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View Full Version : About those pets

05-12-2015, 11:23 PM
Few questions popped into my mind and I was wondering:
Does Breezaga's "regenerating MP during combat "means that breezaga regens your mana in Pve while fighting with enemies or does it always regen mana at everywhere? Is Breezaga worth it in PvE?

How would you rate blinky, yowie, grimm, little bear and breezaga as PvE rogue pets on the scale from 1 to 10?
Little Bear:

05-13-2015, 12:35 AM
Blinky 7
Yowie 5
Grimm 8,5
Little bear 7
Breezaga 1

05-13-2015, 12:43 AM
Blinky: 8.5 High dmg ouput, toxin effect and AA reduce armor good for clearing mob
Yowie: 7.5 high dmg output, +165 health and AA good for tanking
Grimm: 7 average dmg output, AA banished chance small
Little Bear: 7.5 high armor, good crit bonus, AA adding str and protection
Breezaga: 5 vanity pet

05-13-2015, 01:00 AM
Blinky 8
Yowie 6
Grimm 8
Little bear 6
Breezaga 4

05-13-2015, 03:22 AM
Blinky 7 --> Awesome happiness bonus and great AA
Grimm 6 --> Good happiness and nice debuffs, banish is really low
Yowie 4 --> A lot stats but afterall useless
Little bear 3 --> Its weak
Breezaga -100000000 --> Vanity pet

Dex Scene
05-13-2015, 04:24 AM
Blinky: 8/10 good stats, crits. Good abilities. Lacks on mana though!

Yowie: 6/10. Good stats. Good hp. No crits. Lacks in mana too.

Grimm: 7/10 good stats. No crits. Good debuffs. Usefull in elites.

Little bear: 5/10. Good armor. Have crits bonus. No damage bonus! Decent pet for starter in pvp. In pve, not a great pet.

Breezaga: 2/10. Its a vanity pet.

05-13-2015, 05:50 AM
Blinky 7 --> Awesome happiness bonus and great AA
Grimm 6 --> Good happiness and nice debuffs, banish is really low
Yowie 4 --> A lot stats but afterall useless
Little bear 3 --> Its weak
Breezaga -100000000 --> Vanity pet

Blinky: 8/10 good stats, crits. Good abilities. Lacks on mana though!

Yowie: 6/10. Good stats. Good hp. No crits. Lacks in mana too.

Grimm: 7/10 good stats. No crits. Good debuffs. Usefull in elites.

Little bear: 5/10. Good armor. Have crits bonus. No damage bonus! Decent pet for starter in pvp. In pve, not a great pet.

Breezaga: 2/10. Its a vanity pet.

Doesnt breezaga regenerate mana?

Dex Scene
05-13-2015, 05:54 AM
Doesnt breezaga regenerate mana?
Gives 200 mana. Doesn't regen mana! Its an useless pet!