View Full Version : My Game Screen is Shaking/Vibrating Like Crazy

04-13-2011, 12:11 AM
Please remove the screen -> shaking animation thinggy

Im starting to get annoyed with my screen shaking/buzzing (like YM BUZZ) all the time because of the emote thinggy played by an abusive player. Im using iPad 2 thats why I can see that my full screen shake all the time when they do the fart/jump thinggy. Is there anyway I can disable this animation thinggy?

Oh come on.. I already muted my volume/sound because of the guyz non-stop spamming Emotes Book I-IV.

I don't enjoy my screen shaking a lot every time I sit n Balefort Castle.. its really getting annoying and it gives me a headache :/

Is there anyway I can disable this animation thinggy?

04-13-2011, 12:20 AM
Please remove the screen -> shaking animation thinggy

Im starting to get annoyed with my screen shaking/buzzing (like YM BUZZ) all the time because of the emote thinggy played by an abusive player. Im using iPad 2 thats why I can see that my full screen shake all the time when they do the fart/jump thinggy. Is there anyway I can disable this animation thinggy?

Oh come on.. I already muted my volume/sound because of the guyz non-stop spamming Emotes Book I-IV.

I don't enjoy my screen shaking a lot every time I sit n Balefort Castle.. its really getting annoying and it gives me a headache :/

Is there anyway I can disable this animation thinggy?

Did you try disable screen effects? Or /ignore? Should stop it entirely.

04-13-2011, 12:23 AM
Disabling camera effect didnt work!! And everyone else keeps on farting like crazy.. making my screen to shake/buzz like crazy.. Im not happy about this at all!

04-13-2011, 12:24 AM
Camera effect didnt work!! And everyone else keeps on farting like crazy.. making my screen to shake/buzz like crazy.. Im not happy about this at all!

Just /ignore everybody in towne. That seems like a completely reasonable way to solve the problem :).

04-13-2011, 12:26 AM
Not funny!! Hope DEVS will listen to this one!! Drives me crazy!!! Im starting to get upset..

04-13-2011, 12:28 AM
Not funny!! Hope DEVS will listen to this one!! Drives me crazy!!! Im starting to get upset..

They probably will :). No need to worry. Just give them some time. In the meantime. I'm taking some motion sickness pills to help. Would you like some? :D

04-13-2011, 12:29 AM
hahaha okayy!!! me want some!!

Really wishing for the devs to listen to my suggestions/feedbacks..

04-13-2011, 09:26 AM
Does /ignore also block the conversations? Or just the emotes?

But, to be perfectly honest, I just want a separate fart blocker in the settings. It's childish, rude, disgusting, and lame. And with the whole screen vibrate, also annoying (especially on the tablet screens, as you've pointed out). Not all of us are 13 years old anymore. (Crickey, Reagan was still president...)

(Do you think if we reported the public farters they'd remove fart or ban us for wasting their time reporting people using a feature??)

04-13-2011, 09:32 AM
Ignore blocks conversation as well, however, for those who use this new feature every time allowed, ignore works great! U can re add players later if you like, I am more than sure devs will do somthing with the screen shake, as it is when join friends is on, the moving list is enough to make a nun cuss, the screen shaking will not help this area,

But for now IGNORE is beautiful!!! I purchased this pack thinking other emotes would be in the pkg... I will say my other account is not purchasing this pack, however i like the flip, point, kiss and ..... Ooooo brain on vacation without my permission moment.... Well you get the idea :)

04-13-2011, 09:34 AM
Does /ignore also block the conversations? Or just the emotes?

But, to be perfectly honest, I just want a separate fart blocker in the settings. It's childish, rude, disgusting, and lame. And with the whole screen vibrate, also annoying (especially on the tablet screens, as you've pointed out). Not all of us are 13 years old anymore. (Crickey, Reagan was still president...)

(Do you think if we reported the public farters they'd remove fart or ban us for wasting their time reporting people using a feature??)

I do not believe that the devs are going to enjoy reporting players for use of an in game item... Just saying.. Again use ignore a simple solution for now.

04-13-2011, 09:53 AM
Hate how people keep saying ignore them... What if after the novelty is gone they turn out to be cool players? You will never know.

04-13-2011, 10:15 AM
Hate how people keep saying ignore them... What if after the novelty is gone they turn out to be cool players? You will never know.

Well how many options does one really have...
1) Play without sound, this will remove the annoying farting/puking/etc... (I don't know because I don't play with sound)
2) Avoid towns, which is impossible since you cannot jump straight into games
3) Ask spammers to stop, which will increase the intensity of said annoying behavior tenfold
4) Take a vacation from PL

I can't come up with more atm, any other suggestion of how to deal with it while avoiding ignoring everyone in the room is appreciated.

04-13-2011, 10:45 AM
We're adjusting the falloff range for these emotes with today's iteration... should be much less intrusive.