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View Full Version : silly mistakes done during goblin event

05-17-2015, 08:17 AM
Let me describe the things wth which ill desctibe my mistakes lol
I have lv 41 mage- ZAUILET
And lv 9 warrior- JUDDGYY
These r the mistakes and things which I thought :
1. I didn't knew that altar recipe can be used to craft more then 1 altar relic sobi buyed one recipe on my both toons
2. The second reason behind buying the recipe on both toons is that I didn't knew altar relic was stashable/tradeable
3. I buyed greater gilded goblin chest recipe on mage nd came to knew it req hoarded goblin chests as a result tokens got wasted on it
The only useful thing I did was crafting goblin locks
Fell free to post ur "silly" mistakes during goblin event
Ty all :)

05-17-2015, 09:12 AM
I am someone who is always trying to make gold though I can never make much(I never have more than 200k spare)
Here r my mistakes lol-
I bought altar recipe as I thought I would make money by crafting them(un tradeable kits...)but now it's not even money back aww wasted 75tokens I would have had 215 right now but have only 140 now I wanted recipe but it's so cheap bought it for 40k in auction(approx)huh I'll still be aming for...hum maybe glaive

05-17-2015, 09:14 AM
'I wanted recipe*but it's so cheap.....'
*vanity infectious set

-glaive is trash too what should I do..

05-17-2015, 09:26 AM
The altar relic recipe traceable? Lol with is happening I dunno anything bout this event!!
I would like to request sts to post all the things which r tradeable from ursoth's assault event
Ty all :)

Dex Scene
05-17-2015, 12:07 PM
Well the 1:30 game time (cst) is like 1 am here.
I have bought all lockeds at 4-5k.
Crafted like 5*7=35 goblin locked before going to sleep.
I set alarm for when it get crafted.
I knew prices of those goblins would decrease the more time is consumed.
So I had to set the alarm.
Goblins were still 50-55k each that time.

I could not wake up when the alarm buzzed.
Woke up late and saw goblin lockeds were 12-13k.
Sold all. Lost golds!

05-17-2015, 12:31 PM
Well the 1:30 game time (cst) is like 1 am here.
I have bought all lockeds at 4-5k.
Crafted like 5*7=35 goblin locked before going to sleep.
I set alarm for when it get crafted.
I knew prices of those goblins would decrease the more time is consumed.
So I had to set the alarm.
Goblins were still 50-55k each that time.

I could not wake up when the alarm buzzed.
Woke up late and saw goblin lockeds were 12-13k.
Sold all. Lost golds!

Same thing for pink items. I loted a poisonous helm fatality for war lv41. I went to cs to check price. Most expensive was 99k, then was 15k, then 5k, 1k, lastly 350 gold.. Just liquidated mine. These under cutters sure ruining the economy..

05-17-2015, 01:01 PM
Lol I'm happy to see that I was not alone who did that kinda silly mistakes lol
Ty for ur posts :)