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View Full Version : How to eventually balance pvp.

05-30-2015, 04:20 AM
Do you remember those times when pvp was fun? Well i do.Nowadays,pvp is more like a competition,and there are less players who are playing just for fun.When i join pvp,i get ganged by players who have nekro,arcane ring and stuff like that.Of course,i'm part of the poor category,those who don't put money in the game,and i'm not even a good pvp player.

But,in my own opinion,this is how sts should eventually balance the pvp sistem:
-Firstly,we need more skills.I've seen threads with awesome skill ideas such as the one that mage could revive dead,the rogue could make duplicate clones and the warrior could call in ghost warriors.Also,a new skill slot should be added on HUD.This will give players more access to the skills,and eventually making better builds.
-Secondly,matchmaking would be great.For example, if i'm a poor player (which i already am),then i should join a match with fellow poor players,and if i'm a rich player,then i should join a match with rich players.
-Add a new TDM map,and not with some trulle-like thing in it.This has been suggested for over a year.
-I'm playing since early season 4,so i didn't know that you couldn't have pets in pvp in season 2 and 3.Please sts,bring this feature back again!After all it's player versus player,not player&pet versus player&nekro.

Thank you very much for taking your time and reading this thread.

I'm sorry for my bad english :)

P.S.:If you somehow feel like this thread is useless and it doesn't deserve to exist,please,remeber,i said IN MY OWN OPINION.

05-30-2015, 04:52 AM
+1 to non trulle tdm and matchmaking. Imo they should just give good gears/pets attainable by the poor ppl like nilbog and nightshade, the recent events were rewarding, stsrting from the 2x odds arena chests event. The poor people dont have to be as strong as those who spend money on this game, but we just dont have to be so weak against them that we dont even stand a chance

05-30-2015, 02:14 PM
+1 to non trulle tdm and matchmaking. Imo they should just give good gears/pets attainable by the poor ppl like nilbog and nightshade, the recent events were rewarding, stsrting from the 2x odds arena chests event. The poor people dont have to be as strong as those who spend money on this game, but we just dont have to be so weak against them that we dont even stand a chance
Thank you for your feedback ^.^
Hope some devs will see this thread...

06-03-2015, 12:37 AM
why buy something good if you get paired with harder opponents.
what if u switch gears in the pvp map???

Personally like the addition of pets in game and truly the only op pet is Nekro, and sure sns is cruel but surely a sam player can beat a sns player if equally geared otherwise.

New skills are a go for me but it seems unlikely it will happen..............

06-03-2015, 01:22 AM
Its not like the elite players had themselves spoon-fed with great gear and pets. They worked for it. Either ingame by putting in time, farming/merching or in real life to spend on this game. If they are winning against us, they deserve to.

+ 1 to new pvp map without Troll. Preferably same level, same class and 1 vs 1.

06-03-2015, 07:56 AM
Oh my... new PvP map has been suggested for so many times, including the PvP map which I always suggest: Balanced PvP. This way, you received the same gear with the other players, no pets, skilled ones > richies. I didn't mean to make your Nekros and AR to become wasted, it is the fun PvP where players can test their skills. The PvP system is depending on what the devs think. I really want the Balanced PvP and 1v1 (and live 1v1, where we can watch, like a ring in the middle) arena.

More creative idea: continuous 1v1, like the WWE Royal Rumble, you fight and you gain PvP XP, the longer you stay, the more points you will get. If this will be implemented in events, I'd love to see it!

On topic,
I concluded my answer for no. 3 and 4 (all of the above).
1. 5th skill has also been suggested since 2 seasons ago. No offense but it seems like you're collecting some people's ideas, and put 'em all in here.
2. Matchmaking? First, it is not a MOBA. The problem is, the poor want to PvP but the richies always dominate them. The correct suggestion is: PvP Practice. Poor people can do PvP with anyone here. To enter, you need 2 people in party (including you), maximum of 4, and make a PvP Practice room. The CTF PvP is already at its worst. We can't expect something better except those richies don't do bad PvP. TDM? Worse than CTF. Find it more gangable than CTF.

06-03-2015, 08:10 AM
Oh my... new PvP map has been suggested for so many times, including the PvP map which I always suggest: Balanced PvP. This way, you received the same gear with the other players, no pets, skilled ones > richies. I didn't mean to make your Nekros and AR to become wasted, it is the fun PvP where players can test their skills. The PvP system is depending on what the devs think. I really want the Balanced PvP and 1v1 (and live 1v1, where we can watch, like a ring in the middle) arena.

More creative idea: continuous 1v1, like the WWE Royal Rumble, you fight and you gain PvP XP, the longer you stay, the more points you will get. If this will be implemented in events, I'd love to see it!

On topic,
I concluded my answer for no. 3 and 4 (all of the above).
1. 5th skill has also been suggested since 2 seasons ago. No offense but it seems like you're collecting some people's ideas, and put 'em all in here.
2. Matchmaking? First, it is not a MOBA. The problem is, the poor want to PvP but the richies always dominate them. The correct suggestion is: PvP Practice. Poor people can do PvP with anyone here. To enter, you need 2 people in party (including you), maximum of 4, and make a PvP Practice room. The CTF PvP is already at its worst. We can't expect something better except those richies don't do bad PvP. TDM? Worse than CTF. Find it more gangable than CTF.
I like the 1v1 idea!
PvP XP?Wut? Plz tell me more...

06-05-2015, 07:10 PM
Something else that would be very helpful in pvp would be actually pvping your own lvl. For example, lets say you're lvl 11 and you join tdm match. You would only fight against opponents that are also lvl 11. Since there is a range of different lvls that can join in a pvp match, it's not always equal, such as, a lvl 11 fighting a lvl 13. There should be a option where you have the choice if you want to pvp at your lvl or at normal pvp (range of different lvls).