View Full Version : Survivle Map!!!!!!!!

04-03-2011, 12:39 AM
We need a new mode so this game will get funner!!!
On every map we should have a Mini-dungeon like a survivle map if everyone dies it the game ends.5 waves in one round and each 5 rounds there's a boss.The enemys depend on the map for example ur at alien oasis part III the enemys r aliens and other stuff. Can u guys make this happen? Yes Or No. Reply plz!:p

04-03-2011, 12:42 AM
sounds like cod zombies :D sounds pretty cooool u need more info on it thoug

04-03-2011, 03:17 AM
I have suggested it :) so +1

04-03-2011, 04:43 AM
"Survival" Also as much as I like the idea, there would have to be a good way of incorporating it into the game. How about in one map theres a trail that leads in one direction, and comes to a gladiators arena. You pick up a quest to kill the Last boss from a guy, then the waves start. Same as you said, and at the end your rewarded a pink for the quest. Sounds like fun :D Also maybe a daily could be based on it..

04-03-2011, 07:25 AM
Make a survival map for pvp too! So like if u get knocked out ur eliminated until a team wins. To win you simply must KO all the opponents. This will encourage teamwork since you can't respawn.

04-03-2011, 08:16 AM
I really like this idea. I think the "Trail to the Arena" is a good suggestion as well.

I would also like to see waves of mobs in the arena. Start out with zombies, then knights, then goblins, all the way up to Sewer mobs. Have five waves spawn, then go to a boss battle. At the way end of all the waves, a new incredibly difficult boss should arrive for a final face off. This would a true test of experience and skill if you could complete the arena alone.

The only issue I can see with it would be the massive amounts of xp you would gain while killing all of the waves. Maybe make the arena give little/no xp, but instead it rewards you with a bunch of gold for your efforts. Like 100k or something (enough to get people to play the arena, but not enough to make everyone stop all other maps and just play this).

04-03-2011, 08:21 AM
Awesome idea, especially noneo's examples.

I'd love to play through a survival type map with friends, teamwork definitely needed, and a cash prize is always fun.

It'd make a nice leaderboard addition too, this group of people survived this number of waves.

04-03-2011, 01:32 PM
Reminds me of wc3 custom games. Hero survival. With waves. Thats all id ever play on here.

04-03-2011, 02:03 PM
i suggested this way back also


04-04-2011, 11:56 AM
We would just need a map editor. 50 plat to make a map public and u can download them / host them. No xp or items gained. Just for entertainment.

04-04-2011, 12:43 PM
We need a new mode so this game will get funner!!!
On every map we should have a Mini-dungeon like a survivle map if everyone dies it the game ends.5 waves in one round and each 5 rounds there's a boss.The enemys depend on the map for example ur at alien oasis part III the enemys r aliens and other stuff. Can u guys make this happen? Yes Or No. Reply plz!:p

Sounds like HALO: Reach Firefight. It would be fun.