View Full Version : The 50k Code Answer!

04-08-2011, 03:18 PM
first off, id like to say...
you all just got


never have i been so bored with so much cash, so im:
Gonna make a small confusing riddle, and whoever guesses it right gets 50k. Give me about 1-2 days and whoever is the closest to getting it, will recieve the money. You can ONLY make 1 entry, but you can edit it at any time, just make sure to tell me. Up to you and your brain on how good you are at these. Never tell your friends to make a forum account just to enter it or something...lol idk. Gonna finish up a little announcement then we'll start. Let me assure you that i catch anyone making 2 submissions for this code (riddle) will not be able to compete in any future 100k codes. You may be suprised the amount of cheating in these types of contests..
Down to business.

Never ever do people drink energy drinks before they board a plane. Going to the bathroom ON a flight is has BAD consequences. To make the best of the flight: Run in the isles of the plane, never walk, because you can see something strange. Around the wings of the plane are small projections. And dont be sure to notice what color they are! "Desert is served" says the 1st class flight attendent, while she passes out chocolate DUST. You can be suprised what you find in the middle.
Who am i!

IM Rick Astley!

the bolded words were there to confuse you :)

also, the 25k code is cancelled, because it says

"You know the rules, and so do i!"

never have i been so bored with so much cash, so im:
Gonna make a small confusing riddle, and whoever guesses it right gets 50k. Give me about 1-2 days and whoever is the closest to getting it, will recieve the money. You can ONLY make 1 entry, but you can edit it at any time, just make sure to tell me. Up to you and your brain on how good you are at these. Never tell your friends to make a forum account just to enter it or something...lol idk. Gonna finish up a little announcement then we'll start. Let me assure you that i catch anyone making 2 submissions for this code (riddle) will not be able to compete in any future 100k codes. You may be suprised the amount of cheating in these types of contests..
Down to business.

Never ever do people drink energy drinks before they board a plane. Going to the bathroom ON a flight is has BAD consequences. To make the best of the flight: Run in the isles of the plane, never walk, because you can see something strange. Around the wings of the plane are small projections. And dont be sure to notice what color they are! "Desert is served" says the 1st class flight attendent, while she passes out chocolate DUST. You can be suprised what you find in the middle.
Who am i!

04-08-2011, 03:21 PM
Well played Kossi, awesome riddle!

04-08-2011, 03:23 PM
Ugh. Hate you right now lol.

And I don't understand the reason the 25k one was cancelled. Was there no answer there either?

04-08-2011, 04:01 PM
Lmao Excellent!! I would not hAve begun to find that pattern to solve this riddle nice job !

04-08-2011, 04:53 PM
LOL. You got me. I've been stumped for hours.......

04-08-2011, 05:24 PM
Gurrr! got rickrolled again! Gurrr!

04-08-2011, 07:52 PM
you sir... genius.

04-09-2011, 04:22 AM
first off, id like to say...
you all just got


never have i been so bored with so much cash, so im:
Gonna make a small confusing riddle, and whoever guesses it right gets 50k. Give me about 1-2 days and whoever is the closest to getting it, will recieve the money. You can ONLY make 1 entry, but you can edit it at any time, just make sure to tell me. Up to you and your brain on how good you are at these. Never tell your friends to make a forum account just to enter it or something...lol idk. Gonna finish up a little announcement then we'll start. Let me assure you that i catch anyone making 2 submissions for this code (riddle) will not be able to compete in any future 100k codes. You may be suprised the amount of cheating in these types of contests..
Down to business.

Never ever do people drink energy drinks before they board a plane. Going to the bathroom ON a flight is has BAD consequences. To make the best of the flight: Run in the isles of the plane, never walk, because you can see something strange. Around the wings of the plane are small projections. And dont be sure to notice what color they are! "Desert is served" says the 1st class flight attendent, while she passes out chocolate DUST. You can be suprised what you find in the middle.
Who am i!

IM Rick Astley!

Complaint! In verse three (I think) it says "Never going to run around and and desert you" when the lyrics are "Never gonna run around and desert you". I think you owe all the participants 50K each;)

04-09-2011, 08:17 AM
I agree with Mysticaldream LOL I didn't see this in time to answer it....and WTF is Rick rolled besides music??

04-09-2011, 11:11 AM
Tim Exile!

04-09-2011, 11:19 AM
Hey kid you can't kid the kid you want to kid because the kid you want to kid you can't kid get me kid?

04-09-2011, 11:22 AM
Jake, please don't switch the blade on the guy in shades.

Oh No.