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View Full Version : Altar relic confusion

05-14-2015, 10:21 PM
So, im confused. I want to try for a nightshade , so dont want to ise up my tokens unless reallly needed
So, my confusion with altar is, once we craft it whenever it spawns we can enter with no energy needed, essentially running continuously
If thats the case, how easy is its spawn?

Kyle Holmes
05-14-2015, 11:05 PM
That's the idea I'm getting mate. Its not that hard to find but its not that easy if you know what I mean hahaha they haven't made it super rare cos you can get into it free

sent from fritters beak

05-14-2015, 11:26 PM
i'm confused too. i thought cara said it was one time use but others have said it can be re-used ?

05-14-2015, 11:35 PM
i'm confused too. i thought cara said it was one time use but others have said it can be re-used ?

It is reusable.

05-15-2015, 01:23 AM
So you only ever have to use 3 buyable energies once?

05-15-2015, 04:43 AM
So you only ever have to use 3 buyable energies once?
I believe it a bug. Pay 3 energy for countless entry?
I thought that it is designed like: 3 energy = 4 entry (whole pt) -or- whole guild (FL list) can join to the map with portal when you lock that map for 90s

05-15-2015, 06:14 AM
I believe it a bug. Pay 3 energy for countless entry?
I thought that it is designed like: 3 energy = 4 entry (whole pt) -or- whole guild (FL list) can join to the map with portal when you lock that map for 90s

lol. try to find that altar first

05-15-2015, 06:54 AM
Doesnt make sense to pay 3 energies per run.. The boss drops 26 tokens, with reg you can get 30. So it is reusable...

05-15-2015, 11:38 AM
I believe it a bug. Pay 3 energy for countless entry?
I thought that it is designed like: 3 energy = 4 entry (whole pt) -or- whole guild (FL list) can join to the map with portal when you lock that map for 90s

I think it's good tbh.
With this, we can farm alter with guildies while farming energies, helping each others.
Alter is not found so often for me, so it's OK for now.

05-15-2015, 06:19 PM
I crafted mine but I'm not sure what the goblin altar relic does. I thought it was unlimited access to special event.

Can anyone tell me what this does or how to use it? HALP!

05-15-2015, 07:25 PM
I crafted mine but I'm not sure what the goblin altar relic does. I thought it was unlimited access to special event.

Can anyone tell me what this does or how to use it? HALP!

>> Sometimes when you kill mobs, a gateway (Altar) appears - its a huge flag on sticks basically.

>> If you have an Altar Relic in your inventory, you are able to activate this altar by clicking it- this makes a portal appear.

>> The portal leads to a "bonus" run of the event and you can enter it with no energy required. The portal stays open for 90 seconds.

>> Once on the other side, people can join you also for free with no energy required.

- they can come in by clicking "join" in friends list or guild list

- if you are in a party or make a party, they can join in the usual way clicking your name.

- other people in the map can also reach the event by physically going through the portal you created when you activated the altar (until it closes 90 seconds later.)

>> If you are lucky, an Altar will spawn every couple of runs, if unlucky it can also be one in an hour (no bitterness here at allll >.<) The system works best if you are working together with your guild/friends so that a lot of people are looking for them at the same time and inviting each other to join when one is found.

05-15-2015, 07:55 PM
Wow thanks community (Dalomy) for taking the time to reply.