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View Full Version : What do you want to see in the expansion?

05-04-2015, 08:41 AM
Made this thread so StS can see what the players want and so they can collect feedback, keep it constructive!
I personally want to see...
-The new mythics obtainable by HARD WORK, and not that silly RNG system. Its sad to see someone who ran 7 times loot a recipe/fossil and some hardcore runners such as kalizzaa and serancha run 1000 times and still not loot it
-Arcane deary! Productor said in a producer letter that a mysterious four legged creature spotted in arlor, it totally cant be there new dire boar pet must definitely be arcane deary ;)
-New ways to earn gold.
-Less one shot bosses and more bosses that require a strategy and skill to beat
-Class balance

05-04-2015, 08:48 AM
I want the mythic to be HARD work, and its not based on luck. just say to get an item you have to get essence's that drops in the new maps, over 300 for each item just to keep people interested in the game. I hope there is a new arena type of thing that does not require poor players to keep buying ankhs, i am one of those people.

this is what i hope :3

P.S. i want arcane deary xD

i also want to add, i would like to see something like bard quests but with different pets and items, because there is noting there that really wants me to bother doing the bard quests everyday,like a mythic pet or a good weapon.

05-04-2015, 08:50 AM
I want the mythic to be HARD work, and its not based on luck. just say to get an item you have to get essence's that drops in the new maps, over 300 for each item just to keep people interested in the game. I hope there is a new arena type of thing that does not require poor players to keep buying ankhs, i am one of those people.

this is what i hope :3

P.S. i want arcane deary xD
Yea even if its 1000 essences needed and 1 essence per run. With every run you do, you feel like your a step closer and that run wasnt for nothing. Where as with luck, you feel like that run was a waste of time and you're not getting anywhere.

05-04-2015, 08:57 AM
Fewer lucked based components

Interesting maps

The return of warriors being needed

This is petty, but we hate horns. All of us. Can you remove the horns off the new sets? They are phallic and horrid. :/

The return of people logging into the game

New city to hang at

05-04-2015, 08:57 AM
Yea even if its 1000 essences needed and 1 essence per run. With every run you do, you feel like your a step closer and that run wasnt for nothing. Where as with luck, you feel like that run was a waste of time and you're not getting anywhere.

Yeah i see people always getting mad in arena because they see people getting recipe in about less then 50 runs, which a lot of people ran arena over 500 times and still have not looted one which makes me sad for them.I have not ran arena yet due to no ankhs and no gold to buy ankhs, this is why i would like to see something without buying ankhs.

05-04-2015, 09:09 AM
- Farming made worth while with better loot tables/drops
- No more gems that can have big impacts on pvp and pve
- Warriors to want to take part and be able to join runs
- More achievments
- Meaningful quests and big quests such as for example Kill 500 enemies from the new map and receive 200 anhks ( Something along those lines )
- New pets that can drop in the new maps but are actually helpful for what pet you'd need to run those maps
- New pvp map based on the theme of the new expansion
- Special boss that an appear randomly on the new maps that has a chance to drop goodies

Just some ideas and things that would be great to see in the expansion

05-04-2015, 09:48 AM
A review for FLAG APS, with all these pvp guilds, wars and gangs, its impossible to do it.

05-04-2015, 09:59 AM
Can you remove the horns off the new sets? They are phallic and horrid. :/

Perhaps the phallic gear is what drives smurfs to get naked at every possible opportunity.....They've been subliminally brainwashed by their horns! On the other hand phallic is not necessarily a bad thing.....it makes a good conversation starter at parties. ;)

05-04-2015, 10:11 AM
Perhaps the phallic gear is what drives smurfs to get naked at every possible opportunity.....They've been subliminally brainwashed by their horns! On the other hand phallic is not necessarily a bad thing.....it makes a good conversation starter at parties. ;)

Once you craft the horny orc-slaying set and you upgrade it to mythics.....the horns turn into bones. :applause:

05-04-2015, 10:18 AM
Once you craft the horny orc-slaying set and you upgrade it to mythics.....the horns turn into bones. :applause:

Horny bones? Sweet.(Don't moderate us Arpy - you guys started it!)

05-04-2015, 10:20 AM
Made this thread so StS can see what the players want and so they can collect feedback, keep it constructive!
I personally want to see...
-The new mythics obtainable by HARD WORK, and not that silly RNG system. Its sad to see someone who ran 7 times loot a recipe/fossil and some hardcore runners such as kalizzaa and serancha run 1000 times and still not loot it
-Arcane deary! Productor said in a producer letter that a mysterious four legged creature spotted in arlor, it totally cant be there new dire boar pet must definitely be arcane deary ;)
-New ways to earn gold.
-Less one shot bosses and more bosses that require a strategy and skill to beat
-Class balance
I would like to also see a 1vs1 arena,
No more pet crate events but serious ones,
A better itemization system
And a plat sale :3

Dex Scene
05-04-2015, 10:25 AM
I have not looted any recipe in arena aswel!!
What I'd like to see,

- like Op said, No to RNG system. Yes to token system!!
- Better twink items aswel.
- Warrior buffs, some new abilities which only applies in PVE and not in pvp such as Ice, Banish etc!
- Seasonal Lb
- PvP arena in guild hall for fun which has no effect on Kill/death record!!
- conversion into new exclusive vanity set options for upgraded mythic sets
- some Cinematic long and fun quests!!
- 5 skill set option at HUD

05-04-2015, 10:57 AM
Axe shape weapon for war.
Sorry..broken English.

05-04-2015, 11:09 AM
I would love to see new farmable gear and a 1v1 pvp system. And maybe another very good pet that you can farm and isn't a joke like nekro

05-04-2015, 11:13 AM
no more one hits in elite

05-04-2015, 11:19 AM
no more one hits in elite

Or at least not as many :).

05-04-2015, 11:59 AM
The problem is that they need to figure out how to make it too difficult for rogues to do it without other classes, yet people complain endlessly when things are made difficult. Therefore the cycle is as follows:

> STS releases hard content to try and make warriors necessary

> Outrage ensues and people scream for a week about how "poor players" can't hack it, and geared players complain about one-hits etc

> STS reduces the difficulty level and then parties of 4 rogues once again own PvE and warriors are relegated to PvP or nothing.

> Smurfs....well they can be handy in some situations, but certainly not a necessity. With their low armour, they are a liability more often than not. (Note I am not referring to skilled mages here, regardless of gear. I know some superb mages, including some who use non-imbued legendary gear, that I would happily hunt with any day - however, these are not the majority).

The solution is not making mobs one-hit everyone.

The solution is to proceed with the skill revamp that was announced and then cancelled 8 months later. Make mage skills actually work for crowd control, and give them some way to be a true asset in a boss fight.

Make warrior skills such that having a warrior doesn't add 3 minutes to every run over having a rogue. Whether this means adding some heavy PvE debuffs to their skills or what...that's something that's already been discussed other places.

05-04-2015, 12:38 PM
I would love it if there was more of a forums/in-game connection. 99% of players in game hardly ever go on forums, and since I have joined forums, it has greatly improved my game play, I think if STS was to talk about what u can get out of forums, the quality of gamer's would go up not just in AL, but all STS games. Now back to reading about

05-04-2015, 01:08 PM
The problem is that they need to figure out how to make it too difficult for rogues to do it without other classes, yet people complain endlessly when things are made difficult. Therefore the cycle is as follows:

I Disagree, the difficulty is currently done well. What STS needs to do is limit the amount of REVIVED in an Elite map. (like 1-2). This way, you will require a decent to good war to keep your team alive. The reason why most people preferred rogues more is because, there's really no skill involved when you can revived constantly. The bottom line is, revived/ anhk needs to be limited on Elite runs. This way will preserved the value of the loots being drop so farmers can farm their heart out and still retained its value. (Hence, hard works pays off)

> STS releases hard content to try and make warriors necessary

I agree. As new lvl introduced, yes contents should be harder.

> Outrage ensues and people scream for a week about how "poor players" can't hack it, and geared players complain about one-hits etc

This is Situation. It depends on how well they know their characters skills well enough to run Elite Maps. Gears helps, but skill is what determines how good you really are.

> STS reduces the difficulty level and then parties of 4 rogues once again own PvE and warriors are relegated to PvP or nothing.

STS needs to fix PVE first before they focus on PVP. This game is base mostly for PVE. Without PVE, theres is no PVP. (ex. Where does all the GEARS COMES FROM???)

> Smurfs....well they can be handy in some situations, but certainly not a necessity. With their low armour, they are a liability more often than not. (Note I am not referring to skilled mages here, regardless of gear. I know some superb mages, including some who use non-imbued legendary gear, that I would happily hunt with any day - however, these are not the majority).

I Agree :)

The solution is not making mobs one-hit everyone.

This is also situational. Depends on the Boss's loot drops. (if you make it too easy, then you have no one farming or buy the stuff any more because everything will not be worth much. Hence, your back to our current situation now, where farming is basically dead.)

The solution is to proceed with the skill revamp that was announced and then cancelled 8 months later. Make mage skills actually work for crowd control, and give them some way to be a true asset in a boss fight.

The real solution is to limit the Revived / Ankh being use in Elite map to 1-2 ONLY! I do understand that Anhk makes lots of $$$ for STS, but that's only for short term. (If many quit, they wont make $$$)

Thats why the game needs to be consistent, then people will continue to play and spend real $$$ to keep the game going.

Make warrior skills such that having a warrior doesn't add 3 minutes to every run over having a rogue. Whether this means adding some heavy PvE debuffs to their skills or what...that's something that's already been discussed other places.

Answer is in Bold.

05-04-2015, 01:21 PM
Even with maxed gear a rogue can and most probably will get one hit by mobs, at least in planar tombs . Not getting one hit by the dogs is just pure luck. I do agree that mage's skills have to be actually viable. It is not very cool if your class is intended to do crowd control but cant freeze/root half (a bit exaggerated) of the mobs.

Imho the main problem in elite are the bosses. The mobs parts of the maps are easier and faster with mages in the pt and easier and not considerably slower with a warrior. But the bosses have such high armor and hp that they make the presence of at least 2 or more rogues a necessity. This combined with the numerous boss attack which can one hit you makes a prolonged fight (due to lack of rogues in the pt) a terrible experience.

05-04-2015, 02:30 PM
I wanna see some Odle-Yodler like quests in the new expansion!

05-04-2015, 02:52 PM
* An additional currency that can ONLY be purchased with real world cash (not available from free offers so theoretically no way to abuse it). Let us have the ability to use this new currency for minor power up items and/or special vanity items. The special items could be non-tradeable. Again, minor bump ups, nothing game changing, but a ring or amuletmight be nice, the egg rings were on the right path.

* Allow us to stash additional currencies. I have a ton of dragkin teeth and ankhs that are on the characters that least need them, would love to be able to transfer them to my more used characters.

* Updates on the items offered for sale by the various currency vendors (ie bard token, hauntlet token etc. Selection is currently not all that great)

* Wings, more vanity wings!

05-04-2015, 03:02 PM
The problem is that they need to figure out how to make it too difficult for rogues to do it without other classes, yet people complain endlessly when things are made difficult. Therefore the cycle is as follows:

> STS releases hard content to try and make warriors necessary

> Outrage ensues and people scream for a week about how "poor players" can't hack it, and geared players complain about one-hits etc

> STS reduces the difficulty level and then parties of 4 rogues once again own PvE and warriors are relegated to PvP or nothing.

> Smurfs....well they can be handy in some situations, but certainly not a necessity. With their low armour, they are a liability more often than not. (Note I am not referring to skilled mages here, regardless of gear. I know some superb mages, including some who use non-imbued legendary gear, that I would happily hunt with any day - however, these are not the majority).

The solution is not making mobs one-hit everyone.

The solution is to proceed with the skill revamp that was announced and then cancelled 8 months later. Make mage skills actually work for crowd control, and give them some way to be a true asset in a boss fight.

Make warrior skills such that having a warrior doesn't add 3 minutes to every run over having a rogue. Whether this means adding some heavy PvE debuffs to their skills or what...that's something that's already been discussed other places.

fully agree. i like to add that the latest warrior skill boost (axe throw minus 25% armor debuff) in fact helped a lot to reduce times on bosses. i really enjoy arena runs now, having a warrior in party is not the penalty it was before. (hope the regular pheonix members i run with at least agree...)
still rogues die as much with a warrior as they do without most of the times. yes it is possible to taunt, but good positioning of rogues helps more than the best taunting.
i resorted to max out my damage and use nekro as an airbag, as my contribution to grab aggro still feels too small in high dps parties. the new changes are really better then credited, but whats needed now is at least a good chance for chestsplitter to interrupt the one hits.

05-04-2015, 05:48 PM
I don't find runs easier with a warrior, personally. I consistently die more with a warrior in the party. Not as bad as before the behind-the-scenes adjustments, but it's still a fact.

Even the extremely skilled warriors, of which there are few, don't make for less deaths than a team running without. Also, only a party with a completely maxed warrior like Maarkus, Rav or Ard even has the potential to come close to the speed of an all dps team, and even then the term "close" is used very loosely.

As for mixed class parties. An arena run with a very experienced warrior and mage with 2 rogues is 2.5-3 minutes slower than a party of equally geared rogues (20+ runs per sample). This is what I mean about needing to fix the skills of other classes. People always want speed over debatably saving an ankh or two.

There are ways to make the game challenging without one-hitting everyone. This is necessary. Nobody wants to play when they are not given a chance of survival. Hopefully STS will have figured out a way to accomplish this for the new season.

Edit: I posted this before seeing your post Ard. Nicely said. PS. Chest splitter used to stun - always. It was awesome.