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View Full Version : For the new cap 81 In PL my ideas (Hopefully)

04-27-2015, 04:25 PM
Hi all sts fourms people im Represents! Some of you may know me some of you may not but why does it matter im rich and have a really good mind for the future of PL hopefully. In PL im Represents and Disrespects. AL i am Represents, Disrespects, Fulfills, and Orginallity. Anyways this post is about my ideas for sts to keep PL alive :) Level 81!!! I want it to be a certain subject listed below...
All knows the Alien Oasis map from levels 35-40, well now i want it to be from level 77-81 :). The equipment shall vary but here's what i think the stats should be below... I will only show what i can at this moment but I will try to update this post for all the levels to come up for equip. But for now i dont have stats please check this out every once and a while for updates ill have some in by tommrow. Till then cya! :encouragement: I also will be doing another thing like this for AL also!

04-27-2015, 04:50 PM
I dont like doing this but its not gonna work. Sts wont listen

04-27-2015, 05:26 PM
I dont like doing this but its not gonna work. Sts wont listen

Always have faith ;)

04-27-2015, 05:32 PM
Rhinjas the 75 bird with mitas gold armour and swift talon set? Ya ur rlly rich dude

04-27-2015, 08:28 PM
Rhinjas the 75 bird with mitas gold armour and swift talon set? Ya ur rlly rich dude

Awww. Max.....don't thwart the wittle kid's dreams :(

04-27-2015, 10:46 PM
I don't know why people waste their time even though STS already said "No updates."

How could you be plainer?! No updates means no updates, people. When STS says something, they mean it.

No means No.

04-28-2015, 12:13 AM
:encouragement: :encouragement: :encouragement:

04-28-2015, 03:28 AM
Umm, max do you even pvp? He uses swift talon shield & wep & a random bsm body. (How rich do you think he is?!)
Gawd, get it right?

04-28-2015, 03:34 AM
I don't know why people waste their time even though STS already said "No updates."

How could you be plainer?! No updates means no updates, people. When STS says something, they mean it.

No means No.
True that.
oh wait.. Oh no nvm, they did the server/app updates a week after this so-called "no update" post.
So sts, I take it you're just waiting till Xmas to update right? Ok thanks, I'll be counting down the days, don't disappoint me. Dam! This is gonna be the best xmas ever! Yay *lil kids voice*

:victorious: :banana:

04-28-2015, 05:29 AM
ew nobody likes ao lets go ancient swamps!

04-28-2015, 07:44 AM
1. Richness does not matter when it comes to making threads about game improvement, rather experience does.

2. The blast from the past in SSC failed horribly so why would your idea do any better? (It's just a copy off the idea of the original blast in the past)

3. I have to agree with Colly in the fact that PL is not going to get any more updates, so please put your ideas in the technical issues section.

04-28-2015, 09:23 AM
First of all STS won't do this. Secondly, I wouldn't want that update either. If they have to make an update they should come up with something original, not a remake of Alien Oasis.

04-28-2015, 10:16 AM
i chuckled at this thread and his sig

"soon to be pl's best bird"


04-28-2015, 06:52 PM
Rhinjas the 75 bird with mitas gold armour and swift talon set? Ya ur rlly rich dude

lmao im not rninjas

04-28-2015, 06:54 PM
i chuckled at this thread and his sig

"soon to be pl's best bird"


pff face me in pvp I don't even think you play though because i never see you in pvp

04-29-2015, 01:38 PM
Who're you then?

04-29-2015, 04:17 PM
Guys, guys! He's the great represents! You must've heard of him! Oh wait.. None of us have.

I wonder why?

04-29-2015, 04:34 PM
I challenge you 1v1 swift talon bird

04-29-2015, 07:51 PM
Its funny, No matter how good you are, the fact is. Somebody will be better than you, ur using no pce ring (i assume), so thats an auto cue for all pallies/str/anything tbh to rush you. No.2 you use swift, lust > swift TALON, 3. This <-- is a dex set, go str &/or bear if you want to earn a reputation (for wearing some gear and rushing noobs & teaming the more skillful ppl).
My philosophy: dont go endgame without a ring, if this ring is not 3pc, go pally or bear, or have the fact that 3pc is UNBELIEVABLY better than 2pc looming over you like a plate of steamy hot sh** waiting to drop all over you as soon as any opponent manages to hit 2-3 shots &/or dodges 2-3 skills.
this my friend, along with the illogical 100% hit+ (which isnt really 100%), is pvp logic.

04-30-2015, 03:34 PM
Its funny, No matter how good you are, the fact is. Somebody will be better than you, ur using no pce ring (i assume), so thats an auto cue for all pallies/str/anything tbh to rush you. No.2 you use swift, lust > swift TALON, 3. This <-- is a dex set, go str &/or bear if you want to earn a reputation (for wearing some gear and rushing noobs & teaming the more skillful ppl).
My philosophy: dont go endgame without a ring, if this ring is not 3pc, go pally or bear, or have the fact that 3pc is UNBELIEVABLY better than 2pc looming over you like a plate of steamy hot sh** waiting to drop all over you as soon as any opponent manages to hit 2-3 shots &/or dodges 2-3 skills.
this my friend, along with the illogical 100% hit+ (which isnt really 100%), is pvp logic.

lmao im not level 75 guys i also hve elite bow

04-30-2015, 03:49 PM
Rhinjas the 75 bird with mitas gold armour and swift talon set? Ya ur rlly rich dude

hwy wasnet mtas was real until got scammed theb i habe to sell

04-30-2015, 04:51 PM
Its funny, No matter how good you are, the fact is. Somebody will be better than you, ur using no pce ring (i assume), so thats an auto cue for all pallies/str/anything tbh to rush you. No.2 you use swift, lust > swift TALON, 3. This <-- is a dex set, go str &/or bear if you want to earn a reputation (for wearing some gear and rushing noobs & teaming the more skillful ppl).
My philosophy: dont go endgame without a ring, if this ring is not 3pc, go pally or bear, or have the fact that 3pc is UNBELIEVABLY better than 2pc looming over you like a plate of steamy hot sh** waiting to drop all over you as soon as any opponent manages to hit 2-3 shots &/or dodges 2-3 skills.
this my friend, along with the illogical 100% hit+ (which isnt really 100%), is pvp logic.

Don't forget comboing you in 0.5 seconds.

04-30-2015, 04:57 PM
Umm, max do you even pvp? He uses swift talon shield & wep & a random bsm body. (How rich do you think he is?!)
Gawd, get it right?

i use swift set

04-30-2015, 06:09 PM
i use swift set

You really think you are da best? Go shadow caves pls

Cody Green
05-13-2015, 02:26 PM
Off topic and random but it would be cool to get demonic lv81 sets and just rmk demonic instead, I think people would have been much happier with that as a 77 cap then crystal anyways lel

05-13-2015, 05:33 PM
Off topic and random but it would be cool to get demonic lv81 sets and just rmk demonic instead, I think people would have been much happier with that as a 77 cap then crystal anyways lel

Or just not of recoloured at all

05-14-2015, 07:14 AM
the chance of this happening is the same as you dropping red dragon mystery armour from each of the bosses your first run. In other words, its like winning the lottery. But Hey,,,,, there still IS a chance!!

05-14-2015, 11:13 AM
Nah i dont think there actually is a chance

05-14-2015, 05:52 PM
the chance of this happening is the same as you dropping red dragon mystery armour from each of the bosses your first run. In other words, its like winning the lottery. But Hey,,,,, there still IS a chance!!

Not all bosses drop red armors doe. And JustG said he is 100% sure no more updates

05-17-2015, 09:20 PM
For those of you with the argument that they updated the game a week after the announcement.
That was simply a scheduled maintenance, Which they announced would still happen.
They said no new content.