View Full Version : Sigh...

04-14-2011, 07:24 PM
The more I play the less I like GCD.

Issue: same as many others. There seems to be something that causes you to press a button that looks ready but in actuality is not. Very frustration considering my current aggravation. I'm not going to go into much detail about it considering many others have pointed it out. Just letting you know another player has the issue.

My understanding is that GCD was implemented to reduce lag and fast leveling due to skill mashing, yes?

Suggestions (that don't involve GCD): 1) increase amount of XP needed to level and/or require players to have finished a certain amount of quests/difficult task.

2) Introduce an option that removes skill animations. By reducing what your device has to tolerate it will be faster, yes? By removing the animations lag will decrease (I've had this option on a different MMORPG and it helps a lot).

04-14-2011, 07:36 PM
The server still has to process all the skills going on at once, so just a phone-side fix not enough.
Also was a general pvp slow-down-er

04-14-2011, 07:43 PM
Some people posted a video of the responsiveness on their screen when they press the skills. It seems to activate about one or two seconds after it has been pressed.

This isn't what GCD is supposed to do. It's supposed to have a cooldown of around 0.35 seconds with each individual skill use.

For those experiencing the extremely slow skill usage, it may be a connection/lag issue or device not being able to handle the game. (for example, an old phone that is no longer up to date with speed and does not have a powerful base processor.)

04-14-2011, 07:45 PM
I get that it might not be GCD, but it seems this problem only cropped after GCD was implemented. I really don't want to use GCD as my scapegoat for all PL problems, but I still believe it is unnecessary.

04-14-2011, 07:51 PM
Sorry to you and all the players going through this. Let's hope the devs have a solution.