View Full Version : lost maridos in crate

05-01-2015, 10:55 PM
I was opening crates yesterday on morgadeth my lvl 18 war which i am guild master of tumatauenga god of war eg gorgadeth and maridos pops up in crate but it glicted and I never received the pet and the other two items in the crate never showed up what's up with that I've been playg this game for three years now and it would of been my first arcane looted from crates could u either pay my plat back or can I receive my pet plz respond asap

05-01-2015, 11:46 PM
You'll need to email support...


They would be the ONLY ones able to help you!
You should expect that it will take a week or two to get solid answer from them... (I'm basing this on average wait time of me and my friends previous issues) ... Also... If your first response from them is not helpful don't be shy to send more emails... As some people are more helpful then others when it comes to player issues!

Definitely include any screenshots... if you have them!!... And if you don't... Definitely get yourself in the habit of taking screenshots in the future whenever anything game changing occurs to you in game!

Hope this helps and gl

Kyle Holmes
05-02-2015, 12:00 AM
Well they should have a log of his activity so they should be able to check.

sent from fritters beak

05-02-2015, 01:12 AM
Check your stable?

05-02-2015, 01:22 AM
yeah, sometimes when you're opening crates and you loot an arcane egg, you can open the egg by accident!