View Full Version : Hey guys just stopping by to say hello

05-18-2015, 01:30 PM
I think its been too long! Saying hello ya know my crazy self isn't dead yet lol. All is great just finishing up first year of college about to be moving to Las Vegas and thats about it. If you know who I am feel free to tell me whats new see whats up you know. Im always here anyways and i might be ingame later on today just to see who still plays! So check PL,AL,DL, and SL ill hop on all of them atleast once in the next couple hours. Hope to see some familiar faces!
-Scott A.K.A Razer/Razerfingers

05-18-2015, 04:07 PM
Welcome back Razer!

05-18-2015, 04:54 PM
Hey bud! Welcome back!

05-18-2015, 06:03 PM
I think its been too long! Saying hello ya know my crazy self isn't dead yet lol. All is great just finishing up first year of college about to be moving to Las Vegas and thats about it. If you know who I am feel free to tell me whats new see whats up you know. Im always here anyways and i might be ingame later on today just to see who still plays! So check PL,AL,DL, and SL ill hop on all of them atleast once in the next couple hours. Hope to see some familiar faces!
-Scott A.K.A Razer/Razerfingers
Hai dood hoa is u

05-18-2015, 06:04 PM
Welcome back Razer!
Hey! Good to see some old friends here!

Hey bud! Welcome back!
Hey to you too!

Hai dood hoa is u
Hello! And i'm doin pretty good you?