelon already said, each gear has a lvl and stat requirement (like minimum str, dex or int). I just wanted to add that, if you select the item in your inventory, you can read what the exact requirements are together with other stats of that specific item (like dodge, crit,...)

04-01-2011, 12:22 PM
You can save some stuff in Stash (Amira I believe in Forest Haven) -- I think 5 slots to start maybe? -- and also start a 2nd character (2 free characters per account), which also has inventory slots. You can pass items between your characters via stash.

04-01-2011, 12:24 PM
Hey lovy19

Take a look at the URL in my signature. It's a link to many of the really useful guides on these forums, there's a section there for newer player, which i would fully recommend spending a short time reading as many of the answer you'll need are there.