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View Full Version : interface suggestions

05-24-2010, 11:52 AM
A few ideas in mind:

1. Break the target (red line) when the monster goes to "run to mommy mode"
- When a monster strays too far from it's territory, it runs back to heal. During this time the monster is invincible. Now this AI behavior is not a problem in itself, but people on auto-attack would continue attacking, and sometimes die trying to follow it. On the iPhone/iPod, changing targets is not that easy. Canceling a target requires a few taps/camera swipes. I think it would be fair that if a target becomes well, un-targetable, then remove all possible interactions with it altogether.

2. Continuous attack when holding the attack button (on auto attack mode off)
- I admit this pretty much makes it "auto", except without the auto-follow feature. I dont know if there're a lot of people who don't use auto-attack, but when I turn it off (for kiting) I feel the attack speed is somehow slower. Is my thumb just slow? Or does each of my tap require server responses, as opposed to just one auto-attack server request? Either way, I don't think there should be a difference in attack rate be it auto attack or not.

3. Swipe scrolling on stash/inventory screens
- A few runs and you can hoard as much as 2-3 pages worth of inventory. Many do purchase extra stash slots just to keep their on-hand inventory manageable. Navigating huge lists can hurt the thumbs, esp. after spamming potions/the attack button. I know this is a huge change from PL's current code but we're playing on a platform that supports touch gestures well, so why not right? This is probably the most I'll be looking forward to.

I have a few more in my head, but it's already way past midnight where I am. Til then :D

05-24-2010, 01:37 PM
I would really like to see #1 done. The others sound like good ideas but wouldn't make much difference to me either way.