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View Full Version : Do you think this game tries to be too many things for too many people?

04-11-2011, 11:42 AM
When I was playing the beta version when it wasn't even complete it was about monsters and magic, which is what I loved.
It was like Dungeon Hunter from Gameloft on steroids. I could play with people all over the world.
Then we introduce crocodiles and swamps, shadow beasts and aliens going into space.
I played Dungeons and Dragons back in the day and I like the Mystic aspect of the game but not the sci fi and all the other stuff. Correct me if I'm wrong but the mage class are elves?
I kinda feel it lost its way now we are in the sewers fighting lizards and cockroaches.
And the new game doesn't excite me at all because I dont like scifi,I never have.
It started with Legend of Zelda for me and I was hooked on magic,quests and spells.
It's a moot point now but do you think the game should of stayed mythilogical in the ages of wizardry like a Lord of the rings type game?
I love pocket legends bordering on obsessed and this game and the time spent creating it borders on phenomenal!
But now I hear you'll be able to fart?
I don't Understand what Egypt and space has to do with anything unless you believe the Mayans were from space and made the pyramids?
I'm going off work so discuss tell me how you feel what you think.
Should a game try to be everything to everybody to appease all the masses, clearly something is working because it's a sensation that I love.
I don't know how long it will last and where it can go only time will tell.

04-11-2011, 11:50 AM
I agree with the Aliens comment. They do not quite fit. Besides this sewer/swamp are ok. I wish they'd make quests for Skeller returns.

04-11-2011, 11:50 AM
When I was playing the beta version when it wasn't even complete it was about monsters and magic, which is what I loved.
It was like Dungeon Hunter from Gameloft on steroids. I could play with people all over the world.
Then we introduce crocodiles and swamps, shadow beasts and aliens going into space.
I played Dungeons and Dragons back in the day and I like the Mystic aspect of the game but not the sci fi and all the other stuff. Correct me if I'm wrong but the mage class are elves?
I kinda feel it lost its way now we are in the sewers fighting lizards and cockroaches.
And the new game doesn't excite me at all because I dont like scifi,I never have.
It started with Legend of Zelda for me and I was hooked on magic,quests and spells.
It's a moot point now but do you think the game should of stayed mythilogical in the ages of wizardry like a Lord of the rings type game?
I love pocket legends bordering on obsessed and this game and the time spent creating it borders on phenomenal!
But now I hear you'll be able to fart?
I don't Understand what Egypt and space has to do with anything unless you believe the Mayans were from space and made the pyramids?
I'm going off work so discuss tell me how you feel what you think.
Should a game try to be everything to everybody to appease all the masses, clearly something is working because it's a sensation that I love.
I don't know how long it will last and where it can go only time will tell.

So you're talking about the game being fantasy? I think it's doing fine - I like the link between pyriamids and space eg stargates. The ancients were obsessed with the stars and also all life originates as "star dust" afterall. ;) PL has done a gj making it's lore/mythology that suits the art style.

As for B*, that is Sci-Fi with a mystical/fantasy twist whereas PL is the other way around. The twist adds some variety imo because there's so many fantasy/sci-fi already it's kinda good? Horses for course obv. :)

The main thing is the char designs and the lore/story all work well together and this on a small phone where screen space is tight as. Can't wait for the story of B* usu. prefer fantasy eg Arthurian Legends but this looks like a lot of effort has been put in. ^ ^

04-11-2011, 11:52 AM
all life originates as "star dust" afterall.

... "radio active waste" is a little more accurate :D

04-11-2011, 11:59 AM
Do you think this game tries to be too many things for too many people?

/10 chars

04-11-2011, 12:29 PM
Hmmm. good thread topic. I'd have to agree a little but disagree mainly, so in answer to the question. No I don't think it tries to be too many things, it needs to be.

On the surface of it it may seem some of the themes have wandered away from the original theme slightly, a bit too much some times? Not sure. [For the record i'm a fantasy (elves/orc and Lord of the rings) fan too.]

From a game point of view the dev team have to think of so many different target markets. The original players and power players will have moved through the game already and may be levelling in Sewers or most probably will already be there, so there needs to be plenty of content and longevity.

At the same time though, there needs to be plenty of good content at lower levels to encourage the newer players to commit their lives to PL, and hopefully some money too, as without further spending the game will just come to an end.

So I agree, I'd like the dev team not to stray to far from the true fantasy theme too, but there does need to be a real spread between the themes to avoid things becoming too repetitive, and to meet everyones needs. I love that Sewers has introduced some solutions for some of the minor issues the game had (more taxing levels, boss/problem solving variety, gear drops that mean Orange/green gear has some use, etc). Here's hoping crafting, guild and further content continues to impress.

But I'd have to disagree mainly as I think the devs have done a great job of giving us a game we love, listening to the community (mainly), balancing the needs of all players at different levels, keeping the game content varied and retaining the need to ensure a revenue stream (without it being TOO obvious)

Here's hoping the next scenario/releases head back towards the fantasy theme, but I think we'll all agree there's plenty more new, and varied, content to come.....

04-11-2011, 12:34 PM
Why must they stay to such a rigid structure? We had our fun with scifi stuff, now the devs are moving on with their theme list. From desert to space to sewers... Etc.

Each level range is a whole new experience. That is what makes PL special.

04-11-2011, 12:48 PM
So you don't like games having variety? If it sticks to just magic and monsters, this game will get old fast. I look forward to the newer themes in the future. The games headed in the right path.

04-11-2011, 12:56 PM
This game is very original for an MMO. The themes are weird and different and I like them as they are, the AO campaign might look ridiculous for some but that is the point of it all. I love the themes and I hope STS keeps the themes as different as they have.

04-11-2011, 01:10 PM
We have lizards?

04-11-2011, 02:42 PM
I think my short answer to your question is no. I think the devs are getting it right. As with any game, growth and variety are what sustains interest in playing. While I certainly enjoy the story aspect of certain part of the game more than others, the thing I really look for is a continunig challenge and development of the game in a way that makes me want to continue logging in. Each new level brings something a little different to the table, and I like that part of it. I believe if the game stayed static in its themes, there is a chance some players would become bored with the game and move on to other options. The core concept of the game has stayed true with every update, at least in my opinion.

04-11-2011, 03:21 PM
im rly happy with how pl is developi g and looking forware to fart pwck will be funny

04-11-2011, 04:07 PM
Egypt and aliens are related in some people's theories. Watch ancient aliens sometime, it is pretty interesting.

04-11-2011, 04:17 PM
The fact that PL creates this style of game with the various maps keeps everyone wondering what is coming next... Lets face it most games hwo abide by a theme become boaring to say the least, even the gear is refelctive of change due to creativity. I am off speaking of maps i am looking for a lizard i have not yet killed, and a lvl 50 vexnar of hate.. :)

04-11-2011, 04:36 PM
I dont know about the fart emote pack though *gulp*

04-11-2011, 04:57 PM
oh grow up people its just an emote! *shakes head*
why dont you ridicule the horrible dancing? you should be embarrassed!

04-11-2011, 05:03 PM
oh grow up people its just an emote! *shakes head*
So you are saying grow up and enjoy the *fart* emote? :)

04-11-2011, 05:13 PM
I like the "Mystic aspect" too;)

Answer to your question: no I don't:)

04-11-2011, 05:17 PM
I'd love mythical creatures next, sticks to wha I think the game SHOULD be.

04-11-2011, 05:34 PM
mhm interresting but i think the game is doing very good atm.

04-11-2011, 05:49 PM
You were a beta player?

04-11-2011, 06:15 PM
A long, long time ago, people thought a green-clad elf looking to find pieces of a triangle to complete a magical relic to defeat a supreme evil was a horrible idea. They thought only very few people would understand it.


04-11-2011, 06:46 PM
A long, long time ago, people thought a green-clad elf looking to find pieces of a triangle to complete a magical relic to defeat a supreme evil was a horrible idea. They thought only very few people would understand it.


The legen of Zelda is and always will be my favorite series. Bought a nintendo wii on release specifically for the game.

04-11-2011, 10:37 PM
I read all of them and I saw valid points in everybody's statements.
But something in my heart still wishes I would have seen a dragon, zombie and all those creatures from the dungeons and dragons realm.
As it stands the game has fundamentally changed how cell phone apps will be created and I think people responsible for this game are geniuses!
So I will appreciate what is has not what it's lacking!
Keep on playing and win those pinks! ;)

04-11-2011, 11:21 PM
I think as many options as possible, while still maintaining game balance, is a good thing!

04-11-2011, 11:23 PM
The legen of Zelda is and always will be my favorite series. Bought a nintendo wii on release specifically for the game.

And yet you can't beat SO? Come on! :p

04-11-2011, 11:37 PM
I don't think it's trying to be too many things for too many people. After all, how many people were crying for an Alien map, or for swamps? I think it's just all within the spectrum of having a diverse game. I don't know how quickly I'd be bored if it were all dungeons and dragons type of gameplay. Instead, STS made a product that was unique than most other MMORPG and allowed its players to have a choice in the type of maps that they play. I know that I almost quit the game in the beginning because I was tired of the whole castle/monster/undead theme. But then I started playing the frozen quests, and swamps, and it just kept me going and buying more platinum to see the rest of the stages. Think about it- zombies, aliens, lizards, mummies, demons, fire creatures, insects, etc....etc.. you name it they got it in virtually every environment. I for one, am happy that they strayed away from the whole standard MMORPG theme and that it isn't necessarily "Warcraft" for the phone, but in a class of its own. It would be kind of cool in the next update if they had a dragon as a major boss though, and would be the only map which has party sizes over 5 in order to beat it.

04-12-2011, 11:08 AM
Cool as, OP. Good to see you got some interesting responses & you've dropped "dragons" into the conversation skilfully too. ;)

For me the reason I like the art style + mixture of themes & mobs is they all have some fun and humor and is not too serious but look like they all come from the same place of creativity. It is really high standard and solves problems of being on a phone eg big heads to enhance their character (eg some actors have bigger than average heads!) as well as choosing different themes so players have variety on the tile-sets found in the dungeons compared to the open-ish sandy AO world as well as different background color palettes (bright & bubbly) etc. My fav character model is the Eagle who looks snooty imo and then the skeletons with their big skulls and death-rattle noises and in a well-earnt bronze the aliens with their skinny awkward-on-earth bodies and bulbous, staring eyes and hued skins! :)