View Full Version : hauntlet token glitch

06-04-2015, 03:42 PM
https://youtu.be/yxtX32cS6lE this glitch is what I consider to be game breaking, at least in a sense, to token vendorr rewards. With double tokens weekend, this glitch quite possibly could crash most rewards for a long time. I have taken my personal time to make this video showing the specifics of the glitch. I did not make it with a reward in mind, but if STS should find it useful, i wouldn't object to a compensation of some form XD

06-04-2015, 04:14 PM
This is an original bug that was reported long ago and was never fixed.

BTW. You don't need to leave any mobs. Kill the wizards in the first room, when the meteors hit, they leave poison pools behind. Simply walk into the poison pools to die.

And, you only get a maximum of 5 coins out of this method (thus, 4 deaths). You only get 5 coins total, so it is only appropriate to use this when soloing. It does not offer unlimited coins.

This has been around forever, and the price of Shiloh hasn't been heavily impacted by this. The price decay on Shiloh is because he really isn't a worthwhile pet anymore. Most people only buy Shiloh for the Beastmaster title....nothing else.

Even with the double token event, Gloom still requires almost 100 deaths (185 deaths without the double tokens), so it's a mighty grind and it does impact your KDR. I doubt people will be going to solo hauntlet in mass to exploit this and suddenly flood the market with Gloom eggs.

06-04-2015, 04:26 PM
Poisens pools were fixed, so you have to save mobs. I know 20+ people doing this, it is unlimited in the sense that soloi I can be done in 3-4 mins which is 10 tokens. Im sure gloom/violet will be flooded into game by tomorrow if it isnt fixed. Also, consider the amount of other eggs that could be farmed..

Al is the best
06-04-2015, 07:02 PM
Lol thx bro XD

06-04-2015, 07:48 PM
narc lol ;)

06-04-2015, 08:27 PM
Oooh. I thought they fixed this, it's good that i came across this post, now I'm gonna go tell all my friends and farm the heck out of it. XD

06-04-2015, 09:26 PM
Lol, this glitch existed ever since the beginning, the only problem is, after you've walked a certain point of the golden area the token are granted. Pretty sure they wont fix this.....

06-05-2015, 12:01 AM
All the work into updating the hauntlet rewards will drop so fast if nothing is done to fix this.

Runel Joseph Ruiz
06-05-2015, 12:53 PM
but your kd plus pots spam really not worth a try.

06-05-2015, 01:22 PM
tried this out, yes it works, but it's 5 deaths each run, i'm still using pots, and it's around 5 minutes for 10 tokens... need to do this around 100 times and that's 500min or roughly 5 hours including walking time during double tokens week. The pet isn't exactly a nightshade either. Bug doesn't bother me as it's still going to take someone a heck lot of effort for a pet that not many willl be using XD

Kyle Holmes
06-05-2015, 08:06 PM
No point changing this it will take some1 one hour to get 120 tokens if its taking 5min to complete and that's with x2 I doubt a lot of people will risk their kdr till do this. Plus your talking about it crashing the prices, not a lot of people knew about this so if it does crash I think it can be safe to say your now the person to blame for the broadcast ;)

sent from fritters beak

06-05-2015, 10:24 PM
Such a waste of time and deaths. I still don't get why anyone would rather do that than actually play. In 5 minutes I can get 8 tokens by doing straight runs - and that's with a warrior present.

06-06-2015, 12:47 AM
No point changing this it will take some1 one hour to get 120 tokens if its taking 5min to complete and that's with x2 I doubt a lot of people will risk their kdr till do this. Plus your talking about it crashing the prices, not a lot of people knew about this so if it does crash I think it can be safe to say your now the person to blame for the broadcast ;)

sent from fritters beak

Is this not the thread where players should post bugs "in detail"? Or am I in the wrong place?

06-06-2015, 10:26 AM
The bug is real, it should be fixed, but at the same time it won't exactly crash the gloom economy. Some level 15 twinks can dominate that map fast already glitch or not. It takes more time to not kill the mages and a even more time walking back! Anyways, gloom is 400k now yet still no one buying. Let STS fix this bug on the back burner! We want expansion!

06-10-2015, 11:00 AM
I made a lvl15 toon for Hauntlet.
I made "Haunted" title by solo (with speed elix), but - strictly solo - 2 mins as average is VERY feasible - without or with 1-2 pots used!
So really.
I will not reach 2 token / min, but I can reach - with fair play - the 1 token/min speed - during event.