View Full Version : Platinum Players

05-25-2010, 11:15 AM
I realize you guys are here to make money but you need to curb what I consider a great injustice to the MMORPG community. I am talking about the ability to pay to get gear or exp. I would hate to see your hard work go down the tube because the game became boring. Thats exactly what happens when you let people buy their way to a good character. So I beg you.... Please Please stop allowing people to buy gear and exp. If you create good content with a great community people will pay for it. I also think its pretty sad that you are charging to be able to swap items between characters and Emojies but thats a different post. Please take a que from warcraft/EQ... Keep the game-play pure and reward people for the time they invest in your game. Do that and you will see people flock to this game.


05-25-2010, 11:22 AM
1. The gear you buy with platinum is crap compared to gear you loot in game.

2. The EXP elixirs can be bought with platinum OR in-game gold.

You have a good point, but it doesn't apply to this game. :)

05-25-2010, 11:28 AM
The currency is not the point... the point is you can buy your way to higher levels. Crap gear is still purchased gear. Why have it at all? What point are you referring to? I made several.

05-25-2010, 11:46 AM
The best gear must be looted. The stuff you can get for gold is not good, and some of the platinum stuff very good but not the best. I don't mind at all having items sold from the platinum store. I think it's a great way to add variety for those players who want to purchase the items and it's another way for Spacetime to be able to eat.

05-25-2010, 01:15 PM
Wow... The post is kind of angry:( I've bought platinum weapons in the past so I guess I'm one of the folks you're talking about:( Nerdherd is right- the best stuff is stuff you find is when fighting. I bought weapons from the store because some of them were cool, and I was a newbie to rpg in general. Letting people buy weapons with platinum is a win-win. Spacetime gets money to eat (like Nerdherd said) and people get a unique weapon. I don't use the weapons I purchased w platinum but that's my choice. As for buying experience- how can someone buy experience? People lvl because of kills.

I do agree that space-time shouldn't charge for things like inventory, etc... But they should be able to sell vanity items like cool weapons and dog collars if they want. And people should be able to buy them if they want.

I think you're perhaps unfairly lumping everyone into one generalized group. I'm a good player. I get better weekly by playing. There are some wonderful players out there. I hope to become one. Just because I bought a sword w platinum is no reason to assume that my character isn't good. I just thought the purple nightmare blade was wicked cool. My enchantress has over 6,000 kills. I didn't buy the kills or the fact that I try to be a noble player. Same thing probably goes for a lot of folks:(

I know there are bad characters who lurk in castle keep doorways to get exp while not fighting. But I see that rarely.

I think most people are trying to be good characters- whether or not they bought a weapon w plat:)

05-25-2010, 01:46 PM
You have a good point, but it doesn't apply to this game. :)

This is true. :)