View Full Version : RNG system

Dex Scene
05-10-2015, 12:26 AM
This is a technical issue for me!
The RNG system need to be changed!!
I don't even know if this thread of mine even make sense but Iam so raged that I have to say it!
Sts look for my toon and count how many times I have ran the arena!!
I didn't even get to loot the planar amu recipe yet!

Last 2 days, people have looted alot of recipes!
I have seen myself 3 recipes dropping to the players.
a guildmate got his PLANAR RECIPE in his 5th run!

Yesterday, I have run arena 30+ times again!! Just to see No recipe!
Makes me wonder, What will I have to do to get the recipe? I mean running it for 1k times is not working!

Iam not asking to giveaway a recipe to me! Iam asking to seriously look at this serious issue with the Random Number Generator system!
RNG can make some people lucky several times, can make some people lucky on their very first run and the rest take forever to get their lucky shot!

A progressive luck % or token system to encourage all the farmers please!!

Sundar Moorthi
05-10-2015, 12:53 AM
Lol Elite Runners guild loot 3 fossil what would u say for this? u have poor luck that wat i'll say

Dex Scene
05-10-2015, 01:05 AM
Lol Elite Runners guild loot 3 fossil what would u say for this? u have poor luck that wat i'll say
I really hate RNG system!
I am okay with not getting fossils.. but atleast one recipe which Iam trying to get since they were 20m. Ugh!!

05-10-2015, 04:49 AM
Lol Elite Runners guild loot 3 fossil what would u say for this? u have poor luck that wat i'll say

Correction, we've actually looted a total of 6 fossil. 2 players looted 2 fossil, one of them looted 2 fossils in one chest :)

05-10-2015, 05:42 AM
If you ask me they should have just made high profile things like these based on grinding really..

05-10-2015, 10:35 AM
Theres a couple noobs that got fossil and/or recipe from arena too.. Seriously, if there's gonna be an event like this, it should be based on work, not luck. I've run around 600 runs best thing I've got was a reinforced blood gem. Some players I know looted 2-3 recipes during this event, and one person looted 2 fossils in 15 minutes. However, there were some players who grinded so much and they totally deserved their fossil, but seriously. This RNG system is garbage. So many players will quit next expansion if its not fixed

05-10-2015, 10:44 AM
I'd like to see mods/admins actually spend time to reply to players' concerns instead of locking threads and deleting posts. Until then i will always believe that these guys are full of hot air. They're probably just stalling until the next expansion so that they can squeeze every single plat possible . that's how I see it.

05-11-2015, 04:37 AM
There is something fundamentally wrong with a system, when it persistently shows bias in the outcome. i dont need to know how the system works, but devs are requested to check it.do a statistical analysis just of mythic /arcane drops and get astonished by results. It is extremely frustrating to spend time and money, for a game we play for fun,and leave feeling ripped off.i find it insulting that there are players who hanvt seen any reward from arena in 800-1k runs, while others have had multiple reciepe/fossil loots in a fraction of runs, then u hear abt two fossils in one crate. while we have already spent more in ankhs than recipe value. class imbalance has already left wars and most mages redundant, ask any normal or even well geared tank how many invites they get for arena(or t3). loot is hardly worth running anything elsewhere . If new maps cotinue to be dominated by rogues ,rest of us might as well pack up and sail into sunset

Dex Scene
05-11-2015, 08:14 AM
There is something fundamentally wrong with a system, when it persistently shows bias in the outcome. i dont need to know how the system works, but devs are requested to check it.do a statistical analysis just of mythic /arcane drops and get astonished by results. It is extremely frustrating to spend time and money, for a game we play for fun,and leave feeling ripped off.i find it insulting that there are players who hanvt seen any reward from arena in 800-1k runs, while others have had multiple reciepe/fossil loots in a fraction of runs, then u hear abt two fossils in one crate. while we have already spent more in ankhs than recipe value. class imbalance has already left wars and most mages redundant, ask any normal or even well geared tank how many invites they get for arena(or t3). loot is hardly worth running anything elsewhere . If new maps cotinue to be dominated by rogues ,rest of us might as well pack up and sail into sunset
If you run near 1k times and get no recipe and then you see some people looting this and that in very few runs, some people looting them several times, its super discouraging! I can't even explain how discouraging it can be, you just sigh and give up again and again.
I wish in future STS plans more on token stuffs rather than the pure luck based RNG system.

Farming hard should get you to everywhere.
luck should be only a way to step up faster!

05-11-2015, 10:21 AM
id rather quit this game right now. The current situation is still the same, no matter how much i do, i wont get a fossil neither a recipe. I have seen 5 recipes drop for my guildies, ive done over 100 by now. Visiting has done 250++ and is yet to see a recipe, and a fossil as well. I dont why, people who have never run the arena gain the best, while us hardcore people grind all day and get nothing. Where is the proper reward?...Ive invested alot but why is noting paying back?...all that will pay me back would be the ankhs going on sale for like 50k+...

Zeus just did 1000 and just got one recipe....now do we hardcore players need to expect 10,000 runs? We definitely cannot do it lol. The reality here is, any hardcorer will get nothing, while first time runners get everything. I personally didnt run planar tombs 2 solo for about 2 months. Right now i did a 13min run and got a planar chest. Im wondering whats up with the luck system.

05-11-2015, 10:36 AM
id rather quit this game right now. The current situation is still the same, no matter how much i do, i wont get a fossil neither a recipe. I have seen 5 recipes drop for my guildies, ive done over 100 by now. Visiting has done 250++ and is yet to see a recipe, and a fossil as well. I dont why, people who have never run the arena gain the best, while us hardcore people grind all day and get nothing. Where is the proper reward?...Ive invested alot but why is noting paying back?...all that will pay me back would be the ankhs going on sale for like 50k+...

Zeus just did 1000 and just got one recipe....now do we hardcore players need to expect 10,000 runs? We definitely cannot do it lol. The reality here is, any hardcorer will get nothing, while first time runners get everything. I personally didnt run planar tombs 2 solo for about 2 months. Right now i did a 13min run and got a planar chest. Im wondering whats up with the luck system.
True that...300 and none either. It is very odd that you either loot in first 100 or after 1000

Dex Scene
05-11-2015, 12:18 PM
Yes it is very discouraging!

05-11-2015, 02:03 PM
I ran over 2000 times in the Planar Arena without getting anything of value. It wasn't until another 100 runs in this double odds event that the work actually paid off. Now, if someone who had never run arena before came in and looted a fossil or two in their first few chests, how is that fair to people who have been working for months? It's not. But then at this point I am just relieved to get out of debt.

We have had several threads about this "luck" system in the past weeks, as pertains to the new expansion. I believe it is very clear that everyone - even the lucky - would far rather see a guarantee of some sort, than be spending piles of time and money for potentially nothing.

If there was a quest where you would obtain x item after 500 runs, then it would be fair to everyone. If they wanted to make x item a RNG drop also, that's fine, but STS needs to at least ensure that if we work our butts off, we will get what we are working for.

05-11-2015, 03:31 PM
This is not stressed out enough. Unless there are significant changes made in the ways of earning gold, the luck factor should be left out of everything; it's not working for this game at its current state.

So yes, if the plans are to keep the gold rewards from dailies/other quests and boss drops at these ridiculously low amounts, there cannot be randomness in the drops because there's no motivation to run and farm maps and basically lose gold out of ankhs and feeding pets in hopes of hitting the lottery. At the moment, ~10 minutes of using a L41 pet require more gold than you can earn by doing the highest paying daily quest for the last two expansions which takes most of those 10 minutes!

If everyone, regardless of level or gear, could progressively gather gold (eg. couple of interesting dailies summed up 20-25k gold) then randomness would be okay. A new player at this point has literally no way of making gold unless he invests in platinum and that is absurd. And no, waiting for events is not an answer because it is as if you're suggesting that they should stay off the game, 90% of the time.

That is precisely why there are so many poor players begging for gold in towns and why scamming attempts are so common; there's simply no gold to be earned in a straightforward and simple way. Personally, I've never seen these issues at this intensity anywhere else and I've played a lot more than my fair share of online MMO's.

Dex Scene
05-11-2015, 03:59 PM
Also the gaps between a rich and a poor is huge.
The planar pend gives 500+ more hp and huge damage boost than any other amulets after it.
If the amulet that strong is solely depend on the RNG system, GG to all the affords on cutting off the gaps between a maxed out and a middle class player!

Also about that fossil!
The best rogue pet in the game, some people runs arena thousands + times to get it but he gets nothing.
Then some lucky people get them in far far less runs!
Its so messed up!

The game is either spend ya real money or be super lucky!! Farmers just keeps at farming watching these happened.
I have literally gone broke running arena!!
RNG system sux! Sts needs to work at it!

05-13-2015, 09:01 PM
I'm currently at 600 something runs(total), and I've looted epics and some reinforced gems, while some guy did 50 runs this event and looted a freaking fossil!!!!!! This is beyond discouraging, its outrageous! Im giving up on arena now until this luck system is fixed. I find it funny how devs ask players what they want to be fixed next, and they never took a look at the luck system for ages. What are they even doing in their offices? Making even more luck based things for expansion?

Dex Scene
05-14-2015, 04:21 AM
I used to play a mmorpg game... i forgot the name. But the game was something about dueling. Nvm,
There we used to have awesome way to loot better chances the more u run.

It was like this,
When you win fights, your luck chance to get higher rarity item increases!
Its increases slowly. The more your winning streaks the higher chance of getting better chance.
Once u lose, your luck % starts from 1% again.

Instead of RNG system, Al could do this.
There's no winning and losing in AL'S pve. So
Luck chance to get best items could grow the more you run. Once you are at top luck, you have greatest chance to loot mythic recipe for 3-4 runs. Lowest rarity items would be dismiss from loot table for those runs. You might get the recipe or not, but in 3-4 runs luck would get reseted again to build up again..