View Full Version : Elite Wraith heart

05-04-2015, 03:47 AM
Hi. I would like to speak a bit for the issue No 13.
Because it seems there is a EASY way to fix from STS side (at least it seems easy).

Problem: Sometimes the defensive white aura do not go out from Wraith heart.

INFO: I am almost CERTAIN that the problem show up when someone kill one elite guard totally. When one elite guard killed there is a mini earth-quake. From that point glitch show up. 100%.

How this happen?

The elite guard when they are spinning (and they became untargettable) STILL SUFFER damage from nox bolt poison area effect. (the elite guard who has "damage circle around him" not suffering!)

This poison-AOE-is-damaging-while-in-white-protective-aura thing happened in elite Rookie Nest long ago. Now it is fixed.

PLEASE do not consider as outdated question because an average-Joe rogue (like me) with a fast pet/speed elix could do it in solo, BUT this glitch prohibiting me to farm there...
BTW as a mage there is no problem at all...

I upload an old picture where only one elite guard remains who has "damage circle around him".
All others killed - with the glitch itself.

05-04-2015, 06:31 AM
I just ran with candy and guildmates a while ago, i restricted the mages from using fireball, or any move that stunned.