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View Full Version : Tips For Getting Used to GCD

04-13-2011, 04:00 PM
Simple, no "GCD sucks" stuff. I didn't like it at first but only because I'm a bird and everything was intensely fast. I'm getting used to it.

First, stay in town, or a weaker dungeon.

Passive skills, or buffs seem to GCD quicker than active offensive skills.(not confirmed)

Practice your timing. You may not be able to shoot off 4 skills in one second, but to make up for that, play in a party. As general advice, this game and any other game, is only as fun as you make it.

So you're used to madly stabbing at your screen with your poor fingers, you feel it takes forever to use another skill.


Time your skill tap with the cooldown. Don't just keep mashing at the next one you want to use. When you see all your skills light up again, use your next skill. Trust me, you'll feel yourself getting used to it, just like you got so used to skill nuking everything at once.

I think this GCD is encouraging higher brain function. Instead of relying on bombarding your opponents, make moves for teamwork, make moves for survival. Of course... it doesn't look at all flashy and laggy as before (because we all love filling our screen with sparks and lag, and most recently, bodily gas).

Re-prioritize your skill placements on your screen.

Make combos closer to each other. For birds for instance, thorn wall + Shatter + Blast Shot should be adjacent. If you think you can add another skill in between, go for it. Line them up.

Play smart! You can do it. :) Good luck.

04-13-2011, 04:02 PM
I will do that cheers...

04-13-2011, 04:06 PM
I dont like it still i have my combo i dont bombarde i wait but with cooldown im forced to wait but without it i time it and do stuff at my pace but thats non existent with gcd wich makes me Feel to restricted

04-13-2011, 04:24 PM
heres the deal u can get used to it but not the good players like me i think ur saying that because u suk at pvp GCD is bad because 100% of all my friend agree that is super slow and raiding os supa slow and whats the point of powers lvlrs elixirs if everything is super slow including lag so plz PL remove GCD

04-13-2011, 04:25 PM
Not to be one of those people thats annoying but, this is harder than you think and if you like GCD please tell me so. Dont tell me you like it because it makes it harder. The game was already hard why make it more difficult because now new people comi g to the game will think its to hard and quit. Im thinking about quitting now but Ill wait until they do somwthing and actually confirm what they are going to do. Personally, I hate GCD.
Thabks for the information on how to be an archer with GCD, really helped. Thanks!

Sorry for spelling and sorry for blabbing on about GCD i just really dislike it, thats all.

Yes, a lot of people are having a difficult time transitioning into the slower skill output. But if you want to adapt, this thread is for you. Otherwise, you guys can continue to hope for it to be removed. I, like all prefer to just liberally use my skills, but I posted this with intent to help those who can play the game no matter what difference comes in their direction. Good luck!

heres the deal u can get used to it but not the good players like me i think ur saying that because u suk at pvp GCD is bad because 100% of all my friend agree that is super slow and raiding os supa slow and whats the point of powers lvlrs elixirs if everything is super slow including lag so plz PL remove GCD

Again, the topic here isn't to debate on the removal or subsiding of GCD. There are plenty of other threads for that. :) But these are tips if you want to improve WITH the GCD, instead of just frowning on yourself that you are incapable of fighting now that you cannot use your skills as fast.

04-13-2011, 04:32 PM
heres the deal u can get used to it but not the good players like me i think ur saying that because u suk at pvp GCD is bad because 100% of all my friend agree that is super slow and raiding os supa slow and whats the point of powers lvlrs elixirs if everything is super slow including lag so plz PL remove GCD

And you were a good pvper because you can hit all your skills at once? Ooook. So you'll still be the king of multi-touch PVP. Now you can change divisions and also work Towards being the champion of GCD PvP! Think about that! Undisputed Heavyweight Champion in two divisions!

04-13-2011, 04:32 PM
Jun, I think you are right. You and I have done a lot of sewer runs together. It is just going to take some getting use to. It has really ruined the solo experience though. I loved running solo. When I really wanted a challenge I would take my pure mage and solo keeper. I won't be doing that again anytime soon.

I just hope the nukers like me don't start getting booted because we choose to fire off and attack instead of healing.

P.S. Look for me tonite if you are on. Still working on getting to 56.

04-13-2011, 04:37 PM
I think this GCD is encouraging higher brain function.

Not sure if that speaks for everyone, since my playing style is basically figuring out which skill combos to use at a much faster rate than other players. GCD has actually made me use less of my "higher brain function" since it requires me to wait to plan out attacks with other players - so for players who "spam skills smartly" it really puts us at a disadvantage.

But an update is an update, and if it means I have to play at the same speed as everyone else, then so be it :(

04-13-2011, 04:42 PM
Thanks, this was extremely helpful! I swear I was about to quit the game.

04-13-2011, 04:59 PM
Example: I was in plasma yesterday. Everyone left but me. I finished off the bosses and I am a bird. Its possible to do this just takes some patience and I noticed cruel blast was more powerful. I also carry extra HP potions for when I need them.

04-13-2011, 05:10 PM
I bet it did have a pretty big impact on your gameplay Physio. You are a monster. Always enjoyed running with you. It will definitely slow down those Death Trains.

04-13-2011, 06:00 PM
I bet it did have a pretty big impact on your gameplay Physio. You are a monster. Always enjoyed running with you. It will definitely slow down those Death Trains.

Hi, I ran into you today too (masterminds)! I don't mind playing and timing combos etc. The main problem is that now half of my skills are no longer used. Doesn't seem to matter how well you learn to time your taps, the cooldown makes using debuffs a very difficult thing to do. Are you still using all your skills?

04-13-2011, 06:54 PM
Root, evasion, focus, shattering scream, blast shot, and break armor on bosses. The rest are not needed. I use both roots btw.

04-14-2011, 03:08 AM
would it help when there are f.e. 2 mages in a party and 1 of em is focus on healing and debuffs/buffs the other watch him and after debuffs he starts with attack skills...?
this needs probably some practice and experience...

04-14-2011, 06:49 AM
I was having a discussion with Ellyidol and he believes there may be some sort of skill queue in the cooldown. After much practice, I feel like he's right because I shoot off skills so fast, it looks as if I'm beating the GCD timer. Honestly, this was all through a bit of practice for about 20 minutes. At one point, I used all my skills so fast, I have them all on cooldown.

04-14-2011, 07:05 AM
Not sure if that speaks for everyone, since my playing style is basically figuring out which skill combos to use at a much faster rate than other players. GCD has actually made me use less of my "higher brain function" since it requires me to wait to plan out attacks with other players - so for players who "spam skills smartly" it really puts us at a disadvantage.

But an update is an update, and if it means I have to play at the same speed as everyone else, then so be it :(

I agree completely. I work at a fast pace. I was in a hair salon, wailing at my phone. The ladies were all "wow man, what are you doing on there? Ha." And at that time I was gaming. Using my fast reaction, and quickly deciding what combo to use to make sure I can keep my aggro for full int. Mages, so there isn't death. Now people see me, and I am just another guy on his phone. I really think it's for the slower players. Not everyone can think of what to use quickly and precisely. So they slowed down the skills, making people sacrifice. I will adapt to being a slower, duller player on pl I guess.

04-14-2011, 07:52 AM
I think one of the net results of GCD is that players will emphasize more focus into a smaller set of skills, since they really aren't going to be able to use all of the skills anyway most of the time. This is making me dislike the automatic 1 rank in the first 4 skills system even more -- I used the free respec on my restart of Questius to eliminate Frostbite in favor of boosting Ice Storm, since I'm really only going to need one or the other, and I prefer the AoE.

04-14-2011, 08:24 AM
Hi, I ran into you today too (masterminds)! I don't mind playing and timing combos etc. The main problem is that now half of my skills are no longer used. Doesn't seem to matter how well you learn to time your taps, the cooldown makes using debuffs a very difficult thing to do. Are you still using all your skills?

Yes I am still using all of my skills on my mage. I am just prioritizing them based off of the situation. I still haven't tried my bird out yet trying to get a feel for gcd.

04-14-2011, 09:20 AM
I love the argument that gcd makes for better tactics. Cuz not being able to combo or have your debuffs stick long enough while a mage can drain and heal before you do anything really causes you to think... Oh wait. It doesn't. Best pvp tactic for twinking with the gcd? Go mage.

Fix skills instead of a boring, half thought out idea.

Not a debate thread. Let's stick to the topic.

04-14-2011, 09:47 AM
As an Ursan tank, I used to almost always go into a room/group with no buffs up and:

- Taunt while running to wall/corner
- Beckon to wall/corner
- Scream (AOE debuff)
- Walk a few steps out from the wall/corner
- Stomp (for combo & knocking enemies into wall/corner)
- Self buff (but only if necessary for tanking what's left of the room/group)

Now I don't have enough time to Scream after Beckon and still be able to step away from the wall before Stomp and still get the combo. I also don't have time to waste putting up my self-buffs if things go badly. So now I have to assess whether the layout of the room will likely cause problems, and decide whether to put up my self buffs before entering the room, so that I don't waste GCD on self-buffing while my party gets smacked around. Also my general order changed:

- Self buff (if I predict it will be necessary for tanking the room)
- Taunt while running to wall/corner
- Scream while running to wall/corner (used to be after Beckon, now it's before)
- Beckon to wall/corner
- Walk a few steps out from the wall/corner
- Stomp (for combo & knocking enemies into wall/corner)
- Hope my buffs stay up long enough to keep me alive ;)

Yes, of course I use crushing blow on bosses, and often have to mix things up due to imperfect pulls and DDs going ahead of me, skills being on cooldown, and whatever randomness is happening. The above is just the general rooming combo that I always aim for, assuming everything is set up right (which it normally is.)

I also notice I rarely have time to use my attack skills (Super Mega Slash, Vengeful Slash, Crippling Slash) unless I am pounding away on a boss, and even then I only use them occasionally, because I am continuing to spam Taunt/Scream/Crush/Stomp (to get the boss into a corner, and then for damage.) So after some practice with GCD, I may consider respeccing some skill points, given that I can't use SMS/VS/CS as much.

04-14-2011, 10:42 AM

04-14-2011, 08:36 PM
GCD is still whack and there is nothing you can do to adjust for crippled gameplay... I refuse to play this game until it's restored, and I am making it my mission to ensure that nobody falls for Space-Time Studio's tricks again and spends money on this crippled sold-out garabage. A few days ago I would basically get you hooked on PL if you even mentioned video games... How far the mighty must fall...

04-15-2011, 08:18 AM
Timing, timing, timing..watch your group members actions. Knowing wat they will do next will help u determine wat actions u should take. Also by playing other characters you will learn to be better with previous characters. Since ive been playin with spookytoothh my archer (52) i have become a much better tank on my bear just knowing the mechanics of a bird better.

04-15-2011, 10:56 AM
GCD is still whack and there is nothing you can do to adjust for crippled gameplay... I refuse to play this game until it's restored, and I am making it my mission to ensure that nobody falls for Space-Time Studio's tricks again and spends money on this crippled sold-out garabage. A few days ago I would basically get you hooked on PL if you even mentioned video games... How far the mighty must fall...

A good gamer or PVPer can excel no matter what obstacles they're met with. I know a lot of people like that. They just start on any new mmo game and just own regardless of what the game mechanics are. They figure out the timing, the skill advantages/disadvantages and their instincts kick in and they own. Sorry you couldn't hang.