View Full Version : [IMPORTANT] Suggestions!

04-07-2011, 02:44 PM
I'm a big fan of all types of MMORPG and played all types. Here's some suggestions to implement in the game.

• Dodge
- dex should contribute more to dodge than strength

• Parry
- Str modifies the chance of parrying
- Negates a melee attack
- Adds more survivalbility to PvP (No more 3 second kills)
-Warrior could have a passive parry skill
- Some melee weapons granting parry

• Block
- Only shields can block
- Successful blocks have 50/50 %chance of [80-99%] or [100%] damage reduction (not all blocks are perfect)
- Block% is determined by shield: Warrior's > Archer's > Mage

• Diagram: Player Hit% [yes/no] (if yes)--> Opponent Dodge% [yes/no] (if no)--> Opponent's Parry% [yes/no] (if no)--> Opponent's Block% [yes/no] (if no)--> Successful Hit [Player's (Dmg*Crit) - Opponents Armor]

• Achievements (with x gold/plat as rewards)
- Kill an opponent under x seconds
- 100k!
- Completed x quest
- Played for 5 hours straight
- Purchased Platinum
- Finished x Dungeon under y seconds

• Deaths
- Remove PvE death counts, allow kill count and PvP death counts.
- Deaths in PvE now gives penalty: 10% gold reduction. Usage of the Stash may help avoid such events, but gold in inventory will suffer a 10% reduction. This is to discourage deaths.

- Reduce auction list cost, instead adjust tax levels.
E.g. 3 hours: +5% of listed price; 11 hours +10%; 23 hours + 15%; 3 days +20%
Such adjustments will encourage lower leveled (cheaper) items in the auction house for some players can't not afford 1000g to list a 100g item. This will also encourage trade between players when dealing with large sums of money
- Add an easy item classification system to the auction house (and in general) Say a player only wanted thrown items (talons) or swords regardless of level. By the current search system, he would have to type an item name: Talon for example would only give him a list of items that has in is name "talon", but spikes, which are also thrown items would be excluded.
To summarize: |type of item| (e.g. Thrown, bows, swords, maces, 2h swords, Wings, mail, plate, leather) and |attribute|(Dex, Str, Int) classification
- To phases of confirminationn during player to player trade to avoid scams and confusion.
Phase1: Both players click Check-box
Check the box will lead to phase2
Phase2: Players can not adjust items, but can accept or decline the trade.
- Trading of platinum; (would actually benifit business if one thinks outside of the box)

•Balance of classes (during 1v1 PvP)
- An enchantress with high mana rate would be difficult to kill. Thus increase the cooldown of "heal" but also increase its healing effects
- Lower the effects of "increase armor" spell. I've seen level 30 Str mages having higher armor than lvl 30 Str warrior; the mage's armor nearly increases two fold. 65 -> 120
- Mages should have the ability/skill "Blink" x mana, x cooldown seconds, teleports user x yards towards the direction the user is facing.

- All players should have a natural regen rate by default without the use of equipment or attribute points.
- Mage: 1h, 2m | Bear: 2h, 1m | Bird: 1h, 1m
- Equipments should limit their regen rate stats. Bears and mages with high HP and MP regen during 1v1 PvP are very difficult to kill.
- SIGNIFICANT CHANGE: If possible, HP only regen out of combat, and MP only regens x seconds after no spells/skills are used. If this condition is met, only then high regen rates are encouraged in PvP and PvE.

• Avatar
- Rouge character (cat or squirrel; they're both agile creatures) (highest dps, 2nd lowest armor, dual wields two separate weapons {primary weapon does 100% damage, secondary does 50% of damage} in place of shield, cannot wear shield regards of attribute build)
- Male and Female Genders (all current players are bestowed 1 free gender change; further changes would require x Plat)

• Weaponry/Armory
- Some weapons have x sockets for gems; gems grant bonus to player's stats or have special effects (e.g. green gem- 12% HP regen, 4% dodge, a chance of enemy to be inflicted with thorn roots when striked; red gem- change of enemy to be inflicted with a burn when striked, drains 4% damage caused, etc.); gems can be found in the plat store for x plat (or found in rare drops)
- Amulets/Necklaces
- Trinkets having special abilities when activated

• New background music.

• A self-generating level to increase replay value.

• Item Rolling; Drops; Loots
- Party Leader dictates the type of drop
- Default Type: Free-For-All. All looting is random.
- Type 1: Items with values higher than (green/purple/pink) will be rolled between the party. Three tappable buttons players can choose: Need; Greed; Pass. Need> Greed> Pass. If more than one player click tap on need, (or greed, if nobody taps on need) a random roll between 1-100 will occur. Player with highest number wins the item. This system is based highly on ethics, players may abuse the "need" but may be kicked by leader.
- Type 2: Leader distributes all loot between players

• Misc
- Potions having x second(s) cooldown. Play requires more thought and skill, rather than spamming the potion button. In WoW, Potions have 1-5 minute and cooldown starts after player leaves combat.
- A BIG message saying "Leaving Combat.." to inform the player he is out of combat. This helps avoid accidental "PvP/PvE death grants while leaving area", especially when player thinks he is out of combat, but is not. (Usually there is a 5-10 second interval players must wait after combat before he is safe to leave the place without a death grant.)

To people concerned about game file sizes: Most data are stored online; gameloft games are over 1 gigabyte. These minor mechanical changes won't have any significant increases in .IPA. With already an abundance of content, Version 1.7's file size is currently only 48.8 megabytes. I doubt it will go over 1 gigabyte with changes less than the file's orginal content itself.

By: Deathscar Level 33 Merchant Bird

04-07-2011, 02:59 PM
- Deaths in PvE now gives penalty: 10% gold reduction. Usage of the Stash may help avoid such events, but gold in inventory will suffer a 10% reduction.

No, no and no to gold reduction. Why is this is a suggestion? What possible benefit is there to this? All it would do would be promote timid gameplay, and make most players paranoid about dying, hanging back, not using skills/waiting around for someone else to do something or catch aggro, and leech as much as they could.

Some of your other ideas are really good and I'd like to see at least some of them, but the devs have mentioned that they are already concerned about the .IPA size limit imposed on them by Apple (or something to that effect, don't quote me on that; I don't know if Android Market has a similar deal). A lot of your suggestions would require a pretty significant boost in the physical size of the app beyond the limits of what is possible..

Trading of platinum will never happen, per the devs current stance. Too much opportunity for fraud.

04-07-2011, 03:16 PM
yeah the gold thing is a bad idea.. but yeah lvl 30-35 mages are overpowered

04-07-2011, 03:26 PM
• Dodge
- dex should contribute more to dodge than strength

• Parry
- Str modifies the chance of parrying
- Negates a melee attack
- Adds more survivalbility to PvP (No more 3 second kills)
-Warrior could have a passive parry skill
- Some melee weapons granting parry

• Block
- Only shields can block
- Successful blocks have 50/50 %chance of [80-99%] or [100%] damage reduction (not all blocks are perfect)
- Block% is determined by shield: Warrior's > Archer's > Mage

• Diagram: Player Hit% [yes/no] (if yes)--> Opponent Dodge% [yes/no] (if no)--> Opponent's Parry% [yes/no] (if no)--> Opponent's Block% [yes/no] (if no)--> Successful Hit [Player's (Dmg*Crit) - Opponents Armor]

• Achievements (with x gold/plat as rewards)
- Kill an opponent under x seconds
- 100k!
- Completed x quest
- Played for 5 hours straight
- Purchased Platinum
- Finished x Dungeon under y seconds

• Deaths
- Remove PvE death counts, allow kill count and PvP death counts.
- Deaths in PvE now gives penalty: 10% gold reduction. Usage of the Stash may help avoid such events, but gold in inventory will suffer a 10% reduction.
Nope you have no idea how many deaths occur on AO3 and BS now because of a mistake or fire traps I hated repairs on WoW same thing would apply here
- Reduce auction list cost, instead adjust tax levels.
E.g. 3 hours: +5% of listed price; 11 hours +10%; 23 hours + 15%; 3 days +20% This is not cheap by any means I agree that for lower priced items it should be a lot cheaper but can you imagine posting a 1mill item for 3 days costing 200k? sorry but this is a no-no
Such adjustments will encourage lower leveled (cheaper) items in the auction house for some players can't not afford 1000g to list a 100g item. This will also encourage trade between players when dealing with large sums of money
- Add an easy item classification system to the auction house (and in general) Say a player only wanted thrown items (talons) or swords regardless of level. By the current search system, he would have to type an item name: Talon for example would only give him a list of items that has in is name "talon", but spikes, which are also thrown items would be excluded.
To summarize: |type of item| (e.g. Thrown, bows, swords, maces, 2h swords, Wings, mail, plate, leather) and |attribute|(Dex, Str, Int) classification
- To phases of confirminationn during player to player trade to avoid scams and confusion.
Phase1: Both players click Check-box
Check the box will lead to phase2
Phase2: Players can not adjust items, but can accept or decline the trade.
- Trading of platinum; (would actually benifit business if one thinks outside of the box)

•Balance of classes (during 1v1 PvP)
- An enchantress with high mana rate would be difficult to kill. Thus increase the cooldown of "heal" but also increase its healing effects
- Lower the effects of "increase armor" spell. I've seen level 30 Str mages having higher armor than lvl 30 Str warrior; the mage's armor nearly increases two fold. 65 -> 120
- Mages should have the ability/skill "Blink" x mana, x cooldown seconds, teleports user x yards towards the direction the user is facing.

That is a 12 second buff and yes it can be big on lower levels but warriors also have their rage. Wait for the GCD to come on next patch.

- All players should have a natural regen rate by default without the use of equipment or attribute points.
- Mage: 1h, 2m | Bear: 2h, 1m | Bird: 1h, 1m
- Equipments should limit their regen rate stats. Bears and mages with high HP and MP regen during 1v1 PvP are very difficult to kill.
- SIGNIFICANT CHANGE: If possible, HP only regen out of combat, and MP only regens x seconds after no spells/skills are used. If this condition is met, only then high regen rates are encouraged in PvP and PvE.
At higher levels it depends on the class you play but mage and warrior gear have enough mana regen for their class and birds now have the SK gear for 51 and above.

• Weaponry/Armory
- Some weapons have x sockets for gems; gems grant bonus to player's stats or have special effects (e.g. green gem- 12% HP regen, 4% dodge, a chance of enemy to be inflicted with thorn roots when striked; red gem- change of enemy to be inflicted with a burn when striked, drains 4% damage caused, etc.); gems can be found in the plat store for x plat (or found in rare drops)
- Amulets/Necklaces
- Trinkets having special abilities when activated
Devs have more equipment planned for future updates.
• New background music.

By: Deathscar Level 33 Bird and Merchant

My recommendation is for you to play till the higher levels and you will realize that most of the things you posted will not be that meaningful and if you pvp at those levels you will be outclassed not because of the skills but because there are a lot of twinks at that level with the best gear for them.

04-07-2011, 03:27 PM
To people concerned about game file sizes: Most data are stored online; gameloft games are over 1 gigabyte. These minor mechanical changes won't have any significant increases in .IPA

By: Deathscar Level 33 Bird and Merchant

These are not minor mechanical changes. Some of them are major WoW-like suggestions.

And I am not personally concerned about file sizes, the devs were. Since you think you are smarter than them, feel free to discuss it with them.

04-08-2011, 01:07 PM
No way to gold reduce and definitely no way of trading platinum. There are already scammers who scam gold, we dont want our platinum we either earned free or PAID to b scammed from us. That will only make scamming more popular. And u will see what we r talking about when ur a higher lvl in pl. And to me, it looks like ur trying to benefite archers the most because ur an archer. We need lots of things tht will benefite everyone

04-08-2011, 03:08 PM
On a lighter note, I find it interesting and funny that you suggested, "gender changes for plat" Hehe. Maybe its just me but at least it gave me a laugh. This was a well thought out post. Best I've ever seen for someone here with only 4 posts.