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04-12-2011, 06:03 PM
So far, on about 15 Sewers/AO3/Plasma Pyramid runs, I think all I can say is that GCD seems (for PVE) just a bit too long....initial impression, maybe think about bringing it down to 0.3, 0.35. Still would require strategy, but might speed up the slog a little.

Not a fan of the login screen...looks nice, but the loss of functionality...meh.

04-12-2011, 06:05 PM
PLEASE remove the cool down, it has completely changed game play for the worse, thanks.

04-12-2011, 06:07 PM
Not a fan of the login screen...looks nice, but the loss of functionality...meh.


04-12-2011, 06:08 PM
I really don't mind the gcd on attacks, but on buffs and heals its just ridiculous. If you do keep the gcd, at least remove it from buffs and heals. I really hope they work this out, my favorite game just went to a game I don't care for in one update:( . Asommers, thank you for commenting and letting us know that u guys are listening! This game has amazing devs, now make the game fun again please :D. Lol

04-12-2011, 06:09 PM
Yes but with all the upcoming players how is pocket legends going to be able to keep everyone's ping low and prevent people from not joining because the game lags too much?

04-12-2011, 06:09 PM
I personally find alot of the parts of the update to be awesome like the new faces and oasis pool, however gcd in pve is really awkward on my playing. If it was moved down to say .25 secs I wouldnt mind it one bit. Faces are sooooooooo awesome. I'm rocking the koalla and loving it. Overall 8/10 on the update.

04-12-2011, 06:11 PM
I have been reading a few of these comments...it seems to me mostly negative. I for one love this game and in the few short 2 months I've played, I have spent around $250 on plat and with a CS sale of one item for 725k in gold it balances in my book of fun stuff to do.

So I have a suggestion to make: if you make a negative comment (keep it short) you must also give a positive comment (same shortness).

Positive first always: The landscape now looks tremendously better.
Negative: The GCD is a bit tedious...however I have to hold my final judgement on this.

P: Character creation is great now...on my fourth just to farm Meathead's Deli.
N: Obviously the Join button...which I saw is disabled for repair.

Change is an ever evolving thing that we humans are good at. So my challenge to those mostly negatives is to ADAPT or become EXTINCT!!

04-12-2011, 06:12 PM
As a mage I no longer use a lot of the other spells with this update because of the gcd. I think it would be helpful if you make the non attack spells stronger yet limit their respawn. Also i think that you should buff mages defence more now that you can heal as quickly.

04-12-2011, 06:12 PM
Well this is my first post because this is the first time I felt the need to say anything at all because I have always been satisfied with PL. I would just like to say that this new update COMPLETELY ruined this game for me. It is no longer fun and quick paced. It takes too long to self buff my character to even try to use my attacks. It might make it better if they used some sort of queue instead of having to wait for the cool down to tap another action, so that your next move will go automatically after each cool down...so until they make it better I feel like its time for me to retire...SAD FACE:(

ALSO: I think that the GCD doesnt need to be applied to buffs and heals..only attacks..makes the buffs pointless

04-12-2011, 06:15 PM
Well this is my first post because this is the first time I felt the need to say anything at all because I have always been satisfied with PL. I would just like to say that this new update COMPLETELY ruined this game for me. It is no longer fun and quick paced. It takes too long to self buff my character to even try to use my attacks. It might make it better if they used some sort of queue instead of having to wait for the cool down to tap another action, so that your next move will go automatically after each cool down...so until they make it better I feel like its time for me to retire...SAD FACE:(

We have another Stephanie O_o

04-12-2011, 06:25 PM
make the world map back into the char. selection screen!

04-12-2011, 06:31 PM
well as of right now there is not a single person i know of that likes the delay.
p.s. in my opinion it just ruined alot of mages from pvp.

04-12-2011, 06:33 PM
Update might be cool; not sure about the cool down affecting spells. Have to wait and see on that one.

04-12-2011, 06:35 PM
I have been reading a few of these comments...it seems to me mostly negative. I for one love this game and in the few short 2 months I've played, I have spent around $250 on plat and with a CS sale of one item for 725k in gold it balances in my book of fun stuff to do.

So I have a suggestion to make: if you make a negative comment (keep it short) you must also give a positive comment (same shortness).

Positive first always: The landscape now looks tremendously better.
Negative: The GCD is a bit tedious...however I have to hold my final judgement on this.

P: Character creation is great now...on my fourth just to farm Meathead's Deli.
N: Obviously the Join button...which I saw is disabled for repair.

Change is an ever evolving thing that we humans are good at. So my challenge to those mostly negatives is to ADAPT or become EXTINCT!!

Say whaa? A mandatory positive comment? I don't know if I agree with that, what if I don't have anything good to say about the new changes (just saying). Short negative comments seem to be what's going on now, so the devs will probably address those first, fact is that positive comments will not produce a result.

Change is good, the game did need to evolve a bit (imo). I was starting to get a bit bored with the game. I'm not sure that this was the breathe of life that it needed for me to become involved again, but at least for a while I'll be enjoying the fresh new system.

On a side note, that's a lot of plat to spend on a game that can at any moment make a change that could make or break itself. People spend actual money on plat because of what they feel the game is currently, there is no magic 8-ball that will tell them in a few short months there will be a system that will cause the game play speed to change from that of the hare to the tortoise (yes I know the tortoise won... that's kinda the point I'm trying to make).

04-12-2011, 06:38 PM
So far, on about 15 Sewers/AO3/Plasma Pyramid runs, I think all I can say is that GCD seems (for PVE) just a bit too long....initial impression, maybe think about bringing it down to 0.3, 0.35. Still would require strategy, but might speed up the slog a little.

Not a fan of the login screen...looks nice, but the loss of functionality...meh.

X2 a reduce in cooldown time would be nice. I haven't heard ONE friend telling me he enjoyed it. Solo runs have become nearly impossible and a full team takes noticable longer to clear a map. I always thought there would be some kind of rebalance but it seems there's only this cooldown while everything else remains the same.

I don't want to rant or anything, I'm only stating my personal opinion when I say that I like playing PL a lot less right now. And although I can't speak for anybody else, most of my friends don't even want to play at the moment :(

Not all is bad though, It's just the cool-down that I can't seem to get used to.

About the login screen: x2... please bring back the world map accessibility to the login screen

04-12-2011, 06:39 PM
Okay my 2 cents. Some suggestions for GCD.

Macros this will allow you to group skills together that are combos. By pressing a macro the players skill combo would initiate. Allowing you to use another skill sooner. Or you could just take a combo and make one skill this would replace an unused skill. Like restore for archers.

Make buffs last longer.

Make elixers last longer.

Decrease cool down time.

Raise drop rate or have sub bosses drop cheaper pink items.

04-12-2011, 06:40 PM
Wait! if I cast one spell; then all my other spells go away how am i supposed to do combos? Aww! I'm definitely not going to like gcd. Is this for the whole game or just for PVE and PVP?
Another request: Please bring back the world map.

04-12-2011, 06:41 PM
o one reccomendation. a friends link on main menu cause i always like to join my friends when i first log in. also add he map back

04-12-2011, 06:42 PM
IMO, Cooldown is only bad thing. Especially in PvP. I made a bird and grinded to 55 just for PvP, but PvP just like completely failed. Mages die really fast now, impossible to heal, revive, and attack at same time. You say "Most MMOs use cooldown" but i liked PL because its not like other MMOs. Btw, i find the new fart emotes disgusting.

04-12-2011, 06:42 PM
Okay my 2 cents. Some suggestions for GCD.

Macros this allow you to group skills together that are combos. By pressing a macro the players skill combo would initiate. Allowing a to use another skill sooner. Or you could just take a combo and make one skill would replace an unused skill. Like restore for archers.

Make buffs last longer.

Make elixers last longer.

Decrease cool down time.

Raise drop rate or have sub bosses drop cheaper pink items.

everything but #3 i salute to you

04-12-2011, 06:43 PM
Global cooldown sucks if anything put it only on skills that do dmg if not remove it from game

04-12-2011, 06:44 PM
Guys, we are listening, and playing, and watching. Overly-dramatic generalizations don't help at all, so thanks for keeping the feedback level.

04-12-2011, 06:45 PM
Guys, we are listening, and playing, and watching. Overly-dramatic generalizations don't help at all, so thanks for keeping the feedback level.

so what about my idea of bringing back world map to char. screen?

EDIT: theres 250,000 pretzels in it for you >.>

04-12-2011, 06:45 PM
It's a darn good idea.

04-12-2011, 06:46 PM
if youre going to keep global cooldown, youre going to have to increase spells dmg by tons or theres no way people r gunna survive in sewers unless the have full rr, mm, or ff (which the majority of players dont) OR make the enemies weaker to make the spells more effective. my suggestion take the gcd off because nobody likes it

04-12-2011, 06:47 PM
It's a darn good idea.

what about pvp rewards

EDIT: ok theres a VAULT of pretzels if you say yes

04-12-2011, 06:48 PM
yeah global cool down sucks. enemies hit the same rate but players hit slower cuz of the cool down. liked the old version better.

04-12-2011, 06:49 PM
I think a good area to make money on is the reviving aspect. When someone dies with pots, if they could revive (paying one platinum of course) and respawn with their pots as if the time was just continuing.... I think you could make a lot of money off that because i know for sure that i would pay that one platinum no hesitation... Just an idea pocket legends ;)

04-12-2011, 06:49 PM
I've seen that lots of people including myself are REAL MAD about the GCD so i might have a solution that would make everyone happy... in the options you could have a setting bar for a "skill launch interval" that you could set from .0 to .5 seconds then the people who like it can keep it and the people who don't like can turn it off. it also doubles as a difficulty option! for people who like it just not as long they could set it at like lets say... .3 seconds... than it would be a bit harder but not too much harder.

04-12-2011, 06:49 PM
It's a darn good idea.
haha my new sig quote

04-12-2011, 06:49 PM
I would like to voice my dissent of the cool down. Its really fun spamming all my spells at once. It also makes my heal absolutely ineffective for anything.

Perhaps a cooldown of 0.25 and a queue of commands that could be fired off, although I could see where a queue may be undesirable.

edit: I hope the GCD can be changed via serverside only..

04-12-2011, 06:50 PM
also, GET RID OF THE FARTS PACK lmao its so annoying

04-12-2011, 06:53 PM
also, GET RID OF THE FARTS PACK lmao its so annoying

Or, as I said in another thread, put an option to mute emotes in the options menu

04-12-2011, 06:54 PM
Return king and queen to their former glory please. :)

04-12-2011, 06:55 PM
Devs...thanks for being open to our criticisms and complaints. I know some are generalized gut reactions but there are recurrent valid complaints here as well. Please find a happy medium with GCD. I love that I can pick this game up for 5 minutes or 5 hours....my choice. I think that GCD will make the 5 minute option obsolete as it will be hard to join an effective PUG.
Again...thanks for your willingness to accept our feedback!

04-12-2011, 06:56 PM
Global cool down takes away the real-time actions contributing to combos, real time decision making, etc. Its a step backward in my opinion, and most importantly, its not as fun to play the game. Please consider removing - thx.

04-12-2011, 06:58 PM
You say "Most MMOs use cooldown" but i liked PL because its not like other MMOs. Btw, i find the new fart emotes disgusting.

Yes, but even those other mmorpgs have skills that are not affected by gcd, usually buffs and debuffs.

04-12-2011, 07:03 PM
take out the "global ability cool down" plzzz!! it ruined pvp!!!!!!!!!

04-12-2011, 07:04 PM
We have another Stephanie O_o

yes i am stephanie..what do you mean by another stephanie?

04-12-2011, 07:08 PM
So I've never posted because I'm lazy and don't care about anything much. But I had to comment following 1.7.1 update. In general, the update is good with the faces, emoticons, etc. But the gameplay has taken a big hit. I played through Balefort Stronghold one time and didn't play again because it wasn't even fun anymore. I think the global cooldown ruined the PvE gameplay. I heard GCD was for PvP, then please keep it for that only. Bosses are nearly impossible now without significant potting, is that the goal here? I always look forward to a more difficult game, but this is not more challenging, it is just more frustrating. I don't understand what the sewers set comments on here are but I'm worried that there are less or no more good drops. I'm a level 55 that has no other real way to get gold, what am I to do if the drops go away?

Please change the GCD. I will no longer play if it stays in this format. I will NOT be spending any more money for a format that is not fun to play.

04-12-2011, 07:09 PM
cant even use all my dmg skills before others ones back up...... maybe .2 gcd but not .5

04-12-2011, 07:14 PM
Another tidbit on GCD. It's very distracting to see it regen and also have to distinguish which skills are still in skill cool down. It takes away from watching the game play and other players health!

04-12-2011, 07:15 PM
that's a good suggestion.

04-12-2011, 07:17 PM
Any idea when the friend join button will be fixed?

04-12-2011, 07:19 PM
I've seen that lots of people including myself are REAL MAD about the GCD so i might have a solution that would make everyone happy... in the options you could have a setting bar for a "skill launch interval" that you could set from .0 to .5 seconds then the people who like it can keep it and the people who don't like can turn it off. it also doubles as a difficulty option! for people who like it just not as long they could set it at like lets say... .3 seconds... than it would be a bit harder but not too much harder.

this is the good idea. I didn't know how to quote before... :)

04-12-2011, 07:19 PM
I'm disappointed...I am very seriously disappointed. As you know, I've been a proponent of the update for a long time, dodging and parrying blows with the detractors and then now, on D-DAY, we receive the long-awaited update and I am crushed. I'm thinking about leaving the game...

...How am I supposed to look pimp and inspire the noobs of Forest Haven to greatness without sparkles when I have my Crown of Persistence on? This must be fixed NOW! If you're hesistant to do it because of balance issues then make it only for PVE! I could look twice as cool with sparkles than without. Really, if it looks too cool, then you can just make everyone look uglier or less epic so it doesn't effect the game as much. I might be ok if it just sparkles half as much as the other sets. But make this change now or I swear, I will go play another game. King's Quest on my Commodore 64 was better than this! ;P

04-12-2011, 07:20 PM
I started playing about a month ago and absolutely loved this game. Brought me back to when EQ was new. I have been having a blast playing to date but have to agree with some of the above posts. The GlobalColdown takes a lot away from the game for me as well. I cant effectively heal anymore im going to go broke buying pots (which might be what you are going for) and its very difficult to play solo if i just want to go through one zone because i only have a little bit to play. Ill have to see a little more once i can group with my friends again? maybe it will be ok but as it is right now im not enjoying the game. I liked the ability to solo sometimes and get through things fast especially as a game on my phone with limited battery. Don't get me wrong i don't want it to be so easy a caveman can do it but.....

04-12-2011, 07:22 PM
Another tidbit on GCD. It's very distracting to see it regen and also have to distinguish which skills are still in skill cool down. It takes away from watching the game play and other players health!
agreed. I now spend more time watching my cooldowns, waiting, trying to remember whats in gcd versus being in its own cooldown, rather then watching the fight.

04-12-2011, 07:22 PM
King's Quest on my Commodore 64 was better than this! ;P

Nothing has ever been remotely close to King Quest greatness. NOTHING!

04-12-2011, 07:24 PM
Cooldown was made to remove multitoucher players..
Now skills are so slow 0.5sec per skills I feel like im in slow-mo...

First idea: make combos faster! what about 0.1sec per skill or less...

Second idea: put way less dodge like cut 50% dodge on every items ex: drainer pass 6dodge to 3dodge!

Third idea: Apply very low cooldown like 0.01 only to ipad! No more multitouchers

Thx for reading

04-12-2011, 07:26 PM
I have never posted on this forum before today. Today the dev's have ruined the game for me. Now sewers and shadow caves have become nearly impossible without massive potting. I'm not interested in spending ridiculous amounts of gold and time just to finish lvling up to 55. If it fixes PvP(which I never was into) then keep it there. This highly smells of lack of testing, because if dev's would have tried playing on a separate server with this update in place they would have discovered the horrible game play for PvE. I don't believe I'm a beta tester. If you want me to beta test pay me instead of the other way around.

04-12-2011, 07:27 PM
I can not join games! What do I do? I have uninstalled so many times.

04-12-2011, 07:32 PM
I can not join games! What do I do? I have uninstalled so many times.

If you mean you can't join friends....known issue. They are working on this now.

04-12-2011, 07:35 PM
I have never posted. But this update isn't so great. The skills are slow so I die. I want help from friends but can't get it. please let us know when the fixes are coming. There isn't much of a point to play till then.

04-12-2011, 07:35 PM
Is it possible to make the global cool down EVEN LESS? cuz yeah.. slow mo, and it takes me, a lvl55 INT mage, dpsing against a lesser djinn in ALIEN OASIS TWO, about 1 minute to kill lol..everything else is fine :D good job devs!

04-12-2011, 07:36 PM
I can not join games! What do I do? I have uninstalled so many times.

They are fixing the join button next week. They sent the fix to apple...just needs to go through.

04-12-2011, 07:36 PM
Cooldown was made to remove multitoucher players..
Now skills are so slow 0.5sec per skills I feel like im in slow-mo...

First idea: make combos faster! what about 0.1sec per skill or less...

Second idea: put way less dodge like cut 50% dodge on every items ex: drainer pass 6dodge to 3dodge!

Third idea: Apply very low cooldown like 0.01 only to ipad! No more multitouchers

Thx for reading

If there is a GCD even of .01 there won't be any multi-touch. I agree on GCD slowing the game down to much this is what I have feared but devs said they could change a few more things. So far the only person that I know that liked the new update is my wife......

I will give it another shot later to see if a good group can do something about the time but doubt it will be any faster than some of the best groups have done.

04-12-2011, 07:37 PM
Not sure if this has been posted, but when I try to open PL on my droid X it seems like the app just crashes instantly. like it wont open at all.

Edit: Might have just found a solution in another thread actually

04-12-2011, 07:39 PM
If there is a GCD even of .01 there won't be any multi-touch. I agree on GCD slowing the game down to much this is what I have feared but devs said they could change a few more things. So far the only person that I know that liked the new update is my wife......

I will give it another shot later to see if a good group can do something about the time but doubt it will be any faster than some of the best groups have done.

It's just too slow. No other way to explain it...

04-12-2011, 07:40 PM
My 2cents on the GCD.

This game was advertised and touted as a mobile game for casual gamers. This fit perfectly for me. A casual gamer who enjoyed being able to play in small increments.

The GCD takes some of that away. If I wanted to play for a bit on my lunch break I could. Make a few runs, have fun, maybe get a drop. Now, if I have to put together a stellar team to just make it through a run I don't feel it is casual.

Public Games or PUG's were an easy way to make a run and maybe meet new players. If the developers and other PL players feel this is good for the game then apparently it is. It just may no longer be for me.

I am going to give it a good chance because I like the game so much, but no more plat until I either figure it out or decide to find another game.

04-12-2011, 07:40 PM
People say u should cut gcd in half but it wouldnt make a difference trust me. Make it just so there is no cooldown. Just no multitouching. I have been announcing this since the beggining!

04-12-2011, 07:40 PM
Kidding aside, I like the GCD. I believe it needs a little tweaking but from first impressions, I dig it. Yes it makes runs slightly longer and more difficult but honestly, our end game maps are too easy. I like the fact that I have to make decisions now on whether I attack or buff or kite or whatnot. I also like the fact that teamwork will play a larger part in the runs now. Yes, they need to make tweaks but the basic premise is good. Whatever the solve may be to correcting GCD, make sure it applies to both PvP and PvE. I'm not on the bandwagon for having it on one side and not the other. PVP should be a reflection of the skill of your character in the PVE world. It makes no sense that you would fight one way in PVE and then have to fight a different way in PVP. If there's GCD, it has to be on both sides of the game.

04-12-2011, 07:40 PM
Uninstall and Reinstall. How long has this been live? Shouldn't we be getting some answers around "soon"? :) Sorry just bored can't play with my friends.

04-12-2011, 07:41 PM
Not sure if this has been posted, but when I try to open PL on my droid X it seems like the app just crashes instantly. like it wont open at all

same thing happened to me on my EVO completely uninstall and reinstall and it should work again:)

04-12-2011, 07:41 PM
Uninstall and Reinstall. How long has this been live? Shouldn't we be getting some answers around "soon"? :) Sorry just bored can't play with my friends.

You can join your friends from the Join Game screen, if they are hosting.

They already announced it may be up to a week before the Join feature is fixed, it is not on their end that they can fix quickly.

04-12-2011, 07:45 PM
yes i am stephanie..what do you mean by another stephanie?


04-12-2011, 07:46 PM
Sorry when I meant answers I was a bit vague. I guess I meant to say "I'm pretty sure the dust has settled" every person on here has the same complaints and don't see that changing in the next couple hours. Shouldn't we be getting some answers here about now? Thank you. (Not about the join feature)

04-12-2011, 07:47 PM
Kidding aside, I like the GCD. I believe it needs a little tweaking but from first impressions, I dig it. Yes it makes runs slightly longer and more difficult but honestly, our end game maps are too easy. I like the fact that I have to make decisions now on whether I attack or buff or kite or whatnot. I also like the fact that teamwork will play a larger part in the runs now.

GCD for PvE has done nothing in terms of difficulty level at higher leveled campaigns, IMO. It just makes completing each map a lot longer. Personal skills, personal/team combos, and teamwork has not shown any drastic change whatsoever in post-GCD Sewer runs. At lower levels, it eliminates soloing, which also is a big aspect of the game; some players simply like to solo certain maps.

04-12-2011, 07:50 PM
Just came out of Shadow Cave V. Don't even think about it unless you have a skilled bear, 2 mages and 2 birds working together tightly and paying attention to GCD. Almost unplayable as far as bosses, and the 3 of the party members were very good players. The skill delay just throws it off, with the difficulty level of certain areas of that map as it is to begin with.

Not to mention is was dog-slow going.

Me and Morawk have sad face about lack of Crown bonus.

New faces are nice, and the world map (once you get to it) is sweet too, from a cosmetic angle.

04-12-2011, 07:51 PM
Is it possible to make the global cool down EVEN LESS? cuz yeah.. slow mo, and it takes me, a lvl55 INT mage, dpsing against a lesser djinn in ALIEN OASIS TWO, about 1 minute to kill lol..everything else is fine :D good job devs!
Haha. Yeah I was in Plasma just now trying to solo a djinn and it was just brutal.

04-12-2011, 07:52 PM
Just came out of Shadow Cave V. Don't even think about it unless you have a skilled bear, 2 mages and 2 birds working together tightly and paying attention to GCD. Almost unplayable as far as bosses, and the 3 of the party members were very good players.

You're walking too fast. Make little taps and match your step to the cool down. Not kidding.

04-12-2011, 07:53 PM
i dont mind GCD actually i have not tried it in PvP but in PvE the new faces are awesome! just dont appeal to as much but oh well and i have not bought the emots need plat :/
anyways good update just tweek global cool down to suit the noobs ;)

04-12-2011, 07:55 PM
You're walking too fast. Make little taps and match your step to the cool down. Not kidding.

Did I mention it was dog-slow? I did. No one was walking fast, we had to creep along. Getting one hit pulverized even with a tank pot renders it moot.

04-12-2011, 07:55 PM
Just came out of Shadow Cave V. Don't even think about it unless you have a skilled bear, 2 mages and 2 birds working together tightly and paying attention to GCD. Almost unplayable as far as bosses, and the 3 of the party members were very good players. The skill delay just throws it off, with the difficulty level of certain areas of that map as it is to begin with.

Not to mention is was dog-slow going.

Me and Morawk have sad face about lack of Crown bonus.

New faces are nice, and the world map (once you get to it) is sweet too, from a cosmetic angle.

Is it that difficult that leet players + improved teamwork doesn't even work? :(

Did I mention it was dog-slow? I did. No one was walking fast, we had to creep along. Getting one hit pulverized even with a tank pot renders it moot.

I suppose from the Shadow Witch again? I think they need to really nerf her up, otherwise, was the other bosses easy to handle?

04-12-2011, 07:57 PM
Is it that difficult that leet players + improved teamwork doesn't even work? :(

I think it should be fine, once timing of things with GCD is figured out and adapted to. But the pace to even try to stay alive with mobs was painfully slow, until we get used to it.

04-12-2011, 07:57 PM


04-12-2011, 07:57 PM
Okay everyone take your phones to the mall and do some discreet girl watching. If your female you know what to do. Maybe some person will see your sad face and take pity on you. It will get your mind off of the game.

04-12-2011, 07:57 PM
GCD for PvE has done nothing in terms of difficulty level at higher leveled campaigns, IMO. It just makes completing each map a lot longer. Personal skills, personal combos, and teamwork has not shown any drastic change whatsoever in post-GCD Sewer runs. At lower levels, it eliminates soloing, which also is a big aspect of the game; some players simply like to solo certain maps.

I dunno. I've ran a few maps and it just doesn't seem all that bad to me. Yes it's longer but it's not that much longer. Not so much that I would feel like I have to quit the game or anything. My only gripe with the GCD is the interface. The way it blinks off and on makes it hard to tell what skills are still available to use. Otherwise, I'm good with the GCD. Finishing a map in 3 minutes vs. finishing a map in 5 mins isn't a deal killer for me if the benefits of it outweigh the negatives.

04-12-2011, 07:57 PM
Did I mention it was dog-slow? I did. No one was walking fast, we had to creep along. Getting one hit pulverized even with a tank pot renders it moot.

I was not clear. sorry. I meant to say that the fluidity of combat has been altered in such a way that it becomes extremely difficult to be at the right place to time skills. It's slow because we are always standing at the wrong spot. They slowed the skills down but everything else is still fast. Makes the combat choppy.

04-12-2011, 07:58 PM
Haha. Yeah I was in Plasma just now trying to solo a djinn and it was just brutal.

I tried soloing a few maps and got killed a few times on AO1 and 2. This means no pot farming on plasma anymore it just takes to long to complete. About twice as long.

I agree with Phys; this has nothing to do with skill it just means you need to spam pots faster. IMO the way the skills work they weren't meant to be used with GCD, debuffs don't last enough to use attack skills to make them useful, if you get swarmed with mobs your only choice is to spam pots, heal wont save you. I wonder if I'll get killed in FH too -__-

04-12-2011, 07:58 PM
I can imagine that the Shadow Caves would be require a lot of team work, health pots, and attention span.

Ech- I know! I almost died in Plasma Pyramid in the first corridor. Farming gold will take much longer, now.

04-12-2011, 07:59 PM
Just to chime in for what probably already been said, thread = tl;dr, but gcd in pve is clearly less fun. Tactics still don't matter like I'd hoped they would, it's just slower. I'm not sure what was broken with pve that needed fixing, but I'm don't see how this is an improvement...

On the other hand, if I ever do make the last 40 k to get to 56, I'm expecting to get the REAL Crown of Persistance, lol. That old thing you could get in two weeks didn't take this kind of persistance...

04-12-2011, 08:00 PM
Makes the combat choppy.

I am not gonna jump on the "GCD sucks!" bandwagon, because it has some potential.....but this is spot on. Nothing felt smooth. Part of it is unfamilarity, but even when you get into a rhythm, it is totally choppy feeling in PvE at least. We were even trying to stay together so our skills would complement each other, and it was just underwhelming with a 0.5 sec delay.

04-12-2011, 08:01 PM
I dunno. I've ran a few maps and it just doesn't seem all that bad to me. Yes it's longer but it's not that much longer. Not so much that I would feel like I have to quit the game or anything. My only gripe with the GCD is the interface. The way it blinks off and on makes it hard to tell what skills are still available to use. Otherwise, I'm good with the GCD. Finishing a map in 3 minutes vs. finishing a map in 5 mins isn't a deal killer for me if the benefits of it outweigh the negatives.

Twice as long is not that much? I'm sorry but that is twice the time and if you want to get to 56 and it took you 20 hours to get there it will take you 40 hours now. Not to mention PUGs will suck even more. Stronghold is taking 8-10 minutes to clear when it was a 4-5 minute run same for hideout.

And all the other areas as well plasma farming now take 7-8 minutes to clear solo.

04-12-2011, 08:04 PM
I suppose from the Shadow Witch again? I think they need to really nerf her up, otherwise, was the other bosses easy to handle?

No, wasn't even the Witch, I am ashamed to admit. Even the Shadow D'jinn are obnoxious now. I know it is supposed to be hard/elite level, but as it stands right now it is a deathtrap, or a giant moneyhole that no one is gonna want to go back to again for a while.

Part of it is getting used to GCD, so some of it was completely on us....but yeah, not gonna try again unless it is a 5-person solid team. And even then......(trails off into silence).

04-12-2011, 08:05 PM
I dunno. I've ran a few maps and it just doesn't seem all that bad to me. Yes it's longer but it's not that much longer. Not so much that I would feel like I have to quit the game or anything. My only gripe with the GCD is the interface. The way it blinks off and on makes it hard to tell what skills are still available to use. Otherwise, I'm good with the GCD. Finishing a map in 3 minutes vs. finishing a map in 5 mins isn't a deal killer for me if the benefits of it outweigh the negatives.

It just doesn't seem fair to those who haven't reached 56 prior to the release of GCD. The difference between a 3 minute run and a 5 minute makes a huge difference in terms of XP per hour.

Prior to GCD: For 83,840 XP from 55 to 56, using a 3x XP pot and a fast party that clears Bandit Hideout in 3 minutes and 30 seconds, you get ~340 XP per run, it takes 14.38 hours of playing to level to 56.

Post-GCD: For 83,840 XP from 55 to 56, using a 3x XP pot and a fast party that clears Bandit Hideout in 3 minutes and 30 seconds, you get ~340 XP per run, it takes 20.55 hours of playing to level to 56.

It sorta stinks for those players who haven't reached 56/Crown status yet.

04-12-2011, 08:05 PM
The cool down really make pvp not fun....

04-12-2011, 08:09 PM
It just doesn't seem fair to those who haven't reached 56 prior to the release of GCD. The difference between a 3 minute run and a 5 minute makes a huge difference in terms of XP per hour.

Prior to GCD: For 83,840 XP from 55 to 56, using a 3x XP pot and a fast party that clears Bandit Hideout in 3 minutes and 30 seconds, you get ~340 XP per run, it takes 14.38 hours of playing to level to 56.

Post-GCD: For 83,840 XP from 55 to 56, using a 3x XP pot and a fast party that clears Bandit Hideout in 3 minutes and 30 seconds, you get ~340 XP per run, it takes 20.55 hours of playing to level to 56.

It sorta stinks for those players who haven't reached 56/Crown status yet.

And that is using 3x pots but you are thinking that the pots will last for the whole run. Unless is a really good team they will take much longer. And if the person is using 2x pots it will take well.... even longer

I was leveling my bird to 56 guess now I won't use elixirs unless I am on hideout. GCD could be great but the implementation so far isn't.

04-12-2011, 08:09 PM
It was implemented to fix lag issues. So far my ping is the same ( same internet same ping ya ya i know ) sits at 200 with regular up and down jumps. Video lag is still the same albeit not as intense. The game still feels the same, nothing slicker or quicker about it. So in that respect i feel that gcd fails. I dont like the gcd and i dont expect sts to get rid of it but it does need some serious tweaking.

04-12-2011, 08:11 PM
Twice as long is not that much? I'm sorry but that is twice the time and if you want to get to 56 and it took you 20 hours to get there it will take you 40 hours now. Not to mention PUGs will suck even more. Stronghold is taking 8-10 minutes to clear when it was a 4-5 minute run same for hideout.

And all the other areas as well plasma farming now take 7-8 minutes to clear solo.

Honestly, when I play PL, I'm not paying attention to time at all. Sometimes I look up at the clock and think "Holy Crap", hours have passed. You guys are stopwatching the time and comparing the differences and all but in practice and play, that 2 minute difference isn't even noticeable to me. If you didn't tell me that it took 2 minutes longer than pre-GCD to finish the run, I wouldn't even notice. Basically, it's the equivalent of a pre-GCD run where I stop to type a few comments. Or the the mage dies and I'm waiting for the mage to run back to the boss. It's not that big of a deal. It only seems like a big deal when you're stopwatching it and recording the times. PL is fun for me. I dont notice the time when I'm having fun.

04-12-2011, 08:11 PM
Sts team.... I love your game. I have spent some time playing and I have to say I do NOT like gcd. I used to be able to solo with style. As a 53+ in bear/bird/ and Mage I enjoy doing solo runs. Now it has become incredibly tedious. It's made solo playing crawl at turtle speed. Before I would plunge into a crowd of 5-10 and have to be on my toes to stay alive. Now I have to pull them one by one or I'm getting my hind end kicked!! A 55 pure str bear should be able to solo plasma pyramid no problem.....just no fun anymore.

I'm confident y'all will get it right...this game has consistently rocked since I started playing. Thanks for all your hard work.

04-12-2011, 08:11 PM
And that is using 3x pots but you are thinking that the pots will last for the whole run. Unless is a really good team they will take much longer. And if the person is using 2x pots it will take well.... even longer

I was leveling my bird to 56 guess now I won't use elixirs unless I am on hideout. GCD could be great but the implementation so far isn't.

Yeah, I forgot that the elixir doesn't last past Gold Fever anymore, lol. GF on 3x pot gives 18-21 XP, so I guess deduct it down to 6-7 XP per GF.

Honestly, when I play PL, I'm not paying attention to time at all. Sometimes I look up at the clock and think "Holy Crap", hours have passed. You guys are stopwatching the time and comparing the differences and all but in practice and play, that 2 minute difference isn't even noticeable to me. If you didn't tell me that it took 2 minutes longer than pre-GCD to finish the run, I wouldn't even notice. Basically, it's the equivalent of a pre-GCD run where I stop to type a few comments. Or the the mage dies and I'm waiting for the mage to run back to the boss. It's not that big of a deal. It only seems like a big deal when you're stopwatching it and recording the times. PL is fun for me. I dont notice the time when I'm having fun.

Totally understandable, but I'm just very methodical in how I play, especially in terms of time efficiency :p

04-12-2011, 08:12 PM
Sounds like I should be glad I'm not playing right now.

I logged in to buy the new emotes and test the GCD, and unless it gets changed or tweaked, I'm going to really have to get used to dying more. As I'm playing 55 and 56 exclusively...no good.

I was hoping that the king and queen armors would get the set bonus, as they're trailing the gem pinks in power. Also, they're all severely lacking in an off-hand item. They're kind of rinky-dink now. They're so dang hard to get too! Also, I was hoping the crowns would substitute for the set head piece for set bonuses...but no. I was also trying to avoid the crafted pieces. eh.

Ugh...the economy is gonna get even worse. BS pinks will be even slower in coming, so the prices will skyrocket even more. gold farming is going to dry up, so less money. I was thinking that farming Hideout for gold would be lucrative, as the drop numbers for gold in a full group are great, but now there's no way to do it effectively. As the economy is not based on any sort of dev regulations, there will be no way to stop this.


04-12-2011, 08:14 PM
I believe the GCD can be worked on and developed to balance the game a little more. From a pvp perspective I dislike it. Why does every class have the SAME cooldown? That is like starting every class w the exact same stats. Mages, bears, and birds fight different so why not different cool down rates. More specifically why does EVERY spell casted effect EVERY other spell including buffs and debuffs. There has to be a better medium for this, character specific. I did not like multi toucher birds, but in all honesty I would prefer to fight multi birds rather than deal with a poorly developed GCD system. The only reason I say poorly (no offense I know you guys work hard) is because it is universal, not class specific. only thing I like is that birds can not one shot anything they touch. All the had to do was unleash arrows and dead. Now they may need to finally kite, use root to stop advance/get away, or repel to interrupt enemy combos. In short please consider different cool down rates for each class and not make any spell cause the cool down effect to all spells including buffs, debuffs, heals, rev etc. Thank you.
As I stated before in another post about the fart emote pack. I find it annoying, obnoxious and simply counter productive to the mission statememt I read and see everytime I come on. That statement is "Innappropriate behavior will not be tolerated" Why enable and encourage crude behavior? A solution would be to have the option of ignoring certain emotes, like a check list in options. Very much obliged. Sincerily, Mitchy D.

04-12-2011, 08:15 PM
One thing I noticed, dunno if been discussed, but my spells on the far right side are brighter than the middle or far left side....makes things a bit confusing, I'm on the iPad.

04-12-2011, 08:16 PM
Devs, removing multitouch doesn't have to mean to slow down gameplay. First time ever... i thought in game "should I rev the dead player or heal the group". Please reconsider finding a better solution without GCD.
EXACTLY. That's why the thing is so bad. CHANGE IT PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

04-12-2011, 08:18 PM
Guys .. what face should I buy for my bird ? =P

Eagle! (is this new?)

Or Penguin!
The parakeet seems to girly for me...

04-12-2011, 08:19 PM
Ok, so after playing and tinkering with the update a bit. This is what I noticed. People are getting frustrated because of the GCD. People are getting even more frustrated because they can't join games through the friend's list. On top of that, even more frustration is added with the fart pack's constantly being fired off in towne. (I'm guilty of doing a few myself).


Tested it with a .25 second Cooldown. GCD seems great with a .15-.25 second cooldown.
Would be great for a Hide Emote Option. Sometimes, players don't want to ignore the player itself, just the emotes he is making. So /ignore emotes would be great.
PvP.... Dex elf's now rule PvP. Why? Drain life plus one shot from a raid roach recurve set= Dead
Archer's need to be buffed up a little. They only lasted before because they had speed to make up for the lack of defense.
Elfs need to be tuned down a little. Their buffs are a bit overpowered especially now that they can hit extremely hard.
Fix the Join/Host.
Entry Screen needs to be changed back. The new one is VERY inconvenient.
While your at it, in game notifcations about an item in your CS selling would be great.
If you want to keep the GCD for cooldown, consider scaling down the mob's health and defense even more. Just to keep the game fast paced.
People really want Sewer King Sets, kindly consider adding them in.
When you said New Set Bonuses, people didn't think you meant just editing the set bonuses already there, now they feel robbed. Would be appreciated if you made completely new ones.
I'll add more when I can think of more.


The faces, they are all lovely.
I love the pool and Oasis Towne
The godly aura's area nice touch.
Love the new log in screen.

04-12-2011, 08:23 PM
One thing I noticed, dunno if been discussed, but my spells on the far right side are brighter than the middle or far left side....makes things a bit confusing, I'm on the iPad.

I noticed the same thing just thought it was my brightness setting. Also, mana regen over 15 is useless for everything except mana shield now :(

04-12-2011, 08:23 PM
-I like the GCD so far but its a little too slow, maybe lower it down a lil and raise our dmg or lower mob hp.
-New Faces look ballin
-Oasis town looks sick, a health thing recovery I think is much more needed @ forest haven for new players

Good update devs, GCD is the only issue so far for most people

And which "sewer equipment" actuallly has new bonuses? I know my fortified got new bonus and green sparkles but what else? Can u pls make a list

Glad I lvld to 56 before update, can't imagine how hard it is now

04-12-2011, 08:23 PM
I was going to make a new topic but I figured it will get closed and redirected here lol so...

Regarding new faces...

Not all the pre-1.7.1 faces are for 5 gold. War Hawk was for 5 plat still and I really didn't like that. Gah I'm wasting plat over indecision. x.x

04-12-2011, 08:28 PM
I am not gonna jump on the "GCD sucks!" bandwagon, because it has some potential.....but this is spot on. Nothing felt smooth. Part of it is unfamilarity, but even when you get into a rhythm, it is totally choppy feeling in PvE at least. We were even trying to stay together so our skills would complement each other, and it was just underwhelming with a 0.5 sec delay.

Having had run a few BS levels, I totally agree with this, and with the buffs too. Since they affect the GCD, it would make much sense to make them last longer, possibly for an entire level duration (3 - 5 minutes?). Naturally when you die, buff goes with you, you have to rebuff after you get revived or respawn. It is quite a pain to have to rebuff myself DURING combat and making me lose a step to perform a combo just so I can rebuff. Thats the only beef I have with the GCD, other than that, I can still perform combos normally, just need to coordinate properly with a mage for the nature strike.

04-12-2011, 08:28 PM
It just doesn't seem fair to those who haven't reached 56 prior to the release of GCD. The difference between a 3 minute run and a 5 minute makes a huge difference in terms of XP per hour.

Prior to GCD: For 83,840 XP from 55 to 56, using a 3x XP pot and a fast party that clears Bandit Hideout in 3 minutes and 30 seconds, you get ~340 XP per run, it takes 14.38 hours of playing to level to 56.

Post-GCD: For 83,840 XP from 55 to 56, using a 3x XP pot and a fast party that clears Bandit Hideout in 3 minutes and 30 seconds, you get ~340 XP per run, it takes 20.55 hours of playing to level to 56.

It sorta stinks for those players who haven't reached 56/Crown status yet.

I agree this stinks for people who didn't already level to 56, but this is one of those things... If you get it while it's hot then you may reap the rewards or suffer the consequences (like faces that are 5g now instead of 5 plat). There is no real fix for this, just have to suck it up.

04-12-2011, 08:29 PM
this is ridicules, we need more than a single thread to discuss this

04-12-2011, 08:30 PM
please revert the global cooldown nonsense.. i cant pvp like i used to, clear dungeons, and taking out the sewer queen is a huuuuuuge pain. I died in fathom crypts b/c of not being able to use spellls (level 55). i know u guys prob get sick n tired of these complaints but please look more into this gcd thing and remove it. thank you=)

04-12-2011, 08:30 PM
It just doesn't seem fair to those who haven't reached 56 prior to the release of GCD. The difference between a 3 minute run and a 5 minute makes a huge difference in terms of XP per hour.

Prior to GCD: For 83,840 XP from 55 to 56, using a 3x XP pot and a fast party that clears Bandit Hideout in 3 minutes and 30 seconds, you get ~340 XP per run, it takes 14.38 hours of playing to level to 56.

Post-GCD: For 83,840 XP from 55 to 56, using a 3x XP pot and a fast party that clears Bandit Hideout in 3 minutes and 30 seconds, you get ~340 XP per run, it takes 20.55 hours of playing to level to 56.

It sorta stinks for those players who haven't reached 56/Crown status yet.

Phys, you are awesome.

04-12-2011, 08:32 PM
this is ridicules, we need more than a single thread to discuss this

A single thread is sufficient if you're talking to the devs and want your voice to be heard; however if you want other players to hear your opinion and perhaps add some insight and bounce ideas back and forth then this single thread idea is a bit stifling.

04-12-2011, 08:46 PM
Ok, so after playing and tinkering with the update a bit. This is what I noticed. People are getting frustrated because of the GCD. People are getting even more frustrated because they can't join games through the friend's list. On top of that, even more frustration is added with the fart pack's constantly being fired off in towne. (I'm guilty of doing a few myself).


Tested it with a .25 second Cooldown. GCD seems great with a .15-.25 second cooldown.
Would be great for a Hide Emote Option. Sometimes, players don't want to ignore the player itself, just the emotes he is making. So /ignore emotes would be great.
PvP.... Dex elf's now rule PvP. Why? Drain life plus one shot from a raid roach recurve set= Dead
Archer's need to be buffed up a little. They only lasted before because they had speed to make up for the lack of defense.
Elfs need to be tuned down a little. Their buffs are a bit overpowered especially now that they can hit extremely hard.
Fix the Join/Host.
Entry Screen needs to be changed back. The new one is VERY inconvenient.
While your at it, in game notifcations about an item in your CS selling would be great.
If you want to keep the GCD for cooldown, consider scaling down the mob's health and defense even more. Just to keep the game fast paced.
People really want Sewer King Sets, kindly consider adding them in.
When you said New Set Bonuses, people didn't think you meant just editing the set bonuses already there, now they feel robbed. Would be appreciated if you made completely new ones.
I'll add more when I can think of more.


The faces, they are all lovely.
I love the pool and Oasis Towne
The godly aura's area nice touch.
Love the new log in screen.

REPOST for anybody who didn't see. It got lost so fast....

04-12-2011, 08:48 PM
20 minutes in...initial thoughts...
1. New faces...ok Can you save faces you buy? Or do u have to buy again if you decide to switch back to something?

2. Backflip kicks a**! AGREED! Farts are funny for 2 seconds, but the one that jumps the screen really isnt friendly to those with eye issues... really makes me dizzy

3. Opening screen not easier for me. I can't figure out how to get global map without first entering world...annoying. I like to jump into a game from main screen...not go to town first.

4. Graphics and lighting clarity are very nice. When dealing with the DEBUFFS I can't see them too dark

5. I look like I am moonwalking when I kite....weird visual effect...not sure if I like it or not. Almost looks like my mage is on a roller track or something. Hurts eyes a little, totally get that!

6. Can't see that there are bonus sets when I put on sewer queen gear. same here

7. Very much wish that my persistence crown would have worked into my mega mage set....and that it would have turned into a tiara ;) I like the way the crown looks as 56, but wish it worked as a bonus for both sewer queen and the megamage

8. Finally....GCD. Hmmmm.....well you guys will definately be selling more health pots.
The 0.5 sec cooldown seems a little long atm. Might be because it is new but it just doesn't "feel right".
I hope to acclimate quickly because right now I feel like noob.
Ok...going back in. Will give more feedback as I have it :)

that is EXACTLY how I feel... I worked hard to get to 56... and I feel that the whole cool down now has me redoing the way I play. I was quick with combos and now I'm rarely seeing them at all. I also don't like that now with the king and queen you can't pull one out at a time and work as a team to kill. Really not happy with that part of the update at all. Also I have a lot of strong friends and it took us a LOT longer to kill guys that we used to blast through, not as fun as it was, sorry.

04-12-2011, 08:50 PM
The update pluses i love the new faces, the oasis town with pool is a fun added feature, the new log in and grqphics are great.

I have spent the past two hours in my various accounts trying the new GCS.. As a mage I honestley felt usless, i have to choose between health and rez, mage fighting power without skills is very low, The frusturation of trying to use skills with cool down with all honesty was frusturation on an elevated level. Beyond extreme frustration i feel there is going to be a very high influx of booting about to occure, Any low lvl who dreams of entering a sewer map with upper players will be booted not due to low dps withoutnreguard to skill, the lower lvls i speak of are not below 50. Already people are booting lvl 50-54 quickley from a map. This is just an added consideration with GCS, though I am all for teaching people game play having to teach players every round on how to use skills as a group would come to a point of why run a map.

My 52 dex ran into issues as well with the GCS with the extended times dexs are now sitting ducks with the dead mages. Mages are going to stop healing and rezing when faced with choosing a buff, self preservation or heal vs rez.

I ran my 31 bear they are also a bit diffrent a bear who uses iron blood and has to wait to stomp in mist of a mob lets just say many players are on the floor.

Pvp the GCS I am not decided yet on the GCS for this, I have to go back and spend more time trying it out.

The overall player satisfaction while running maps since update..... There are many very upset and angry players making game play at the moment a lack of fun. The complaints are all simular....

Im not sure there is enough beno and pepto to eleiviate the sudden influx of intestinal issues going on in game lol
Must my screen move for these fart emotes? seriousley? Lmao ?....

Though only hours have passed I realize you all are working for the better of the game and players, Your work is to be commended and appreciated.

Another idea to pass to all, is there a way to let us keep the faces we purchase? We spend plat on them this is our life money, to keep purchased faces in our vanity section like hats so that when we purchase a new face we dont loose what was already paid for?

04-12-2011, 08:55 PM
I dislike gcd it ticks me off and i get killed every 2 minutes i cant stand it please fix and atleast put world maps in the beining menu

04-12-2011, 08:59 PM
I enjoy playing pocket legends very much. I don't do pvp much but understand the concerns the pvp folks have with global cool down and agree it's an issue. FOR PVP. .5 seconds is an eternity in PVE. And tbh, when the dev said "I played it and liked it", it doesn't natter whatcha like, bud. We pay for the plat that pays your bills. It's just the facts.

The experience in PVE changed to the point that if a concession isn't made to allow us to play a little more like we did, I'll find other things to do. One person out of thousands doesn't matter much, I know. But don't try to feed me a turd and tell me it's steak. I'm a big boy.


04-12-2011, 09:00 PM
Small update on GCD PvE, Bear's perspective :

I was trying to do some of the new AO quests (500 aliens, Jailers/Tpaxx) in the Captive Map.

Have to say it is definitely much slower, but it seems right, almost appropriate. BUT, I was in Ao3, one campaign lower than my appropriate one. I have yet to try multiple BS runs, one last night with a group of elite friends was slower, much slower. I went from mostly tanking to doing damage by going dex and damage potting. After the GCD, it seemed I shifted more to just the tanking again, not necessarily a bad thing, but I would like it if I had the option to actually kill also.

Did bosses get a buff up? I spent an entire damage pot on tpaxx with a 2 others (40ish), last I remember I don't think it took that long, even counting in GCD.

From a more general perspective, have to say that PL went from a pick-up type of game to a sit-down type of game. I don't think I can play on the move anymore, granting the external factors; unstable reception, movement. It needs a whole lot more of focus into the game now.

04-12-2011, 09:08 PM
I enjoy playing pocket legends very much. I don't do pvp much but understand the concerns the pvp folks have with global cool down and agree it's an issue. FOR PVP. .5 seconds is an eternity in PVE. And tbh, when the dev said "I played it and liked it", it doesn't natter whatcha like, bud. We pay for the plat that pays your bills. It's just the facts.

The experience in PVE changed to the point that if a concession isn't made to allow us to play a little more like we did, I'll find other things to do. One person out of thousands doesn't matter much, I know. But don't try to feed me a turd and tell me it's steak. I'm a big boy.


Rofl!!!..i totally agree with all of the above

04-12-2011, 09:28 PM
OK, completed some sewer runs with the GCD, and well, here is my analysis. The run took a little extra time which is fine, and I really liked the new kitting. I can understand why it was implemented, as GCD does make sense. Firing off skills like crazy leads to bad play. But my issue was I was more concerned with skill timing then actually enjoying the game, which made it really boring. The problem was if I felt like ~not~ using a skill whenever the GCD expired was a wasted opportunity. The game became much more about using skills because they are available instead of using skills because it was the right time for said skill.
Maybe after some time, as a player I will get into a flow of using skills, but will that be good game play? Skill use based on 'flow' instead of skill use based on what the game presents? It almost feels like the difference between an automatic in a car and a manual. Sure automatics are good for those who want to coast along, and it keeps people from ruining their car, but in the right hands, a manual transmission use right has soooo many advantages.

Also, as for bosses, since I am firing all my skills into them at least twice, individual cool down effects that more then GCD so I don't see it as an issue there.

(repost, last was in a patch note, oops, my bad)

04-12-2011, 09:30 PM
Let's please not forget an earlier suggestion. Can't recall who posted it but all that is really needed is enough of a cool down to prevent multi touch spamming of skills. Would a .15 cool down not do this? I'm all for improving game performance but MrWallace, a lvl 55 bird, a couple of mages and I took on Overlord earlier this afternoon and it should not have taken 15 minutes. That is all ;)

The Real Jira
04-12-2011, 09:34 PM
I really enjoyed the pace of the game prior to this patch.

I've been playing MMOs for over a dozen years and this game more than any other reminded me of my first MMO love... UO. In that game, timing and speed (twitch) separated the top level gamer talent from the mediocre masses. With this patch, the game has become a slow drag. It makes me sad.

I've been here since early on, and I've made some good gaming friends - no price can be put on that. In addition, I've spent over $100 on content and platinum (without regret) so I think I've been a good customer -- the type STS would seek to retain in this game and carry to any new products they launch.

Current state, with such a major change in game play, I can't see myself playing PL much anymore. I really hope that the development team reconsiders, and/or finds alternate solutions to their scaling and server performance issues to return the game to its fast and furious state. While I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt as they've quickly corrected mistakes in the past, I'm not expecting a reversal. As such, hopefully I can find another game I've enjoyed as much as this one. To STS, I'm really happy to have been part of such a fun game and to watch your success in revolutionizing mobile gaming, you've delivered an amazing mobile experience and invented a new genre in gaming.



04-12-2011, 09:36 PM
Going to need more gold for potions to play now because I doubt mages are going to be spamming heal. Ellie is going to be rich now!

04-12-2011, 09:37 PM
Sure automatics are good for those who want to coast along, and it keeps people from ruining their car, but in the right hands, a manual transmission use right has soooo many advantages.

I like this analogy a lot. I pride myself as a veteran player and while I play as if I button mash, I really am comboing as fast as possible. Not everyone has the same exact reaction time. For players with fast reaction times, PvE GCD places us at a tremendous disadvantage. Pre-GCD, I wasn't an ape dumbly mashing skills and I'm sure the rest of my party weren't either. There's a huge difference between "button mashing" and "quick firing skills with finesse." Now that I've lost my stick shift rights, I am only as fast as the next dude who floors his accelerator.

04-12-2011, 09:41 PM
I think a gcd is good. The xurrent one just feels extremey awkward.

04-12-2011, 09:47 PM
Hello! I was going to moan about a few things but its figured out now. One irk is, as a mage who dies ALOT, i spent plat by accident instead of tapping accept revive and i tap alot without thinking (Sorry if i sound cheap :o). Other than that update is okaaay just need to get my bearings again.

To the devs: Maybe in the next update allow an option to be toggled for the platinum revival to be enabled or disabled from showing upon death. This way if people want to enable using platinum to revive, they can still do so, but for those of us who do not want to pay platinum to revive nor run risk of doing so accidentally, can turn it off in a more permanent manner. Seems like something that could easily be implemented under the options menu?

04-12-2011, 09:48 PM
I concur with physiologic and i do the same as he does i do all those combo practice and thrown away to the trash thanks to gcd

04-12-2011, 09:48 PM
Ok, i understand the GCD for multi touchers. Thing is when you suddenly change the entire game completely, different from the flow of the game you previously had, that gets frustrating. It seems much more sense only to have a cool down for much less than .5 second. .15 seems so much better as a multi toucher clearly can't hit two spells at the same time. Only reason i like this game is because i feed off of pvp. I'll spend money to make my character look good and stuff but i do this mainly for PvP and the competition and respect for players (I've made most of my good friends from PvP :P). Now that the flow of PvP has been completely thrown off, I'll say this and most players will... it is pretty frustrating. I can't get the kills and now this does feel like chess.

However, characters need to be able to adapt to the game, even if it means lots of adapting. You'll only be considered a good player if you're always able to roll with the punches. Also remember, it is for fun. I will lastly say i am an adapting player, but i truthfully don't like this update as a hardcore PvPer. I am almost positive Spacetime Studios can tweek up the update a bit and just give the game a little bit more of it's flow back. You try satisfying thousands of player, i can't even satisfy my sister:mad:


04-12-2011, 09:51 PM
To the devs: Maybe in the next update allow an option to be toggled for the platinum revival to be enabled or disabled from showing upon death. This way if people want to enable using platinum to revive, they can still do so, but for those of us who do not want to pay platinum to revive nor run risk of doing so accidentally, can turn it off in a more permanent manner. Seems like something that could easily be implemented under the options menu?

Agree with that, I know it's far below the other options but I don't want it there at all. Is there a final decision after you click it? Like are you sure you want to use real game money because the mages are too busy staying alive and not reviving you? I was always paranoid about using plat to purchase a pot instead of gold, so this just adds another layer to things.

04-12-2011, 09:56 PM
Ya that's a good point I hate dying and having it right there.....but from a business point of view it's smart, good advertising lol.

04-12-2011, 09:57 PM
Played some stronghold with a reasonable group, one leaderboard member even there. Wipeouts, no spells, no damage, constantly just waiting for gcd. K&Q now come out together. Took quite a while before we managed to reset them so that only one stayed there to fight. That was all cool, they were too easy, but then... it took for ever, even with red elixirs and all. The whole thing felt about as fast paced as swimming *** first in tar. I closed the game and chuck away the tab.

I know one person who's gonna love this gcd, my wife.

I may sign this.....

04-12-2011, 09:57 PM
So, I pretty much love the update. The only problem is the GCD. I was hoping it would just stop multitouching, but in pvp all one can do is tap a skill and hope for a crit.. And it's hard to choose between healing and hitting... And buffing takes a lifetime.

04-12-2011, 09:59 PM
Agree with that, I know it's far below the other options but I don't want it there at all. Is there a final decision after you click it? Like are you sure you want to use real game money because the mages are too busy staying alive and not reviving you? I was always paranoid about using plat to purchase a pot instead of gold, so this just adds another layer to things.

I would add to that, if a Mage offers a rev, it should be the only option available. I mean, can you think of any situation where you would purposely choose to respawn at the entrance or pay plat when you can get a free rev in place? Yet, I've accidentally tapped respawn at least once in the past.

04-12-2011, 10:04 PM
GCD is horrible. No reason and no benefit that I can see.

04-12-2011, 10:05 PM
The other alternative is to have "Resurrection Elixirs" available in the Elixir store, only purchasable by Platinum. These specific elixirs can be stored in the inventory and upon death, the option to use it can pop up - and the message pops up ONLY if you bought that elixir :D

04-12-2011, 10:05 PM
The other alternative is to have "Resurrection Elixirs" available in the Elixir store, only purchasable by Platinum. These specific elixirs can be stored in the inventory and upon death, the option to use it can pop up - and the message pops up ONLY if you bought that elixir :D

Sounds good to me!

04-12-2011, 10:08 PM
Small PvP Bear Update :

I last a lot longer now. It's no longer "take damage from a bird/mage and die, to allow your bird/mage team mate to kill them", but actually relies on timing and strategy. Although it's a bit frustrating at times when in the midst of battle, I want to cast a few spells that I would need but limited to the GCD, I just have to get used to it though. Better PvP experience for me, a bear, for the birds/mages I'm not sure they feel the same since they can't beat on me as easy anymore :P


Still the same feeling, slow and a bit boring - blunt but I can't find another way to describe it. It adds a lot of formality to the game, almost like a turn-by-turn game. The fun in PvE pre-GCD was that you'd be able to separate the good players from the decent from the bad. Again, might be something I'd just have to get used to, but I would whole heartedly prefer no GCD in PvE, or a very very slight one just to remove the multitouch capability.

I'm not sure, but maybe even GCD in skills with damage only? I don't see why you can't buff up at once, or debuff at once. I'd understand damage skills though, that's the whole point of GCD anyway.

04-12-2011, 10:10 PM
I would add to that, if a Mage offers a rev, it should be the only option available. I mean, can you think of any situation where you would purposely choose to respawn at the entrance or pay plat when you can get a free rev in place? Yet, I've accidentally tapped respawn at least once in the past.

Currently the option to accept a revive just gets lumped in with the others, I would never choose not to accept the rev if I can help it. I would respawn before using a plat. Does the plat revive even give you anything but full health and mana (pots perhaps)? I don't see the actual use of this I mean it's only saving you a few gold for pots and a bit of time running back to the group.

Ya that's a good point I hate dying and having it right there.....but from a business point of view it's smart, good advertising lol.

Completely disagree with this statement (sorry Major). I think it's actually bad marketing, I mean if you accidentally choose this option you feel like you were cheated out of your plat, like "Ha, that'll teach you not to pay attention, or have fat fingers" I personally don't like it. Plat should be for items that are somewhat exclusive, anything that can be purchased with gold, shouldn't have a separate plat option (I mean who really chooses to spend 20 plat for a 5 min elixir when it's just 12000g) I can always earn more gold, there are no plat drops (as far as I know). It's like the 50 plat option to change your name (50 plat, isn't that like $8)! I would think about paying 50 plat for changing my class, and that is about it, maybe 10 to change a name would get more people to bite.

The other alternative is to have "Resurrection Elixirs" available in the Elixir store, only purchasable by Platinum. These specific elixirs can be stored in the inventory and upon death, the option to use it can pop up - and the message pops up ONLY if you bought that elixir :D

Once again a great suggestion by one of our guardians! This is usually how RPGs are played, with a resurrection potion kept on ice for critical situations.

04-12-2011, 10:12 PM
How about increasing the potency of potions? I'm pretty sure mages are less likely to use heal like they did before (spamming when available).

04-12-2011, 10:16 PM
Okay, played a few games with the new "GCD" and first impression is: Ugh, it's terrible. We may be accustomed to the spamming of skills, but I'll tell you that spamming fun. Getting used to the new GCD is not something I look forward to (for one, I'm to old to easily accept change). The game was much more fun (and faster) without the GCD. IMO GCD=Fail, sorry Devs, I usually like what you implement but this one is hard to swallow, I'd offer any positive I could, but can't see one except change back to old way, I think it's something that sets PL apart from other games and makes it so appealing.

Edit: Agree, GCD for PVP only, we suggested this initially, but apparently it was not considered.


Completely agree. I will not be buying anymore platinum while GCD is in effect. I may even quit playing altogether. This greatly reduces the amount of fun I have. Its actually quite frustrating!

04-12-2011, 10:17 PM
How about increasing the potency of potions? I'm pretty sure mages are less likely to use heal like they did before (spamming when available).

Healing... seriously?! You're lucky to get a revive with this new update. It's every man, woman, and child for themselves out there *grabs a lifevest*.

04-12-2011, 10:17 PM
Currently the option to accept a revive just gets lumped in with the others, I would never choose not to accept the rev if I can help it. I would respawn before using a plat. Does the plat revive even give you anything but full health and mana (pots perhaps)? I don't see the actual use of this I mean it's only saving you a few gold for pots and a bit of time running back to the group.

It allows you to buy a rev IN PLACE OF a death. A rich persons way to great K/D ratios :p

04-12-2011, 10:19 PM
It allows you to buy a rev IN PLACE OF a death. A rich persons way to great K/D ratios :p

Revives never replaced deaths, just allowed you to continue on with the party. How sure are you about your statement? Did you test this yourself?

04-12-2011, 10:20 PM
Things alot of people are Complaining about as well as me

1. The GCD
2. The Join Button
3. Whatever You Guys Did To King And Queen

Plz fix these issues GCD was terrible idea if you guys can fix the GCD and Join button that would be fine, King and Queen we could figure something out, but why did you guys mess with that you guys should be proud of what we figured out wasn't that the point to try and separate them... Oh and one more thing what happened to Sewer set bonus ???

04-12-2011, 10:21 PM
I hate that my first post had to be a complaint. I enjoy the game and currently have 7 alts- 4@55. The GCD is just that bad that I had to comment. It takes the fun out of the game and negates all the hours spent up to this point.

04-12-2011, 10:24 PM
Revives never replaced deaths, just allowed you to continue on with the party. How sure are you about your statement? Did you test this yourself?

From the "In Development" forum:
"Players can now purchase a revive for full health at the position of death for 1 Platinum."

Perhaps I am just reading this wrong, I see it as replace 1 death count (position) for 1 plat. But I could also see it as, at the position of your death (on the ground? lol) you can rev yourself for a plat.

Not sure which one it is now :p

04-12-2011, 10:27 PM
From the "In Development" forum:
"Players can now purchase a revive for full health at the position of death for 1 Platinum."

Perhaps I am just reading this wrong, I see it as replace 1 death count (position) for 1 plat. But I could also see it as, at the position of your death (on the ground? lol) you can rev yourself for a plat.

Not sure which one it is now :p

It's AT the position of death, not IN the position of death. It's simply you spawning where you died. The death still counts I think.

04-12-2011, 10:29 PM
Things alot of people are Complaining about as well as me

1. The GCD
2. The Join Button
3. Whatever You Guys Did To King And Queen

I don't mind that the King and Queen are now "unexploited" ( I was in chatbox when either JustG or Thade said the separate pulls were an exploit that was now fixed), but this GCD thing is pretty universally reviled. It would probably be better to install it as a function of PvP, since PvP is separate from PvE world interaction. If there was a way to duel in PvE, I could very much understand it. PvE is a separate set of dungeons from PvP, and there's a blizzard of odd game features that separate them already. What's one more?

I don't think multitouch hurt PvE very much, did it? How would it have?

keep in mind, I haven't played with GCD on, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I'm gonna miss the old gameplay when I come back.

04-12-2011, 10:36 PM
Wow guys show some respect they work hard to satisfy you selfish kids

04-12-2011, 10:37 PM
I haven't read thru the last 10 pages or so, but another bit of a problem. I accepted one of the new quests, "Diary from the Undead". Is there a reason there's a big ol' thing on the top of my game screen that says:

"Recover twenty (20) pages of Lightfeather's Diary from bosses in
the Ancient Pyramids!
Diary Pages Recovered!: (1/20)"

I really don't need that covering up the upper portion of my screen and, other than abandoning the quest, there doesn't seem to be any way to get rid of it. It makes Sewer runs more......"interesting", I guess.

04-12-2011, 10:37 PM
In pve the global refresh rate for skills is simply garbage, lol...
i'd understand pvp... but not pvp

04-12-2011, 10:39 PM
I don't mind that the King and Queen are now "unexploited" ( I was in chatbox when either JustG or Thade said the separate pulls were an exploit that was now fixed), but this GCD thing is pretty universally reviled. It would probably be better to install it as a function of PvP, since PvP is separate from PvE world interaction. If there was a way to duel in PvE, I could very much understand it. PvE is a separate set of dungeons from PvP, and there's a blizzard of odd game features that separate them already. What's one more?

I don't think multitouch hurt PvE very much, did it? How would it have?

keep in mind, I haven't played with GCD on, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I'm gonna miss the old gameplay when I come back.

As far as multi in pvp goes... Imagine being a good distance from your opponent: an archer. All of a sudden: CRUNCH. All arrows at once and out of your range. It's like running into a brick wall or being hit by a train. There is no time to fight back. Archer crit, hit, and ability to pop mana shield is bad enough for mages already. All of it at once was just bs...And not everyone CAN multitouch because it depends on the device. There was such an unfair advantage.

04-12-2011, 10:39 PM
I should have posted this here instead of in the patch notes. Sorry if you've read it already...

Hey devs,

I appreciate the early release to get a better idea of how the GCD would truly affect gameplay. I had no qualms with GCD and was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. By no means am I a button masher. I am very methodical in how I play and very conscious of the skills I select and when I select them. I tried didfferent dungeons to see how my game was affected and was very disappointed in the outcome. I feel like PVE is very unbalanced now. I do not play PVP and have no intention of playing PVP so the GCD has done nothing but harm to my game experience. I have been an avid player since September 2010 and have tried to convince many RL friends to spend their money on this game as well. I now feel bad for doing that to them since the game does not have the same flow that it used to have. I feel like I have cheated them out of their money. I do hope you take everyone's comments to heart and make some very necessary adjustments to the gameplay. Thank you for all your hard work and hope that things get better in the near future or I too will be asking for a refund for the plat that I have recently purchased.

04-12-2011, 10:42 PM
As far as multi in pvp goes... Imagine being a good distance from your opponent: an archer. All of a sudden: CRUNCH. All arrows at once and out of your range. It's like running into a brick wall or being hit by a train. There is no time to fight back. Archer crit, hit, and ability to pop mana shield is bad enough for mages already. All of it at once was just bs...And not everyone CAN multitouch because it depends on the device. There was such an unfair advantage.

He was talking about PvE :p

04-12-2011, 10:44 PM
He was talking about PvE :p

Oops.. Lol one letter off. I blame my itouch for being so small... I prefer my laptop :/

04-12-2011, 10:45 PM
In pve the global refresh rate for skills is simply garbage, lol...
i'd understand pvp... but not pvp

Ya, I remember. You were in our group. Then you just gave up and left :p. We all left shortly afterwards. It was definitely not for my taste.

04-12-2011, 10:50 PM
It's not that big of a deal. It only seems like a big deal when you're stopwatching it and recording the times. PL is fun for me. I dont notice the time when I'm having fun.

Which is grand. Unless you only have a couple minutes to play, like I'm waiting for some code to test out. Before, I could get a quick Sewer run in. Now? There is no such thing as a "quick" Sewer run. Or a quick run thru Plasma or anywhere else outside of, possibly, FH or DF. Sometimes, life forces you to "stopwatch" the time.

04-12-2011, 10:51 PM
Please don't take my previous post as a complaint. I LOVE this game and wish to continue playing for a long time. I just want the devs to know how serious the effect of GCD is to my gameplay. If GCD is not removed from PvE I really don't see myself playing the game anymore. I think it is too slow. I hate watching my spells instead of the game. I always liked playing PvE as a fast paced game. All of the fun came from feeing like I have a powerful mage that could take on many enemies at once. Now I feel weak. I can't just rush a mob by myself like I used to. I absolutely hate it.

I would also like to see the world map back where it was. Removing that was very confusing. There are lots of people just wandering around forest haven trying to figure it out.

04-12-2011, 10:52 PM
I have seen some posts for other MMO games (order and chaos online or world of midguard), maybe their Dev's listen to players. I have uninstalled with great sadness over the loss...

Leave dude. I'd rather you leave than diss the Devs like this. There are no Devs in any game that respond to the community like these Devs. Take your empty threats and kick rocks.

04-12-2011, 10:56 PM
Definitely keep a cool head about it. Those that know us, know we will keep working on things until they rock. Troll or multiple cries of this sucks can lead to temp (or perm) bans from here. We need level feedback, not drama.

I've spend a good deal of my hard earned money on this game, so I'm voicing my non-constuctive opinion. THAT was the biggest troll/flame I've read on this thread. Devs, don't bite the hand that feeds. Don't be power bullies, or I will report you ;)

It's like I bought a cherry red Corrvete from the dealer, drove it around for a few months then they snuck over and painted it pink in the middle of the night.

04-12-2011, 11:00 PM
It's like I bought a cherry red Corrvete from the dealer, drove it around for a few months then they snuck over and painted it pink in the middle of the night.

More like swapped the engine out for a 4 cylinder

04-12-2011, 11:02 PM
Where are the new sewer set bonuses?

04-12-2011, 11:03 PM
Leave dude. I'd rather you leave than diss the Devs like this. There are no Devs in any game that respond to the community like these Devs. Take your empty threats and kick rocks.

If the dev's did proper beta testing on a separate server with our "elite" members, they would have immediately noticed that the players would not stand for a change as so drastic as this one. It completely changes the game play. I like this game but since the new update I really find playing a chore. I don't like doing chores and I sure as hell am not paying someone to do their chores. A respectable team of developers beta test their products before deploying. They make tons of money off of plat and should re-evaluate their deployment structure. It would have been easy to get volunteers for such a project. Their lack of forethought has brought this backlash.

The Real Jira
04-12-2011, 11:03 PM
Where are the new sewer set bonuses?

I tossed on my sewer queen set... didn't see any sparkles.

04-12-2011, 11:03 PM
The new AO quests are a bust. They'll just let you get the mystery gear again. Good for those who messed up and clicked the wrong recipe.

04-12-2011, 11:04 PM
Now for some constructive criticism. I just ran each of the maps a few times. Love the GCD and the benefits it brings but I have to agree with many others that it may be a tad bit too long. Not in terms of making the runs too long. It's too long that it makes other skills that I use less of an option than the main combo skills. Also, I did find myself staring at my skill map too much. I tried playing and watching the skills light up peripherally from the corner of my eye to time the GCD and although that works, it's still hard to catch the perfect time for combos to hit. I think a slight reduction in GCD cooldown or maybe and/or increasing the window for the combo completion.

I also think we should test Ellyidol's suggestion and make it apply to attack skills only and see how it goes. I still believe GCD should stay on both PVP and PVE. Can't have it on one and not the other.

04-12-2011, 11:04 PM
It's like I bought a cherry red Corvette from the dealer, drove it around for a few months then they snuck over and painted it pink in the middle of the night.

It's more like they changed your transmission so that you need to wait 0.5 seconds before each gear shift, so instead of going 0-60 in 4.1 seconds, it takes you 6.1 seconds!

04-12-2011, 11:05 PM
Ya devs did a good job, except for:
- Now you can't acces menus like avatar or inventory when you're not in the world. There used to be access via the store button.
- Even on an iPad the emote menu has become so big it's unusable during gameplay.
- There's no way to mute emotes.
- The lack of a promised Sewer bonus (Queens don't work)
- You can't join friends anymore anywhere (but they are working on it... Perhaps a test was nice before livegoing?)

04-12-2011, 11:06 PM
First time poster been playing since September about. Dev's I've been truly impressed by this take anywhere MMO. I enjoyed the speed of the game and for a game that is essentially free I not only had no complaints, but had no qualms spending money on platinum every once in a while to support the game.

With that said, GCD needs to be rethought if not removed completely. I understand the desire for GCD in PVP. Having primarily PVPed in WOW the GCD was something needed to avoid being stomped by overpowered classes. However the variety of PVP/PVE gear in WOW allowed for those who did not PVP to acquire PVE based gear which increased damage to the point that the GCD was less of an issue due to an overall DPS increase. (and vice versa) PL does not have this option forcing those who wish to PVP go through the motions of PVE to acquire gear. Perhaps introducing PVP gear or increasing DPS substantially for PVE gear could be a way to alleviate the apparent distaste for the new GCD system? Having not made it to the PVP aspect of this game my assumptions could be way off.

Lastly I was running a roach farming run earlier with Sliksta and Fallen three 56 birds and two other 55 birds. Prior to patch this would have been ridiculously fast farming. Today with myself Slik and Fallen Potting it was just a bummer. I got no hate for you dev's or the game but the speed of the PL was something I appreciated, the slowing in pace has me less interested.

Good Luck guys I'm sure you'll figure something out

04-12-2011, 11:06 PM
The new AO quests are a bust. They'll just let you get the mystery gear again. Good for those who messed up and clicked the wrong recipe.

It's good for dual spec-ed hybrids.

04-12-2011, 11:08 PM
If the dev's did proper beta testing on a separate server with our "elite" members, they would have immediately noticed that the players would not stand for a change as so drastic as this one. It completely changes the game play. I like this game but since the new update I really find playing a chore. I don't like doing chores and I sure as hell am not paying someone to do their chores. A respectable team of developers beta test their products before deploying. They make tons of money off of plat and should re-evaluate their deployment structure. It would have been easy to get volunteers for such a project. Their lack of forethought has brought this backlash.

Dude... Why do you think they made this FEEDBACK THREAD? They wanted to revamp the gameplay, but it's not going to be perfect overnight. To satisfy the players, there has to be trial and error. The devs have made drastic changes before that people raged about, but they were fixed in time because of CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. By dissing them the way you are, you're not being helpful at all.

04-12-2011, 11:10 PM
If the dev's did proper beta testing on a separate server with our "elite" members, they would have immediately noticed that the players would not stand for a change as so drastic as this one. It completely changes the game play. I like this game but since the new update I really find playing a chore. I don't like doing chores and I sure as hell am not paying someone to do their chores. A respectable team of developers beta test their products before deploying. They make tons of money off of plat and should re-evaluate their deployment structure. It would have been easy to get volunteers for such a project. Their lack of forethought has brought this backlash.

They've always done it this way. Why? Because there's a symbiotic relationship between the Devs and us players. It works this way because they do listen to us and make changes. Hence, this method works. For other companies that heavily beta test, once they've spent the time and money beta testing, the final iteration is basically what you get. And if it's not what you like, you basically have to live with it because some playtesters liked it that way. Ill pass on that method. I choose the STS way.

04-12-2011, 11:10 PM
It's good for dual spec-ed hybrids.

So they're exactly the same?


Wow at the immediate hate on the changes.

What first came to mind, it's only been what, barely 12 hours since the update?

It takes a lot of time to perfect something through constant change and development through constructive feedback.

You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

04-12-2011, 11:11 PM
Please please please remove the global cool down. It slows the game and when a mage gets attacked cwn no longer heal when needed like before. Also doesn't this take away combo possibilities now? I was about to purchase the full set of this game but the fun factor just got lost with this update. The world map looks really odd now too.

04-12-2011, 11:11 PM
As far as multi in pvp goes... Imagine being a good distance from your opponent: an archer. All of a sudden: CRUNCH. All arrows at once and out of your range. It's like running into a brick wall or being hit by a train. There is no time to fight back. Archer crit, hit, and ability to pop mana shield is bad enough for mages already. All of it at once was just bs...And not everyone CAN multitouch because it depends on the device. There was such an unfair advantage.

That sounds like the few times I PvPd, only pretty much everybody ran up to me and made me feel like I hit a brick wall. I relate it to my fps prowess. I play Halo with grenade launchers in small rooms, and my friends figured out a long time ago to wait for the smoke to clear and i've probably already blown myself up.

04-12-2011, 11:13 PM
This is one way to get the forum numbers up. ;)

04-12-2011, 11:14 PM
Dude... Why do you think they made this FEEDBACK THREAD? They wanted to revamp the gameplay, but it's not going to be perfect overnight. To satisfy the players, there has to be trial and error. The devs have made drastic changes before that people raged about, but they were fixed in time because of CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. By dissing them the way you are, you're not being helpful at all.

Again you missed my point. I am not their beta tester. I am their customer. I spend my money on properly developed projects. I work in the IT field and know for a fact if they did this to a business they would lose the client. If you don't like that, then I'm sorry but you won't make it in the real world. Proper development is done behind the scenes, not in a live environment. It is a simple project to make a test server, invite beta testers, work out the kinks, then deploy the update. That's my feedback, deal with it

04-12-2011, 11:14 PM
People panic, a lot. This is why we have stock market crashes. The expression "Hold your horses" would be quite useful here. Instead of letting your emotions override you, which shows just how much self control you have. Be patient, they are working on it. Yelling at somebody doesn't make things happen any faster. If it did, I'd be yelling at people to revive faster, wouldn't I? Yelling and Trollish "constructive criticism" just bruises ego's, angers people, and in this game, gets you banned.

Like Justg said, "Level-headed Feedback" is great.

Trollish "Constructive Criticism" is not. Did people see how many forum members got banned for that? Some thought in posts would be appreciated, rage posting is never a good thing.

04-12-2011, 11:20 PM
It's like I bought a cherry red Corrvete from the dealer, drove it around for a few months then they snuck over and painted it pink in the middle of the night.
ROFL! i think this is my new signature:)

04-12-2011, 11:20 PM
They've always done it this way. Why? Because there's a symbiotic relationship between the Devs and us players. It works this way because they do listen to us and make changes. Hence, this method works. For other companies that heavily beta test, once they've spent the time and money beta testing, the final iteration is basically what you get. And if it's not what you like, you basically have to live with it because some playtesters liked it that way. Ill pass on that method. I choose the STS way.

+1 on this. The distance between the devs and the users is tiny. This process is painful and ugly, but the feedback is unfiltered from the users directly to the devs, with no demographic research and priority players screwing up public opinion. Power to the people, guys! We scream, they hit buttons, and stuff changes.

04-12-2011, 11:21 PM
Meh. I like that STS lets the players have a big say in where the game will go next. Tis a thing called good customer service.

04-12-2011, 11:23 PM
People panic, a lot. This is why we have stock market crashes. The expression "Hold your horses" would be quite useful here. Instead of letting your emotions override you, which shows just how much self control you have. Be patient, they are working on it. Yelling at somebody doesn't make things happen any faster. If it did, I'd be yelling at people to revive faster, wouldn't I? Yelling and Trollish "constructive criticism" just bruises ego's, angers people, and in this game, gets you banned.

Like Justg said, "Level-headed Feedback" is great.

Trollish "Constructive Criticism" is not. Did people see how many forum members got banned for that? Some thought in posts would be appreciated, rage posting is never a good thing.

Hey Parth,

At the same time, many people don't frequent the forums so they were not aware of this upcoming change ahead of time. We had time to process it and know that the devs are monitoring everyone's feedback. Others were taken by surprise and therefore were angry and frustrated. Let people vent a little as long as it is not overly offensive. The devs are big boys and girls and can handle the frustrations of their customers. Even angry feedback can be constructive if you read through the emotion.

Things will be tweaked and those who don't know, will see that the devs do listen and care about their customer's game experience.

04-12-2011, 11:28 PM

It's like someone popped the hood on my 5th gen Prelude and unplugged my VTEC solenoid...

04-12-2011, 11:29 PM
+1 on this. The distance between the devs and the users is tiny. This process is painful and ugly, but the feedback is unfiltered from the users directly to the devs, with no demographic research and priority players screwing up public opinion. Power to the people, guys! We scream, they hit buttons, and stuff changes.

The amount of money to take a HDD image, make a temp app in app store, set-up a test server, and invite the "elite" community to said test server is small. Sure developing from scratch is expensive but basically cloning the server and then applying the update shouldn't be terribly time consuming.

04-12-2011, 11:30 PM
Hey Parth,

At the same time, many people don't frequent the forums so they were not aware of this upcoming change ahead of time. We had time to process it and know that the devs are monitoring everyone's feedback. Others were taken by surprise and therefore were angry and frustrated. Let people vent a little as long as it is not overly offensive. The devs are big boys and girls and can handle the frustrations of their customers. Even angry feedback can be constructive if you read through the emotion.

Things will be tweaked and those who don't know, will see that the devs do listen and care about their customer's game experience.

This is a very important point, people who didn't know are now in a state of shock. They are signing up on forums and venting, they are filling towns and crying out for change. I read the devs post about letting the dust settle, but I read more people talking about quitting in seconds than I have the entire time I've played the game. I've been around long enough to know that the devs will play around with the system and make it right, just wondering how much the community may suffer in the process.

04-12-2011, 11:31 PM
I honestly believe this will all be sorted out. Though I'll be the first to admit that I'm a little disappointed with how its been thus far. A lot of great suggestions have been discussed and the devs would be foolish not to take action. Many may even take a break from the game but if anyone can polish this turd of an update, its our devs! I love this game and so does everyone here or you wouldn't be complaining so much about our baby. My advice: Take a deep breath, appreciate how awesome this game has been so far and wait for the magic to happen. Cause trust me...it will happen! And when it does free high fives for everyone ;)

04-12-2011, 11:31 PM
I guess that I am failing to see where a problem existed. What problem does GCD address in PVE that couldn't be handled by tweaking , for example, the bosses?

04-12-2011, 11:35 PM
I work in the IT field and know for a fact if they did this to a business they would lose the client. If you don't like that, then I'm sorry but you won't make it in the real world.

Err, STS is a real business in the real world. You make like 70k and STS makes millions. I think they know how to make it in the real world. And Ladylove? How do you know how she'll do in the real world? She's cute and cute girls have an easier time in the real world lol. Kick rocks!

04-12-2011, 11:36 PM
.And Ladylove? How do you know how she'll do in the real world? She's cute and cute girls have an easier time in the real world lol.

It's not just her cuteness but her overwhelming charm...she'll do great in the real world.

04-12-2011, 11:37 PM
Err, STS is a real business in the real world. You make like 70k and STS makes millions. I think they know how to make it in the real world. And Ladylove? How do you know how she'll do in the real world? She's cute and cute girls have an easier time in the real world lol. Kick rocks!

I'm not interested in a flame war...

04-12-2011, 11:38 PM
I guess that I am failing to see where a problem existed. What problem does GCD address in PVE that couldn't be handled by tweaking , for example, the bosses?

Reduces lag

04-12-2011, 11:38 PM

It's like someone popped the hood on my 5th gen Prelude and unplugged my VTEC solenoid...

it's like someone gave me an awesome 386 computer and made the turbo button inoperable.

It's like someone installed a ceiling fan in my house, but took off the speed setting. I'm assuming the lights work fine. I don't care about the reverse thing.

It's like someone gave me a bag of M&Ms, but there's a handful of candy-coated rabbit turds in the bag somewhere.

It's like I woke up one day and I had an extra arm in the middle of my chest, but it doesn't have an opposable thumb.

It's like when I'm doing my extreme stunts in my flying rocket paragliding suit, but I'm not allowed to fly in the Alps; only around Fresno, CA.

04-12-2011, 11:39 PM
I'm not interested in a flame war...

Then don't flame people.

04-12-2011, 11:40 PM
Honestly, I would just like an update before all the childish and people who "quit" in seconds leave. They might not be the greatest players but they are still there to fill an empty spot. I dont run around with "select" friends, I do have a few that run often. I give everyone a chance, just would like for there to be people left after this for said "chance". I would rather play with childish people than by myself. :) I have NEVER booted anyone.

Fallen Caccavari
04-12-2011, 11:41 PM

Get used to it.

It's not really that big of a deal, why should the developers allow you to unload all your skills in a split second. There are certain skills I think that shouldn't have a GCD; buffs and debuffs.

04-12-2011, 11:43 PM
I got one thing to say : I can't download it after I uninstalled it.

04-12-2011, 11:45 PM
Mystery gear is the same? Can't craft bow got recipe and all for it, wont let me. Didn't like wastin 5 plat on gear allready have :( if I could sell it or something cool but u can't lol

04-12-2011, 11:45 PM

Get used to it.

It's not really that big of a deal, why should the developers allow you to unload all your skills in a split second. There are certain skills I think that shouldn't have a GCD; buffs and debuffs.

Why shouldn't they allow it? I think they will listen to their customers instead of saying deal with it. Their game is a good product and not everything new is always permanent. The makers of Coke didn't keep the New Coke recipe back in the day and say deal with it. They would have gone out of business. They essentially returned to the original flavor.

04-12-2011, 11:47 PM
The amount of money to take a HDD image, make a temp app in app store, set-up a test server, and invite the "elite" community to said test server is small. Sure developing from scratch is expensive but basically cloning the server and then applying the update shouldn't be terribly time consuming.

I'm sure the handful of devs who make this game run will keep that in mind for 1.7.2. We could all use some tried-and-true slow game evolution. Why...I wish this update had been 6 months in the works and got bureaucrated into a handful of face updates and an intro screen that was daringly added, despite the overall dismal 62.4% popularity amongst the top 4% of players.

04-12-2011, 11:48 PM
Why shouldn't they allow it? I think they will listen to their customers instead of saying deal with it. Their game is a good product and not everything new is always permanent. The makers of Coke didn't keep the New Coke recipe back in the day and say deal with it. They would have gone out of business. They essentially returned to the original flavor.

They didn't keep their original recipe either which included benzoylmethylecgonine - very good that they didn't!

04-12-2011, 11:49 PM
Can't wait to see what's next! What kind of Awesome updates in the near future will we see! Very excited, VERY! -HTC-Thunderbolt-
Please let us know of any issues you find in this thread, thanks!

It will take a while to propagate to all App Store territories. Android version is up now. 1.7 will shut down this afternoon.

Please use this thread to give feedback on this version.


Here's a list of changes:

* Updated New Player Experience! Improved player flow from application launch to entering the world, especially for new players.
* New Character Creation! You now see your character as they will appear in game while creating your character. You are now allowed to select from a variety of faces and armor colors when creating a new character.
* New Tutorial! The improved tutorial will better teach new players the basics of how to play Pocket Legends.
* Added Emote Pack 3: Kiss, Back Flip, Clap, Point
* Added Emote Pack 4: The FART PACK!
* New Faces are now available for purchase at the Magic Mirror!
* Oasis Towne has been completely revamped. Players can now walk into the Oasis pond and heal their health and mana! Daily quests have been added to receive additional Mystery Weapons, Armor, and Helmets.
* Account Verification has been removed. You can now Purchase Platinum, access the Offer Wall, and Buy All Content without registering your account. Registering your account gives you the ability to log in on any supported device, and grants you access to Dark Forest for free.
* A Global ability cool down timer has been added. Firing an ability causes all abilities to be on cool down for half a second.
* Character deletion now requires the characters name be entered rather than just typing "delete".
* Players can now purchase a revive for full health at the position of death for 1 Platinum.
* When turning in a quest to an NPC, if they have a new quest available it will be immediately offered.
* Added new Balefort Sewers equipment set bonuses!
* Vyxnaar Helmet of Hate has a new appearance
* Joining games hosted by friends through your friend list now require a password if one has been set. Previously, you could join your friends' password-protected games without giving a password.
* Empty lines no longer appear in the crafting display

04-12-2011, 11:49 PM
They didn't keep their original recipe either which included benzoylmethylecgonine - very good that they didn't!

Hence the "essentially".

04-12-2011, 11:54 PM
Readjust cooldown to 0.1 pls just remove multitouch

04-12-2011, 11:54 PM
I got one thing to say : I can't download it after I uninstalled it.

this happened to me once...if you have a SD card for your device try removing it and trying to install it without it in..this worked for me..good luck:)

04-12-2011, 11:56 PM
Reduces lag

correct it reduces lag because lots or people stop playing because of the GCD impacting the game play. Less people means less memory and I/O being used up on the servers so faster and smoother game play right less lag.
So GCD is doing what it was designed to do, maybe in the wrong way though??

04-12-2011, 11:58 PM
The Global ability cool down is really a issues for players, please get it fixed!

04-13-2011, 12:00 AM
it's like someone gave me an awesome 386 computer and made the turbo button inoperable.

It's like someone installed a ceiling fan in my house, but took off the speed setting. I'm assuming the lights work fine. I don't care about the reverse thing.

It's like someone gave me a bag of M&Ms, but there's a handful of candy-coated rabbit turds in the bag somewhere.

It's like I woke up one day and I had an extra arm in the middle of my chest, but it doesn't have an opposable thumb.

It's like when I'm doing my extreme stunts in my flying rocket paragliding suit, but I'm not allowed to fly in the Alps; only around Fresno, CA.

You make me laugh out loud so hard I woke my wife up! You just made a fan. 8)

04-13-2011, 12:04 AM
You make me laugh out loud so hard I woke my wife up! You just made a fan. 8)
totally agree

04-13-2011, 12:06 AM
Agree, GCD makes the game feel slow. And dungeon runs and bosses take too long now. Not fun at all for a mage. Maybe cutting the time in half would help. But honestly I'd take the lag and ping spikes over this current change any day.

04-13-2011, 12:08 AM
Agree, GCD makes the game feel slow. And dungeon runs and bosses take too long now. Not fun at all for a mage. Maybe cutting the time in half would help. But honestly I'd take the lag and ping spikes over this current change any day.

Totally agree.

04-13-2011, 12:12 AM
this happened to me once...if you have a SD card for your device try removing it and trying to install it without it in..this worked for me..good luck:)

This is correct. For some reason on my android, large installs do not work because I suppose theres a permission conflict between the presence of an SD and Android installation of large programs. The best way to install it is to unmount your SD card. I have that option in my Android settings so I don't actually have to physically remove my card. Then uninstalling and installing should work. This happens for me for games like Angry birds too. Weird bug.

04-13-2011, 12:13 AM
The flow to the game is great.
It realy saves half the time.
All the extra adds are awesome.
Long live diversity!!

Maybe some free plat for veteran players to realy test everything?! ;-)
And get more feedbáck on it?

Only negative is about the cooldown of abilities.
What were you thinking?
It realy disrubts the gameplay. And makes it less realistic.
At least make a difference between magic and fighting.

This is the first upgrade ever that i've seen to become slower instead of faster.
Except for windows offcourse, but that doesnt count.

I have never seen a fighter take a brake between moves to cool down, take a few blows and then start again. C'mon.. This only makes sence if u slow down the attackers also.

My humble opinion:
Please remove or change the cooldown and keep the rest.

Thnx for developing this game. A year ago.
Keep up the good work!

04-13-2011, 12:15 AM
Please remove the screen -> shaking animation thinggy

Im starting to get annoyed with my screen shaking/buzzing (like YM BUZZ) all the time because of the emote thinggy played by an abusive player. Im using iPad 2 thats why I can see that my full screen shake all the time when they do the fart/jump thinggy. Is there anyway I can disable this animation thinggy?

Oh come on.. I already muted my volume/sound because of the guyz non-stop spamming Emotes Book I-IV.

I don't enjoy my screen shaking a lot every time I sit n Balefort Castle.. its really getting annoying and it gives me a headache :/

04-13-2011, 12:20 AM
it's like someone gave me an awesome 386 computer and made the turbo button inoperable.

It's like someone installed a ceiling fan in my house, but took off the speed setting. I'm assuming the lights work fine. I don't care about the reverse thing.

It's like someone gave me a bag of M&Ms, but there's a handful of candy-coated rabbit turds in the bag somewhere.

It's like I woke up one day and I had an extra arm in the middle of my chest, but it doesn't have an opposable thumb.

It's like when I'm doing my extreme stunts in my flying rocket paragliding suit, but I'm not allowed to fly in the Alps; only around Fresno, CA.

hahaha this one is funny lolll loll!! good one!!

04-13-2011, 12:30 AM
Or, as I said in another thread, put an option to mute emotes in the options menu

actually, i found a way to do this. IGNORE BUTTON!

04-13-2011, 12:36 AM
Again you missed my point. I am not their beta tester. I am their customer. I spend my money on properly developed projects. I work in the IT field and know for a fact if they did this to a business they would lose the client. If you don't like that, then I'm sorry but you won't make it in the real world. Proper development is done behind the scenes, not in a live environment. It is a simple project to make a test server, invite beta testers, work out the kinks, then deploy the update. That's my feedback, deal with it
lmao man we talked in town but u still dont understand...shame

04-13-2011, 12:36 AM
After a bit more play, gcd in pve is probably workable. I got used to it a bit more & with a strong party you can still clear anything in sewers in a reasonable time. However, I don't think the fun-to-play factor increases with the current gcd settings.

If there is any lag improvment, I didn't see it. If anything the mini lag spikes are more noticeable since they hold up the registration of skill cool down and leave me tapping in futility on a skill that looks active, but is lagging. Seems like we used to be able to throw skills into the queue during lag, which had a smoothing effect to the game play.

04-13-2011, 12:39 AM
Ya devs did a good job, except for:
- Now you can't acces menus like avatar or inventory when you're not in the world. There used to be access via the store button.
- Even on an iPad the emote menu has become so big it's unusable during gameplay.
- There's no way to mute emotes. ----yes, ignore button
- The lack of a promised Sewer bonus (Queens don't work)
- You can't join friends anymore anywhere (but they are working on it... Perhaps a test was nice before livegoing?)
i found this out in towne while very annoyed at fartin noises-i only said that cause i need 10 chars lmao

04-13-2011, 12:39 AM
actually, i found a way to do this. IGNORE BUTTON!

Not the same as a mute in option....you have to then run around and try to find 27 people farting, and it is a pain. A simple emote mute is way easier.

04-13-2011, 12:40 AM
Nothing has ever been remotely close to King Quest greatness. NOTHING!

actually, i found a way to do this. IGNORE BUTTON!

Lol yeah I seen u in town on my alt ignoring all the gassy ppl :D

04-13-2011, 12:40 AM
Not the same as a mute in option....you have to then run around and try to find 27 people farting, and it is a pain. A simple emote mute is way easier.

seriously man, its not that hard. that just means your lazy. pressing simple buttons lmao

04-13-2011, 12:41 AM
YEAH!! Put emotes in the options menu!! I like that suggestion!! No more screen shaking!!! Still not happy until dev will make
something about it..

04-13-2011, 12:42 AM
Lol yeah I seen u in town on my alt ignoring all the gassy ppl :D
:D u know, its actually kinda fun ignoring people lmao

04-13-2011, 12:43 AM

55lv bird archermango, 55lv mage magicmango, 55lv pally miumiucandy

04-13-2011, 12:43 AM
AH!! Maybe devs can make ignore option til u get disconnecte ONLY!! In this way we can ignore everyone and thennn wen we reconnect we dont have to unignore everyone!!! WOW nice idea!!

04-13-2011, 12:44 AM
seriously man, its not that hard. that just means your lazy. pressing simple buttons lmao

Before you open your mouth and say something stupid like "your lazy", why don't you try to use three brain cells first? I play PL to play, hang out with game buds, and kill stuff, not to run after 20 dorks spamming a fart button. Did I make a personal attack on you in my post? No. Grow up.

04-13-2011, 12:45 AM
anglfyr how many characters do u have?!?! lol :p

04-13-2011, 12:46 AM
I have 10 or 11. Why? Devs please listen to us!!

04-13-2011, 12:46 AM
Agree, GCD makes the game feel slow. And dungeon runs and bosses take too long now. Not fun at all for a mage. Maybe cutting the time in half would help. But honestly I'd take the lag and ping spikes over this current change any day.

Ditto X 10 What separates the good player from the bad is timing and the experience to know when to do what. GCD takes most of that away. Your combos are limited and stunted to the point where ability and experience are much less important now.

04-13-2011, 12:47 AM
Before you open your mouth and say something stupid like "your lazy", why don't you try to use three brain cells first? I play PL to play, hang out with game buds, and kill stuff, not to run after 20 dorks spamming a fart button. Did I make a personal attack on you in my post? No. Grow up.
u know, i dont think i was that harsh. the devs arent gonna go out of their way to make another setting even if there is one already there, yes, i admit, its a LITTLE harder to get to but if its that hard....

04-13-2011, 12:47 AM
There seems to be something off with the set bonusses for crafted sets.

Updated stats and set bonus-animations (green sparkles) seem to be present on all previous crafted sets EXCEPT the enchanted bracer/wand combination.

I get green sparkles and updated stats with:
* Forfified with gemstone sword/shield
* Customized with recurve
* Enchanted with gemstone staff

But NOT for Enchanted with gemstone wand/bracer. It even gives the same set-bonus animation as the uncrafted sets :(

This can't be right IMO and I hope this will be addressed in some future update (hint: just a couple of m/s and maybe a little more armor would already be nice... oh, and the green sparkles of course :) )

As for the gcd: We finally got together with a very strong group today and I have to say, we actually had loads of fun playing (mainly played Stronghold). I agree that I liked the 'flow' of the game better before gdc was implemented, but after playing more I actually think I could get used to it. It just takes some time getting the 'rythm' right, and requires a more precise choice of what skill you're going to spam next. I guess it just will take time to get used to but still think a little bit lower cooldown time and a clearer indication of what skills are still available could improve the player experience a lot.

all in all, I'm really having loads of fun with the new update. More than I initially thought I would :)

04-13-2011, 12:47 AM
I have 10 or 11. Why? Devs please listen to us!!
idk nvr seen so many :D

04-13-2011, 12:55 AM
In the interests of giving "constructive" feedback, would it be possible to do a poll on this forum, or facebook. Simple questions, keep or repeal GCD, or what we like about the new update, what we hate about the new update. I think this will give "constructive" feedback without getting too personal. The "I hate this, going to quit!" type of feedback that is not really helpful. Although I do get where they are coming from.

04-13-2011, 12:57 AM
lmao man we talked in town but u still dont understand...shame

We talked in town after I posted that

04-13-2011, 12:58 AM
theres said enough to GCD, dont wanna add more.

my bigger problems are that iam missing world map and inventory after logon :/ why should i "enter world", dunno where i am landing, and then have access to all. why removing those usefull links?????? iam jumping around like a fool...

the new world map isnt as good as the old one was. the new symbol for the towns isnt as good visible and i have to klick on a every town to c how many quests ive made there...

the fart packs are just annoing... i hear farts all the time now in town.. ugh...

04-13-2011, 01:00 AM
Take away GCD!!!!!!

04-13-2011, 01:06 AM
We talked in town after I posted that

still ive said enough

04-13-2011, 01:07 AM
In the interests of giving "constructive" feedback, would it be possible to do a poll on this forum, or facebook. Simple questions, keep or repeal GCD, or what we like about the new update, what we hate about the new update. I think this will give "constructive" feedback without getting too personal. The "I hate this, going to quit!" type of feedback that is not really helpful. Although I do get where they are coming from.
i shall create one, that is with the devs permission. do i have permission devs?

04-13-2011, 01:09 AM
if i do get permission, can it be a sticky? i looove stickys it would be awesome to have my own :)

04-13-2011, 01:30 AM
GCD really screwed up the game play. All the time and effort that went in to practicing and honing skills have gone out the window. Playing with a team is like watching everyone mimic the king's speech, everyone's stuttering. If servers can't keep up, servers should be upgraded. Downgrading the game is not the answer.

Farts are annoying as heck.

04-13-2011, 01:38 AM
Hi all,
With the GCD the game has that level 53-54 feel to it again. Sewer runs take longer, require more cooperation, and can be deadlier. At this moment it feels like a step back, and it is not a happy feeling for me, or those that I have grouped with lately. Do not like the fact that I focus so much of my attention now on on my skill buttons, and so little on the ever-changing battles at hand. The days of the always successful three minute roach runs are gone for now. I for one would like to see them return.

*lost some shading with the new skill buttons. Please make them more vivid.
*what about an option to have certain self buffs always refresh automatically.
*emote filter, somewhat like a chat filter.
*join friends needs to be adressed.
*where are the set bonuses?(str gear as examples)
A-fury axe w/fury cap,armor,shield
B-fortified axe,mace, and battle sword bonuses
C-sewer gem set bonus
D-set bonuses that includes the helm of persistance.
E-crossover set bonuses(sewer hammer, fury helm, and fury armor for example)
*Additional sewer gem items(shield, axe, battle sword, and sword)
*crafting of sewer gem items
*a 6th sewer zone with all 5 bosses(56 quest?)
*GCD delete option(requirements are level 56, and10 platinum)

Gonna see how this all works out. I wil keep playing. My circle of friends will get a bit tighter. I will also have to be a bit less reckless. I can still have fun doing slow methodical farming runs.
Bagwaan(56 bear)

04-13-2011, 01:44 AM
i was usually buffing myself just a bit before i begun to shot some mobs.
when i do it now at same moment i come in trouble lol! when iam finally buffed iam half dead..
especially mages will have to decide what they gonna use, or heal or attack.. blessing again or attack... and wich attack to use in a certain situation, u have to decide quick, next attack will be .5 later..

04-13-2011, 01:48 AM
Soooo, I know I'm late but here is my first impression. I played around 20 sewer runs, 10 in AO2 and AO3. So it's really only a first impression.

* Updated New Player Experience! Improved player flow from application launch to entering the world, especially for new players.
* New Character Creation! You now see your character as they will appear in game while creating your character. You are now allowed to select from a variety of faces and armor colors when creating a new character.
* New Tutorial! The improved tutorial will better teach new players the basics of how to play Pocket Legends.

Really much better now, I like it.

* Added Emote Pack 3: Kiss, Back Flip, Clap, Point
* Added Emote Pack 4: The FART PACK!

Yay emotes, only that shaking screen thing really makes my eyes hurt.

* New Faces are now available for purchase at the Magic Mirror!

More diversity is always better. And for you people whining you once spent 5 platinum for your face which is now free for starters: I payed 20 platinum for my panda. So shush, prices change.

* Oasis Towne has been completely revamped. Players can now walk into the Oasis pond and heal their health and mana! Daily quests have been added to receive additional Mystery Weapons, Armor, and Helmets.

I like the new town better although i have sanitary issues with the pool.

* A Global ability cool down timer has been added. Firing an ability causes all abilities to be on cool down for half a second.

Good, global cooldown encourages team play. Bad, global cooldown makes the game slow. I often join random games and have a thing for fast runs with lots of combos, so I'm not amused yet. It will take a while to get used to it. Btw does mobs have global cooldown too?

* Players can now purchase a revive for full health at the position of death for 1 Platinum.

Tested it, works. Will try not to use it again unless I'm in a really really lazy mood.

* Added new Balefort Sewers equipment set bonuses!

Well seems now I should craft my raid set for the new bonus. A little sad that there is no bonus with crown, so for me it stays more of a vanity item.

* Joining games hosted by friends through your friend list now require a password if one has been set. Previously, you could join your friends' password-protected games without giving a password.

Not tested yet, but I always missed that. But what an irony: Now you can password protect your solo run in plasma pyramid, global cooldown makes soloing really hard.

04-13-2011, 01:49 AM
i was usually buffing myself just a bit before i begun to shot some mobs.
when i do it now at same moment i come in trouble lol! when iam finally buffed iam half dead..
especially mages will have to decide what they gonna use, or heal or attack.. blessing again or attack... and wich attack to use in a certain situation, u have to decide quick, next attack will be .5 later..

I agree completely and have started a thread about this issue.

04-13-2011, 01:50 AM
i was usually buffing myself just a bit before i begun to shot some mobs.
when i do it now at same moment i come in trouble lol! when iam finally buffed iam half dead..
especially mages will have to decide what they gonna use, or heal or attack.. blessing again or attack... and wich attack to use in a certain situation, u have to decide quick, next attack will be .5 later..

That's what I actually liked about the gcd. It doesn't seem like mindless button mashing anymore and requires you to actually pay attention to what skill buttons to spam next. Still think it feels to 'choppy' though.

A nice little tweak is that the characters are now actually facing the direction they're targeting, making it easier to see who blows up that exploding barrel when you're running next to it ;)

04-13-2011, 01:51 AM
GCD really screwed up the game play. All the time and effort that went in to practicing and honing skills have gone out the window. Playing with a team is like watching everyone mimic the king's speech, everyone's stuttering. If servers can't keep up, servers should be upgraded. Downgrading the game is not the answer.

Farts are annoying as heck.

+10 mothballs i so agree

04-13-2011, 01:54 AM
i dont even notice the GCD anymore.

love it love it love it. stop whining and go practice.

04-13-2011, 01:55 AM
That's what I actually liked about the gcd. It doesn't seem like mindless button mashing anymore and requires you to actually pay attention to what skill buttons to spam next. Still think it feels to 'choppy' though.

A nice little tweak is that the characters are now actually facing the direction they're targeting, making it easier to see who blows up that exploding barrel when you're running next to it ;)

Yeah but now I am staring at my skill layout 90% of the time....about as exciting as a text based game from my childhood.....almost as exciting as whack-a-mole...

04-13-2011, 02:10 AM
i dont even notice the GCD anymore.

love it love it love it. stop whining and go practice.

or we could provide feedback to make it better.

04-13-2011, 02:10 AM
i dont even notice the GCD anymore.

love it love it love it. stop whining and go practice.

Exactly ! You just did a combo ! =P

04-13-2011, 02:22 AM
Ya i know, i got it, i will go play my lv5 and 10 more, they are the ones least effected. :)

The Real Jira
04-13-2011, 02:23 AM
Yeah but now I am staring at my skill layout 90% of the time....about as exciting as a text based game from my childhood.....almost as exciting as whack-a-mole...

I've read one characterization of the update was to "stop/eliminate mashing"... so it's incredibly ironic that my buddies and I found ourselves mashing more as to not waste a fraction of a second between skill use. I've never hit the screen on my iPad more times during a run than tonight.

The overall outcome? The same guys I hang out with daily (four 56's and a 55) -- we didn't have fun tonight. Normally, we would normally be playing, talking, laughing -- that didn't happen -- instead we just hung out on skype for a bit, talked about some of the comments on the forum, then we all logged out. I'm afraid tomorrow will likely bring the same.

04-13-2011, 02:35 AM
Devs... I am disappointed. Since December, when I discovered the game, I have had a hard time putting my phone down. Since this last update, :.\ I'm having a hard time picking it up. The gcd, should be shortened. If not eliminated all together. The $ I've spent on plat, seems like a waste now. I've seen quotes about how w.o.w. has gcd, well this isn't wow. This is pocket legends. When u play on the dungeons, everyone has a role.... mages heal, buff an rebuff to keep their team alive to help beat the bosses. I've heard people were complaining about how mages can spam spells when in pvp, well... there never has been an option to pot reds or purp on pvp, can't you leave the gcd for pvp? Should be able to... you guys are geniuses. The rest of the updates... well. I think they're great, but the gcd is probably enough for me to stop playing the game, and for me to not spend any more money, and I'm pretty sure I know of at least three people besides me who will stop. My little group of people who play, all sent me messages, did u get the update? It sucks. I won't be spending any more money on plat.... not till this gets fixed.

04-13-2011, 02:42 AM
I've read one characterization of the update was to "stop/eliminate mashing"... so it's incredibly ironic that my buddies and I found ourselves mashing more as to not waste a fraction of a second between skill use. I've never hit the screen on my iPad more times during a run than tonight.

The overall outcome? The same guys I hang out with daily (four 56's and a 55) -- we didn't have fun tonight. Normally, we would normally be playing, talking, laughing -- that didn't happen -- instead we just hung out on skype for a bit, talked about some of the comments on the forum, then we all logged out. I'm afraid tomorrow will likely bring the same.

Same here. Those who randomly smashed buttons before were ineffectual. It took timing and experience to get the desired results. Not so much now. Mechanical.

04-13-2011, 02:42 AM
Thade yesterday said in AO town that the GCD may got removed when all complain to much... so thers a hope..