View Full Version : suggestion: adjust targeting system

04-16-2011, 06:49 AM
Hi there,
Idk if its just me but I have mega-problems with the targeting system. Often ill engage a group of enemies, lock on one- it goes scooting backwards, then the rest bum-rush me. While I'm still locked on the one that's out of range by now, my only option is to touch an enemy closer to me. While this is happening, I'm forced to spam health pot and try to get an attack or combo completed. With phone its a lil tougher to touch enemy to change target. When locked on a target, you press the auto button again, but you're still locked on. I think it should completely reset once you hit the button againto retarget a closer enemy. Am I missing a setting that allows this? Not to mention all of the various points throughout the game that the system locks on to mess you up.....I.e. right before the first bend in hideout....and crazy-allover the place ones in the swamps. Any insight would be helpful....

04-16-2011, 06:51 AM
You can tap your character to un-target your current target.

So do that, and tap attack again, you'll target the closest one.

04-16-2011, 07:05 AM
I feel somewhat like a horse's *** right now (whatever that feels like). Thx Ellyidol. But, wouldn't a toggle-like setting be cool?

04-16-2011, 07:09 AM
It'll have its advantages with a toggle like that, but have it's disadvantages too.

In some cases, that toggle would be really useful. But in some cases I'd prefer to be locked on to a certain target too (like trying to destroy a barrel while keeping out of it's blast range). It'll be really impractical if you have to keep on toggling it on and off :p

You'll get used to it though, I find tapping my character easier than tapping a new target entirely, but of course when mobbed and you want to target a specific one (Boss), it'll be hard to with or without this toggle. :)

04-16-2011, 07:13 AM
It'll have its advantages with a toggle like that, but have it's disadvantages too.

In some cases, that toggle would be really useful. But in some cases I'd prefer to be locked on to a certain target too (like trying to destroy a barrel while keeping out of it's blast range). It'll be really impractical if you have to keep on toggling it on and off :p

You'll get used to it though, I find tapping my character easier than tapping a new target entirely, but of course when mobbed and you want to target a specific one (Boss), it'll be hard to with or without this toggle. :)

Thanks elly, I knew about taping a target but I did not know about tapping my charecter.... Lol I learned somthing new today, :) many players do not know about tapping other areas of the screen ie tap the barrels in roach etc... But i like this idea even more.. ( wonders why i never tried touching the charecter....) lol

Ty :)

04-16-2011, 07:15 AM
Sure :)

Its particularly useful on a phone since it's a smaller device. On my iPad for example, I prefer tapping the target itself than my character since it's easier :)

Then again it still depends at times :p

04-16-2011, 08:41 AM
I tried that out and it works great. Thx again
Can't beliieve I've never thought to try that....

04-16-2011, 08:49 AM
You can tap your character to un-target your current target.

So do that, and tap attack again, you'll target the closest one.

Ellyidol has an answer to everything... ELLYIDOL FOR NEXT GUARDIAN OF ALTERRA

04-18-2011, 10:21 AM
Hola q tal,llevo varios meses jgando a legends y anteriormente a la actualizacion era bastante adictivo, pero desde que cambiaron el tiempo de disparo ahora es bastante penoso que tengas que estar mas pendiente de los diaparos que del juego, desde ahora si no cambian a lo anterioir NO ME PIENDO GASTAR NI UN EURO MAS en el juego, me parece muy bien su politica, pero nO tengo culpa de tener un movil que me permite jugar mejor que con otros moviles dicho queda.