View Full Version : Victory Lap Bug

04-14-2011, 07:30 AM
Played through all of VL last night. We'd cleared each section and were down to OL and the lore keepers. We killed OL, the two lore keepers were still alive, but got the "nothing to see here, head back to town" button in the middle of the screen. It's like the now-fixed bug in the jailers room in Captive audience.

04-15-2011, 04:41 PM
Played through all of VL last night. We'd cleared each section and were down to OL and the lore keepers. We killed OL, the two lore keepers were still alive, but got the "nothing to see here, head back to town" button in the middle of the screen. It's like the now-fixed bug in the jailers room in Captive audience.

so the lorekeepers said that? i thought they were enemies? maybe there in disguise! omg kill everybody... wait off subject. i had this happen to me once but there is no point in clearing it lol there isnt a next level prob. just a bug or somthing it will pick up and dev will fix :) nothing too serious:)

04-15-2011, 05:07 PM
something weird lol just a bug probably no need to worry

04-16-2011, 06:35 PM
Lol, not "worrying"--it's a bug, like the one that got fixed in the jailer's room in Captive.