View Full Version : nice work on the the 1.2 update!

05-24-2010, 10:08 PM
-Haven't found any PVP folks on Fnord yet, but some of the "smaller" modifications are really well done. I especially appreciate only having skills that I have points in appear. I also really like the status icons appearing below the health/mana bars to indicate which state-based effects are "on". These may be small details, but since I play on an iPhone, efficient use of screen space is a HUGE plus for me.

Also, since I am playing an Avian now, I appreciate that we now have our own combo! Having started with an enchantress as my first character, I have missed having a power play to call "my own" with my axe-swinging chicken hero.

Thanks for taking such care with this game. It really shows a level of attention and care that is rare in the iPhone gaming world.

Keep up the good work!

05-24-2010, 10:11 PM
Only played one game of PvP, it is pretty fun.

I really really like the new chat.. Much faster, and the auto correct helps a ton.
The buff icons are very nice as well..

Overall soo far it was an A+ upgrade, but give me a few days with pvp and ask me again haha.

05-24-2010, 10:16 PM
The one problem I have, is that pvp is pointless right now, maybe adding xp for killing or winning could help.

05-24-2010, 10:17 PM
The one problem I have, is that pvp is pointless right now, maybe adding xp for killing or winning could help.

It's not pointless for those of us who are at cap, and basically have nothing else to do..

05-24-2010, 10:18 PM
Man i cant wait to get home and try this out, its goona be the shiz