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View Full Version : advice on running elites for lvl 40

05-21-2015, 06:58 PM
hi everybody, i'm wondering where and how to start learning to run hard elites? i'm lvl 40 with magma brut and exped pot, upgraded mythics, blood ruby and fang (some perfect some normal fire gems). my main pets are gyrm yowie and nilbog. i've solo'd the basic elites but having trouble getting pts. i know i need to lvl up which i am also doing but i wanna hit 41 prepared. any advice? ty.

oh i am in a guild which is pretty active but mostly seems lower lvl players or sometimes officers doing planar which i don't think i;m ready for.

05-21-2015, 10:34 PM
I would recommend reading Kalizzaa's elite guide since it really helps for rogues who wish to do more elite or be better at it. While the guides were prepared for solo runs, the info given there is applicable in party runs as well:


05-21-2015, 10:46 PM
Also read what he posted here about class roles and how they intertwine, to give you an idea of what your role, other class's (warrior, mage) skills, and how to work with these.


But reading and practicing solo, IMO, aren't enough. Actual runs with parties are still the best way to train and prepare. Try make friends with other players who are interested in running elite, either by joining a guild with more focus on elite or making connections here on forum. Good luck! :)

05-22-2015, 05:43 AM
As already said on the guide, level to L41!

There is nothing worse than having a burden, an L40, on a L41 group. It just portrays laziness to me, don't mean to be rude but the huge XP gap is something we all had to do, not just you! Also, the work will pay off for the banner as in the new expansion the L41 banner won't be achievable. Capping should be your priority, and trust me, you'll be glad you did!

05-22-2015, 05:54 AM
Leveling up is priority 1.
Getting a good elite guild is priority 2.
Running with people Who know how, and are willing to teach you is number 3.
After you do these, you will be a 1337EliteMLGpro