View Full Version : Pvp without pets?

05-19-2015, 11:27 AM
How about an option for ctf (screw tdm :3) to have the ability to choose to play with or without pets, pvp is no fun with every pet being able to stun and having the possibility to be stacked.
Anyone also looking for smthn like this?

05-19-2015, 11:44 AM
Oh I never think that, must be good and funny. And if sts add more boost like elixir run, elixir damage, elixir protection, mana pack, health pack like TDM .

05-19-2015, 11:57 AM
You mean that type of Pvp we had during S2? :3

05-19-2015, 12:14 PM
oh and that join friend glitch to sneak pets into pvp ?

05-19-2015, 10:42 PM
p v p was without pets................

05-19-2015, 10:54 PM
This could be fun! Better balance.

05-20-2015, 06:16 AM
From a guy without any arcane pets, I'd love this idea.

But then several people have paid loads and loads of $s and poured in hundreds of hours to get pets like S&S and Nekro. Wouldn't be fair really, if half the players went to a zone without pets.

05-20-2015, 08:41 AM
From a guy without any arcane pets, I'd love this idea.

But then several people have paid loads and loads of $s and poured in hundreds of hours to get pets like S&S and Nekro. Wouldn't be fair really, if half the players went to a zone without pets.

I actually don't really care about if a pet is arcane or not, I'm just sick of almost every pet having some sort of stun:/

05-20-2015, 08:58 AM
There is a solution to this, get a stun pet of your own, or get Violet removes stun.... :-)

05-20-2015, 09:00 AM
worriors will win most likely due to their high str builds..........

05-20-2015, 09:12 AM
worriors will win most likely due to their high str builds..........
Yes but no dmg bones of pets... :) just tank as a tank indestructable.

05-20-2015, 09:13 AM
There is a solution to this, get a stun pet of your own, or get Violet removes stun.... :-)

Removing stuns with a pet is pointless and I have breeze

worriors will win most likely due to their high str builds..........

Lmao, just no.

05-20-2015, 09:47 PM
+1 to this thread. Let's revive the season2 pvp fun.
No wonder season 2 was the best season ever. No arcane pets at all. Clear balance between class and where Malison, ribbit and Colton were considered the best pets.

05-20-2015, 10:12 PM
Lmao, just no.

Mages will b squashed anyways :p

05-20-2015, 10:13 PM
Make 2 types of pvp option , one with pet other no pet . Let ppl decided witch they want to join

05-20-2015, 10:17 PM
worriors will win most likely due to their high str builds..........

Agreed, rogues will not have the mana regeneration to keep up.

05-20-2015, 11:42 PM
Agreed, rogues will not have the mana regeneration to keep up.

Then we shall gang the warrios \(^^)/

05-20-2015, 11:58 PM
Agreed, rogues will not have the mana regeneration to keep up.

my stats r very bad without my handy singe! Sam is not much of a stat pet, but his performance is great as well. From my late pvp experience, with high end gears like elo bow, planar amu, singe, ive been getting ganged constantly, and now i am able to survive some people *points fingers*. Most of the time ive been loosing, i have no idea on using these gears to my advantage.


- High STR builds allowing survival
- 5% DMG boost giving them a chance to damage somewhat-ish better
- heavy armor -> reduces incoming damage greatly
- easily survive a mage and a rogue.

- Coming soon



- Aim'd shot crit stack may counter the problem of stat pets that give crit.
- Somewhat able to damage
- Dodge and crit are very powerful

- 10% dmg nerf will hurt this class more, especially since its a debuff...
- No pet for mana, stats, hp and so forth.
- Stats like prim stats, int str dex are helpful, but without this the class will b damaged more.


- Arcane shield allows better survival, however this is a short period for about 10seconds.
- Stuns, effective against killing rogues warriors
- Light and ice, basically 2 aimed shots.

- When the shield is down, a mage with X < 5,000 will be subject to easy death by a combo, even they can be stunned, so it is obvious they will die faster.
- Pets, pets like slag, blinky and more allow these to help the Sorc. to counter rogues by effective combo and timings. However, without pets, they will die very fast.
- Arcane shield's DMG reduction will decrease without pets that give STR.

05-21-2015, 01:33 AM
95% warriors go to the petless system. Evacuate, now!